Is America near civil war or something?

Is America near civil war or something?

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Probably, but who knows at this point really

I hope so

They are one stray bullet hitting a martyr away from civil war, yes. Considering how trigger happy people are, its only a matter of time.

No. Fuck off Soros.

Yes but why be scared. Revolutionary periods are not unknown and have their uses. Its supposed to be the American age now so why not usher in the new age with new ideas born of blood? Its hardly unheard of before.

OP here. I think we need another civil war. Think of how badly we'd beat them; the Fourth Turning is inevitable; accept it.

Yeah as soon as you leftists start it. It won't be the right that does.


No, they're still far away. Civil war is a totally different beast than the "weekend retreats" that are these little protestor scrimmage.

Though I have to admit that I am surprised that it is the leftists that seem more eager to escalate things. I guess that's what perceived moral superiorty does to you, anything goes in the name of the "good guys".

The nationalists are going to win regardless

Liberals aren't leftists, and it'a a good thing leftists are escalating.

Nah. You're better off tending to the petty shit that makes up your life. Don't get overwhelmed thinking about a crisis that'll probably never come.

NRA ad on YouTube


Not entirely sure, but something is certain: when on a Antifa vs nazi conflict, DON'T BE A KIKE.
Both sides hate your guts, and you will be the thing that unites them.. into punching you.

Nah. Nothing ever really happens. It'll be a perfectly normal eclipse, refreshing your faith in humanity with its mundanity.

Destabilisation stage is just about over. Prepare for crisis.

Alaska will be invaded?

I'm starting to think this unironically. He played us Sup Forums. He played us like a fucking fiddle. After everything we did for this guy, this is what we get? By firing /ourguy/ he has once and for all declared loyalty to the globalist cucks and their (((agenda))). He has forsaken our cause. After we memed this guy from a laughing stock to the President. This is the thanks we get. We almost deserve it for being such fools.

Trump is not a right wing, he's a liberal, a classic liberal.
Which means both the current right and current left are fucked beyond any doubt.

If you think Sup Forums was ever behind Trump because of Trump, you are wrong.

Sup Forums was there behind Trump because of Hillary. We don't care if Trump likes us or not, as long as Hillary loses, we win. And we won.

Trump is our plant in WH, not our leader.

Uncle Yuri's Wild Ride

Richard Spencer is our leader. Trump is our tool.

Yes. These repeat numbers confirm

Pretty much
Need him holding it down in the whitehouse while bannon fucks with the rinos and dems

Post the tiki torches up the ass meme please someone

No. Why?

Trump was a prank. I don't say that to mitigate impact though. A prank is a great political tool. If you guys would have backed Cruz, and Cruz won, it wouldn't mean anything. Everyone would just assume the Republican establishment, Fox News, and the Koch Brothers made it happen.

But by backing Trump, you were able to project your own political power and show the world your capabilities under controlled conditions.

Controlled meaning other factors removed, not (((controlled))).

Trump was memed into the presidency to stop WW3 and the mexican border floodgates from opening. We rarely if ever shit talked him because why would you?

>inb4 "wtf Sup Forums hates trump now"

"the right" already started it. Class war is ongoing.

No; Trump is just near the end of his Presidency.


MaƱana o Monday

>w-we wanted Trump because Hillary sucked/It was for the lulz.
This is such fucking horse shit and nothing but pure damage control on your guys' part in the realization that Trump actually kind of sucks. Plenty of people on Sup Forums expected some sort of substantial change and put a lot of faith into his words. Either you guys clearly weren't around long enough during the election to remember, or you're selectively choosing to ignore the truth. Go to basically any Trump thread on 4plebs from months before the election and you will see.

This is a good point. In fact, pranks allow you to demonstrate might without losing moral legitimacy. Eg if the protest movement had surrounded the Pentagon without the aim of "levitating" it, it wouldn't have been as effective.

But now that Bannon is out, who is going to advocate for isolationism and closed borders. We all know, or at the very least suspect, that Trump is an empty shell that parrots whatever he last heard. With Bannon no longer there to whisper in his ears, who will ensure that Trump sticks to our agenda and doesn't succumb to (((their))) tricks like every other president in the past.



We honestly don't care. We are just a cartoon board. Why do you think we care?

Bannon doesn't need to whisper in Trump's ear, He's going to be using a megaphone that is Breitbart to broadcast it everywhere including to Trump.

>We honestly don't care
Who made you spokesman of this board nigger?

Sorry, forgot that was your trigger word. Replace it with "everyone" if it's bothering you so much.

>damage control
Not all of us are redditors who were out to suck a steak salesman's dick. But why would you go out of your way to burst the trump train's bubble?

Trump himself, nigger you hear him at his rallies, he's not reading from a script. You think he's gonna walk out there in Phoenix and start singing a different tune? I don't think so. Trump is Trump.


Trump is a radical centrist.

Trump is a useful idiot.

When the kikes send in China we are done

We are in serious trouble my bothers. We do not stand a chance against China's numbers. The Kikes dirty little secret is their old alliance with China. It goes back thousands of years and they want to complete the cycle until Israel is once again the capital of the world

No I think Trump will start getting 3 scoops from now on

Nope. Trump is rational and centrist. Go back to fellating Richard "protruding nipples" Spencer please

We don't even exist, we don't even have a single unified viewpoint, we are many of warring ideologies with the same love of cartoon drawings. That is all. If you think Trump or Hillary is as important to cartoon pillows to us, you should try another site for more advanced and open ended political debates, such as Reddit.

It's pretty clear that most of Sup Forums is at least right wing and has some longing for tradition.

The USA seems way too comfy for a civil war. If it started today you would only get the mentally ill and ideologues playing.

I hope so.

People need to realize how far left the left has gone, and how they make it impossible to co-exist when they claim any white person who isn't ashamed of being white is a Nazi.

Guess what happens when people can't live with each other?

One side dies so they don't have to live together.

>Trump is rational and centrist
Next you're going to tell me he is charming and intelligent.


It was the same in Yugoslavia in 1990.
Almost everyone believed that civil war is impossible and that it would never happen.
Forced multicultural societies explode fast.

>i think im smarter than a man who amassed billions in wealth
Okay bud

I think burgers chose a lesser evil in that regard.
Two terms of a nigger followed by a woman, cmon.

Americans are fat beta male manipulated by jewish media.
It is laughable to think they will fight the hands that feed them. They can only shit on marts.
No offence burgers, you may be "redpilled" but 90% of your people are dumb as a rock. Admit it. You lost the war in 1945.

U bih ass kats dont want none, garenteed!!! Me n my niggas stay pakkin heat, find out

No, I'm definitely not. But doesn't mean other politicians aren't. Also, his "billions" are mostly due to daddy's money.

Only if the left plays their cards perfectly, civil war is the death of the Republic and the rise of a balkanized hegemony.

>not hiring niggers and mexican gang members to shoot and kill leftists to spark the light needed to cleanse your country
there is no hope in you guys, you are doomed.

Tell em nigga, we ouchea!!!

>not (((their))) agenda
good try, but you still ultimately fail at infiltrating the culture

HAHA, praise

Ay u Kno!!!

Not all of us started using Sup Forums straight from the womb, you fucking faggot turd. Fucking virtue signaling little nigger trying so hard to fit in here like the cucked little bitch he is.

No, not even close. We'll get close when farmers with AR-15's can put up an effective defense against governmen't tanks, drones, and artillery

How u gonna kill em like that on there on site nigga, u brazy for dis one;!

seems I've struck a nerve, operation strawberry shill successful

lurk moar, faggot, praise kek

>i think you need to be smart to amass billions in wealth
Okay bud

probably not though
because in the end it isn't about what ideology is stronger or what is morally "correct", because they all operate under a single body that governs it
No matter how much these two artificially manufactured parties disagree, nothing fruitful will ever occur

Go back to sucking Donnys cock, you massive kike bitch. We stand with bannon. You'll fit in better with the trumpcucks on T_D. Get out.

behold the new divide and conquer strategy of shareblue, Bannon v Trump

>if they kill each other, we win
t. ShariaBlue

UTR will stage another rally in the coming weeks. After seeing antifas violent response in VA, even more right wingers will attend...met, of course by an increased number of antifa and BLM than previously seen in VA.

The event will yet again become violent (even more so than last time). The national guard will once again intervene but the sheer number of rally-goers and protesters will not be deterred. We will see a mass riot like never before on American soil... the casualties will be high and a good chance of fatality. All the while the threat of 'use of deadly force' by police and national guard will be present.

If the event plays out as I imagine, we will see a chain reaction across the states. An all out war will ensue. Amidst the panic and chaos, the deep state will assassinate the POTUS, pinning it on a lone wolf far left attacker, Mike Pence I'll be sworn in ..or.. previous POTUS Obama (I'm not sure of us succession plans for this type of event) and martial law will be declared in America, met by heavy resistance and deadly force will be used against resisting citizens. All the while, the NORKS will use the situation to carry out an event which will be seen as a threat to US and her allies and met with military action. China will doubled down on its promise to be neutral and attack the US in defense of NK and WWIII will commence, with the American citizens powerless to stop the the government.

Don't fall for this goys tricks. He's trying to downplay Bannon's exit since he is a threat to (((their))) kind. STAY VIGILANT BROTHERS!

It's literally the worst time to have a civil war.

>or actually perfect if you're a billionaire elitist wanting your agenda to actually unfold in 1080p HD or 4K resolution

it can learn, it can adapt

Why is that? Besides, you need us to start it, you Brits are way to cucked to save yourselves.

Classic jew response. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS. Trump without bannon is a puppet without a puppeteer.

Bitch, my name is blessed by Kek. Suck it, faggot, you've been exposed and given to me for my delight. That or you're some larping idiot having as much fun with this as I am.


If people are stupid enough to get themselves killed for the benefits of the Jews and and certain corrupt goverments/corporations then they really are stupid sheeple. Why would you want to kill Russians and Arabs? They don't occupy your country. The Jews do.

Lv bro who's that big guy?

This will happen in the near future in the US:

1. Confederacy gets reinterpreted as American Nazis

2. Confederate monuments pulled down and placed in museums for the sake of not glorifying them

3. Confederate flags etc banned from being flown in public

4. Grassroots protests in Southern towns with a large enough non-White and liberal population where a monument is to be taken down

5. Something akin to the Tea Party movement re-ignites to attract largely older whites with Confederate / Southern heritage

6. Various factions have to decide their loyalty, with Sup Forums-tier groups like Proudboys, Alt-Right Memesters etc joining up with the new Tea Party-esque movement

7. 2019 Trump begins campaigning and things have reached fever-pitch

8. Debates between him and his non-White opponent focus on Confederate history with an attempt to equate Trump and Confederacy (i.e. American Nazis)

9. Huge riots, deaths, destruction of black history statues

10. Trump loses election, cows to pressure and attempts to calm his supporters

11. Huge grassroot movement begins attracting even more whites from Wisconsin and other northern states

12. 2021 various European nations release their new census data and discover white population is plummeting as the old die and immigrants out-breed the natives

13. The Western world is faced with either bloodshed or capitulation

We're as close as Ireland is to a civil war. Just little groups starting shit here and there that wouldn't actually be able to accomplish anything in an actual war.

i hope so


>actually believing Trump isn't intelligent
You fucking WISH you were half as smart as him you silly fuck.
Seriously, you people are simply fucktards.

>Making billions is easy guys!!
Are you fucking retarded?

>Just little groups starting shit here and there
How the hell do you think civil wars start in the 21st century,genius?

"cows to pressure and attempts to calm his supporters"

Those darn lefty bovines!

"cows to pressure and attempts to calm his supporters"

Those darn lefty bovines!

I think we're close. There needs to be a pivotal moment. A great nigger martyr. Perhaps the shooting of Deray McKesson or Quanell X. A prominent nigger antagonist will be enough to send them into full ooga booga chimpout mode

nukes and riots everywhere

>perfectly fits in a foxhole

Yes after Yellowstone erupts during the eclipse.

My Magic 8 Ball says, "Outlook Good."

Nah. It would only be a city-wide thing.

For the real chimpout we're going to have to wait until the next recession.

Nah, most Americans are complacent cattle

There's a reason why the elites are going so hard after "white supremacy". Isn't it strange how the media totally ignores blm/antifa etc violence but 1 dead in Charlottesville and it's 24/7 coverage and talking heads droning on for days about how we need to "destroy white supremacists"?