Why is Merkel refusing to pay war reparations to Poland?

Why is Merkel refusing to pay war reparations to Poland?

Does she not care about justice?

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Poles truly are the niggers of Europe

Ans you're an actual nigger

reparations are only for (((people))) who suffered.


LOL how does it feel to not know how to spell, Nazi?

Pay the fuck up krauts you pieces of shit. Fuck your sorry excuse for a country and pay your respects to Poland.

we pay if we go to pre-WW1 borders

Bring yourself up to date on the casualties of war then. Still, Jaro is a memelord and its obviously retarded shit that aint happening, just more shitting in Merkels cereal.


hey, Germans pay kikes like loyal goys, why can't we jump on the paywagon?

did poland ever really get any post-war gibs

or was it more like
"lol sucks for you that russia won't let go"

We will wait for your destruction and then we will came and burn Berlin to the ground, how do you fill about this Hans?

McFucking kill yourself

In that case give back our 6 million people (ethnic Poles killed in ww2 overall, not kikes in camps), and give us back stolen goods, Ahmed


It's obvious meme to shit on Germany even more and sign to fuck off we ain't taking any terrorist in to our country.
You wanted them Germany, you invited them, keep them.

>love their own people
>defend their own people
>preserve traditional architecture
>preserve fine art
Oh yeah, those Poles are totally just like Congolese.


No, we don't. It was part of post-war agreements. New borders but no reparations.

Also if anybody thinks that polish government really count on any money is retarded. This is leverage that we use against teutons whenever they start their autistic screeching (so every decade or so).

But far above that are all the brown and black "new Brits".

no, not once

>football hooliganism

Everyone knows that only human trash leaves to UK


shows you how fucked they are

Well, I'm sure we can come to an arrangement. Let's start by having Pooland pay back the millions we lent them to make their country less of a shithole. And maybe Greece could get in on that, too.

They already got Prussia lul

They already got reparations in the form of massive territorial gains

I'd rather take Lvov


do people not have fucking cars in poorland


Nah Germans are worse

>Massiv gains
We lost 1/3 of territory, you should at least try to learn European history when you migrate to our continent

>mfw Poland is safest country in Europe because all the niggers left to UK and Germany
your tears sustain me

Massive gains FROM GERMANY you dumb polack

If so, who are Romanians then?

Gib Danzig.

fuck poorland

You better keep it that way.

We dont count on that money. But when they start REEEEEing
>take rapefugees!
We jest say
>you pay for IIww
And they shut up for a while.
Repeat if needed

it's amazing to see white trash leave and pollute you so good people can thrive here

Butthurt in this thread is glorious. Call us niggers, call us thieves, call us whatever you want, you won't change reality. We are slowly getting on our feet, our fertility is going up, our economy is stable. And you people are dying. Have fun with this.

Yeah, right, it would be nice if they won't blow up most of our cities before you dumb PAKI.

Poland is so goddamn worthless. Every pole looks like a neanderthal, hot polish meme women are rare.
Fuck this country they eat cow titties


homicide rate per 100k inhabitants


Germany also should pay to Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The Eternal Germ killed 20 mil of civilians in USSR during WWII.

polish reparations for all the cars they've stolen and burglaries they've committed? that's all those rat fuckers do in germany

Strong jaws and heavy brows are prototypical masculine features. Narrow jaws and chins are feminine.

Only good Poles come back to Poland, ones that made money in different countries and now open businesses in Polan.
For example my friends friend was in French Foregin Legion, he made big buck on mission, now he opened some restaurant and is living cozy life.
The low lifes will stay in other countries because it's easier for them and mo money fo dem bitches and drugs.

Shut the fuck up and pay, Hans Abdul Al-Hamburgi

Germans still hate the poles, I see. Round two?

>Germans attempt to ruin Europe every other generation
>hurrr muh proud aryans! it's the pollacks that are the niggers!
The Anglos should have finished you off when they had the chance

The weak triumph over the strong. They'd give that money to niggers and Muslims anyway. I've lost all respect I once had for Germans for being so shamefully weak and docile.

Why can't you germans show (((them))) the middle thinger and say you will not pay shit?

>Burn down Berlin
>Burn down the Zentralrat der Juden and 10-20% of all jews living in Germany
You would get de-nazified so hard...


gypsies* ffs autocorrect

>Invite sandniggers to your country so that they can kill and rape your people while you pay their bills.
>Complaim about based poles who steal what you never valued to begin with

You're aiming to destroy your own nation Kraut. Why does it matters if some niggers rob you? They will make better use of your resources than you

>trusting government data in 2017

at this point i have no idea which polls are true and which are propaganda

>eat cow titties

yeah, the number for poland is probably higher

Wouldn't mind a few quid for the blitz. Hanz it over!

Poland is having wet dreams of becoming the next big thing in Europe, because George Friedman of all people told them they'd be just that.

It's funny to watch the retarded, uneducated, uncultured and non-industrial nation next to yours squirm while you take over the continent.

Gib monies pls

All news is propaganda. Are you really too stupid to realise that everyone has an agenda?

Your people will be fighting a civil war against Islamic partisan groups while the Polish are still walking to church on Sunday in their entirely white country.

Your face is my agenda, beautiful!

You are taking over the continent? Wew lad, Turk confirmed

poles are based.

>Slavs are now white

confirmed for forming opinion about condition of living in Poland based on the trash that can't achieve anything here and fucks off for free gibs to your weak country that pays people for having a pulse
Germany is the pussiest nation in Europe

Reparations from WW1 were one of the main causes of setting up WW2

Lets gets ready for 3

so what faggot? you and your government wants to destroy your own country thanks to your people nazi guilt

this is a german founded industry-town, who the build worker houses (i your pic)...later grabs by commies and fall to poorland

I've lived in Görlitz all my life. I've had enough contact with the Polish scum that calls itself a strong civilization.

Poland is the last bastion of sanity in Europe. It doesn't matter if their pockets are tighter, or if their industries are smaller, what matters is that they are morally superior than you and most of Europe, and this is clear as water for any sane person around all the fucking world.
Even some brazilian normies heard about Poland's based nationalism.

Your culture is already dead, and your nation will die soon. How can you shit on poles when your situation is so pathetic?
You should be asking them advices, not shiting on them.

t. has never even set foot in Poland, not to speak of Europe

Lol, Brazilians telling people of sanity. What a time to be alive in a favela.

That's right germans, pay reparations

Not last bastion, the loudest, maybe. And it is a relief, the future will bring interesting alliances. Lucky me can just sit and observe when shits gonna hit the fan.

Trotzdem begründen sie keinen Anspruch auf Reparationen, weder jetzt noch in Zukunft. Das hat gleich mehrere Gründe.

Erstens legte schon das Potsdamer Abkommen von 1945 im Abschnitt über Reparationen fest: „Die UdSSR wird die Reparationsansprüche Polens aus ihrem eigenen Anteil an den Reparationen befriedigen.“

Zweitens erklärte die Regierung der damaligen Volksrepublik Polen am 24. August 1953: „Mit Rücksicht darauf, dass Deutschland seinen Verpflichtungen zur Zahlung von Reparationen bereits in bedeutendem Maße nachgekommen ist und dass die Verbesserung der wirtschaftlichen Lage Deutschlands im Interesse seiner friedlichen Entwicklung liegt, hat die Regierung der Volksrepublik Polen den Beschluss gefasst, mit Wirkung vom 1. Januar 1954 auf die Zahlung von Reparationen an Polen zu verzichten.“

Drittens einigten sich die beiden Länder am Rande der Beratungen über den Deutsch-polnischen Nachbarschaftsvertrag von 1991 auf eine Regelung noch offener Entschädigungsfragen. Dafür wurde eigens die Stiftung Polnisch-Deutsche Aussöhnung in Warschau gegründet. Über sie flossen zunächst 500 Millionen DM nach Polen, später weitere Zahlungen in Höhe von fast zwei Milliarden DM an noch lebende ehemalige polnische Zwangsarbeiter.

Not an argument.
My people isn't aiming to destroy our culture and our nation, our women don't hate our men, we don't hate our religion, we don't hate ourselves. So yes, brazilian people are more sane than most of you germans. I would rather live in a favela than in a German castle if I had to have german people as neighbors. They are all literal faggots, cowards, and your women are more masculine than you. It is disgusting.


>My people isn't aiming to destroy our culture and our nation

Can't destroy something you've never had.

>Poleniggers wants more gibs
like clockwork. I will never understand why so many on Sup Forums likes those subhumans. People in Denmark hate them just as much as the Romas.

We are not even in Europe or european lol

Polacks are so pathetic it makes me cringe

Because people like every muslim-free countries

You're not trying to debate because you know I'm right. I think first world education is a meme after all, as it doesn't teach you to not be a coward

That's about to change as you'll soon find out. If you know anything of American history which you fucking Brits find so fucking annoying and ignore.

Nigga, there's just no point discussing anything with a dude that has so obviously no clue whatsoever other than his private pro-European sentiment that he lives out on Sup Forums, because he doesn't know enough about the topic to do it in real life.
You as a person are dismissable on every level and so is your life.

>when denial is the only thing you have left to ignore the sad reality
I'm kinda sad Krautbro. I won't be able to call you a faggot in few years since you won't be a nation anymore.

>be 1939
>poles attack ethnic germans at bromber
>even build death camps so kill germans
>mfw hitler gets notice of how subhuman poles kill ubermenschen german
>mfw hitler marches into poland to save the ethnic german
>polish jewry then forced russia/usa into war to save poland from hitlers wraith
>zionist usa/russia win (whole world falls for polish propaganda)
>after the war, the polish death camps are suddenly "german deathcamps"

germany should not pay reparations. poland started ww2. fuck them

well I guess that is the sole reason. I was in Poland here last year because of work and Pole in Poland and one on one are just normal west Slavs.
Why is it that only your most annoying filthy degenerates infect my country? Its the same with Romania. Now normal people HATE Romania because of the gypsy / Roma swarms.

Pay reparations and also give back all the art and gold you've stolen, fucking thieves.


Everyone understands you here

Nice fanfic

Keep fighting them Poland. I don't know what the end game is but hopefully it isn't their African migrant dumps.

This if you move away from your homeland just for money you are subhuman gypsy tier.Our diaspora is formed by 50% self hating nihilistic cuck who go and steal jobs and wageslave for half of normal pay and 50% subhuman shitskins who go to steal/beg and get gubs for their 10 children.
I imagine that the poles that migrate are not the best Poland has to offer since those people stay at home since they already have a good standing.

Fucking krauts always posting a picture of britain
Just for that we are going to juice you in our aryan blood factories