Is he correct that the Alt-Right is a bunch of pro-homosexual, trap loving, racist degenerates?
What does Sup Forums think of Davis Aurini?
>trap loving
They are not related, fuck off, psyops.
Allies himself with Matt Forney; so defacto he is a loser himself
>Allies himself with Matt Forney; so defacto he is a loser himself
...putiry spiralling on aurini toppest of keks
are you 1488 pure aryan truebood hammerskein if not i'm disgregarding your post.
He is a lunatic, but yes he is right, the alt-right is a coven of sodomites.
that is the most blatant projecting I've seen in a while
what is it about aurini that triggers newcomers into intense purity spirals?
The only time i seen it happen so bad was with peterson and that schizo leaf. but where aurini is found posted you'll find a nu/memeber of that site being triggered.
Are those real?
Tried to be an alt right e-celeb real hard but is too uncharismatic to have anyone listen to him.
Edgy bald retard.
Aurini has gotten really annoying. 90% of the time he spends shitting in his own bed calling right-wingers losers and Nazis, and for the 10% he sucks Rooshv's wog cock.
that looks made up desu. I make up fake quotes and news all the time
Anton OyVey wannabe retard
member this?
He's a grade A weirdo butthurt because alt-right rejected him.
This is obviously fake, but if the person with that Reddit account was just larping as Aurini, that's the most convincing larp I have ever seen. The entire thing screamed Aurini; that's how he talks.
I've followed him for years. I like Aurini. I used to be a bigger fan, but I still respect him. He's not correct on everything, but I'd consider him an ally for the right. If anything ACTUALLY ever happened, and politically the western world genuinely made a turn toward the right politically? He'd fall in line with the right side of things. The people who have set out the strong against him? They already have shown which side they'd fall in with. He's not perfect. But he's on the right side, and that's all I can say. I won't go purity spiraling because he might dislike me or or disagree with something I think, just so long as he leans toward the correct direction, and if the things he thinks being implemented would make the world better, despite any nitpicking or in-group bickering and butthurts.
>The Conservative PUA Forney posse is at it again
Muh troll flag.
>The entire thing screamed Aurini; that's how he talks.
dat confirmation bias... Do you also believe anon5 is a fat kid named frank?
He is a mgtow cuck though. All he talks about is muh traditional Catholicism and need to return to traditional marriages and gender roles but do he have a gf? Is he breeding?
No he is just larping
The faggot is too busy projecting an image to be or say anything relevant. Did you see that piece of shit "film" he produced and "acted" in? It made no sense, had some of the worst "fight" choreography I've ever see and the dialogue was pretentious as fuck.
You can't be regarded as enlightened and still be that concerned with your file-size.
He's a homewrecker
Just look at the Reddit account. That's obviously Aurini. Nobody would know him enough to larp as him in 2011. The guy is either a homo, or lied about being a homo; I don't know which is worse.
that movie was hilarious. Gen Xers are cancer though.
look at this shit this something only gen x would do.
That did blow ass.
everyone walks manually.
I think Aurini walks these broken roads.
Not the Christian alt-right.
Aurini was the mystery anglo in /britpol/ last week
>going on charisma instead of what the person is actually saying
This is why your countries are shit holes. People follow entertainment rather than facts and sense. And I don't even like this asshole.
pretty much sums me up
I trust a homosexual to recognize a movement full of faggots.
he's a real patriarch