
I've been reading up on this Boston rally and I have to say I think the organizers are handling it fairly well. With their rhetoric and public statements they've positioned themselves in such a way that there's basically no way for the left to look good attacking them. After all what civilized person opposes free speech?
It will also help those of us positioned further to the right of them. If, when, Antifa attacks we will be able to point out that the same group that got mowed down in Charlottesville is violently opposed to free speech, and not just hate speech.
As the cherry on top they've got the Democratic politicians in Boston referring to a bunch of free speech advocates as a hate group. They'll have fun trying to defend that when up for reelection.


If the cops won't do their jobs, all hell will break loose. It will be cool to see some Battle of Thermopylae-tier livestreams when they come charging at us. Hopefully shields are allowed.

I know it's a little dangerous for our guys but to be honest I hope they are outnumbered ten to one. Frankly the best possible outcome is tomorrow morning Trump tweets, "Free speech demonstrations in Boston yesterday 200 in favor 20,000 opposed. Sad day for America."

>Frankly the best possible outcome is tomorrow morning Trump tweets, "Free speech demonstrations in Boston yesterday. 20 kekistani lynched by alt-left hate mob. Sad. Where is the outcry of dishonest fake News?"

Damn son. I didn't see that silver lining

I'm hoping for a version where nobody dies, but your version would work too.

>there's basically no way for the left to look good attacking them

You'll be beaten up AND vilified in the media regardless.


If the media does that it will only further destroy their credibility.

I agree the organizers are taking the right approach, but (((they))) will still paint them as neo-Nazis if leftists show up and cause violence.

There's no winning this (((rigged game))), unfortunately. You just have to hope enough people are wise enough to see through the lies and understand what's really happening.

yea, if you don't subscribe to every leftist indoctrination then you are a nazi.

prolife = nazi
pro 2nd amendment = nazi
pro marriage = nazi

even if there's no white supremacist or nazis people there they will have a jew show up looking like one for optics. everyone on the right is a nazi.

dont you now that commies hated jews too faggot? either way we look good,

If anyone shows up with a Nazi flag, make a big scene and kick him out. Wildly gesticulate so that if you are caught on camera near him, they can't spin it like you are peacefully talking to him. What I'm saying is, literally sperg out on anyone with a Nazi flag.

>the organizers are handling it fairly well.
what location is it? Boston marathon bombing or abortion clinic bombing?

>prolife = nazi
>pro 2nd amendment = nazi
>pro marriage = nazi

pro intelligence community = nazi

>If anyone shows up with a Nazi flag, make a big scene and kick him out.

anyone arriving with a nazi flag is likely CIA or FBI, get a direct photo of their face and take their ID, citizen arrest their ass and ask questions, watch how smoothly they disrupt your actions, because of their training so be ready to mace them and shout they have a gun

The ALT LEFT are the only ones who do not want a peaceful rally.

Unite The Right people got a LEGAL PERMIT to have a march in support of keeping Confederate monuments in place in Charlottesville.

>No way for the people attacking Nazis to look good

I can't even understand your level of delusion

>With their rhetoric and public statements they've positioned themselves in such a way that there's basically no way for the left to look good attacking them

Wrong. You read their rhetoric because you are sympathetic. The left will tell people they turned out for hate, the media will repeat and amplify and then Trump will be asked to denounce.

We've done this dance a few times now, the result is always the same. Even when the left finally had some actual nazis turn up, the shrill pitch was only slightly higher.

It's gonna be a new Boston massacre, son. Stay safe.

Is this truly a free speech rally, though? I'm all for good optics and think showing up in Nazi regalia isn't a smart move, but I'm also a free-speech absolutist. I'm troubled with telling someone they can't come because their beliefs are too extreme while also claiming you're a champion for free speech.
