Northern Europe general fuck all your frends eddition
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>Scandinavian vikings used to raid the Baltics almost constantly, raiding the Easterlands was everyday-stuff for them. That's probably why there is so much blonde hair in the Baltics now
Sounds like a bunch of machismo nonsense. Saaremaa was nothing to fuck with.
who that in op?
All part of the EU, resistance is futile.
So, yeah, as I was saying, I'm committed to my race. I'd only ever be with an ethnic nord. Blonde, blue eyes.
Sure they were fierce, but Vikings were more fearsome. How else did they subjugate you?
>The only immigrants I've seen are either from Thailand, Vietnam, and other curry places, and i've never seen a muslim here.
Unfortunately, some trash managed to get in a few years ago. I'm sure you heard about it:
tl;dr: niggerian migrant has HIV. fucks about a dozen Icelandic women in less than a year, and 2-3 got infected.
Hopefully that can serve as a horrifying example
>"Diversity is good"
>Only imports niggers and arabs
fug me cuntry
>All part of the EU
It actually is nice to live in the baltic countries, despite the low wages, life really isn't bad here. We have 0 protests or terrorist attacks that happen in the UK/America etc.
Wages have been growing anyway, the construction industry, at least in Lithuania, is blooming. I know because I'm part of it and I'm making a killing x4 the minimum wage and some times even more.
What Lithuania needs is an ethnic Lithuanian population bloom. I think a population of 8-10 Million would be the best.
Fug, I meant this part, when the Christians got wrecked multiple times.
Your time will come. You racist.
Immigrants and terror attacks don't affect me
t. countryside
Much more comfy here
I don't have link but basicaly a quick rundown
>Norwegian singer makes video where she sings about fucking all the guys frends and has a nigger dancing with her
>Sup Forums targets the video and it gets all over norwegian media and causes autrage
>Her nigger frend (Female) reads coments from video that Sup Forums wrote and starts to cry
>Sup Forums atacks that video as well
look at norwegian theame that i posted that is that ''fuck all your frends'' video
Good to hear. Especially for Icelanders it would be such a damn waste to breed with an east-Asian. I got my bone structure from my Icelandic side, my father is like 1.85 but I grew to 1.95 with extremely wide shoulders. Wouldn't trade Icelandic genetics for anything. Imagine being like you then, and throwing it away to marry some self-hating asian girl and having kids that look nothing like you. Brown/black soulless eyes, hair like coal, weird slanted eyes and weak body. Acceptable mates: Balts, Nordic-looking Russians, Scandinavians ( obviously) and Finns. Northern-Germans as well.
Fucking hell. I'm honestly speechless. Nigerian trash.
Oy vey
You guys will eventually catch up economically, you are mostly poor because you used to be commies. You have a homogenous country with high-IQ people and you will eventually get a high-trust, safe society with good economy like Sweden used to be, I think. Just make sure to beat up any niggers in your proximity.
I only care whether that nigger has european blood
Does anyone have that video?
Oh yeah that's what I meant with the whole AIDS story. One thing that I really liked when visiting my Icelandic relatives is that homophobic jokes were pretty much encouraged, whereas the Swedish side of my family never make jokes about faggots. It's the little things, you know?
Her name is literally FETISHA. Fucking dad named her after his porn folder, just lol @ niggers
hear, hear
I would only have children with a Scandinavian woman
Good luck with that, most of us already immigrated to the UK
it's boom, not bloom you stupid retard, also, I am for one happy that our living standards are subpar of those in the West, as well as the existent language barrier which is holding off the consequences that all around us are receiving, such as Sweden, West EU, Finland, etc.
>named after porn folder
denna jävla tidslinje alltså
Den bästa. Eller den sämsta. Det återstår att se
they won't catch up when all of their people moves abroad
They didn't? Unless you're talking about the German Catholic mercenary backed Crusades to collect our taxes.
Every runestone talks about only deaths in this region.
I don't get what people mean by breeding and rapes in regards to raids. How does it work and why does it get mentioned all the time?
I was born with blue eyes and blonde hair, I refuse to let any of my children have brown eyes just because I wanted to fuck some brown-eyed girl. I plan on settling down with a Norwegian girl when I get older, having kids, all that.
What is your favorite piece of media?
One of mine is Initial D, it's about street racing.
umm no sweetie, bloom is also used as a phrase :)
I'm moving to Canada.
Well bro, we conquered Karelen. Then we founded the first cities in Finland ( Åbo and Viborg). Not denying Finnish resistance has always been impressive, but there is a reason we ruled your country for hundreds of years.
Yeah, we are such an extremely small part of the world's total population. We need to look out for our own interests.
bloom is used as a word, but only clueless niggerfaggots use it instead of boom
Turku was already there; you guys build the castle and the cathedral so I guess it's fair enough it could be counted as a city only after that.
The Witcher 3 is one of my favorite games of all time
You probably also have to start worshipping Dagon and start your transformation into a Deep One before you can become a landowner in Åland.
Southwest Finland was already partially Christian before Catholic Crusades. The aim was to get the tax grain from getting in the hands of the Orthodox. Of course you "ruled", because the church had set up monopoly. It provided a service and demanded payments. We have a church tax to this day.
Lalli's murder of the priest was an example of a Finnish landlord refusing to pay taxes, instead preferring self-rule.
Ruling here didn't mean Swedish supervision of everything, it meant that Finns had shifted their allegiance and did most of the work for you. So that's the kind of rule it was mostly.
Well you are our brothers even if you don't like to admit it these days.
Damn I need to replay Witcher 3 some time's been 2 years since I played it. It just feels like a hassle to get started because the game is so vast, but once I get into it again I will probably enjoy it just as much as I did the first time.
Why are you so mean to a fellow lithuanian
I'm getting my hembygdsrätt no matter what it takes bro
on this moment Riga is like stockholm 30 years ago feels good man.
tfw racemixing with Hitler would be considered off limits lol
tfw can understand almost all of that
That place looks so much like Gamla Stan ( old town) in Stockholm it is almost painful
you should to look at her parent's eyes
a girl with brown eyes can still have blue-eyed children
my father has blue eyes, his mother has blue, his father has blue
my mother has brown eyes, her mother has brown, her father has blue
i have blue eyes
my sister has brown eyes
almost all men in my family have blue eyes, and almost all women have brown/green
Why? What's wrong with Norway? Canada is shit
Fuck him, we need our own fashy dictator.
That sounds so strange, i've never been silenced for making fun of faggots.
>riga is truly nordic
top kek the whole point of the video
Or, OR, you can just have kids with one of your own and have guaranteed NÅRDIC offspring.
Go ahead, but don't say I didn't warn you. It pays to be always careful around those inbred cannibals.
Light brown hair and blue eyes???
Off limit for germs???? I think we're getting raided by
good riddance
That's just because many Swedes are very PC. That's why I like the Icelandic part of the family lol
I'm not having kids with the parents, but sure, i'll keep that in mind.
Which party are /ourguys/ ?
Turku had been there since prehistory. Same with Vyborg. There's been population centers and trading going there etc. Finland wasn't any less primitive than the Swedes. We just had a smaller population and we weren't united. Tribes fought each others.
Agriculture, metallurgy etc came here same time as scandinavia.
Parts of our countries allready are on western levels, and rapidly growing Riga for example is great place, i know one german who moved to Riga he says it's comfy, living standart is ok, right now we are one of fastest growing economies in Europe, i am preaty sure we will reach west in upcoming years, the only problem is we need to prevent welthere state meme, to apear as direct resoult of economic growth, becouse that is exac same thing that is keeping us safe niggers and midle eastern shitskins don't come to here becouse we have no welthere benefits, at start of refugee crisis we took 95 refugees gues what all of them left for germany.
>that feel when no blonde blue eyed gf
soon lads, soon
Can burgers just start WW3 already so we can end this shit?
"Many" sounds like an under-statement, haha. If you're wondering, no, most Icelanders aren't pc at all, those that are get laughed at.
>Well you are our brothers even if you don't like to admit it these days.
That's (mostly) just hockey championship tier banter. Most of us recognize our common history and with these incoming hard times that's going to become more and more important.
>Finland wasn't any less primitive than the Swedes
Not so sure about that my friend
>we took 95 refugees gues what all of them left for germany
Lithuania is 9th most blonde country in world, i think the reson why you don't have blonde blue ayed gf is not becouse there aren't any in Lithuania but becouse you are lazy fuck.
Swedish girl refugees are welcome in Iceland, just in case things get too bad and you have to abandon Sweden.
>Not so sure about that my friend
Agriculture, metallurgy etc came here same time as scandinavia. We had a smaller and more divided population which were in war which each other.
Archeology hasn't found find any PROOFS that we were any primitive.
Tfw broke up with gf but kind of feel relieved because she was annoying and not waifu-material anyway
OR, OR, you can realize that a lot of Scandinavians have brown eyes, and are in fact on of our own
I'll have a waifu that will surpass the second dimension and exist irl
Denmark is lost, there's no hope for this pathetic country.
Finland was stuck in a transitional period between paganism and Christianity, coasts were part Christian, inland Tavastia was staunchly pagan. Sweden was more advanced because it was centralized, but technologically they didn't have anything that would blow us out of the water. It took a hundred years of the combined efforts of Germans, Danes and Swedes to make us Catholic.
Having brown eyes doesn't make you a bad person. It just makes me not want to have kids with you.
What do you think of Sweden's chances in 2018?
How hard is it to learn the language and move to either Poland, Latvia or any other non-cucked nation?
And just think that Merkel, Obama, McCain, Romney all the rest want to throw those girls to the hands of the invading migrants.
There is going to be one terrible backlash sooner or later.
The election is just about 3 weeks.
The polls currently go like this: Labour > Right > Progress > the rest (Christian Democrats, Greens, Left, Center, Socialist Left, Red. The last two are pretty much commies).
The sitting government is a coalition of Right and Progress, with Left and Christian Democrats as primary allies, though the latter are pretty whiny and like to throw fits.
Labour seems to be floundering with coalescing their voting base, and seem to have fucked themselves by ruling out any coalition with the commies and Greens. Labour is trying to running the narrative that they have to steer the country back on the right course.
Right is doing whatever. They're pretty much perceived as Labour, except less socialism and less taxes.
The MSM is running a narrative attack on the current conservative government with seemingly unflattering photos of the Prime Minister. One of them being her in overalls, showing of her BBW side - I'd argue showing her in a tradesman outfit is counterproductive, and it's probably fatshaming too, but I digress.
Progress, in contrast to Labour, seems to have coalesced their voting base, but it still remains the third largest, behind Labour and Right - Progress is pretty much the only major party consistently against increasing immigration here. The MSM loves painting Progress as nazis.
Center have gained in the polls in the last year, probably because of their policies of "Norway first" and being vehemently against EU. Recently, they've adopted a stronger stance against immigration. Center is traditionally viewed as a rural and farmer's (redneck, even, if you will) party.
Christian Democrats are turning out to be undeserving of their name, and are in a feud with Progress over recent comments by our integration/immigration minister, pretty much stating that Christian People are cucked by Muslim imams.
Greens are the youngest major party on the scene. Their policies align with the leftist parties, aside from their "muh climate".
Some researchers seem to think Finnish tribe already had started a similar unification process but were a bit too late to stop Swedish conquerors just marching in.
What we lacked was organized religion which seems to be a major contributing cause in Swedes getting their shit together so fast.
SD has to win, for the sake of the blondes getting raped in trains
Does /nord/ even lift?
I think SD might have a real shot at power, but the question is if it's too late.
The goyim know
Just to illustrate how this works: imagine Jews today, they rule the world, yet Jews are almost nowhere doing anything except in a select few key positions. :^)
No-one in their right mind would say that Jews literally run everything.
Our language is uniq and preaty hard but i think you will be abble to learn it, if you are moving move to Riga or somewhere in Kurland.
Hopefully not.
Swedes and Finns SMASHED Germancucks and Russcucks in battles. First the legendary warrior king Gustavus Adolphus with his protestant fanatic Swedes and Hakkapeliitta Finnish cavalry in the Thirty Years War.
Then Carolus Rex with his Swedish Caroleans and Finnish auxilliares.
Tfw you will never walk calmly against a line of firing russian musketeers because you believe you are immune to bullets by divine protection