Phase 2 begins.
He didn't win because he brought bad optics to the Trump administration with his nazi larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Flynn.
Unironically what did he mean by this?
4D Dreidel Simulator
Nice, Bannon is still /ourguy/ and will now be nuking CNN from orbit.
He meant the pieces are in place, mass arrests incoming. They can't move anywhere now.
He fullfilled his part.
just stop
I am glad that there is a valid movement behind all of this. Really inspiring
Yep, gonna be a /comfy/ time of justice incoming. Tick tock, shills.
>Tick tock, shills.
15 dimensional playerunknowns battlegrounds
8D Tacitus Maximus Activate
>Whatever their origin, these observances are sanctioned by their antiquity. The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers (the "jews" of Rome TURNED AWAY FROM GOD) took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth may be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.
-from "The Jews" Histories by Tacitus of Rome
> But that presidency is over, it'll be something else
God emperorship?!?
You mean the absolute madman is gonna make indictments appear during the eclipse for maximum trolling/effect? Even better.
And then the very next day, hold a big rally in Phoenix, AZ?
The Phoenix is the symbol of death and rebirth. We're bringin' America back, lads.
>Who are the awan brothers
>Who is Laura silsby
>Who is Seth rich
>What is the Pakistani 111th
>What is an investigation
>What are indictments
>What is a time line
Off yourself faggot
Rule 1. Always bet on Trump
Rule 2. Don't not bet on Trump
Rule 3. Never get tired of winning
We're kicking China out of Canada soon. We already buttfucked their real estate investments. Now we're beginning the economic war proper.
Big push soon. Pray.
Rule 4. Take your winnings and double down on Trump.
>but that presidency is over
That presidency is what I fucking voted for. that's not announcing victory, user. Saying "we'll make something of this" is an out. It's an admission. It's saying "it's not what we wanted but let's switch gears." I don't want Arnold Schwarzenegger 2.0 I want BECAUSE YOU'D BE IN JAIL DRAIN THE SWAMP Trump. He's cut off from his people and now he's surrounded on all sides. I'm sure I'll be called a shill or a Redditor but this isn't a good fucking statement and while I'm sure he can get shit done outside the white house Trump has no one but Pence left and fuck your memes, you know damn well that Pence will play ball with the powers that be if he's in a corner.
The Neocon Standard?
Yeah and this shit needs to actually happen. Otherwise it's a Russia tier soundbyte. Trump has to get moving on this shit and he's getting obstructed and nothing is happening.
I don't like Bannon, he seems like the kind of guy who would encourage the magapede phenomenon. I like the junta better.
Do go on
Unfortunately many anons here would sooner listen to Cernovich's asshole speak over substantive prognostication.
get in, lads
we're winning
I'm failing to see this guy's point.
Click the link. op didn't post the entire thread
Trump is fucking done, muriboos. Explain to me why Hillary isnt already in prison? Trump promised to do that when he gets elected, but he didnt. Fuck Trump, that uber-kike
am i made to interpret this as meaning the best is yet to come
Literally too stupid to get it.
That's literally not an argument. Refute it.
op is a faggot and didn't cap all the tweets. If you go to his twitter you can see them.
He's saying bannon announced that that presidency was over because he already changed everything...
Yeah nah, this guy is kinda dumb.
Nigger use some reading comprehension
He is saying that the fight for the presidency is over, the formation period of the presidency is over.
You /ptg/ fucks need your head out on d your ass
Neocons and cuckservatives won because Trump let them in even though none of us voted for that
That's not how English works
>Trump let them
thats not how congress works user
Then I'm genuinely stumped as to why you would follow that with "we'll still make something of it, but that's over. It'll be something else." It doesn't flow well and this is a person who so far has been very plain spoken.
A confident answer would be "our plans are proceeding, the plans we told you as the American people are working," or even a "we're trying. " this is straight up saying it'll be something else imo.
The purge of leftists.
Just relax and keep watching. You show doubt, but there has never been a reason to doubt.
Someone explain what this all means in a non-meme way because I'm confused.
How is Bannon getting kicked out a good thing?
Why is this "Trump Presidency we fought for and won is over?"
Will it become more liberal or more conservative when he leaves?
It just occurred to me there's something Trump can do, but I'm going to alert the leftists, so let's just wait and see the awe inspiring maneuver.
He didn't get kicked out, he left, or so he says. He also says he is going to war FOR Trump. Don't know about the presidency we fought for is over though.
>everything bad for Trump is actually good for Trump because muh 4d chess
This meme has gone too far.
Bannon leaving is good for Trump because Bannon said so himself.
He literally said the Trump presidency is over now that he's gone.
>formation period of the presidency
usually called an election
Bannon is saying all hope is lost, it's Breitbart and Sup Forums against Trump and his yids
>breitbart against yids
Trump is the second coming of Christ.
Trust your president and hold on tight to your balloons.
Sup Forums against trump, you need to get better at being a shill, you cant even do that right you fucking retard