Even Spencer doesn't pass le one drop rule.
Even Spencer doesn't pass le one drop rule.
Other urls found in this thread:
no one is >white
>some nigger not passing our test to determine whether or not we think he counts as "white" means that his entire cause is no longer legitimate
>this is considered white in burgerland
this is how hue nazis look like
It's retarded ,but that's how White Nationalism works buddy.
>falling for the fake news propaganda
They're gonna have to impose a 2 drop rule
Who is this alpha male?
Americans are mongrels, speak for your own fag.
It's like that Hitler is a Jew thing. Hypocrites defeat their own arguments. That's the rules.
>that skull
matt forney's cousin
Holy fucking kek, guy has sub-saharan. Nigger confirmed.
I didn't choose to be mixed race but I can choose to see which side of my heritage I want to prosper.
Well, blame amerishits and other westerner garbage for inventing it
PS, the refugee crisis is because the eternal trash wants to be bossed around
Daily Reminder that all american's have part nigger in them, they hav elong since paid the toll
Australia probably has more pure celts than are even left in the entirety of England and Ireland at this point
hehe xd
The argument was never that we were pure but instead that we advocate for our best interest.
How about barking up Talcum X tree you sodomites
hi go-
I mean guys
Am I white?
this is dumb, you don't have to white to be a white supremacist
and you don't have to be a white supremacist to be a white nationalist
>have stupid ideology
>be mad when it turns out you don't qualify as a beneficiary because of silly criteria that lie as the foundation of your ideology
kekkity kek kek kek
He's actually mulatto, 5'6" midget who gets paid by plebs to scream like an autist on twitch stream
Your ashes will be
are you autistic?
Literally not a part of the worldview.
Fuck off kike
>boohooo ur not 100000000.0000001% white
Who cares? There is bigger things in life than what your body's building parts are made out of
White power
>you don't have to white to be a white supremacist
well they wont let you join their little club if your not
hello my name is ivan!!
i am 100% european genes, no mongol and romani in my blood !!
Americans are all mongrels.
What 'little club'? There is no white supremacy 'club', there are only political organisations which hold white supremacy views
6"5 BTW
are you sure your 100% white?
He could have just looked in the mirror.
Support Black Business today!!!!! Support Jim Crow!!!!
The answer is not ethno-nationalism, but tribalism. Some Americans are perhaps not 100% classically "white", but we can still throw out le 56% faces, niggers, spics, and other undesirables by acting poorly towards them in individual communities.
a social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader.
>“People looking to use our services to prove they are ethnically ‘pure’ are going to be deeply disappointed. We encourage them to take their business elsewhere.”
Absolutely no agenda with that statement though. Really makes one think
>100% white
>except when you go back far enough and realize we all evolved from Africans
What is the cutoff generation here, exactly?
How is this any different than a black supremacist's disappointment for not being %100 black? Id say most white supremacists in America are more white than black supremacists are black.
Anchestry on my dads side is from super north in so there is change of Mongolian blood, Mothers is from Germany so there is a chance of middle eastern/african blood.
People use this stupid "we're all africans" argument all the time, it's so annoying.
Since the sub-saharan is such a small percentage it's probably detecting slave holder dna
Still whiter than your average American
I'm not saying we're all Africans, after all I said in my post I understand that people evolved FROM Africans.
I'm asking what the cutoff is. Is it 1900? 1800? whatever feels good?
Oh I wasn't saying you, I just meant people as in liberals who use that argument.
Well, how far back in history can you find white European people? Whites even existed in BC time period.
There's evidence too that many Europeans are not descended from Africa, as many whites share neanderthal DNA and the bone discoveries found in Europe. I don't honestly know too much about that though.
>goes from nigger
>took the 23andme test
>100% European
>92% Northern European
>1.2% Ashkenazi
Eh, nobody's perfect.
>people evolved FROM Africans
No they didn't, they evolved from the same humans we did.
Africans are their own thing, and even then there are 3 distinct lineages for sub-saharan africans(Bantu/Horn/Bushmen), this is like saying we evolved from chimps.
im 2% jew
I've seen that half-breed alpha male paint a masterpiece the likes of which hasn't been seen since the days of Michelangelo.
>Implying its better to be n. european than southern
being 100% iberian european is better than 100% scandinavian imo
Ga slapen N
Northern Europeans are superior. You can't beat a blue-eyed natural blonde.
100% Iberian = 50% Moor
sandnigger slut trying to school on white DNA.
>be german, swedish, norwegian
>literally blonde and master race
>liberal as fuck
>mfw watching all these chinless retards have nothing else in their lives but their whiteness who aren't even really white
>100% Iberian = 50% Moor
not true, i said 100% iberian european
i am pretty sure that brown haired men are considered more attractive than blonde haired men.
i gotcha senpai
stop this meme.
Actually that's a good point, it's not like people in Africa stopped evolving, and we didn't evolve from modern Africans.
everytime i visit Sup Forums seems like white people are always BTFO.
this place is like where white people come to get roasted. kek.
people come from the balkans mate
This picture is too accurate
>Hey guys, I'm the fat turk, welcome to my show! Today we found this uh "White Supremacist"
>Hey isn't that Jeremy the intern who would fetch us coffee?
>Shut up! No this is a white supremacist we totally found on the internet, hes the real deal. Full blown nazi nazi who likes to play Yahtzee.
>Guess what? errr Hes like 4% raisin head, I mean African
>Fat turk out! remember buy my coffee mugs.
DNA tests for ethnicity is crap science and is thoroughly laughed at in the scientific community. HAHAHAHAHAHGHAGGAGA
t. molecular biologist
>National Geographic Determined What Americans Will Look Like in 2050, and It's Beautiful
t. a fucking kike
If we can have half-white/half-black people going around support BLM, Antifa, etc, why can't the opposite hold true?
Why can't people who are part white support the opposite side? Why do they have to be lumped with the lefties?
loltyler1 has a black dad cunt
There is no "white" ethnicity so of course suburban and rural retards are going to be disappointed when it comes back and "white" isn't even part of the test
>needing to spit in a tube to know your fucking ethnicity, let alone heritage
>be cuckmaster, cucking and cucklord
>liberal as fuck
Goddamn, it's like a retard professing his retardedness to the world.
Morons, it never lists anything as definitive 0% it always says < 0.1% which I'd assume means they cannot detect such trace amounts with whatever methodology they use
Totally agree. Nobody has white skin, nobody can define or find an example of a "100% white" genetic profile against which all other so-called "white" people can be judged for purity. All genetics involve recombination and pedigree collapse. Go back far enough and "whites" are actually hybrid with neanderthal (everyone is hybrid with archaic hominids)
"white" has become a dehumanizing boogeyman ghost label (or a badge of pride that is insufficient and untenable) for the politically motivated.
Also, our habitual use of hyperbinarized language (white people, black people, when in reality no one is either and everyone has colour) has the pernicious effect of artificially hyperpolarizing our thought processes.
what would happen if people start to refuse to identify as white? White nationalist? not me. White power? not me. I'm not white. A sheet of paper is white. White privilege? Don't try to apply that to me either.
If doing so could shield me from charges of "white supremacist!!!" while shielding me from charges of "white privilege!!!", I'm fine with that