Why does Trump blame "both sides"?
Why does Trump blame "both sides"?
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Both sides were at fault.
> Collegehumor
Holy fuck that website fell so far from its glory days. It's so sad.
Because one side had radical anarcho-communist terrorists that instigated 90% of the fights.
haha literally all of them were advocating genocide thats why i can punch them
He's a radical centrist
Because that comic implies that antifa is completely peaceful and only attacks when provoked
>All politics are binary
You're telling me these fucking cucks can convince themselves that gender has more than one "option" but can't hash out that political ideology doesn't boil down to two choices?
Outer Heaven, when? I want off this country.
Because it's not nazis versus peaceful democratic moderates but nazis versus anarchists and communists you daft troll.
>What is instigation
>Why does Trump blame "both sides"?
Are you implying there is a third side?
i mean im pretty sure that bitch is trespassing on that bear's territory
Anybody old enough to remember when collegehumor was actually funny?
kill yourself shill rat
collegehumor was never funny. ever.
Actually, this. Well, I doubt they are moderates, and I think pure socialism sucks balls, but they are the peaceful ones.
Antifa aren't ''peaceful'' but if you preach hate then expect hate.
You don't get to march out with torches espousing hate for other races then go "oh poor us" when there's ramifications.
>Literally poked the bear
>How brave and just
kys op
They both were at fault and also the added benefit of having libs defend ANTIFA who are clearly nut jobs.
Then why not just take the moral highground and let the world see these nazis as retards instead going to their level and making both of you look like retards
The guy who drew this and the lefties should all be thrown out of a helicopter
because we should be sitting on our chairs at home playing videogames
Because we've already seen what happens when we allow fascists and white supremacists to organize
A "Clinton" is at the head of collegeHumor, look it up!
Discounting all the people who went to peacefully speak at other events about their moderately conservative views and got attacked
>strawman this hard
yeah but antifa are so similar to these people marching, identitarian, violent, collectivist, the left generally has the mas media on its side however, which isn't helping with this conflict. it's adding fuel to the fire, willingly deceitful.
Internet memes?
Clearly breaking the NAP. Bear is just defending itself and its property.
You're right, it's not both sides. All the violence is coming from the left.
>in b4 muh Heather Heyer
It's extremely likely the driver never has to spend a day in court.
The asteroid was right. Kill mankind no one should survive
Because some were just Trump supporters and they have every right to be Trump supporters.
Antifa thinks different and attacks based on just that and is the violent ones.
We've also seen what happens when we allow leftists anarchists and globalists to organize
There aren't only two sides, there are a lot of sides but the people're more comfortable with only two sides.
Because the left wing and right wing become more polarized. We need to depolarize both sides as much as possible now in order to prevent violence
>"you will not replace us"
The only think they "hate" is being genocided
World peace ?
Antifa attack everyone who isn't a globalist for being a fascist
A better name for them would be anti antiglobalist
>we are literal nazis
These people need to just die already, there's gonna be no saving them from this.
A better name for them would be (((useful idiots))).
Most logical stance. Anyone who goes to these events is a sub-100 IQ brainlet. Even if you strongly believe in your side there's no political capital to gain by marching around in LARP gear like a bunch of autistics.
This thread.
Even the fucking meme dude can figure this out why cant op?
why doesn't antifa show up at the rallies of black nationalists? They advocate an ethnostate as well just black ethnostate
antifa and stormfags are literaly same brown shit
hell police here regulary beats crap out of antifa
>wanting Whites to preserve their heritage, culture, and genetic identity is "hate"
Good goy.
Because he is aware that the right has not gained enough ground among fence sitters to do an outright coup de ta.
when you kill violence, it wins, why are the left using this as an argument now?
>it requires hate speech to make antifa go apeshit
I suppose the G8/G20 meetings are also hate speech then.
Or maybe it's everything they don't like.
Because ((((They)))) were using both sides to create the result ((((They)))) wanted.
((((They)))) got it didn't ((((They)))).
>it an "americans think people are objectively good or evil" episode
Thank you for your evalutation, it is much appreciated.
Because Polands government isn't completely cuck to shit globalist puppets
Can you tell me the last time white supremacists shut down a speech by a progressive liberal, showed up for violence at someone's march, looted, burned cars, and attacked police?
>' but if you preach hate then expect hate.
Which is why I hate antifa
Antifa are openly bigoted towards anybody that isn't a an anarchocommunist
Pretty much.
I mean, going to protests when they're actually justified is sensible, but these american "protests" look like a child's tantrum from the perspective of an eastern european lad.
>the people throwing acid and bottles filled with piss and shit weren't somewhat responsible
>we want an ethnostate away from all of you
>antifa etc.
if you want to get rid of the Nazis so bad why don't you support their goal of an ethnostate where they can move and you never have to see them again?
They allways put agents in place to fuck with good movements.
Because there were only two sides: paid political actors, and the police.
and our "nazis" as some call ONR/RN are just nationalist, tho they do have that idiotic nazi dress up code and tendency to do marches
but then again I know ONR guys helping catholic missions in Africa, but instead of sending food.. they gathered enough money to buy them tractor and good farming equipment
Remember San Jose? The media doesn't want you to.
Ancap edition, use as you see fit
Site's been junk for at least 10 years. Went full SJW like 7-8 years back.
>not according to COTUS
>ACLU doesn't agree with that sentiment
Look at who these conservatives are supporting, a racist who wants to ban Islam and a man who proudly sexually harasses women.
Don't tell me that wanting to create laws about what religion you can follow isn't fascist and not racist. Islam may not be a race but to deny that it is the primary culture of a race is intellectually dishonest
I think everyone should be expected to follow the law. How about that?
Maybe they should start
I swear they are intentionally trying to be stupid
>One bullet from gun
>liberals don't know how guns work
No* bullet
This. Also so fucking what if they are nazis, they have no political power.
>we had a permit
>commies did not
>police intentionally funneled us into said criminals in the street in direct contradiction to the security briefing we had with the police two days prior
Wow you're saying that when the police dump Gasoline on a fire bad shit happens?
Probably the dumbest comic I've ever seen
>going into bear territory that has been there for thousands of years
>bear attacks and blame is only given to bear
>lmao lets compare complex politics into simple good vs bad with inanimate objects and movie references
Unironically ready for a civil war since all the commies will be desperately trying to summon voldem*rt while trying to cast FILIPENDO!! at 30 year old armed forces
that image is the exact reason why i fucking hate centralists.
Joe rogain is a cunt. Anyone thats a fence sitter is a cunt.
No choice is a choice and i wont be surprised to see you strung up on the day of the rope
No, they would acctualy lose. At this point antifa behaving like thugs will make people mad.
Acctualy works here, ONR/RN (TEH EVUL NAZIS) buy some stuff for orpahnages, leftist media start screeching, get backlash from community.
The more private property antifa destroys, the more cars they burn the more people will hate them. They wont become alt-right but they will tolerate alt-right while beeing against antifa.
Because both sides we're violent
>creating laws about what religion you can follow is racist
Most countries who passed laws about what religion you can follow were communist ones who banned all religion. Leftists support globalism and they support an ideology that actually banned all religion. Meanwhile you can't ban Islam from the citizens because of the US constitution
>Strawman: The post
What happens? Countries become first-world and culture thrives? People are fed, clothed, and happy?
Islam is no religion, its a type of ideology like Nazism/Fascism and Communism.
Guess what Fascism/Nazism and Communism are banned here. Islam should be too.
If you think there's a threat against white people then you're either a bigot or you have a martyr complex.
White isn't a race. Everywhere the white "race" is tied to has rich multicultural history, and the white "race" will continue, just maybe not in the numbers it has before, but who cares? What's the inherent value in the color of your skin, white black brown or whatever?
There is no inherent value in the white "race", Muslims and African folks have some pretty badass history too.
But even if there is this trend towards citing "white people" as this inherent evil, the response shouldn't be going out there and screaming about white supremacy and how white people are kept down or in danger, because guess what? This kind of trend happens all the fucking time, and this too will pass without you people going out and inciting shit. The whole thing with white people being the villain in shows/movies is because marketing execs are terrified of catching shit, despite the fact that nobody really cares about that anymore outside the rabid sjws, but guess what? They too shall pass.
The white "race" is in no danger of being eradicated. There is no great movement to displace white people, it's just perceived that way because of rabid sjws and an influx of the Muslim population, and a perceived need to combat the frenetic energy of sjws. But besides, the white "race" here comes from several different countries and cultures, we're just taking on another culture. We are moving towards being a more accepting population, that doesn't mean we're going to go as far as sjws would have it
Seriously, you have a fucking victim complex.
You want to believe yourself the victim so badly, so desperately, who am I to stop you. Yes, you poor swastika-bearing white "advocates", so misjudged and victimized. How could the world possibly be against you?
I guess communist revolutionaries are massive racists to everyone for making atheism the only allowed stance on religion
Because it takes 2 parties for a fight to happen. Antifa is an explicitly violent organization, nazis are also explicitly violent. Either side will claim that they resorted to violence to protect themselves from the violence of the other side but that is a lie. Both sides wanted this, both sides hate the current state of america and deep down want to see the whole thing burn.
If we want to fix anything and actually improve the country we need to stop with rhetoric, but down the masks and weapons, and start listening to the grievances of each other.
We don't have to like each other, but unless we start listening to each other war is inevitable, and in war the elite always win while the public always loses
>Shouldn't have bullied the white people
>Shouldn't have entered the bears territory
>Blame the person who started the fire
>Shouldn't have bullied Jason to death when he was a kid
GG ez
We don't want to become a fucking minority especially in Europe the land we evolved in in the first place. If it was recognized after ww2 that Jews needed a land where they weren't the minority so as to avoid genocide what makes you think whites will be any different as a minority? We're just going to become the next Jews easy target for killing because we're not a majority anywhere
awesome pic! very convincing!
now tell me how many of these guys are "fake"
I tried.
>took 18 minutes to write a fallacy-ridden reply
Simple fact is when an elected leader of the opposition tells you you're being replaced and cheers about it, it's not a myth anymore
>a leaf
He didn't blame both sides. He blamed MANY sides: the left, the right, and the hand that rocks the cradle.