Last thread is archived keep going we almost got this guy
Eric Clanton 2.0.1
Other urls found in this thread:
RJe tattoo, odd capitalisation. The footballer was from West Deptford.
Search found
3rd result, aged 54 could be Father or entirely unrelated.
>original thread
Let's put more leftist garbage behind bars
Also which backpack?
can't quite find it, might just be sleep deprived tho
We should send some goons to beat the shit out of him
can afford a 200 dollar shirt yet is out to crush capitalism. okay mate
if we make chubbs aware we are hunting him think he will just flush himself out?
The right wrist is a tattoo'd wrist watch with 'HR' under it
Someone posted higher def photo last thread
we need to merge both pics together.
Anyone have a picture of the guy in the white sox hat that busted righty's head open?
Don't forget this one
Took me ages to find it
Some user archive that instagram page?
I don't think that's the right shirt.
Pocket flap corners are a different shape.
Small tag label next to the pocket of the one he's wearing, not visible on ID'd shirt.
the other hand ha a peace symbol with war written i think
that's not him
no beard, sunglasses are different
You sure about that?
Where’s this last thread? Archive? just results in blank page.
Pretty sure bucko
Use a bulk image downloader and save all their pics
He seems to be alone, a lot of these people came in small groups, but he seems to be separate in a way.
Odd feeling about this man.