is he jewpilled, Sup Forums ?
Steve "shoah cannonball" Bannon strikes again
This is interesting
>Das Reich was a weekly newspaper founded by Joseph Goebbels
Is Breitbart dare I say it going to become the Das Reich of the 21st century?
Hillary is arrested on Monday, Bannon posts an article about the JQ on the front page of Breitbart on Tuesday.
Jared Kushner is one of them. But you really think Bannon is going to sway Trump away from family? Ain't gonna happen.
The Deep State wins again.
So to sum it up: Bannon was in to have access to some "top secret" information. Making lists of enemies and plans on how to defeat them, where they are sitting even in the alphabet agencies and so son... and now he left to remove the shackles preventing him to start a full blown propaganda war against these people?
I hope you filthy goyim know that even suggesting jewish power exists constitutes anti-semitism and as such is illegal in many countries.
That would be amazing. Someone mentioned that bannon was planning on being in the administration for 8-12 months, anyone have sources for that?
Jared is a red herring. Always has been. Didn't you see the Share Blue manifesto on them wanting to cause dissent among Trump supporters by saying he is a Deep State stooge? Ya its all BS.
WNs are so paranoid it's hilarious. I don't think they can name anyone who isn't a Jewish/Zionist shill.
I'm sure Mugabe isn't a Zionist shill.
Fuck off zionist jew shill
Ohhhhh shiiiiit looks like Bannon has been practicing 4D chess with Trump!!!
How do you say "That's Right" in German?
Das ist richtig
isn't that the guy who threw coffee on alex jones
Das hat richtig
Was Bannon only in the WH to piggyback on the intel for his personal war against the leftist media? Trump's a sly dog.
Nobody Jews Jews harder than Jews.
AHAHAHA actually i see this now, i get it. Trump needs his own media attack dog, and Fox just isnt cutting it.
you mean anti-SHEMitism? All anglo americans and commonwealth are descended from Shem, who was descended from Noah, who was descended from Adam.
Semites, Semitic people or Semitic cultures(from the biblical "Shem", Hebrew: שם) was a term for an ethnic, cultural or racial group who speak or spoke the Semitic languages.[2][3][4][5] The terminology was first used in the 1770s by members of the Göttingen School of History, who derived the name from Shem, one of the three sons of Noah in the Book of Genesis.[6] The term "Semites", together with the parallel terms Hamites and Japhetites, is now largely obsolete outside linguistics.[7][8][9]However, in archaeology, the term is sometimes used informally as "a kind of shorthand" for ancient Semitic-speaking peoples.[9]
Isn't that the anti Muslim paki guy who ran a campaign to be Britain prime minister last year?
Yeah, guess what?
Trump is the President. He can fire anyone in the WH he wants. He can declassify anything he wants. He can make speeches directly to the American people anytime he wants.
So he isn't going to do that but he's going to war by sending a guy to run a Right-wing news site to apply pressure?
How the fuck is Bannon going to change anything?
To leak and destroy the globalists with anonymous sources like the MSM have been trying to do to Trump. Bannon can do that now.
Is it really happening?
it's not.
>Bannon was in to have access to some "top secret" information. Making lists of enemies and plans on how to defeat them, where they are sitting even in the alphabet agencies and so on...
Das Rite!