Boston rally stream friends thread #4: "free speech" edition
Boston rally stream friends thread #4: "free speech" edition
Anybody know if I'm allowed to bring my backpack to this protest?
Why do Americans always have some protests and rallies?
Someone please explain, like I really don't get it.
anyone else getting a choppy periscope stream
We just got an official violence guarantee.
yeah, it'll be the streamer's connection out to periscope
no zips, no storage tray, no backpack usa
Talk of a fight on Boston PD scanner.
fight aids?
"Act up, fight back, fight AIDS"
It's here too. A funny thing is that it's always leftists protesting against (even a lawful) right wing rally, never the other way round.
We need to get someone filming the buses bring these useful idiots to the march.
nazi birds
off our streets
remember it's OK to PUNCH a NAZI
It is a way to vent frustration by expressing opinion.
Sorry for phone post. Be safe
>Liberals are now unironically defending North Korea
They are protesting the fact that the statues are being removed. #PigeonsLivesMatter
>both periscope streams are already dead
pretty low energy desu
alt-right using nazi pidgeons for reconnaissance confirmed!!!!!!!
So what are they counter-protesting? Free Speech?
Hopefully antifa storms it, this will help radicalize mroe alt-literers
You won't :^]
stay safe user
funny :)
Some nazi larpers and kkkfags said they were showing up. All this does is make both sides look like children
oh fuggggg
my sides have left Hungary and are flying towards you right now
Anyone got a good multi-stream?
when you have absolutely no argument, just scream no backpacks
>Wishing for more violence.
The white supremacists and Nazis fucked up big time. All the memes in the world won't white wash the terrorist attack in Charlottesville. (Mum self-defense meme already fell apart.)
Can't wait to see if Sup Forums starts shit and puts your cause even further back.
I hope you understand that the same people who are paying Antifa and BLM to show up at these rallies are also paying the Skinheads and KKK as well.
The goal is to brand any peaceful defense of the First Amendment as "Hate speech by Nazi's."
Always aim for the head
Okay guys, tell me the chimpout level this is going to reach today. Are we looking at a level one, or a category five?
Will this make the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest LARP event?
Because it's part of "muh rights" and tricks people into thinking they are accomplishing anything. The only real way to protest is wide scale boycotting, prove me wrong.
>maybe we were the nazi all along
If only introspection was a thing on the left.
>my sides have left Hungary and are flying towards you right now
Can confirm, Canadian news is reporting a sighting of Magyar sides crossing the Atlantic.
Does this end without an embarrassing riot?
>The goal is to brand any peaceful defense of the First Amendment as "wrong think"
kek, might have to send one to the north aswell
25% chance of a riot
how funny would it be if someone drove a truck through the antifa crowd
Do they ever?
Why are there only 2 streams? and they both suck. is the alt right dead?
CNN report of Sam Hyde, white supremacist, has video chat that he is on his way to the rally.
There is no alt-right today just alt-light
They will find an excuse to riot, even if no one shows up.
Isn't that why they go?
Oh shit, it's fuggin happening.
That's a giant crowd of muds and commies. I'm worried for those MAGA people. They're ridiculous, but they're still our allies.
Then again, a MAGA martyr would help the cause a lot. I guess I'm torn.
I don't want to see streams of idiots calling Libertarians fascists. Where is a stream with that indian guy talking/
My digit confirm that people will die today in Boston.
updated live picture of Hyde
he is approaching the rally
he appears augmented
this isn't good
100 cops around the common
About 500 more in other places and undercover in the crowds
here mate, have stickman's stream
where is the alt right?
He can't keep getting away with it!
>not realizing the irony of having the right to protest against a free speech rally
god I hate this fucking state
This doesn't look good, /ourguys/ need to be sacrificed to a crazy lefty lynch mob. Cville really fucked us over
Thread theme:
Frogs of Peace
So whos who? The guys in the park antifa? Or those marching?
This would be the best outcome. No one shows up, leftists freak out and embarrass themselves.
how are you guys running streams?
its fucking saturday what does this cuck think we all work shit service/retail jobs on the weekend
>watching a compressed stream of another stream
For real though, which is /ourstream/?
Because it helps them think they're free
Are the leftists really going to attack a group of milquetoast libertarians?
It will motivate others to push things further if they see a large scale protest held by people they agree with. Humans are stupid blah blah blah but it's still a fact.
>tfw work at walmart in 10 hours
shit like that really hits close to home.
There's like 20 of them on a little podium
What do lads?
>10,000 people are protesting a dozen lolberterians talking about Monsanto
the absolute state of US politics
Yes. I've been called a Nazi by the far-left when expressing Libertarian views. It's part of what is making me like pic related.
if this is the plan to bankrupt Soros, it might work.. in 1000 years
get the hell out of bongistan
it seems that way
That's what you get for living in a sharia state.