Boston right now, civil war is happening!!!!
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Muh civil war.
Someone spoonfeed me a livestream
I just saw an old lady dragged down by some antifa faggot. Just because she was holding an american flag.
wow, ((nobody)) expected it
Any feeds without Michael Scott in the corner?
yeah i saw that.
and the punk ass antifa ran away when she chased after him, before collapsing again.
Are there any streams without this colossal blue shirted faggot in the corner?
tfw amerifats finally getting exercise.
I'm feeling riots today.
Then they will spin it as another violent white supremecist riot.
And all normies will agree.
This bitch is out here praising north korea? I hope someone bombs Boston today, these people are worthless garbage
LOL, within 5 seconds of watching I saw some libtard was defending north korea and blaming the US for north korea needing nukes, and then they panned to some niggers dancing in the street.
so, 3 right wingers and 300,000 Antifa?
Imagine someone drove a truck of peace through that crowd
That stream is all I can find right now. BNlue shirt fagboi
It won"t be ISIS, these people are their allies.
"Healthcare is a human right..."
I thought this was a Free Speech rally?
Anyone have a playbook on how many groups are actually there, and what they are protesting?
I need to fill out my Riot Brackets.
It's awful. No one should have to go through this. Our forefathers fought and died so we could shart in peace, not spend all day on our feet like slaves
Where's Tim McVeigh when you need him?
masked commies already knocked down a 60+ year old lady and dragged her by the arm for waving an american flag.
stream for free speach rally?
Boston is a shithole just like the entirety of Massachusetts
>Ignoring the fact that America invented exercise culture
Fuck off europoor
Any pictures/video? Seeing that getting repeated a lot but no actual proof.
Feeding the maggots. Some things never change
the most american sport
alt right = safe space from popular rage
>riot brackets
top kek
>america invented exercise culture
>americans are still fatties
that just makes it sad
Hol up!
wow, damn, really made me think
Yo, its a prank bro, we're nazis in an ironic wayy
Reminder: The only people pushing for civil war on this board are either globalist shills, kikes or indoctrinated retards who are unaware they are pushing a globalist kike agenda. Civil war and unrest in America is the wet dream of groups like ADL, AIPAC, The Hasbara, JIDF, Israel, Soros’ Open Society or some other filthy and dirty zionist organization that pays dumb niggers to shill here.
They are pushing for step 3 Crisis.
1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization
"Redpilled" people screaming for RACE WAR NOW are just as dumb as socialistic liberal retards. Without Law & Order we would be crumbling into a war torn shit hole and vulnerable to regime shifts. If we actually had a civil war we could be attacked by foreign countries, we could lose many of our rights, and many people could die pointless deaths.
Nobody wants a civil war but people who seek to destroy America. Deescalation and diplomacy are what you should be supporting. The far left is pushing to shut down diplomacy, escalate the situation and create a conflict. A conflict without discussion and diplomacy will only lead to violence.
BLM, Antifa, BAMN, Charlottesville psyop, etc... are attempts at inciting a crisis. So far tension is building and people are becoming more and more radical and unreasonable. These are funded organized movements with the goal of growing into something that takes on a life of it's own.
Fight TPTB, not each other like a bunch of niggers.
>America 2015
muh freedom
>America 2017
muh civil war
>A bunch of idiot liberal hippies mindlessly repeating their shitty anti-American chants because it's the trendy thing
>Barely any actual free speech rally attendees in sight
Pretty shitty civil war mate
>this is what amerifats actually believe
Can we let the Tsarnev guy out? Just for today ;)
Peace is ephemeral.
my dick feels broken now
This guy speaking with notes. What an amateur.
These left wing people are vile and sloven. Simply in terms of their looks, they are ugly and disgusting.
Wait a second...
Are they not even playing anymore? They are legit just saying they are protesting "free speech?"
just saw a white guy getting jumped for carrying an american flag
Anyoone else having trouble playing video? It says the uploader blocked it from playing on other sites. Then when I try to play it on youtube it says my browser doesn't support html5 video, but all other youtube videos play just fine.
any discord?
"I want you to hurt my ears because you are so loud." What a nonsensical retarded thing to say. What does that accomplish? Is this a fucking concert? Sad!
This is fucking lame, where are our guys? I want a big happening
rsbn is a good stream, the look thru facebook live feeds and twitter to show as many as they can. prtty comfy
Physically grotesque.
He was a long haired hippie and bolted straight thru a small group of antifags who just watched him.
Where's the part of this picture where Obama is giving Isis money and weapons?
they're surrounded antifa showed up and the feeds went down
cops were told to stand down
>Yo, its a prank bro, we're nazis in an ironic wayy
Yeah? well stop it your unironic way is fuel for a civil war playing right into the hands of Soros
>mfw some white overweight social reject neckbeard from my school has been posting videos shitting on lefties all day
Guys I think he bout to do it
Stanley was attacked by his own heart.
Shouldn't they be protesting White Jewish Supremacy? They own the FED that's oppressing poor Americans
k keep us informed
those niggers are truly crazy, and stupid
If you kindly would pull your head out of your ass then maybe you would see that there's high possibility in USA for new civil war as left-wing delusional kids, niggers, media, artists and politicians ousted of a power push for it
They need polarization of a scene and to make a statement that they are the 'voice of a people'
In my opinion you really don't realize that leftists really want that war to show their hate for Trump and conservatives values
It's like rules only applies for them only when rules suits them, otherwise they want change rules
Yes civil war would be bad option, but reality is heading towards this direction
Why? Because Trump lacks patience and he gets too much aggressive sometimes
Sometimes it is better to bite your tongue than to state the truth to left-wing madmen, because that would make them more angry and just do your job
So is anything gonna happen or are the commies gonna just scream all day? I want riots and dead commies dammit
He looks like he stole something. Oh that's right...he stole our freedom.
They've come to realization that the only way to achieve freedom is through a bloodshed. A necessary bloodshed.
Godspeed burgerbros, when you're done cleaning up your home, we leafs would also appreciate a hand.
He's right you know
you cant be serious
Finally, hope all commies will die!
surely CNN won't let this stand
Peaceful protest
>American education
Actually yes. There's 50-100 rally attendees and 30,000 protesters.
This is the final redpill.
the fuck? old ladies are nazis now?
haiti II: electric boogaloo
I always liked Baaaahhston, but happenings are happening too fast for me to keep track of.
What ate you americunts doing now, what's going on?
War isn't civil. Fake news.
He's obviously talking about the fitness craze we popularized in the 90s, and how big body building got here and spread everywhere. Don't be fucking retards just to be fucking retards.
you don't bite the hand that feeds you
Masshole here who lives 30 minutes outside Boston and most of his friends live in Boston.
Whoever the fuck these protesters are they are no Massholes.
Massholes are at the Cape or at cookouts right now.
>muh free speech
So, when are they going to have a free speech rally together with NAMBLA?
So the reason for the different marches and having protestors on Boston Common is to box in the free speech rally and cops?
>Protestors on Common
>BLM on Boylston on something
>And that guy was saying something about Charles St.
That's 3 sides....
non larping version
wrong... the Cape is full of dirtbags from Jersey, CT, and NY. Boston is full of Bostonians.
...Right. So what's your alternative? Give in completely to the left so we can have peace? Doesn't sound like any sort of diplomacy I want. If the left wants to fight, we will fight. Not like many right wingers would have to do much, the first time the nasty girls have to fire a shot at them, the left will capitulate. They aren't willing to die, they aren't even willing to fucking work for a living for Christ's sake.
spread a video of that far and wide.
GUYS. I think the alt left got played. Now they are squaring off with cops, who are obviously oppressive kkk-Nazis who oppress and are racists
lol, its was a sacrifice bait plan
the few free speech activists mixed amongst the 1000s of antifa, will get rekt, the antifa then will fight the cops
we get some martyrs and some moral protection
is Machiavelli's "controlled chaos". You have both the alt-right and the alt-left become a bunch of violent radicals then, with the blessing of the inevitable third "Fuck everyone" side that is emerging, they will put in anti-protesting laws
Nice digits, but super wrong. Find me anyone living near the Common, Cambridge, or hell even Southie who is a native Bostonian today. It would be pretty fucking hard to do.
Everyone living in the "Heart" of Boston now is an out of towner or from out of state.
Some shithead cunt from L.A. who moved here 2 years ago is no fucking Bostonian.
It's the same crap that happened in Nashville, Brooklyn and Austin. Just shitheads moving in and claiming they are natives of these cities.
We still have until the eclipse before shit hits the fan