Trump's invocation of Washington and Jefferson statues was the greatest 4D chess move in the service of accelerating the debate that we have ever seen. Discuss.
>4D chest
Is this what lonely virgins call "damage control".
Ok. I guess.
Agreed. It sped up the debate in a way that every person can understand - if we start down this path we'll need to rip up every statue.
accelerating the destruction of us history more like it
It is pretty simple, the fastest he can get this debate to every normies head the faster he can win it.
He also says it is ultimately up the the local government. He will not intervene, unlike fucking KING Obama. Very refreshing.
Next it'll be time to destroy that evil bigoted 'My.Rushmore' monument. It'll be good to erase history....for (((them))) at least. If you erase *everything* then the goyim will buy into the hollohoax story for another generation.
Tear them all down I say! History = reecism
There must be some way to get them to attack a Holocaust memorial. Say that Jews are white and their suffering is nothing compared to the negros. I bet their paymasters would back off real quick.
It's also well known that Martin Luther King jr did not agree with homosexuality. We can not have statues that honor known homophobes. Why do Republicans regularly miss these opportunities.
accelerating the end of the alt right
>4D chess
>invocation of Washington and Jefferson statues was the greatest 4D chess move
I can see where you think that is 4D chess. The problem is you are still stuck in tic - tac - toe.
Washington and Jefferson and completely irellevant.
Confederates are traitors. They took up arms against this great country. It doesn't even matter why they started a war against the United States, though it does happen it was for amoral purposes.
The only thing that matters is that losers don't deserve statues. There is no glory in the confederacy. Nothing to be celebrated. Those Confederate statues never should have gone up and should come down now or at least be removed from the public square to a museum.
No, Trump wasn't a wonderful genius. He's playing chinese checkers and didn't realize his argument is sad and weak and proves nothing.
By the way, OP, if you want to campaign to bring down statues other than Confederates, it's your right. Go ahead and try.
But this is just about the treasonous Confederates.
I agree. Losers don't get statues. That's why we need to get rid of the Indian memorial statues, and museums.
Only low iq retards support trump.
Confederates cant be traitors as they didnt supportba foreign land, vonfederates would be traitors if they supported the foreign state of the union.
they literally supported a foreign country. They declared themselves to be a foreign country. They took up arms against the United States.
still baka at your major logic and history fail.
The confederates committed treason. They were traitors. There is literally no question about that.
go start your campaign for that then. glad to hear you're with me on removing confederate statues in the town square.
What were the reasons for erecting the confederate statues?
most were put up in the 1920's at the height of lynchings and racism. call it history if you want, but it was racists who put them up.
And the totality of them were given an absolute pardon after the war.
traitors. treason. no statues. no glory.
plz go, blm
Wrong. Jefferson Davis was stripped of his citizenship and was never pardoned. He was the only Confederate not to be pardoned. He lived the rest of his life poor in a donated house, giving away what little he had to veterans of the war with nowhere else to go in Mississippi.
Cheers user. Have you a source for that graph?
Well, some were for low rank soldiers in small towns, some were for Generals that did some genuinely good deeds.
I'm pretty sure none are of Iwo Jima style flag planting by Nazi arm banded whites over piles of dead niggers.
It's a moot point because MLK is black and blacks can do no wrong according to lefties. It's like trying to call out Muslims for violence.
Are there any indian statues?
>But this is just about the treasonous Confederates.
Says who? I'm BLM and I want these whiteboys down.
From Malcolm X:
"They only killed 6 million Jews. Uncle Sam killed 100 million black people bringin' 'em here."
"They have the audacity to make you get sympathetic for them."
"They're the most sensitive white people on this Earth."
Now while I'm an accelerationist myself and believe that both left and right's ideologies should be accelerated in a final brawl that solves the division once and for all, Trump isn't. He's just a mediocre idiot who has no idea how to dig himself out of the 30% approval rating. Stop sucking his dick with this "4D chess" shit
You're an idiot. Federal government was supposed to merely protect the people and deal with foreign governments. The more power you give to federal government the less power the people have, that's what the entire fight was about. You could argue that the confederacy was excercising their right to freedom from overreaching government tyranny. However I can see why the north went to war, if you read the federalist papers, one of the first things they talk about is how the country must stay united or it will fail.
What a dipshit you are. Weather you like it or not, Confederacy was a part of our history and these statues also stand as testaments to how long these "traitors" were glorified. By taking down these statues we are erasing that, we are throwing it down the Memory Hole.
tl;dr Your argument is based on feelz, not reelz. Please neck yourself faggot.
Oh, nevermind. Your some dipshit /leftypol/ shill fuckbag. I should've known.
They should remembered in a museum for their treachery, not celebrated in public spaces. Public land in the South should be reserved for statues of conquering Union soldiers to remind those traitors who's in charge.
>implying Trump gives a shit about fake poll "approval ratings"
He's much more concerned with a Congress obstructing his agenda and the deep state mutiny/leaks. Plus you know all the different conflicts going on around the world that the military is involved in.
We really need to clean up congress in 2018.
>That's why we need to get rid of the Indian memorial statues, and museums.
also holocaust memorials.
>northerner trying to tell the south what to do again
Reconstruction 2.0? Mind your own business.
Please come back when you can be fucked to make an actually argument, shill.
Trump is the GOP's bitch now; there will be no cleaning up of Congress in 2018. The most likely outcome is a split Congress with Dems taking the House.
I don't know what's worse: this bait or the fact that newfags fall for it.
Reminder that most of the South depends on the North for subsidies
Your argument is nothing but feels too.
Southern Poverty Legal Center
>people actually believe this
almost as bad as people who legitimately thought Hillary could win.
Not a newfag. Shills are in full force right now and it's difficult to tell the difference atm.
>Dems taking the house
Pffft, have you seen the gerrymandering? Won't happen. And the senate will get more red in 2018 as well.
The most likely outcome is as usual, all the incumbents get re-elected and obstruction continues until 2020 when Trump gets to campaign on being obstructed for 4 years and gets re-elected because the DNC has no viable candidates at all. The best outcome is everyone is so outraged in 2018 with Congress that ALL the incumbents get voted out and the parties realign on new agendas more relevant to America's current problems, rather than wedge issues.
> (You)
>also holocaust memorials.
newsflash: HItler lost. The Jews were on the winning side.
Shill or troll, the only way for real discussion to win out is to ignore the obvious material meant to enrage anons here.
Pretty much all of the 'confederate traitor' posting is bait, and it works very well.
No, my argument is that it is dangerous to erase history from public view. This is a fucking fact.
>Reminder that most of the South depends on the North for subsidies
You don't get to take credit for federal government unconstitutional bullshit, northerner. Again, mind your own business.
>he thinks the jews didn't play both sides
goyim, pls
>muh 100 millyun
Ridiculous comparison. Guns don't kill people. People kill people. Revolutionary era is not the same as civil war era. One to create a nation. One to separate it. Nonsense.
Hillary was the worst candidate in US history, I knew she would never win. Biden, however, would have wiped the floor with Trump had he not pussied out. The only thing you have to look at is the sheer incompetence of this current Congress; nothing of substance has been passed. The GOP can't even repeal Obamacare because they're so afraid of getting skull fucked in the next midterms.
Good, the "alt-right" is a term coined by the MSM to box in Trump and his supporters in order to paint them as Anti-American """Nazis"""
Que the CIA-shill (((Richard Spencer))) giving the Bellamy salute saying "Hail Trump". This is a Jewish game, goy
The timing may seem odd, but this was also at a time of large immigration into the US from Europe, so racism started to soar. This was a time when the Irish, Italians, and many other Europeans were discriminated against. This was also right around the time of the Gilded Age, when poverty was wide spread and we had a lot of social issues, which also helped the rise of racism. The idea of eugenics had become popular at the same time, especially in the US.
>post with nazi flag
>I'm not a """Nazi"""
>They took up arms against this great country. It doesn't even matter why they started a war against the United States
thread here
Supreme Court decides what's Constitutional and they've ruled otherwise. Even if it weren't that hasn't stopped the South from taking Northern gibs.
I would love if both parties campaigned in actual issues instead of irrelevant bullshit like gay marriage but that's not going to happen. And yes, the GOP gerrymandering is extreme but there are still more than 30 vulnerable GOP states between NY, California, Nevada, etc.
Those statues are completely devoid of historical value. The few that weren't put up 70 years after the Civil War should be preserved in museums. At the moment they're nothing more than Southerners jerking off to their failure.
Yeah be he torpedoed his popularity by "defending" "Nazis" and allowing that to be spun that way.
The plan is a Coup/Civil War, that will try to take down the whole Trump Admin.
[KB thread Archives:
Leftists Networks want to do a "US Spring". It's backed by Deep State Forces & Globalists interests.
Great move, one I actually would have made in the same position.
What an ethno-centric way to view the Civil War. They didn't betray anyone, as there were no laws against secession.
I know context is hard to wrap your little brain around, but the Union had existed for little less than a century and people were still weary of it.
Confederates fought for their homes against a power they felt was oppressive and foreign, rather admirable if you ask me. These are half the country's ancestors you fucking mong. These monuments don't represent slavery, they represent a people; our people
>Confederates are traitors. They took up arms against this great country. It doesn't even matter why they started a war against the United States, though it does happen it was for amoral purposes.
The South was being shit on by the north. The north taxed southern imports and exports to death. South Carolina wanted to nullify. Lincoln threatens them with military invasion if they did so. Ironically even if the south wanted to end slavery. The tarrifs probably made it economicly impossible. There is a good chance the war woulda happened with or without slavery.
Awan indictment gonna lead to some very bad stuff for a lot of people.
>What were the reasons for erecting the confederate statues?
History and reconciliation.
You'd know, wouldn't you, faggot.
>Confederates are traitors.
In any other Civil War you might be justified in this, but it was made clear with the end of the American Civil War that the southern states' sedition was formally forgiven and they were welcomed back as brothers with none of their leaders imprisoned, tried, or executed despite 4 years of bloodshed. Continuing to refer to them as traitors now flies completely in the face of the actual resolution of the Civil War. Like it or not they're as much our countrymen as the union soldiers were, and their monuments are just as sacred.
Accelerationism is the work of Nick Land and CCRU, to a lesser degree Marx and Deluze
It does not mean to Accelerate collapse / political violence. Read a book you dumb fucks
An even better move is declaring antifa a terrorist organization and hunting them down like animals. And take out Soros.
how is that even possible? trump has legions of police with military equipment. the left has mace and bottles of POZ urine.
>Trump has a 30% approval rating
>yes these same pollsters gave him a 0.000001% chance to win but they're probably right this time
The leftists are counting on the police to turn against the real Americans. They want to use the police force and military which they HATE to shoot conservatives, whom they also hate. They are completely delusional, and the sooner we purge the leftists, the better. They have no use other than to be used as barbarian hordes by their leftist overlord dictator wannabes. All must die.