Feminist here, how is it impossible for you guys to show love and equality? What kind of thrill do you get out of being oppressive and racist? The world would be a better place if you accepted women equality.
Feminist here, how is it impossible for you guys to show love and equality...
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we do...the problem is y'all are suppressing our rights and freedoms under the guise of being 'offended'
also SAGE
because you assholes emasculate men in the process
lurk moar sage
Tell me you racist vile lil dick white boys
>negro by birth
>nigger by choice
It's almost like we should have an open debate about this issue and find a compromise that works for everyone instead of just forcing one side completely underground and asserting the victory of the other through the Jewish-controlled media
heres something to read.
no and i said lurk moar dumb whore
>how is it impossible for you guys to show love and equality?
I do. Feminists want female dominance not equality.
>What kind of thrill do you get out of being oppressive and racist?
Once you are red pilled there is no going back. The gears are turning against you and pointing it out makes you evil these days. So its not a thrill is more like trying to put out a fire.
>The world would be a better place if you accepted women equality.
I agree. So give up getting any money from divorces. share custody of your children. Accept you get paid less because you work less hard jobs. And force prostitutes and strippers to pay taxes.
lol like I'll ever do what someone with a nazi symbol suggest , why do much hatred ?
There is a difference between equality and equity.
You are looking for the latter, you already have the former.
you already have it by law, anything else is female supremacy
This is 2017 soon your racist kind will be gone from America and the world strong Femist and beautiful races and cultures in America are tired of the white mans shit
Kill yourself, cunt
You don't even know what racism is.
You spout it like a feel-good epitaph, with no examples, no arguments, just feels.
You have equality.
Standards have even been lowered across the board for you to have it, and still you cry for more.
fuck off,dyke.
>>The world would be a better place if you accepted women equality.
How and why would it benefit males?
Its all bait and satire.
Guess what: I'm a woman
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted Trump. I fuck based black man exclusively. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day, and you'll beg to be my beta "provider."
Not if I make 'white male' a synonym for 'oppressor' first. Checkmate.
but you feminists say that gender is a social construct ... so how can you be born a female?
Women and men have different roles in society. Biology affirms it. Equality is a false God. But you guys can't understand that. I'm not saying that women shouldn't have rights, but saying that we are equal is a complete nonsense.
We only need to see your tits. We don't need your 'ideas'.
>replying to pasta
Why did you oppress me growing up? Because you hate men and I'm not going to hold back if need be I will Kill you and not in an erotic way so you can get some last gasp of pleasure but in a I hate you, I want you to die and have no descendants way. The same things my mother and her lesbian lovers did to me I will do to you and thensome.
-Member of Meme-sa
-7 internships (work without pay)
Good b8 m8
>females are comperable
This rotten pasta triggers me every time
You're not advocating equality, you're advocating "give women free shit until they're way better off then men".
We had equality in the 80s. That's not good enough. You feminists want women equally represented in every high-paying place and political position, you want to give lesser-qualified women jobs and scholarly positions over better-qualified men. Of course, you never demand equality for men in (for example) the girls' dominated childcare industries.
If you really care about equality, then I'm with you. Feminism isn't equality, it's female domination.
Read bestgore.com
Pretty hard to cure misanthropy due to being ostracized in formative years.
Fucking SAGE
>had 7 internships
Ok I'll make you a deal.
When a woman deadlifts 1000lbs, you can have some equality.
When a woman founds a civilization, creates technology or wisdom or learning, when a woman actually does any of that, then you can have some equality.
I mean, how do you even justify this shit in your heads?
You say we're equals, but you need segregated competitions for mental contests (like chess!) AND segregated competitions for physical contests!
nice blog, didnt read it.
tits and timestamp or gtfo
Go make me a sandwich
It won't. The cat will just come back for more female gibs. Patriarchy has to exist
It's a shame that the word patriarchy has seemed to b deemed evil. All it wand is family structure and civilisation .
I want to answer you but that's mansplaining
I accept equality. Now travel back in time and tell your ancestors to go hunting instead of taking care of the offspring.
It doesn't make people mad if you don't even try to be believable.
There's no such thing as equality. Go be a communist somewhere else.
>What kind of thrill do you get out of being oppressive and racist?
I never wanted this
it was forced upon me
at least in the real world I can avoid trollops like you
but in the world of ideas your corruption of the mind and sprit grows like an unnatural moss that needs no light nor water
Love and equality = i'm going to steal from you
like the muslims your fellow feminists apologise and lie for all the time... yeh go fuck yourself, I hope you lose the right to an abortion.
hey dumb niggerlover read
>I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now
I don't think anyone here care
> "tell me your dick vile white boi"
> [rational statement consisting of common sense]
> "Naw fuck RACIST bull...shit. whitepig. Tell. Me. Yo. Dick."
Nice pasta, and again, you'll die a dried up old whore with no kids, and no breadwinner husband to look up to.
Only nu males will orbit you. You will get some fucks from a few alpha men or your male boss, but they won't love you. You'll just be dying d hag.
They hate women because they are booger-eating mouth-breathers who either can't talk to women or have been rejected. They can't find companionship with a woman so they seek fellowship with the hate mongers that come here to recruit them. Sad really.
Gee people,obvious bait is obvious
> I fuck based black man exclusively
Then why so many spelling mistakes? The English language shouldn't be as much of a problem as it has been for you in your previous posts if your IQ was as high as you claimed it was.
Sweetie, just because I won't pamper you, doesn't mean I hate you.
Femanon here. I have every opportunity a male has in this country. And make more money than my husband. Hey OP, the 1800's called and said you got everything you fought for so it's time to shut the fuck up and quit being so annoying.
>equality is a myth that won't ever work. it disenfranchises others with lower requirements to fill quotas.
pssst retards, OP isn't really a leftist, you are obviously being trolled
that's pretty hot. source?
>and the world
Fuck off slut, we love Americans.
Nice bait.
On the off chance you are actually a grill, consider the following;
> Women have equal rights in western society.
> Women are treated well and abuse of women is frowned upon.
> Society is permissive of allowing you to murder your unborn spawn.
> You still complain about an illusory wage gap.
> You desire equity, when you should desire individual exceptionalism.
> Your vagina does not define you as an individual and your collectivist dogma is a crock of shit.
user, I knew it was a slide thread when I opened it.
That's not going to stop me from destroying them.
Yeah all of you sexist guys and racist on here bet none of you would question me when If I said get on your knees and eat my ass... all hard on Sup Forums but you know you're all submissive already to women so why not just accept it and accept equality? It's coming in the future so get used to it
it's just a troll, probably a Sup Forumstard or someone from a different board that's pissed off and feel's like having some mischeif, hell when i'm bored I create threads with the words "girl here" on r9k for guarenteed 100 replies.
it's a waste of time/ internet kilobytes
Fuck you cunt.
I fuck bitches like you all the time while I laugh at your naive politics.
your life must be so difficult.
I'm coming in the future, on you and or your mom, your cat, and your dads favorite DVD.
so basically stop replying to them and giving these trolls attn
retard 1
retard 2
you would be licking my balls and ass not the other way round
Women can be equal in value while still being different from men.
Great post
I have all the time in the world. If it's a more than 1 post by this ID, I tear them down until they leave their own thread (like I did here)
Didn't you read my post? Equality is already here. You can do anything you set your mind to, if you work for it. If you want to be a leech and whine because you haven't worked hard enough, get in the oven, I won't breed with you. Work hard, earn respect.
The world would be a better place is all biotrash like you dissapeared
whatever floats your boat
This is obvs bait, but in the case a real feminist is viewing this, Sup Forums doesn't fall for your power play masked as feminism.
I suspect a lot of us are egalitarians and believe that people should be judged on their merit.
3rd wave feminists (and BLM) are just retards who were stupid enough to let themselves be used as tools to divide/conquer Occupy (the real fight—for everybody...).
This is why we hate you. You are stupid as fuck and are easily manipulated into identity politics. You KNOW you're wrong, but you see some power at the end of the rainbow.
You won't get it. Not because of lack of faux corporate support (by way of Google firing "sexists" or the news shilling a race war).
The superwealthy will keep grinding us all into the dirt.
This is why we hate all you identity politic faggots and why we worship chaos. In a world where the superwealthy don't play fair (intentionally manipulate you retards), the only weapon we have is randomness.
>7 internships
>exclusively black men
She should have rubbed the lotion on her skin...
4 sur b8 but if not, she sure does fill the stereotype of being a whiny little bitch
You'll die alone and without children.
It's good practice, user.
You have to realize in threads like these, you are still reaching an audience; the OP is largely irrelevant.
>show love and equality
Because love is not for equals. Love is for subordinates like women and children.
Oh, see. Bait. Sigh... Is it too much to hope anyone other than Laci "Based Udder Goddess" Green would actually try to see our POV?
Legit question here. What do you need feminism for?
I'm pretty sure this is murder so I hope you get banned
I really really really fucking hope you get banned
>how is it impossible for you guys to show love and equality?
What equality? You aren't equal. You suck ass at everything and probably aren't even a girl. I don't want to see your tits just GTFO and stay out.
Part of the respectful and equality striving work of the now sadly defunct:
B-A K-K Y (Some assembly required)
This is what we should do to commies.
Something so obviously catastrophic could only have been planned. Only Corporations and Bankers would profit from it. Feminism was obviously a social engineering project.
If we were oppressive you'd been killed off already
How can bio women even compete?