Is this supposed to make normies accept white nationalism?
Is this supposed to make normies accept white nationalism?
Kessler then DMs another AR leader that he "doesn't know what he was thinking" when he tweeted this, so even if Weev did "hack" his account, this former Obama voter is acting insane. Daily Stormer must be heavily infiltrated by the feds at this point. DS' recent "deplatforming" is either mission success for the feds, or a minor setback considering they still have a website.
"The death of a misguided young woman is a tragedy but it changes nothing about the ensuing death of Europe and the white race, race and iq correlation or race and crime statistics. Abandon aggressive violence but do not abandon common sense measures that protect stable, prosperous societies."
From scratch. Rate
I took Weev's post to mean him trying to take the blame for Kessler because Weev is hated already and it wouldn't hurt him as much as it hurt Kessler. But it was futile, Kessler is ex-communicated now.
No, we want, need, white nationalism dead.
The daily stormer and stormfront are both composed primarily of feds and violent 95 IQ retards
Kessler is a leftist plant setting a honeypot for white nationalist and make the whole right look bad
Nazism boy, nazism. Only that can save us now. Stop trying to pander to losers.
WHITE feds and 95 IQ retards.
we need you dead
He speaks the truth
Truth doesn't matter. Optics matter.
I laughed. It was retarded and counter productive.
But I laughed.
The Gods have spoken.
Most people are irrational creatures which must be herded. This does not help in that. We must highlight the communist threat while making nationalism appear like the sensible choice it is.
His account is now deleted.
>weev tried to cover for Kessler
Mad respect for that.
massive respect to the government agent for covering his co-worker
>Weev is a government agent
She was a fat disgusting pig, maybe if she wasn't such a fat disgusting pig she could have ran. DUH!!!
no, it was only a test into how far a group of people can be provoked into hysterical lunacy. we need to see what the upper limit of the unintelligible madness known as leftism is. literally for science
The part where he takes credit for a tweet originating from an organizer of a rally meant to advance the interests of whites despite that tweet actively harming those interests.
This. Our only recourse now is to say that Kessler's tweet was an optical illusion.
Not proof. Nice try kike shill
Wrong. If you do that you look cowardly.
You care about optics? Only good optics is being unapologetic and strong. Anyone asks you tell them fuck you and that fat cow (God rest her soul)
No, we are now PR... I mean optics-focused. All that matters is how you are perceived by the ZOG pre-programmed public. In other words, we need to start supporting gay marriage, multiculti and refugees if we want to get anywhere.
Drop the misguided part, doesn't look good to badmouth the victim to the normies
He chose his hill to die on. And it was a very stupid hill.
>Jason "Who Needs To Plan? Just Invite The Klan" Kessler
And nazis killed some 21 million outside of combat. Not bad for *one* government in some 12 years. Nice pareto distribution.
Kessler is a Jew, Obama voter and Occupy activist. He has no business being anyone of note in the Alt-Right and for his terrible planning of the Charlottesville events and the resulting cowardice he displayed he should be disowned completely.
digits don't lie
> Is this supposed to make normies accept white nationalism?
Who gives a fuck at this point? Even committing suicide won't endear them to you because they want to torture you for being white for the rest of your existence because THEY are the hateful bigoted racial supremacists. They're using our laws and insider trickery to subvert our nation, they will not stop until we're all in cages, or they're all castrated. This is what will define this time period.
Our only hope now is a Carrington event, or something stronger, to wipe the slate clean.
Other options include a white flight to yurop, and we'll see how long the US military can stand with a population of welfare recipients.
>Weev is hated
Everyone loves weev. He's a funny dude.
Apparently Implicit Dicky tried to lock out Azzmador and DS from UTR.
Oh no... Here goes that shit again.
When is he going to be hit by a russian shell?
>implying that nazis aren't their own worst enemy
Europe is already gone. There's no where to go except the wilderness.
It's over senpai. Kali Yuga is coming to an end.
Auerhhemier (fuck, I don't care how he spells his last name) is a junkie with cold fish lips that ruins blowjobs and dead shark eyes.
I hope that he dies after OD on krokodil.
>Jason "Glad Heather's Dead, Too Bad I'm A Fed" Kessler
The Daily Stormer is suspect as shit.
>bombing of civilian populations, imposed famine and resulting diseases
Or weev did make the tweet and kessler, knowing he was intoxicated on multiple mind altering substances the day before, assumed he must have done so while in an altered state.
>so even if Weev did "hack" his account, this former Obama voter is acting insane
Yes, he's a crazy drugged up loser.
I am willing to give you right wingers the benefit of the doubt and say that I highly doubt most of you guys actually think this way. But don't you think it may be time to kick the nazi trash out of your movement.
Nobody gives a fuck about you.
Its not about some individual faggot, no matter who that individual faggot is, its about the message of the ideology. No one gives a shit about what some personality is saying. The message can resonate. Threads like these are a waste of time. If you dont like someone on our side, just shut up about it publicly. Let the enemy focus on them, you focus on our ideas.
(((kessler))) is literally a retarded kike. He lives in "community housing" with seven other tards. Ask for his 23andme, he has extra kike chromosomes
They are all FBI kikes. Name one that isn't.
No one gives a fuck about republicans. You jewish cock lovers are not worth the subversion.
Yeah, the pareto distribution still stands.
The pareto distribution always stands.
This faggot needs to go
like todays communist revolution is presented by this cocksucker for bringing a bunch of psychos and felons together who ended up killing a commie land whale
Good job!
>defending white nationalism
What about the deaths from bombing and forced famines on the allied side? What about the german POWs killed by the allies?
Still not the same order of size.
>EU flag
>hiding behind Dresden
Still haven't learned anything.
Just fuck up our movement.
We need to fully remove Nazis KKK Racist and Supremacists from our WN movement.
While Heather Heyer was stupid, she was still of our own kind. We must not treat her as a worthless pig just because she was following the wrong path.
>victor paints the enemy as evil
Also regard the niggers SJWs as misguided, but not that they have any essential error.
Oh, not so much VN left.
True, but fixing that is like curing diarreha by putting the shit back in the butt.
Right and wrong isn't a matter of victory or loss or popular vote.
thread here
thread here
True. We must become leftists or we will lose.
Fuck Republicans.
They deserve it all.
>a Ramzpaul video
Well, I guess that's the end of that.
Daily Stormer is controlled op
You people are all so fucking stupid
The situation is honestly hopeless because you are all stupid