Stay away from Boston today
Intel Agency employee here
Fuck off CIA nigger
Could there be a color revolution underway to further demonize the nationalists and Trump? Is this why the user yesterday was saying "ignore posters saying 'optics'"? Is Soros involved?
You saying that everyone here in Sup Forums supports Nazism and that if anyone were to go we would just start fights? That's racist!
Great detective work, lou.
Hi CIA man
Professional LARPer here. Stay away from black coffee today
tell us moar
>1 post
There is no intel about that as far as I know but the current 'sentiment' we pick up is unlike anything we've seen since decades
4 Chan is one of the online hubs we monitor constantly
sentiment from them or us, their "sentiment" is just "do what everyone else is doing" and is no more interesting or dangerous than sheep's sentiment.
all it takes to put a nigger riot down is for the government to stop FUCKING STOPPING EVERYONE FROM DOING IT.
Oh fuck I'm on my third one.
And I dont mean to be vague: when I say stay away its because many people are out for blood from especially your side and Boston authorities do not seem to have a created a failsafe zone
How can it be from our side when the Left has been demonstrably more aggressive and violent, and is more numerous?
How does that make any sense?
Because he is larping user
>How can it be from our side when the Left has been demonstrably more aggressive and violent, and is more numerous?
i wonder who in the media could be making antifa look like the good guys....
You forgot to kiss my d i g i t s
blood coming from your side. There is a lot of sentiment to harm people from the right political spectrum and tactics discussed to do so with impunity
Aight suck my dick you shill larper.
That's what my uncle told me too.
Sick larp, dude
Not surprising what with antifa gearing up for violence
Time to get /comfy/ lads
Fuck off
>Thinking everyone on Sup Forums supports national socialism
Quite a few of us are opposed. Not everyone here is a socialist
why are you guys allowing this to go on?
Why do you have so many empty clips?
I'm watching it now, its breaking up. Why not lie about something more entertaining
Our hands and feet are tied. Unlike many people seem to think we are not all powerful agencies. Our main role is to protect public safety, who-ever that public may be
>4 Chan is one of the online hubs we monitor constantly
Going to any of these rallies seems much less enjoyable than just watching it unfold online.
Looks like the demonstration is over. The ppl were just libertarians, etc. no white nationalists.