Prove me wrong. Protip: you literally can't
Germans are the problem in Europe
>Martin Luther
nice one
Filling in the blanks and even adding another word yourself, 5/5 for effort.
It's true you can't. If these fucks cause a third world war no more Germans seriously three strikes you're out.
Dude, im sorry to disapoint you, but the biggest problem in our good old europe is the right-winged-movement in every country all along this continent.
It´s simple too give us all the credit for your own mistakes.
very low effort and op is a fucking faggot for sure
better move your energy inside this
Im tired of g*rman dindus like
Sup Forums is tired of your faking flag Shills, just fuck back off to your leftycucks shithole on tor or plebbit
Im not german and I don't want them destroying Europe again tho. Antifa (another german organization) loves it tho
It's not bad, you're truly a pathetic country.
No... you're the biggest cucks of Europe.
This, the solas were absolutely fucking right. Modern (((protestantism))) has abandoned them though
>Panel 1:
The roman empire was gay shithole at the time
>Panel 2:
They were not the only ones to fuck up the Byzantines, in fact their were seven armies all working together and they actually ended up not fucking the Byzantines much
>Panel 3
Catholicism is the worst Christianity
>Panel 4
The Germans did not pu;l everybody else in, they were pulled in same way as France and Britain
>Panel 5:
DANZIG WAS FUCKING GERMAN. But yeah they did fuck up nationalism
>Panel 6:
Yeah ok, Germany's cucked as fuck but this is only a recent thing. Hell the country Germany has only been around for less than 200 years
Cool. Make one for niggers and instead of them renouncing religion, just renounce everything, including quality of life and technological advancement. Mud huts are vastly superior,after all.
Dude, to be honest with you, did you have some problems in your life? Are you trying to compensate something? Blaming a single country for the current events? Are you living in eastern europe or some other part of the former sovietunion?
The Antifa is not only a german problem, its a global one.
>the roman empire was gay shithole
>my country sucks and has no culture
You're so cucked that a swastika triggers your entire population.
Halt die Fresse, du degenerierter Hurensohn. Deutschland muss sterben damit Europa leben kann!
upvoted and subscribed
thanks to germs, we get this:
instead of this:
This alone is the reason to exterminate all germ-men
>Hitler ist Kaput. Deutschland ist Kaput
Don't forget it Hans Mohammed whatever your name is.
Already did. Germans are the niggers of Europe.
Germany is a disgrace to mankind. Almost every evil Europe-destroying ideas and movements on the last two centuries come from germany. Antifa, communism, national-"hey we love whites so lets kill more of them than anyone before us and destroy nationalism for whites to boot, so our kids can finish the job and get the survivors to just suicide,-socialism, antifa, cultural marxism, rapefugees welcome, etc
>thanks to germs, we get this:
In europe
The world wars have been permanently damaging to white people as a whole. Not only did they reduce our numbers, but the communist international movement has been very successful in using them to make people think that it's wrong for white people to be self aware and advocate for themselves.
you forgot to mention german "philosophy"
it's literally picrelated, with left image being classic philosophers
Meme is stupid "illegally invade" it was like bce and there were no laws. Maybe if the romans weren't so degenerate and soft from opulence then they wouldn't have been btfo'd by the suebi
this picture tells no lies... but I do have an idea, what if for the first time Germans do something nice for Europe, and not something nice for jews... that would be awesome German boys, thank you
Maybe if you guys had one WWI this meme wouldn't exist, since Europe would not have gone through WWII and a strong Germany could have blocked the advance of Communism.
ON THE OTHER HAND, Germany helped the communists take over Russia, and during WWI and WWII you guys allied with Muslims against your fellow white man. Such treason is hard to forgive and accept.
This is shit meme and who ever made it doesn't know history. Germans were defending Europe since start.They didn't start WW1 , in WW1 they were defending their ally, Serbia started it by declining fair ultimatum and killing archuduke with Russia going to war against AH.
In WW2 Germany wanted to save Europe from boleshevism
And ofc nowthey have merkel what do you expect after constant liberal propaganda being pushed to them for WW2
lol you fucking Italians lost so much. Seriously still salty that your little gay spqr boys got their shit pushed in by six foot tall warrior people from the north? Enjoy your Muslims, retard.
:D Sorry amigo, it´s funny to read the comments of some "wise" neckbeards like you. The history will show us, who is right and who is not.
"Cucked" lol
We should never forget, what happend that days ago. Everyone who tries to engage nationalism and fachism in europe again, should be awared of the fact, that their steps are under our watch.
Because they are a thread for the modern europe and our democratic order.
Sachte, sachte mein Freund. Dein Zynismus bringt dich auch nicht weiter.
>fair ultimatum
fuck off loser, learn history then come back, also archduke was killed by an A-H citizen, nothing to do with Serbia
You forgot the part where Luther saw the Muslims as God's vengeance on the west or some shit and wanted them to take over Europe. He was A-OK with them conquering Austria.
Yes of course, the kikes had nothing to do with it haha
>Everyone who tries to engage nationalism and fachism in europe again, should be awared of the fact, that their steps are under our watch.
This is why we don't like you. There is so much cuckoldry here I'm literally cringing in my chair. So you'd rather get raped by Mudslimes and jack over all of Europe with you than have a little pride in your heritage and freedom?
I just hate this mentality.
The two world wars were setup by the (((UK))) to constrain Germany from taking too much influence in Europe.
Yet, I sill want to argue that Germany is and always was degenerate. Modern prosperous Germany is a product of the west, the US and the British philosophical thought.
In comparison, the german philosophical thought was always totalitarian and collectivist: Fichte, Hegel, Marx, Hitler. The product of german thought are all the socialist, communist or fascist shitholes. And the Critical theory aka cultural marxism also originates from Frankfurt.
Yes fair. Can you say what wasn't fair about it
Let me tell you story about how "emperors" of "Holy" "Roman" "Empire" used to be elected. German autists decided once, that the emperor is not true until he gets to be elected by "romans". But who would be those romans? Literally the citizens of Rome (city), they decided. So every 10 years or so, after yet another king of germs would kick the bucket, an entire army of germans would come besieging gates of Rome, break them down, break into, and force the citizens to crown another barbarian smelly king as their "emperor". After that, they would fuck of until next 10 years. This happened for centuries. Than one day, the next emperor, who was genius by german standards, figured out unthinkable: instead of besieging Rome, he approached it with small retinue, and simply politely asked Romans to give their token recognition so he could peacefully bugger off. Shocked beyond belief, Romans accepted. Turns out this killed this entire german tradition, because the entire point of it was to behave like a raving nigger, and no emperors were elected by Romans since then.
Germany is not "kaputt". We made mistakes in the past. And my country is far away from beeing perfect, but we´re trying to evolve.
Dont be so simple minded and take a look over the boarderlines of your country. You´re losing your power and your prestige in this world. You shouldn´t your enemies of your past. You should fear the upcoming ones.
>Allied with Muslims
And the allies didn't? Have you forgotten the Second Russo-Turkish War where the Russians were literally about to take Constantinople before the BRITISH forced them back down with their ships. And if Hitler and the Kaiser are guilty of using Muslims than of course the fucking allies are. Where do you think the majority of France's colonial troops came from? And Italy's? At least with Britain their majority colonial troops came from India (Which also included Pakistan back then so Muslims there as well) as well as Britian's Arab colonies. Even Russia used Muslims from Central Asia. EVERYONE USED MUSLIMS
>boarderlines of your country. You´re losing your power and your prestige in this world. You shouldn´t your enemies of your past. You should fear
But why you destroy our country with mama merkel and her fucking migrants ?
They're used to it, getting raped by soviets and muslims.
You are fucking traitors, that's all.
Even the French don't do it that bad.
>Hurrdurr im a slave and im hating all germans!!!
ok, cool!
>My country and my race didn´t accomplish anything and that´s the reason, why i don´t like you!!!
Holy shit you're more pathetic than the scandicucks.
>That flag
>Those comments
It matches.
literally whiny internet hitler mode
Dude, i don´t try to hide any mistakes of the past. But it´s unreasonably to seperate this world in the colors of black and white.
This too.
Wow, a pathetic non-argument by a pathetic barbarian? Can't even tell germ and sand niggers apart anymore
I used to post Nazi and Hitler memes and so on, wanting a "hero," but at the end of the day, the truth is that both world wars which were so psychologically, culturally, economically destructive to western civilization were a result of extreme German militarism.
Hitler couldn't stop at Sudentenland. He had to get Boland too, and then he wanted all of Eastern Europe. He's like Napoleon, in that he had good ideas, and the world would be a better place had he won, but he didn't know when to quite, and basically went for broke when it came to Western Civilization itself.
He put everything on the table, lost, and white identity became a joke, nationalism became a joke, and (((they))) now had their "muh six bazillion" talking point, all because the Germans wanted muh Lebensraum.
I don't hate Germans, but they need to take responsibility, and stop blaming everything on the Anglos. The Nazis were huge war mongers who basically baited everyone into going to war with them. He forced the British in by invading Boland, and then he broke his pact with the Soviets. It's like the guy had a death wish. Hitler was a maniac and a failure. I don't know how so many of you could cheer and LARP so hard for a loser.
Byzantine Empire's fall was the Italians fault though.
Serbia was tired from 2 years of constant war, we didn't want that, A-H saw opportunity to gain a fast victory, because thats what bitches do, they wait for someone to get tired, and then to strike, sorry they lost, its their fault.
Also we accepted even that last request, there is a telegram that proves that, but all politicians in A-H and Germany said fuck it, that dude Potchorek or what ever his name was will do this fast
also God protected Serbia, because A-H bitches sided with their Muslim lovers in both wars :)
>g-germans dindu nuffin, they good kidz, they getting they life in orda
What has Germany accomplished since WWII other than wrecking Europe?
Also, why isn't Merkel hanging from the end of a rope, and when will you remove Kebab?
But only Germans promised them countries in Europe *wink wink*
they use the primitive barbarians to destroy europe.
>medshit thinks the ancient romans were the italians of today
Shitposting is my job mate. Your duty is to remove Kebab
You know what was the worst mistake Russia ever did? We literally had chance to genocide the germs for good. And instead we contributed to replenishing their number by raping the fuck out of their "women", and then building the kindergartens for rape-babies in GDR (the only territory in germany which has any kindergartens, despite germ-many spending more money on increasing fertility than we do on our entire military). I fucking hate my country for that.
Who is more of your enemy?
The Jew or the German?
At the Germans fought the Jew, as the Jew wouldn't stop at the death of the German, but the death of YOU.
i feel sorry for you. :/
>calls someone a nitwit
>spells it nit wit
rally meks meh thunk
Alter! Österreich bist du es?
You're getting kalergi'd my friend, they fear you the most, then us and France, We three are the ones that should be banding together and fighting back, but our populace are mindfucked beyond all belief.
Please have a civil war, I will come and help the sane germans.
If not I'll see you in Hungary. God speed
Ich bitte dich! Ihr nehmt wieder die Kohle von allen anderen Ländern an und stehlt euch dann wieder als "neutrale" Partei eines Koflikts von der Bildfläche. Sich hier wegen der zwei drei deutschstämmigen Firmenchefs in der Schweiz aufzuregen ist schon etwas kleinlich.
FFS you do not understand, we don't hate Germans for being Germans, we hate Germans because they do not even know that they work for the Jews
Jews hate Romans so much they put them in their holy books
Jews hates Byzantines because they were Romans, or what was left of them
Jews hate Christianity... well because they killed Christ, and what was the best way to kill Christianity? Make whole new organization that will be led for 400 years be hidden faggets, and now open faggets
WWI killed Europe as white continent, and installed jew US as country #1
WWII finished the job, and now we are racist if we say that Europe is white continent
Merkel is pushing it even more, but killing white race for good
Germans were, are and will kill Europe for their overlords Jews and they wont even realize what they are doing
>In WW2 Germany wanted to save Europe from boleshevism
You russians are not even human
Yes so we don't have to look at your degeneracy. Remeinder Germans resisted communism in 1920 while Russian subhumans fell for it. In 1960 Russia had 5 million abortions
The deathpenalty is a american thing. You have some strange ideas, when it comes to solve a problem. You should rethink your methods. Maybe we have peace in this world some days.
Great picture, you lost that one with German flag at Kremlin, that was great day for Germans everywhere
I know it is hard to have abo's blood my auzzie friend.
Germans are on the rise, the left is already falling apart. theres nothing you can do to stop it except become violent thugs like antifaggots n' shit
Serb russian butlicking brigade is here. How does it feel that Russia doesn't give 2 fucks about you nor helps you in anyway, but 90% of your nation butlicks them
Picrelated is literally the wonderful fruits of glorious capitalism and democracy.
Don´t forget
"you have lost the war too"
Incredibly, those trailer park Russian girls are hotter on average than the average Western European/American college feminist trigglypuffs.
FYI, it was the Germans in WWI who sent Lenin over with hoardes of gold to destabilize the country. We have Germans to thank for both world wars, and the USSR. The Germs are the eternal curse of the West.
At least we weren't in a sorry state like you and the japs. We switched sides after all, that saved us in a way.
No its of Atheist state called soviet union where soviets destroyed 20 000 of your churches. Pic your abortions in soviet union
>russian girls are good
They are golddiggers since childhood.
>Picrelated is literally the wonderful fruits of glorious capitalism and democracy.
You know the meaning of losing a war. Don´t be salty against other countries, for mistakes of the past. I don´t even call you a slavetrader or something else!
it had nothing to do with bolsvevism it was purly egoistic goals, ww2 started after molotov ribbentrop pact was made and if molotov had not been so insolent in demans and red army had not failed in finland hitler would have not attacked
what strange way to defend europe from bolshevism through sacrifice of eastern europe and war agaisnt western powers which btw wanted to bomb soviet oil in caucasus when stalin attacked finland
Would bang Norways DM lol
How are we butlicking them? Because pointing out that you call them animals? And you lost to those animals like 30 times already, and those were major wars, not some retarded winter war where crazy Georgian (now your allies) sent idiots to die and MAYBE take more frozen lands
We like Russians, like we like Germans, Italians, Spaniards and all other European nations, unlike you, we really want whites to win and not kill each other
It's how traitors have been dealt with historically, especially in the old days of monarchies.
All your solutions seem to be to bend over and take it up the shoot.
>Tries to stop the new Jewish World order
>Saves the entirety of Europe from Communism
>Only lose because the Jew controlled world combined to destroy you
>bad guys
>Saves the entirety of Europe from Communism
By helping Lenin create the USSR
G*rman apologists are even more pathetic than germ*ns
Seriously did anyone ever met a german who wasn't an annoying, boring asshole? How they even still manage to get to fuck any of their women with these guys walking around everywhere?
Dude, i don´t believe, that we will find a point in our discussion, when we have a solution for our problems. We try to blame others for our problems and give them the whole credit for it.
We´re wasting time to try beeing superior and don´t listen to other opions and perspectives.
We´re all doomed.
Watch out we´ve got a badass over there!
Every European without the Superior Aryan DNA (Haplogroup-R1b-S21) isn't White