Why do some people say Nazism is left wing?
Why do some people say Nazism is left wing?
>national socialist party
Do they teach you retards anything in school anymore besides made up genders?
Because socialism is left wing. Hope that helps.
Fascism was created by Benito Mussolini who for the most part was an Anarchist. It is collectivist in nature and overall a centrist force that incorporates tenets from both the economic left and social right.
Some libertarian puritans frequently call it left wing as a result.
Nazis ARE Left wing! The word "nazi" means in German "national socialist"! nazis promote fascism not a constitutional republic as in America and so they fall on the left of the political spectrum. Right wing is limited government and more individual liberty and the left is more control such as with socialism/communism of any stripe.
Because in the US anything given to you by the government is left wing.
Because people here don't understand what makes the left left and what makes the right right. They'd willingly lump together socialism with socialism even though the word nation is in front of it.
Holy shit that is an unironkcally eloquent and informative response.
Marxism is international socialism.
Nazism is national socialism.
I think it's more of the technicality that Communists/Socialists force redistribution based on the motive of equality, where Fascists don't maintain the rigid standard of equality and tend to reserve the ability to redistribute in the name of efficiency or national necessity.
This is my best guess as to why "National Socialists" qualify as Fascists instead of the textbook Communists/Socialists.
Why was he against marxism?
People who do something new are completely lefties.
they're morons
The only reason it is considered right wing is because it is to the right of Communism, which in turn is why all Cis-White-Men (or Conservatives and Capitalists) are Nazis, because similarly, they too are to the right of Communism.
Because the right likes to poke at the fact that it was the "National Socialist Party", nevermind that the party put Socialist in its name only to get votes of the working class.
soviets wanted a worldwide socialist revolution to achieve communism
hitler wanted a worldwide socialist revolution for each national groups
This. All positive rights are left wing.
Because of the "socialist" part of "national socialist." Nazis are socialist in the sense that they want eliminate Jewish, capitalist control of our economy as a tool of national liberation and return its resources to the people.
>National-socialist German Worker's Party
The 25 point program was heavy on nationalisation and worker's comp, welfare etc. Nazi Germany was the world's first true welfare state. The only two other countries that had more state control over the economy were Mussolini's Italy and Stalin's Russia.
Don't see alot of those around here anymore, do we.
its neither left wing nor right wing. its a mix of both.
that makes it the most powerful ( or in kike language ) dangerous ideology in the world.
I believe in pic related
teddy was practically Hitler for america
idiots like this is how history gets rewritten
Used to before shareblue descended on us
And that's why national socialism is better. It puts the needs of its country before any others. Sure it seems narcissistic but its better than the shitshow in "current year".
It was far right . It was against gays, Against ethic groups, highly nationalistic. Hitler stated his Socalism has nothing to do with Bolshevik socialism
Because it's called National SOCIALISM. If you took the multicultural aspect out of mainstream leftism it would be pretty much the same thing as what you guys advocate.
NS is unamerican because our whole revolution was to mitigate the influence and control that government had over our lives.
That being said I still think you guys are better than full on commies. You're halfway there with advocating for closed borders, but you need to come all the way and recognize that socialism in any form is shit and breeds resentment in hard working people.
>Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Compared to say 1930s America, was there more or less liberty under the Nazi socialist government.
Less liberty almost invariably means more left wing. It really is that simple.
It's true that he was influenced by anarchism in his youth but that's also true of any present-day far-right movement who act like their struggle is the struggle of the working class (native) population. The same can't be said for his later years when he establisehed a strong nationalist authoritarian state, which unequivocally goes completely against an anarchist's doctrine and practice. Internationalists are on the left and nationalists such as Mussolini and Hitler are on the right. Deal with it.
why couldn't nazis even make their flag symmetrical?
Left wing and Right wing are meme terms. You can not put around 200 ideologies on one scale.
because the argument that National Socialism is economically left wing is actually pretty sound. But it's obviously culturally right wing. also we're trying to define a movement from 1930s Germany with terminology from our present day vapid and narrow political climate. The comparison is stupid.
>muh muh muh real (((socialism))) has never been tried before! I swear goy my brand of (((socialism))) will be the best brand of (((socialism)))
>because the argument that National Socialism is economically left wing is actually pretty sound. But it's obviously culturally right wing.
I agree with this
>far right
>against gays
So on the left, those communist and socialist countries were homosexual utopias? Stop believing nu-history user.
Hello rabbi
Because they're Americans and have been taught political spectrum only has an x-axis of economic issues without an y-axis for freedom. Both communists and fascists are at the peak of authoritarianism which is why Americans should reject both.
By that idiotic logic, anarchists are far-right.
>I will just use echoes to show how much I am on your side.
They are. You aren't an anarchist you're a communist. Try taking my stuff without the help of government or a police and I'll make you into Swiss Cheese.
It's not left wing. The actual socialists where among the first eliminated by the Nazi's. For a short period they had so nominally social programs to Garner support but they were quickly consolidated into "nationalized" private companies (not truly nationalized) that made obscene profits. It was absolutely not a socialist regime, and if you think "it's in the name hurrr" you should look at whether north Korea is truly a people's Democratic republic, lmao
Because they view politics from the liberal left/ liberal right dichotomy, which views all politics as individual freedoms versus collective stability through government action.
Because the people who say it are right-wing and don't like the association.
For the record, I'm moderately left-leaning, and I'll totally own up to the fact that the USSR and so on were left-wing. Turns out that the extreme end of either spectrum is bad.
In other news, water is believed to be wet. More at 11.
its national socialism.
the same thing bernie sanders campaigned on
it's a left ideology.
the left is trying to project it onto the right
to send freedom lovers into damnation.
extreme far left leads to commie/nazi
extreme far right leads to anarchy/native american community/0 governance
full 100% right leads back to ruled by nature only.
Because Nazi economy was capitalist and had little to do with socialism, socialism was a big buzzword back then since it was a growing movement and everyone wanted to get in the wagon, among them were Strasser and his fellows (the original NAZBOL GANG), these guy were actually national socialists who aimed for the workers to own the means of production, the difference is that Strasser did not hate jews, he like Marx hated the bourgeois jews that exploited Germans, fast forward Hitler taking power of the party, he purged the left-wing side of it and killed Strasser at the night of the long knives.
Some people still adhere to the socialist side of Nazism to create their ethnostate (no niggers flooding your country since capitalists are not trying to maximize their profits) but overall the sentiment among Nazis is that of Mussolini's, which promoted class collaboration instead of class struggle.
I'm not interested in taking your stuff, idiot. I'm not a political commie but I'm an economical one. That makes me an anarchist.
>being this retarded
hating niggers and faggots doesnt land you anywhere specifically on the political spectrum. socialist principles do, however, hence why nazism is a leftwing ideology, though it is close to the middle.
Socialism is left wing. Case closed.
Probably the "socialism" part.
Right wing or left wing, it doesn't matter. The Horseshoe Theory is true.
Yes people dont realise this. The Socialist part in NatSoc is what kicks out the marxists. Its a nessasary evil, if only we the public could install one of those mini neck granades from suicide squade so if mr Authoritarian gets a little to murder happy we can blow his head off and try again.
>thinking you can compare everything in a left to right-spectrum
They borrowed socialist policies to hide their actual extreme right agenda, this way they could get votes from the labour class. You see this way of politics in a lot of hard right populist political parties like the PVV here and Le Pens party. Trump used it in his campaign as well. In actuality these left policies don't get it to laws or they count for a certain race while the rest will be excluded.
It's all a ruse to get votes, these parties would and will never gain power with only their extreme right policies.
Also :
"He clearly believed that the lack of a precise economic programme was one of the Nazi Party's strengths, saying: "The basic feature of our economic theory is that we have no theory at all.""
National (((socialism)))
National (((socialism)))
National (((socialism)))
It's in the fucking name and my favorite part is when retarded dumb low iq national (((socialists))) try to go all like "it has nothing to do with (((socialism)))" KEK.
Fuck all you commies and (((socialists))). America will always be a democratic republic you little kikes.
It is right wing moron.
AnarchoCommunism is an oxymoron dipshit.
Bad argument since North Korea calls itself "democratic republic"
Durrrrr I'm a anarchocommunist duuuuuurrr huuuuurrrr Theiirrr is no government but you cant do 123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv and you also cant dfskjlfdskjldfsakjl
>Page 1 of 4,566,379
Free market enterprise economy.
>AnarchoCommunism is an oxymoron dipshit.
No it's not. Economical communism isn't the same thing as political communism. Anarcho-communism is just one of the many ways that can theoratically bring about an economically communist society, but it's very different to the politically "communist" way you would be accustomed to (stalinism, NK, etc.)
Nazis are authoritarian, as are the Left and Commies.
Nazis Germany was more left-wing than the UK and France.
They had a very Keynesian economic policy with tons of gibs for workers.
Am I allowed to hire people that want to voluntarily work for me in your system? Am I allowed, yes or no?
Am I allowed to accumulate lots of wealth/resources (can be salted meats for all i care), can I accumulate these resources to invest in other profitable projects? Am i allowed, yes or no?
Am I allowed to hire someone in my fishing net company and pay them a wage from the profits that we both agree upon? Am i allowed, yes or no?
Seriously. That's brainlet level thinking.
Marxism is globalist/internationalist.
The Nazis wanted a form form socialism that was nationalist and ethnocentric. Much of the support for the Nazis came from the fact that people were terrorized by communist terrorists in 1919 and throughout the 1930s.
Citation required.
if he is not allowed, who is going to stop him?
a state that is not actually a state because it calls itself otherwise
leftists are obsessed with semantics
ancom is not a real thing
Because all of you fucking retards are still using the simple >LEFT TO RIGHT political spectrum like a bunch of dribbling idiots.
It's economically centrist, socially far right, and authoritarian.
So the Founding Fathers were leftists?
Anarcho = there are no rules, whatever you want is yours and you can do what you want, when you want, work how you want, make agreements with who you want and accumulate as many or as little resources as you want.
communisim = that is not yours, that item is not yours, you cannot hire that person, you cannot do that work, you are making too much, that agreement is not allowed, you cant do nothing, you cant do too much, you blahgeeraijfdkjdjfjdsragsidblahflblbbkjbkabbfj
Pick one you simple minded envious fucking moron
You're kidding me right?
Juan Peron was a Nazi and there was no genociding during his reign.
>mfw I post something good for once but everyone is arguing who the true anarchists are
Bismarck created the modern welfare state, and openly stated he was doing so. The Nazis didn't exist then, sorry.
1) yes
2) no, but you're free to leave and do that elsewhere if you want. Resources are distributed according to needs in a collective. you being part of the collective means you agreed to that.
3) there is no currency in a communist society.
who is going to stop him?
a state that does not call itself a state?
no wonder so many commies are trannies, you lunatics believe that things can become something by changing definitions of words
I agree with you but I think it's economically leftist.
>100 million dead because of communism
>free to leave
>free to do anything
Can't wait for the DOTR
Anarchism as in people voluntarily agree to form cooperative entities that do things like build roads and provide healthcare right? That idea is independent of left and right, you could voluntarily cooperate to redistribute the wealth or gas the kikes.
After the economic collapse the protesters here had more power of force than the police and government so the power of the government is demonstrably not based on force but voluntary cooperation like in the anarchist ideals. We also have law protecting our language and culture meaning we are nationalists. Take it all together and a valid description of Iceland is an "anarchist national socialist democracy".
Getting stuck thinking in meaningless labels is a problem everywhere but for burgers it seems especially bad, I honestly think it has to do with the limitations of a monolingual mind.
Watch Teddy's video, and you're right, he's exactly like Hitler, same gestures, same frantic handwaving and expressions, he was a progressive, the starting point of Nazism.
The Nazi-ideology is actually more of a patchwork than a elaborated political or economic theory. A patchwork designed to appeal to a nation in turmoil. As such it contains certain socialist aspects and combines them with authoritarian nationalism, fascism, antisemitism (cuz of course you need a strawman) and all the racist esoteric bullshit. It's a product of its time. Which makes it all the more staggering if people still fall for this shit today.
>Anarcho = there are no rules.
Wrong. Rules are decided by everybody rather than by the state. There is no state, but there are rules.
Socialism and state cuckoldry is inherently left wing.
Germany didnt even have a war economy until 1943
thread here
1) ok sounds good
2) what about that is anarcho, look up the definition of anarchy you fucking retard.
3) thats why I said salted meats because you communist retards just cant understand that money just a more useful/fungible version of crops/salted meats/fish/water/lumber/etc etc. I bet you morons have trouble figuring out that .5=1/2=50%
It had a mixed economy, was centrist and maybe a little left leaning.
Either way the >No, YOU'RE closer to nazis
argument that boomers like going on about is shit.
Rules that are enforced by...?
If you are a communist then you are not an anarchist, because there is no other to support communist values.
This is why communism has killed so many people, because most people don't want their shit stolen
>cuz of course you need a strawman
Just a coincidence, goyim.
political communism, not economical communism. I'm not a political commie, those are too authoritarian for me.
because they're dumbasses who don't know history and have a confirmation bias. case in point would be the first few replies to OP. just because it's in the name doesn't make it genuine. koala bears are not actual bears. horseradishes are not actual horses.
the nazis privatized resources
the nazi war machine owed its existence to U.S. corporations
it ceases to have a collective aspect when minorities are targetted
targetting minorities is based on racism and the opposite of class consciousness
hitler straight up said they were not marxists
nazis were allied with fascist italy, which also privatized resources and mussolini gained power from the king. it was given to him by the king of italy
fascism is patently right wing
the nazis murdered socialists and put communists in concentration camps, and the brown shirts murdered socialists in the streets before the nazis.
hitler used the word socialism to try to gain popularity and get the support of leftists. the nazis were just controlled opposition
Kill yourself
>Rules are decided by everybody rather than by the state.
>Rules are decided by everybody
>Rules are decided
Sounds like everybody = THE STATE.
Jesus, I hope you are a troll because you are too fucking stupid to actually be alive and be serious.
Are you kidding? Hitler loved gays. That whole Nazi crew was a hotbed of fuckbois. Roehm was as queer as a $3 bill, and only got offed because he decided he wanted to be bull queer.
lol is that why monarchs have states then? because they're left wing?
you're a dumbass
economical communism is what killed all those people