Are normies actually thinking free speech is bad now, or is Zuckerberg just pushing an agenda and trying to make it look like everyone thinks free speech should be protested?
Get in here faggot. Let's argue.
Are normies actually thinking free speech is bad now, or is Zuckerberg just pushing an agenda and trying to make it look like everyone thinks free speech should be protested?
Get in here faggot. Let's argue.
2 options:
1 society has turned that fast
2 some gross Jew is pushing an agenda?
You should see the view from on the bandstand
You have free speech, but not freedom from the consequences of speech.
These niggers are all organized agitators.
These people aren't Americans.
>Are normies actually thinking free speech is bad now
Yeah what the fuck's up with this?
People have died and been killed for this shit in the past...Notably it's the darker demographic that seem in favour of curbing it more.
Can't wait till it backfires and they can't complain while being shoved into camps.
Don't forget Trump just got elected.
It's obviously Soros and his ilk.
1st amendment is going to be wedge issue like the second now.
dems have gone full blown commie, and are starting to saying some political speech needs to be illegal if its 'hateful'.
sad day. If faggots can't handle words, they are in the wrong fucking country
Jeeeeeesus fucking christ
honeypot for commies
are you saying i'm free to say what i want but i still get punched in the face if you don't like it? explain yourself.
Boston is THE most liberal city outside California and reeeeeeesistards got uppity after landwhale heather got BTFO from life.
Yes, (((they))) learned from china they that could censor the internet, so (((they))) hired Anita Sarkeesian to brainwash video game developers and shitpost on Sup Forums knowing Sup Forums is the home of free speech.
Fast forward 4 years and she's working with google and the UN to censor the internet.
they're paid protestors you imbecile.
how can someone not know this by now?
pay people money and they will do anything.
Except it's not normies exactly, it's lefties trying to silence anyone who tells normies about how they're full of shit. They're making normies hate them.
lol, but the point of free speech is to protect you from the consequences
speech: the king sucks
consequence: you get beheaded
speech: i hate niggers
consequence: you get chimped
Aren't these the same people that just a few years ago would justify anything they said with freedom of speech? Now they're against it when other people use that same excuse?
What kind of fucked timeline is this?
In America you have freedom of speech. You can stand in front of the White House and say: "Reagan Sucks."
In Soviet Russia, you also have freedom of speech. You can stand in front of the Kremlin and say: "Reagan Sucks."
no, it's to protect you from persecution from the government
The rest of the people can hate you back all they want
people aren't protesting free speech, they're protesting against fascism you morons. They can see through your shitty pr.
Where are the Boston bombers when you need them?
Sad day that the rednecks need to use the 1st to be racists and get all pissy when the rest of the civizled people call them assholes for it
no they are not. they are protesting against the right to say things they dont like.
>says people shouldn't have free speech
>calls other people "nazis"
Mein gott! Don't send me to a gulag!
You are absolutely daft.
no that's the purpose of the second amendment ;) free speech is its own concept. in a democracy persecution by the citizen body and the government are equivalent
nobody cares that fascists are hiding behind free speech. they aren't protesting the concept of free speech. They're protesting against fascism.
you would understand this if you took 2 seconds to pull your head out if your ass and try to understand what people outside your shitty group think.
>making use of free speech to protest that people shouldn't have the right of free speech
kill yourself retard
>The rest of the people can hate you back all they want
Sure they can, but this is not about hating you back, it's about banning opinions they don't like. Also
>le fascism
Then why are they there using free speach?
The first. The post-WWII style poz has infected America bad such that the left is openly pushing for European style hate speech laws.
there is nothing in the constitution that days you are allowed to say what you want and not get criticized for it you idiot
It is about limiting government so you can't get tossed in prison for saying something the government doesn't like
What other people think and how they express it to you is not blocked
Muh free speech! Free speech is obviously NOT what the white supremacists were marching for in Cville, but nice try.
There is no such thing as peaceful demonstration of fascism. The goal is an ethnostate. Organizing in the streets is an attempt to take a step toward achieving that end. Public displays of fascism are themselves violence. They will be countered with violence which is completely justified.
It's about not wanting Nazis in their community and protesting their shitty pathetic rally to show that.
no they aren't, from now on this shit is going to happen at every rally that anybody on the right dares to have, the left will show up and shut it down. they couldn't win an election so they'll just shut down rallys and ban us all from the internet
It makes me angry that someone can be such an unthinking drone
If I didn't know better than to be hopeful by now, I'd be wondering if they'd intended for guns to be illegal by now, but refused to slow their plans down
Supreme court says otherwise...the Nazis won their court case
>people having nazi rallies using their free speech
>Nazis get prissy when people with brains use their free speech to call them Nazis and racists
Cant have one bud
If you haven't noticed, normies are fucking stupid. They were since forever. Half of all people are below average intelligence, and the rest doesn't even reach 130. If the media was a stranger with candy they would climb in the van and ask where the candy is after they got raped. They are barely human. Like they are stuck on an emotional state and haven't reached self-awareness yet.
And I don't won't niggers in my community, how is that any different?
they can call them nazi and racist all they want, stopping them from assembling isn't okay
From a Canadian too
A few hundred retard larpers isnt gonna change anything. Lol the media really brainwashed people
>Even if they are not violent they are violent.
>This is enough to justify my violence.
I'm so glad I left the left years ago.
Take it from someone that was like you, hallucinations are not a proper replacement for a dialectical thought process.
so free speech is a cover for fascism?
tearing down historical statues and burning american flags is fighting fascism?
identity politics has made you completely retarded.
How is that fascism?
Horseshit, most Alt Righters are not facist, white supremicist etc... Charlottesville would have been peaceful if antifa and BLM wouldn't have showed up
Are they larpers or are they actually serious? Had a discussion with some guy and he basically wants exterminate nazis.
Free speach and anti hate are both important to reach a goal of equality. Believing in both is not contradicting, its necessary. You have a right to speak hate (it not being a crime) and i have a right to tell you you're wrong and stupid (you being wrong and stupid)
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking faggot cuck with your unintelligent parotted social justice talking point answer. Nobody is saying "our right to free speech is being impinged", we're saying that you're a faggot for not being capable of dealing with the CONCEPT THAT UNDERPINS THE LAW that the best ideas are arrived at through free debate, and how you demonstrate yourself to be INTELLECTUALLY UNCONFIDENT when you can't debate us and how this proves that YOU ARE A STUPID FAGGOT who just cried when someone disagrees with them and hides behind a veneer of detached irony and bourgeois looking down your nose as a defensive posture to not break your fragile little fucking faggot cuck ego of being on "le right side of history" instead of an insufferable whiny little faggot like the bourgeois have been for the past 200 fuclng years. You fucking weaklings just put on a smug sneer and hide behind these stupid disingenuous propaganda points that don't even address the issue at hand if you think for more than 15 seconds about them and feel like you're some kind of enlightened genius, fuck you, you a mental midget and I would be happy to deconstruct your entire worldview and demonstrate how it's all the result of a massive inferiority complex but, of course, realizing this, that's the one thing you must avoid at all costs, so instead we get posts like this and smug "haha I'm right you're wrong :^)" posturing, acting like you're some kind of fucking freedom fighter when you have EVERY major institution in society FANATICALLY behind you with the sole exceptions of Donald Trump and Sup Forums. There are not words for the dismay I experience in recognizing that I share my society with fucking idiots like you, so profoundly and comprehensively insecure that you let LITERAL COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA whip you into a worldview where up is down, men are women and violence is peace so long as it's against wrongthinkers. kys
I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the John Birch Society..
You're right though.
They are somehow serious, the german left could never handle the fact that Hitler rose to power and that their resistance was futile at best.
They are fighting a battle they already lost decades ago. Now that their is a new right, they finally have an real life enemy and all that frustration they built up since then will unload itself as violence.
Then how did she go from 421 replies and 129 images omitted. Click here to view, to turning the internet into a police state.
Occupy wall street, Kony2012 and the televised trail of George Zimmerman were just the pre game for the Ferguson rallies, George Soros then funded BLM which baited the alt right into existence just like gamergate.
Advocating for an ethnostate is not protected speech, gaylord.
Antifa don't care about free speech because constitution was made by straight white males who had slaves.
The Jews and corporations have bent them to their will. Their lesser minds don't know that they've been enslaved.
They are protesting against free thought. Against truth.
Saying that men and women are equal is false.
Women bear and beget children which is a non economic activity with profound economic impacts.
Therefore women need special protections and rights. (Which they do get and have)
However women also can exploit men via biological impulses and be evil cunts with false rape accusations or marital and divorce rape. 30% of men in non high confidence births are actually being cuckolded. Or getting knocked up to get child support. Etc. 50 cent sang a song about it for fucks sake. Getting her nails did on your child support money.
Therefore men need some special protections from women. (Sexism! Patriarchy! Hate speech!!)
What they want is for their speech to be free and yours to be silenced.
They are now oppressors.
This. Nothing is stopping you from screaming "kill all niggers" through a megaphone in public, but whatever happens next is on you
I had a neighbour who was a supporter of the Linke and honestly guy was a huge cunt. Would stand on the balcony at night and scream shit, while others had to work that day, walk around with huge knife for some reason, and pop shots with a faggy air pistol at my cat. At one point I had to pull out one of those little balls out of the cheek of one of those little fuckers. People who hurt animals like that are the scum of the earth. He would also rip off his shirt, skinny fuck, and act crazy every time there was a chance of a fight (to prevent it in a show of phony agression) or tell people he was about to get his gun. Pretty sure he took drugs too but that's a guess. I'm a lazy fucker myself but not like that. Sometimes I got along with him but he wasn't completely together.
Best post I've read in a long time.
Damn its like a triggered libtard lol but for real all I think about all this is yes I fully understand we have the god damn right to say whatever we want and gather that's a given I'm nit saying kill free speech hell no just dont get so triggered when the normal people are calling all of the rednecks Nazis and racists
Either we retract the right to vote for females or we lose civilization.
Hi would be interested in becoming a right-wing legendary figure leading our side in a bloddy war that will decide the future of mankind for the next hundred yeras?
no it's not. society will deem what it wants as socially acceptable and can police themselves accordingly, the government cannot do that. If you're mad that society is punishing you for holding socially unacceptable views then work to change the culture. But don't pretend you're having your rights trampled
Not the constitution you dirty little commie fuck.
The declaration of Human Rights, with capital letters you imbecile. The constitution pales in comparison with the document drawn to ensure that another World War never happens again.
Should the greatest country in the world breach ANY of the rights half the planet will declare war on you. Some out of actual care for the Declaration, other just so they can get a piece of you.
Russia would pounce on the opportunity to dismantle you with Tzar Bombas and they would be in their right to do so.
>but not freedom from the consequences of speech
You're not free from the consequences of attempting to inflict consequences on people for free speech.
Which, in your case, I hope is being shot dead.
Pls keep calling every redneck a racist nazi plsssss
When i studied history i always wondered how ancient empires had slave armies that didint revolt or fight back against their masters, i never understood how people could tolerate being being enslaved and made to fight against their own interests. This whole antifa thing really opened my eyes, these are lost souls, i don't understand how can they go on living without any sense of dignity or self-awareness. Brainwashing is one hell of a drug.
Hilarious that you dweebs really convinced yourselves you were winning.
There were 10,000 people marching against fascism in Boston, anti-fascists were repeatedly cheered by regular people. Mood is turning very quickly, and while a segment of the population has calcified around you, there has been an undeniable sea change.
All you fascists bound to lose.
>society is punishing you for holding socially unacceptable views
These days even saying there are only two genders is hate speech.
Man, you guys really are mentally challenged.
No one is protesting free speech. They are protesting what you're saying. You have a right to express your little opinion but it's not a right that people should like or respect it. Similarly they have a right to express their disgust of you.
"March against free speech rally"
Well they don't care about our freedoms because a bunch of them are illegal apparently
This. You are free to spew any hate you like, but don't act surprised when you are brutally punished for it.
Okay lol
What is restricted speech then? A ball-gag?
Sounds like he was a case for a really good therapist. The left voters I met were all students or "artists" that despised Germany and it's culture as a whole with "nazis" as the only reason (My favourite was one guy explaining me that making my bed in the morning was the first step to fascism).
This is only partially true.
If millions of North Americans and Europeans are raised and developed in our rotting culture and education system, then there is little to no room for debate.
Where in school where people able to freely discuss the pros and cons of right wing views?
Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking faggot cuck with your unintelligent parotted social justice talking point answer. Nobody is saying "our right to free speech is being impinged", we're saying that you're a faggot for not being capable of dealing with the CONCEPT THAT UNDERPINS THE LAW that the best ideas are arrived at through free debate, and how you demonstrate yourself to be INTELLECTUALLY UNCONFIDENT when you can't debate us and how this proves that YOU ARE A STUPID FAGGOT who just cried when someone disagrees with them and hides behind a veneer of detached irony and bourgeois looking down your nose as a defensive posture to not break your fragile little fucking faggot cuck ego of being on "le right side of history" instead of an insufferable whiny little faggot like the bourgeois have been for the past 200 fuclng years. You fucking weaklings just put on a smug sneer and hide behind these stupid disingenuous propaganda points that don't even address the issue at hand if you think for more than 15 seconds about them and feel like you're some kind of enlightened genius, fuck you, you a mental midget and I would be happy to deconstruct your entire worldview and demonstrate how it's all the result of a massive inferiority complex but, of course, realizing this, that's the one thing you must avoid at all costs, so instead we get posts like this and smug "haha I'm right you're wrong :^)" posturing, acting like you're some kind of fucking freedom fighter when you have EVERY major institution in society FANATICALLY behind you with the sole exceptions of Donald Trump and Sup Forums. There are not words for the dismay I experience in recognizing that I share my society with fucking idiots like you, so profoundly and comprehensively insecure that you let LITERAL COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA whip you into a worldview where up is down, men are women and violence is peace so long as it's against wrongthinkers. kys
you work as a sales rep at a dept store. you call a customer a fucking idiot. he leaves and vows to never come back according to people like you, not only should the dept store not fire you, but the customer is obligated to spend money at that very store because, after all, "i was exercising muh free speech! if you punish me you're infringing on muh rights!"
you have an idiotic,fundamental misunderstanding of what free speech is
Eh, I'm pretty sure the "punishment" is limited to laws and free speech. I assume, it's just a guess, you can just punch people in the fucking head every time they say something you don't like. Apparently you can't even refuse to do business with someone unless you're google or facebook.
I think the West is totally fucked. We're overrun by liberals who want a police state. What do we do?
>Brutally punish someone for spewing hate
>surprised when im hauled off to jail
being against a free speech rally means you're against free speech
being against a BLM rally means you think black lives don't matter
this shit gets me paranoid because boston is pretty close to me and i live in a blue state which sucks because if they chimp out here ill have to get involved
thread here
Look at this triggered weenie.
In my experience leftists can be really nice as long as you agree with them, as soon as you disagree a little it's countdown till meltdown.
kill yourself shill rat
We are absolutely fucked as a country. The free speech people got fucking overwhelmed by the commieshits that showed up. Wtf.
Ordinary people are for free speech. That's why the left keeps on losing. I'm not sure what reaction to the rally you are looking at but on FOX for example, the narrative seems to be revolving around counter-protestors being the bad guys.
You can't say this is typical FOX, because last week during Charlottesville they were all Nazi,Nazi, Nazi. Something changed this week in the normie narrative. It was probably the term Alt-left and MSM starting to mention Antifa by name as well as statues coming down which pisses people off. These lefties are hopelessly spirialling into political oblivion.
NPR called it a "so-called free speech rally." So they're trying to make sure normies know it's not REALLY free speech it's terrorism by racist nazis (i.e. white people).
The entire media is criminal. Absolutely criminal.
Your side wouldn't know civilized if it came up and bit your nuts if you had any in the first place. You jackasses are the ones acting like barbaric uncivilized animals right now. Quite frankly, you all should be shot, if not just for the sake of preserving the union.