You nerds should be ashamed of yourselves. You're larping as little detectives has ruined this man's life.
Here is his statement.
You nerds should be ashamed of yourselves. You're larping as little detectives has ruined this man's life.
Here is his statement.
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Fuck that faggot lmao
>You're larping as little detectives has ruined this man's life.
Fucking awesome. Also incorrect, this man ruined his own life by being a violent psychopath.
>be communist
>see yourself as multicultural philanthropist
>become criminal
>go to jail
>get cultural enriched by a Tyrone under the shower
>tfw when you may have helped in some small way to put a dangerous communist agitator behind bars
What a fucking fool.
I'm sure he will continue to deny everything even after he is convicted based on photographic evidence and more.
Deluded self-righteous scum of the worst kind.
>ruined this man's life.
Yeah I'm crying here...
You will die in prison.
Eric Clanton isn't a victim. He smashed someone (who was diffusing a brawl) over the head with a bikelock and split his head open. That's assault with a deadly weapon.
If you dont like black Cock,
put down that Bike lock
I pray that someone shaves off that commie mustache with a rusted razor blade.
He has a large iron front tattoo on his chest.
Hope he's getting it removed soon, otherwise hes FUCKED.
Literally, Jamal and his buddies are gonna wreck his anus.
He looks so much like a ferret, trans ferret maybe? Eric the bike lock ferret.
The law is on our side so doesn't matter what his nonbinary buttbuddies at the hippie co op think.
Did he actually say in the statement that he was innocent?!
These people are insane. In their minds opinion and feelings trump facts.
my response was pretty much "oh, yeah? Um, like, don't hit people with bike locks then. Ok."
he has a nice long chin and a patch of beard, makes a good resting place for Jaquantarius' and Demerittwan's ball sak
Thank you for giving me a new fetish, Sup Forums.
God, I love justice.
Boo hoo all he wanted was to crack someones skull with a bike lock the poor man
>RIP Comrade
We will get you too shill.
You know you're right. he is a victim of making poor life choices.
Why would you keep incriminating evidence of a felony crime you committed?
Stop, stop, I can only get so erect
Even Antifa turned their back on him lmao
Maybe Nazis should stop being limp-wristed little snowflakes and learn to take a punch.
When you act like a faggot, the faggotry will get knocked out of you. The whiny little babies need to accept it instead of crying about it.
Dear Mr Clanton,
I read your statement and note the following issues:
Firstly, you do not address the substance of the allegations against you. You assert that allegations are being made and make further assertions about the grounds of those allegations but do not address the allegations themselves - what specifically is being alleged, who is alleging it, and the evidence (if any) supporting the allegations. You refer to unverified YouTube videos but do not provide them. You do not mention if you've made any admissions or given any statements that could be used as evidence. There is no mention of any potential witnesses. In short, you leave us with no option but to take your word for the character of the allegations levelled. Ironically, this is not the conduct of a man whose word can be taken.
Secondly, your hyperbole serves no purpose. It's fun to characterise police operations as jackbooted and heavy-handed but describing confiscating items to hold as evidence as stealing requires more justification than you have given and to allege that you were held at gunpoint in a manner that was improper leaves me wondering why you have not referred those involved to the proper authorities so that your allegations can be investigated. Police misuse of force is a crime and you should report it, but you have not - either you are not reporting it, and I cannot understand why you would do that - or it did not happen.
Lastly, I do not think that implying there is only a small and hateful clique out to get you is true. Surely the entire community has an interest in seeing justice be done - you included - and where there are allegations of criminality made I am sure the entire community is interested in seeing them investigated and the criminal be received as deserved, the existence of this small and hateful clique notwithstanding.
In short, your statement has failed to convince me that you are a person worthy of my concern.
Better luck next time.
For fucks sake you sound like a fag.
>detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.”
He's about to be a victim. Of prison rape.
Funny how a single, very brief moment of impulsive action can ruin the rest of your life. God I love karma.
>Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
Its so much memed
That was made as a false flag, though. It's so fake that it makes me cringe to be associated with it, even indirectly.
He himself decided to ruin his own life, when he attacked innocent dude on his knees with a bikelock.
If their track record of freeing Mumia is any indication, it looks like ol' Eric's going to be behind bars for a very long time.
it would be better if he done it in texas. Hed REALLLYYY be in trouble. Holy shit they would dick u down HARD.
Stop acting like a kike.
Go lock your bike!
I am sorry, but I do not understand what you mean
The funny part is that on twatter every antifa group is discrediting him as a fbi collaborator. Nice to see antifas just shit on anyone that is got on tape doing crimes
I hope he continues to get ruined, preferably rectally by either Jamal or the Aryan Brotherhood.
Show of hands: how many of you would actually steal this ferret's "zines"
I hope he commits suicide
bwhahahah, these nogs are so nigs that they have no idea what kind of shit they are stirring.
KKK and such org stay as permanent mole on the body while ANTIFA/SJW/Libtards comes and goes like herpies :D
lol, this post conveniently ignores the part where he hit a dude with a bike lock
>You nerds
That ugly faggot is the autistic nerd, though.
That "dude" was a white male
They're going to fuck the commie out of him.
what is that pic