How do we fix America's glaring numale problem?
How do we fix America's glaring numale problem?
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Implement Shariah Law. It will bring political stability and eliminate degeneracy.
test inside water
I'm going to get some black rimmed glasses and grow facial hair just to trigger you alt right cunts.
>fucking your cousin and children will bring political stability and eliminate degeneracy
Nice try Pajeet.
that dude is nearly 50 years old
mandatory military service
This was scripted.
>I define myself by what my enemies hate
Pretty sad, tbqhwy.
This. Scripted to make Alex look like a victim. People don't act like this in any format.
has the mocha lover been identified yet?
There's only one way to deal with goblins.
Fucking stupid idea, try it again with a more fervent branch of Christianity, practicing Catholics, Evangelical Protestants, or Orthodox - they all have lots of kids and don't tend to spontaneously combust.
Genocide, obv.
the draft.
All of us are part of the numale problem. Males on the left and the right all have the same characteristics: bad posture, pale skin, out of shape, dull eyes. I think this has to do with milennials being raised on so much candy and junk food from the 90s. Staring into computer screens for hours a day also probably contributes to our ghoulish features.
What we need to do is become more healthy. Exercise, a healthy diet, and more outside exposure.
Civil War and Scarface Montages.
I take it you don't live in a libshit city? Shit like this is common in places like Seattle/San Francisco/Hollywood. This is probably staged, but this does happen
All they're doing us fighting for an equal world for women. The more feminisrd males the better.
We need to reduce chads and alphas. They just make the world unequal for women
Mandatory military service.
>no one sees the massive undercurrent of chads armed to teeth biding their time to tsunami everyone and not in the full spotlight of our media
Clean your lives up, train with a hand gun atleast and help your fellow man when you can. For the day will come when all of those things will play immeasurably in your favor.
We need a Pinochet.
thats not a male. its a goblin
>Wanting a Jew lover
>It is possible to say with a high degree of certainty that despite the prominent presence of Jews in Allende’s government, an important number of Jews welcomed Pinochet. Moreover, when Allende was elected president in 1970, 8,000 of Chilean’s 30,000 Jews fled the country, mostly to Israel, fearful of losing their property and assets to the socialist regime. Furthermore, when Pinochet took over three years later, many of those who had fled returned to Chile; however, other Jews fled the country.
Unlike its Argentinean counterpart, the Chilean authoritarian regime had repudiated anti-Semitism from the outset. Pinochet himself flirted with the Jewish community. He made a habit of touring synagogues during Yom Kippur services and appointed some Jews to high government posts. One of them, Sergio Melnick, was an Orthodox Jew who served as a key figure on Pinochet’s economic team.
mandatory military service
A draft followed by war with China.