Why does every white country like boobs better? There isn't any country that's white that doesn't prefer boobs.
Why does every white country like boobs better? There isn't any country that's white that doesn't prefer boobs
liking butts is animalistic behaviour. real humans like looking at their girl’s tiddies and face while fucking her
Because bunda and tetas work best together.
>he's a low T beta male who likes little asians with no ass
Take the ass pill and be a man
Niggers: ass
Whites: tits
pureblooded sons of Hyperborea: legs
Butts are better desu
Iceland is red
don't french not distinguish the ass so much from the the thighs/legs?
>Argentina Blue
>USA Red
Argies confirmed whiter than Americans
I'm white and prefer well-proportioned white girl butts. They're superior
Bar Iceland
That's probably due to Otoni tho lmao
>I'm white
You keep telling yourself that
Tits can grow during/after pregnancy, butts can't...that’s why butts are superior
>being this insecure
just take the buttpill already?
Boobs with ass is bliss. Ass with no boobs is pointless
>literally passable for a 12 year old boy
Fucking gas yourself you pedophile degenerate
>I'm white guys I swear
Lactose tolerance into adulthood.
>what are squats
>falling for the thicc meme
Dirty shit ass for dirty shits
butts have no nipple
Liking ass = Literally nigger
Breast are better and I don't even like women
>this is how OP justifies not being able to analyse a basic map
I like pussy more than both
Faggot, you have no say in what is hot about women and what is not.
Have you ever seen niggers?
They like horribly big buts, same applies for dark mexicans.
"Muh dick mah big bubble butt"
That's why
What the fuck
Fpbp, tits are a biological development of people being able to stand up on two legs . All this does is tell me how undeveloped shitskins of all colors are
Who /face/ here?
>i don't like women
he is a FAGGOT its fucking well elaborated
it's because boobs are for virgin manchildren
ass is relevant during sex.
boobs are only relevant when you're only watching.
thread here
all irrelevant if the vagina looks like shit
me, also you have shit taste.
I'm not gay tho
I like little girls but I like tits as well. Not women, just their tits.
Kinda weird but that's life.
not gonna lie, love me some big tits
So you like big titty 13-17 yos like every man worth a shit ever?
Maybe Iceland is so antidegenerate that the only people looking at porn there are minorities.
>Have you ever seen niggers?
They like horribly big buts, same applies for dark mexicans.
Once again faggot, you have no say.
And kek, you're implying whites who like butts actually care about niggers just because they have large butts. It doesn't matter what niggers say to us, we'll still find them gross.
>I'm not gay tho
>I like little girls but I like tits as well. Not women, just their tits.
Makes sense, also Iceland is a feminist country, maybe white women don't allow white men to watch porn
>you're implying whites who like butts actually care about niggers just because they have large butts
I literally never implied it, and I can't see how you got to this conclusion
Is this a projection or some shit?
No, I'm saying everyone who likes buts is incurring in nigger behaviour. My proof? See OP's map and social media.
No cuz that's 2old tbqhfam
>implying you wouldn't
also thx for giving the world pic related
overrated af
>Liking ass = Literally nigger
This is where you implied it, nigger.
>caring about niggers just because they have large butts
You thought I was saying whites are interested in nigger females because they have big but.
And I didn't say that
A women with a nice plump ass and small tits looks better then a women with big plump tittles and absolutely no ass
Big tites and no ass looks fucking wierd
>ooga booga bix nood
Noone cares
>Noone cares
But (you)
Boobs are always more sanitary than butts. One produces milk, one produces farts. Boobs are safe and comfy, while butts are vulnerable to toilet splashback, swampiness. I'll stick with comfy fertile breasts, thanks.
After the leafs finish killing themselves we will carry the continent on our backs as the last white american country.
bathing exists
Don't fret, if you look into it you'll find out the map doesn't have sources for South America.
Stay white brother.
You're all little babies. arches > ankles > rest > ass
There is a theory that says that women have big boobs because back when the first humans started to walk on their feet the man couldn't see the ass of the female as well as before, so the tits had to grow up in size, which means that if you prefer ass you are basically less evolved that the people who like boobs.
your image proves it, just look at the usa
r/K selection theory. If you like ass over tits you're a lower species.
>And yet Southern "Europeans" deny they're niggers
People who are sex oriented focus on ass because it's where the pussy/asshole are located. Men who are more focused on commitment look at things like boobs because it feeds babies.
Honestly it's pretty easy to figure out. All the guys I know who like boobs more than ass have girlfriends.
Flat is justice.
So how did the Argentinians manage to lose the Falklands in their own backyard, anyway?
Fuck off with your Prison School shit you weeb faggot
because Corbyn was born too late.
PornHub, the porn site which restricted content on women's day to make a statement about women's rights. Woo Fucking Lord
I like asses more, you can do more with them. Tits are still hot but i've always loved a soft jiggly ass.
>muh preferance means im whiter than u!!
But you're an American mutt...
>During the 1982 Falklands War, in a meeting of Haringey Council, he opposed a motion offering support to British troops sent to retake the islands, instead declaring the war to be a "Tory plot" and submitted an alternative motion that condemned the war as a "nauseating waste of lives and money".[262] Corbyn has said that he would like to achieve “some reasonable accommodation” with Argentina over the Falkland Islands dispute, with a "degree of joint administration" between the UK and Argentina over the islands.
I can't believe the levels of cuckoldry that exist in the UK.
Our ships were 2 gens obsolete, 3/4 of the shells and bombs didn't explode. We still kept more or less equal casualties on the Brits. It was by no means an overrun nor an easy war. Add the fact the Chileans allowed British ships to dock and resupply and the only advantage we had was lost.
>american-lite calling us mutts
ayy northkorea visits the hub
Blond hair blue eyes have only North Europa since always
The word Europa comes from South Europa, use your own words.
Then I'm a manlet pureblooded son of Hyperborea. It's legs for me, then ass.
Tits are for the babies. My operating zone is below the belt.
i dont like boobs or butts i am the master race not controlled by women body parts
ill never get a gf in my life so why would i be picky
cant afford it
I can't believe there are Sup Forumscucks actually attracted to these Korean Kopypaste Kunts. Pure plastic surgery, 0 beauty
Man, what's taking the fucking *BRAP* posters so long? There's usually, like, four BRAP posts AND the fart fetish copypasta in a thread like this by now.
Tits are for kids. Asses are for latent faggots. Nobody likes vaginas I guess
So, liking small tits counts for Butts or Boobs?
They look like infected gashes.
your leader is a Substitute Drama Teacher
any fat whale can have great tits
on the other hand a great ass is part of having a great body, being slim and going to the gym, plus having great genetics
They are not aesthetically pleasing, nor they need to. You don't like a woman for their vagina look.
the hippill is the the only way
Iceland, explain yourself
nah its for niggers dude
we hate big butts
most white women and asian women have flat chest and small butt
meanwhile black and hispanic have big assets
really makes you think doesnt it
its not natural for a white male to like curves
Yep. You are a real man. You know your spirituality. You have balls and dont care what the kikes brainwashed you to think with their descending of Satan and fucking his sloppy seconds
How does your dick get hard to something you acknowledge is unaesthetic?
You don't want a catgirl with big tits?
are you a fucking nigger?
Come on fellow Americans, tits are obviously superior
Because butts stink. Shitskins don't mind stink, if you've ever smelled one you'd know.
The rest of the body? The vagina is just the "door". You don't buy a house for the door.
They do? They are two sphincters that close on themselves. Pussies stink. Are they sphincters? No