Boston is a setup by the Right

So the right has a rally in Charlottesville, a fairly conservative area which gets raided by antifa and BLM. Such strong violence made by a good sized crowd of anti-protesters.

Now today in Boston we have a Right rally in a liberal stronghold. Very few Trump supporters. We have 10s of thousands of anti Trump antifa and BLM protesters.

The whole plan was to lure liberals in their own home territory to spark violence which would allow Trump to condemn antifa and BLM as terrorist groups. There are barely any Trump supporters there so obviously they're not the ones inciting the violence.

This whole Boston rally was a setup for liberals to over react and show who they really are. We can only benefit from this.

Other urls found in this thread:

onlt if they riot. if your in boston start looting in antifa brigalia

Everybody get in here

You need to send some agitators dressed as antifa in to get a riot started.

no one except power-hungry politicians benefit from this

enjoy your civil war, americans

Just burn.

Everything burn

This is bad optics if found out.

What we need to do is get peaceful protestors down there to shout insults at Antifa like

"Communism has never worked you fucking mental patients, god damn grow out of middle school already"

Egg them on with non-violence. They ave fragile egos, shouldn't be THAT hard to do.

This. Classic Soros move.

Nothing will happen because the mayor isn't a retard and BPD aren't clownshoes.


It would be hilarious if the right wing protesters were all left wing agitators and the left wing protesters were all right wing agitators.

Wasn't there a KKK rally where every man was FBI investigating other FBI?

all neo-nazi, skinhead, and KKK groups are owned by feds and have been for 30 years. All white hate groups were taken down hard in the 80s (by republican government what a shocker to absolutely no one here).

I have some hope that with Trump in they'll do the same to left terror groups like BLM and antifa but I don't think it can happen, commie scum have infiltrated everything.

It's Boston, not as many noggs as there is south of the mason-Dixon. Not gonna happen. Best you can hope for is a statue and some spray paint

Why aren't at least 3 of you fags from Boston dressing up in ICP makeup and fucking with ANTIFA? Go set the tone for DC, fags.

>why aren't you risking your career and life to lulz

It really wasn't. Some sperg from this board organized it all.

Dressing up in makeup and spraying antifa with a few 2 liters: career suicide? Ok.



thread here

Absolutely NO false agitators. Fuck the shit. DELETE THIS POST


A coworker of mine has told me he's ready to start bombing and shooting Trump supporters. He hates me for voting for Jill Stein even though MA went to Clinton.

If my face is at one of these rallies I'm literally going to die.


report him for violence. its all a soros funded psyop. he can't help himself.

You don't even have to be violent. Just act frustrated and behave like everyone not part of you is disgusting. If you look into videos of Antifa's violence, one or two of them go talk to someone or look at something, and once the others see that their brethrens have found an enemy, they attack.

We need masked aggitators
We need people with bullhorns chanting allah akbar to see if we can make crowds do group think and submit to islam

The group think intel you could glean off of these idiots is timeless.

Boston is ripe for a false flag.
Government needs to get with it.

>report him for violence.
lol sure

You say that until a sperglord shows up with daddy's car to crash your LARP shows.


>it's your fault you left us alone here to destroy ourselves
So they admit they are braindead children.

That's like saying Chevy is to blame when cars crash in NASCAR.

Important to play up the numbers
Ree out at any twitter fag saying theres thousands of right wingers there
Its just a leftist shit show there100-1 antifa/right wing

Real right wing doesnt waste their saturdays agitating / disturbing the peace

You are fucking crazy dude

Shut up idiot, don't tell everyone.


I don't know if it was intentional but it worked pretty well. You guys should do that more often in the future.

I wanted to make this when I got home from work. guys totes got punked. All of your leaders on the internet literally crying likes bitches and taking their symbols off. Your speakers are canceling. What a bunch of little bitches. hurr...durrr, it was a trap. No you're little bitches.

I can't wait to see how much your number drop this year, alone.


demn boi thats like a modern day war tactic

>make crowds do group think and submit to islam

then what? all youve done then is make more cucks and and allow more terrorisim' how is that a win?

>power-hungry politicians

when civil war legitimately begins, they will be among the first ones dead. The only way for them to 'win' is to flee the country.

Its only a matter of time before antifa gets violent again. They already have today and yelling at the cops for no real reason. The left will always show their asses.




>enjoy your civil war, americans

we will

Nothing even happened in Boston


i will benefit from this, it's very entertaining

What happened is my antifa brothers shut down you nazi's

>actually believing you're going to gain something from this rally
Get a grip, user

Whoa Pepe have you been working out? XD

This should have been used as an opportunity to get leftist to tear down statues and burn cars.

Harassment my boyfriend and I faced while leaving the rally. People followed us for blocks, and we were recieving threats.

Good stuff starts at about 2:00

good you nazi

if antifa and blm don't chimp out then it won't have any effect

Have some rare, on me.

may the chaos smite em

Get in here!!!

So, Antifa rallies are advertised as right rallies? lol

You lost, retard. The whole country thinks you're pathetic.

Tbh I hope the next rally happens in Iowa. Test out the new Stand Your Ground law

Works great in Florida, thanks Zimmerman!

Aesthetic flag with aesthetic film. Me likes.


Boston was planned long before Cville, newfriend.

>This is bad optics if found out.
you can't find anything out these days, everything is fake news, just dress like mickey mouse with an antifa shirt and a giant dildo coming out of your pants and make a video of you smacking some toddler in the face with the dildo

Sup buzzfeed

It doesnt even matter
All the security is costing the city of Boston precious shekels

Yeah das right when you lefties are all rioting we get to burglarize your homes and take our reparations.
rightie stays at home and will cap us if we try his

In theory you shouldn't need that. Example: Berkeley

Car gets rear-ended. IT WAS ANTIFA WHO WRECKED IT!

The left hasn't done anything in Boston so this is backfiring, HARD

69.1% White
19.4% Black or African American
6.4% Asian
3.0% Biracial
1.8% from other races
0.3% Native America

62.1% White
24.7% Black or African American
9.1% Asian
3.1% Biracial
0.8% Native American

What's it like being objectively wrong?

It was a giant leftist circle jerk. Leaving now and it was just a bunch of scattered BLM and Socialists with megaphones chanting slogans. Big LARP.

>fairly conservative area

why don't you compare the metro areas instead

Under I believe the Patriot act that is a terroristic threat you dipshit, report unless you've sat on it for too long.

Doesn't feel like a good LARP without Nazi regalia tbqh

t. antifa

Th red van was hit with baseball bats on the side, not rear-ended.

>Asking someone else to do the research for your counterargument

they don't need to riot.
we now have thousands of hours of footage of masses in the US protesting free speech.

You're retarded. Watch the video.

one of the protesters just unironically "said you cant shut me down, this isn't nazi germany!"

You're goddamn right.

This is what Soros and antifa do. But if someone else does it, the media would actually investigate that.

>a Right rally

Oh you mean this?

Bullshit. No rallys. We need to fight before the left takes over. Time of peace is already over.

George Soros- a genuine AshkeNAZI Khazarian Jew. Ironic???

Reminder: The only people pushing for civil war on this board are either globalist shills, kikes or indoctrinated retards who are unaware they are pushing a globalist kike agenda. Civil war and unrest in America is the wet dream of groups like ADL, AIPAC, The Hasbara, JIDF, Israel, Soros’ Open Society or some other filthy and dirty zionist organization that pays dumb niggers to shill here.

They are pushing for step 3 Crisis.

1. Demoralization
2. Destabilization
3. Crisis
4. Normalization

"Redpilled" people screaming for RACE WAR NOW are just as dumb as socialistic liberal retards. Without Law & Order we would be crumbling into a war torn shit hole and vulnerable to regime shifts. If we actually had a civil war we could be attacked by foreign countries, we could lose many of our rights, and many people could die pointless deaths.

Nobody wants a civil war but people who seek to destroy America. Deescalation and diplomacy are what you should be supporting. The far left is pushing to shut down diplomacy, escalate the situation and create a conflict. A conflict without discussion and diplomacy will only lead to violence.

BLM, Antifa, BAMN, Charlottesville psyop, etc... are attempts at inciting a crisis. So far tension is building and people are becoming more and more radical and unreasonable. These are funded organized movements with the goal of growing into something that takes on a life of it's own.

Fight TPTB, not each other like a bunch of niggers.

>this suave ass poo n loo was married to Fran Dresher

>> admitting youre wrong

First for leftist daiper shitting faggots on pol

Fox News unironically reported there were 15,000 counter protesters and 50 "right-wing" protesters. Those were literally the numbers

The left got punked today. Millions of public and government funds went into 10,000 people protesting 40-60 free speech rally goers and the media can't seem to get to say what their real beliefs are behing their rallying for free speech. 10,000 commies bashed the imaginary Fasc today. God win today lefties.

is there any hope at all for happenings?

its getting boring......

I bet this keeps happening too. The left will continue bankrupting themselves traveling to counter protest tiny free speech rallys.

This reeks of desperation lmao

You lost, cuck. No one really believes otherwise
