How do we solve the pirate problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
>solve the problem
>Spanish economy collapses
stay mad filthy pirate, the revenge is coming
With Frankish dragons.
Stop the filthy imperialists from issuing letters of marque.
We have nukes, you don't.
Gibraltar is British, fuck off.
I thought this thread was about the piratebay, can't access it at all, they got every fucking proxy
We have God on our side, you will lose, and justice would be made
you said the same about the armada
You may have God but we have the house of Rothschild, unlucky mate.
We have Blas de Lezo
You need us,and you know it.
My sides.
No more Brother-wars.
That's a nice silver fleet you have there. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it
a final solution is already underway, just wait for the "new-english" (pakis and niggers) to multiply a bit more and they'll permanently take care of the beady problem
Kek, I've missed you Spaniards. Same goes for the French.
The world went shit as soon as we stopped fighting each other.
Based Dutch
How will you prevent you're race becoming full black with us pure bloods?
we are rude cunts and they never want to stay here
Lose, as usual.
It's hilarious how the scum of Britain managed to cuck your Empire
If it's not Trump on Sup Forums,it's you manlit putin.
you gotta teach us some tricks mate
You don't need any help there Adolf.
God ain't gonna do shit against nukes.
We expand Gibraltar into Andalucía, you fucking Moor. Then take the rest of Iberia with our Portugeuese mates.
You dirty Arab, we could crush you.
We ally with the Catalans and sort you filthy shitskin userpers out.
>La Línea de la Concepción
More like "La Línea de la WRECKAGE".
How's it going Sinbad,crew member signing in.
And what about the counter-armada brtibong, oh wait you guys dont like to talk about that one
The fucking deck needs scrubbing and the 1st mate has scurvey, you damned cur.
i wanted to get sonic for my nephew