Damn... I guess the left CAN meme!
Damn... I guess the left CAN meme!
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes we can, faggot
Sad as fuck
Autism confirmed
Gay and fake
End thyself
They can't. That's just a (bad) smuggie.
Whay are you afraid of, big man?
Masaka! It can be condensed into one panel. So this is your true form.
You are literally advocating an ideology of genocide and suffering of millions. This site gives you a freedom to do so, but when we call you out on it, you call us shills.
This will not be a nazi board anymore. It's our home now.
All they do is literally ripoff Sup Forums memes and flip them.
You don't have the numbers gayboi
>This site gives you a freedom to do so, but when we call you out on it, you call us shills.
And? Are you going somewhere with this, memeflag?
>yes we can
>provides no evidence
>ideology of genocide and suffering of millions.
>pretty crazy stuff
>what's common sense on the Balkans is crazy in the US
thread here
Damn. I guess I'm a redditor now.
No it can't, never has never will
They aren't wrong
>you are literally blah blah blah
shut up.
>This will not be a nazi board anymore.
It never was a nazi board. Lurk more.
what a retarded snake lmao
the fact that they always feature a dildo means that they can't meme
Not with bantz like that, "comrade"
>Sup Forums is simply put,
A marketplace of ideas
>which is why you will never last
>Your IDEAS simply don't hold up under scrutiny
>Your threads get clowned
>you leave
Good luck tho,if you bait & troll the 12 YO newfags long enough you'll probably be able to get a screenshot for your fagbook
>Sup Forums is going crazy over my dank maymays
Never change,simpleton.
Communism doesn't preach murder. The problems of the 20th century would have happened regardless of who was in charge.
kys reddit.
Why are Sup Forumss legs so hairy? Is that a thing?
Again with the stawmanning...
Nope, still boring and trying too hard.
>genocide and suffering of millions
This will never be fagtifa home, don't really like prolapsed anus like you faggots
XDDD that masssive underbite fcking cucks
So you're saying communism was always the problem and the people implementing it didn't matter because it's just so fundamentally fucked?
Oh okay. So I guess if we said we loved everyone and started killing them then that would be okay?
Dat's right. Dose people were just gonna murder demselves! No harm in speedin it up a little bit, ey Burgstein?
>Thinking the left would ever say "just wanted to say I disagree" and leave it like that
Why are their sad attempts at memes always such B^U tier word salads? Don't they know brevity is the soul of wit?
It doesn't matter what it "preaches" cuck. What matters is what happens when communism is implemented, and guess what? Time and time again, it's the death of millions. Get your head out of your ass.
why is the name blanked out. what is this shit? why when one of you fags link a pleddit post its always got the name blanked out. the fuck is that gay shit. its annoying. why are you doing this you fucking retard.
>literally proving the comic is correct
>the left can meme
>using their own terminology only they use to strawman their opposition
nobody on the right unironically says safespace. ever.
I feel like I've heard this over the years many times from leftards, have fun trying lol
Guess how I know you're not from around here you stupid faggot? At least lurk enough to learn how Sup Forums names images before you try to slip your faggot self in. You subhuman shit
Im not a nazi im not even white asshole.
>Communism doesn't preach murder. The problems of the 20th century would have happened regardless of who was in charge.
But only the Communist problems amirite?
Guess all those Indian statues and monuments better go down too while we're at it. FFS.
That is clearly Justin Trudeau in a hijab.
>dildo and speech impediments
Not really funny on their own and are better used when linked to the origin of the meme. Also why do they think anybody cares what their political opinion is?
Not an accurate assessment. The ideologies that convene on Sup Forums are much more diverse than that.
Why are lib memes always so intellectually dishonest?
Doesn't apply to 8pol though. That place is a safespace hugbox for literal Nazis.
The dildo is funny because it's purple.
It's natural selection. /pol against welfare and socialism. But women and niggers need it for surviving and growth, so /pol became enemy for them
you being a nigger gets you banned from 8pol. no wonder fullpol is so much better than this 56% shit heap
A Trump supporter intimidated by 25 words?
Color me shocked!
>Safe space
why do they not understand that the fact that they can post here and are entirely free to do so makes it not a safe space
Communism > fascism because we killed more people, but it's okay because none were Jewish.
Wow /pol fucking destroyed
How will pol ever recover
Faggot. Gas the kikes race war now. Ship all the niggers back to Africa. Women's suffrage was a mistake. Post gore and red pills to remove commie faggot.
Question is why hasn't trump declared them domestic terrorists..? What's he waiting for ? It should be hunting red season by now!
Said Jamal after he robbed a convenience store clerk.
Sup Forums is full of people claiming to be red pilled
Is that code word for cocksuckers?
>no wonder fullpol is so much better than this 56% shit heap
Isn't 8pol a subhuman shitskin gathering for communist shills who raid Spencer threads?
>dildo in pic
See, you can try to meme a false idea until it becomes true, but at the end of the day, who's actually ramming a dragon dildo up the ass and fantasizing about a brutal gang rape is still the lefty redditor.
Or, worse yet, dressing as a woman and going to a protest to appease a washed up feminist. At least with the fag gangrape he has a shred of agency left.
There's nothing funny about autism walltext. Do you faggots not understand jokes or something? Nothing about OP is funny.
It's impossible for you dipshits to make a joke without getting pissed off lmao.
Yeah, so what
Do we play too rough? You going to cry to mommy next
Lets see what she says when tell her you got socked for being a neo-nazi
>i actually have a different political opinion you might be itneres-
Nice bullshit, they actally are more like
It's actually a nobel prize winning bitch.
How can one person be this stupid?
National Socialism does not equal genocide
>not an argument in a libcuck meme
Still not a argument
> "our board"
That's how we became Nazis to begin with. We came to see what the fuss was about, got our asses redpilled and converted to right-wing extreamism.
sure thing gay boy
>be leaf
>think public statues dedicated to generals who lead thousands of men to death and glory
>muh wall of participation ribons
>missing out anime nazism
Well if those Jews didn't provoke the Germans, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened. It was inevitable, national socialism is an ideology of peace
>not a shitpost
>checks flag
>doesn't check out
>mfw I actually like a leaf post
1.Couldn't read it without zoning out.
2.Forced memes are crap.
3.Those style of memes started with us, copying us is lame.
Glad God didn't make me a leftie.
Same, was a berniebro who would've voted Hill if i never discovered Sup Forums. Now I just want il Duce to return.
>our home
What a socialist you are.
I guess they cannot. Trying to apply the concept of "safe space" to anything not leftwing easily disqualifies the meme; It's both intellectually dishonest and cringeworthy.
Reddit is a strongly left-leaning safe space, because dissenting opinions are [muted] through different methods of censorship. The result is an echo chamber (or safe space) for people who happen to stand on the supported ideological or political side.
The MSM are - at large - one giant left-leaning safe space as well, since leftwing-opinions are crammed down your throat the moment you switch on the TV. Same goes for online news sites and (offline) newspapers - the vast majority devout themselves to sugarcoating whatever the left does while harshly attacking whatever they see as "right wing".
But Sup Forums does most certainly not qualify as a safe space - there is no censoring of political opinions here. "muh evil Sup Forumsacks" have to - and likely will - read things they dislike every day, both because of the influence of the west's very left-leaning media and society as well as your average leftwingers posting dumb shit 24/7 - and yet you don't see calls for political censorship here as you see and saw them on other boards that are now politically correct shitholes. The "worst" thing happening is users verbally assaulting each other, which is not even remotely comparable to the enforced political censorship on other boards. You fleeing the board because of some mean words written in capslock does neither mean that your "attacker" wants a safe space, nor that Sup Forums advocates censorship. It means you are just another leftist snowflake.
Confederate soldiers are by law American Veterans who are eligible for VA services.
Its like you don't have any knowledge whatsoever.
why were most of the bolsheviks Jews?
What's the IQ cut off for understanding and creating memes? The left seem borderline retarded now. If you ask them a simple question like "Do you feel that being violent over political opinions is okay?" They just start yelling "Drumpf!"
>ideology of genocide and suffering of millions
Afraid? Only muslims are afraid of pictures. I just don't want to craplike the OP and pic related, it's cringe:
This. I used to be a Bernie bro. And I came here with all my happy 'progressive' liberal ideas because all the Hillary Shills were shutting down proper discussion everywhere else. Oversocialization can only survive so much freedom though. I still hold on to some of those ideas. But I've accepted ideas like race realism and nationalism. The Nazis will probably hate me since I'm a civic nationalist but I don't oppose the creation of homogeneous ethnic communities so long as long as ALL ethnicities (including whites) are allowed to do the same.
The rule of law should apply equally to everybody or nobody. Because that's exactly how the Hillary faggots were shutting down discussion everywhere else. (selectively enforcing "polite speech" rules).
Before Sup Forums I was the kind of faggot who would defend literal cuckoldry and deny the existence of the regressive left.
But welcome to Sup Forums. Don't censor yourself here. I didn't defend literal cuckoldry because I liked it. I defended it because I was deprived of the language to do anything else. Censorship is the most pernicious form of oppression. You'll soon find that screaming at us about being nazis has no effect. We will just LARP as nazis for your amusement, and LARP harder every time you say Nazi.
>It's our home now.
Welcome home user. My name is user. I'm an user. My pronouns are user anon and user.
you must be new
Good enough bait.
Fuck you.
Coming out as an islamophobe was the hardest thing to do because of people like you. I can't help the way I am. And you have no right to judge me. Being afraid of Islamic terror isn't a choice. It's not something I can turn off. It torments me every day. Every killing. Every massacre. I know it's wrong and #notallmuslims but it's just who I am. Assholes like you preach acceptance. They preach tolerance. Then they turn around and OPENLY call for my execution like I'm a monster. You aren't open minded or tolerant. You are no different than those who burned witches hundreds of years ago, that's just out of fashion. You're hateful.