What happened to traditional architecture?

What happened to traditional architecture?

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because liberals inherently think that standing by traditional culture is racist

That's pretty. Where is that? Some sort of festival?

They look like gingerbread houses.

Fuck off, retard

Alsace, former Elsass, it's in France. This particular picture is taken in Colmar, same with pic related

Need for thermal insulation and air conditioning piping. I always look at buildings in awe of their 4 pipe heating and cooling. I can only afford a 2 pipe building so that means everyone's cooling and heating is either set to cool (circulating cold water) or heat (circulating hot water) so there are always uncomfortable periods in transitional seasons whereas with 4 pipe I could use AC and Heating any time of year. Also the quality of the cooling is not the best as it is an older system. Infrastructure concerns have impacted the form of modern housing. We have better insulation, better windows so we can use more glass. We have to fit wires for various things and pipes. These are great LOOKING but I doubt they are that comfortable on the inside.


So salty.

And we kindly gave back Rhinenland to you. :-(

When you've been raping and murdering german cuties for a millenium took their land and claimed it as yours because they are weak piece of trash.

Indian architecture is so much better.

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it reinforces nationalism, nothing says home like a traditional city or town
to destroy nationalism you have to destroy a nation, and the best way to do that is to start with what everyone sees everyday - the architecture of their buildings


Europeans can't compete with this.

is raysis doawg, shud tur is doawn

In germany there are really harsh laws on old buildings who got the official certification of being historically valuable. You're very limited in terms of being allowed to modernize those, which makes it hard to rent them out, you must keep them neat looking, and you can't tear them down legally. Well, this results in many of those building being torn down before there's a chance of becoming historically relevant, or those buildings have an accident.

Is that where that CAWFEE anime was set?

Jokes on you even that little palace is better than this cow shit look alike

All the young architects are postmodern autists. Here they are ruining the scenery by big black dildo clocks and yellow octopus shaped buildings. We should build more new stuff in medieval aesthetics.

I have nothing against European architecture per say, but it seems kinda soulless and noveau riche trash.

India has much more emotion in that sense, if you now what I mean.


technology, change in building materials, mass production, and a need for efficiency.

>what we gain in pragmatism, we often lose in aesthetic. concrete and steel will never look as homey as Bruges. too sterile and monolithic.
>unless you're a brutalist or zen architect, in which case you can marry both worlds, hopefully.

You are showing temples and castles.
Churches and castles are not «souless» in Europe.

don't be too traditional!

i'd be so down to see like minimalist modern gothic shit.

does that exist?

No dont get me wrong man. I dont said that they are, I said European architecture looks to fancy but not many emotion.

You can compare with Indian architecture, it's the opposite.

After the war a lot of Europe had to be rebuilt quickly and cheaply. Build-A-Block style modernist "architecture" was the cheapest, quickest option, and then it became a movement. And the thing about building in concrete is unless you pull it down you could be looking at a hundred years plus.

You would need to pay people way more than corporations want to get someone to make buildings like that again.

Yeah I meant it not too traditional. Unfortunately I don't know about any buildings like these in Czechia. Just repairing old buildings has a criteria to at least stay close to original, so maybe there are some somewhere.

looks gay as fuck desu

It can't handle more than 6 floors before collapsing.

just different souls, depends on your cup of tea.
SIDE NOTE: do you think the natural landscape of a culture affects how they perceive the transcendant and divine?

i can imagine india has a much more colorful palate across their landscape, and if you look at their deities, they are so too colorful. and so too are the churchs.

i like it, it's vibrant and inspires levity and positive life.


there is much transcendance to be found in more solemn architecture, too, i think. one can find god in darker, more imposing and sublime churches too.

sublime: beauty and terror
indian temples: not sublime
european cathedrals: maybe more so?

takes growing up in the brooding northern european forests to get those sorta gods, though.

>pic related

The free market will fix it. If people want it, they will pay for it, and the free market will provide. But why pay so much for these archaic old buildings when newer, sleeker designs are much more efficient?

Most of these buildings are older than your country. So sit down Americans this one is not for you

Because if you only consider utility you will quickly only have useless concrete blocks

Fucking love Scruton. Him and Peter Hitchens bring up what I view as some of the most important arguments against libertarianism. There are some things you cannot put a price on.

>just different souls
I'm pretty big on indian religious symbology, but the cathedral in your pic really moves something deep in me. What is that there?

do you swedes have the pop-up strip malls, too?

there are so many old K-marts, Wal-Marts, Blockbusters, and seemingly a million other dinosauric ventures that just litter the landscape with garrish parking lots and decripit buildings. totally pragmatic as far as style and cost goes, but makes for an absymal setting, especially because they are not built to be immortal, but are never knocked down either. so they are just shitty boxes of blight.

dawg, just imagine if everywhere was designed with aesthetic and longevity in mind.

i think we would all be a happier species.

Can't house multinational conglomerates in those houses

for example?

The spirit of a nation

The most immediate example, that libertarians always seem to debate, would be culture, traditions, national identity. We should resist letting things of that nature get into the hands of markets, who see only prices but do not see value.

We had a commercial massacre in the 60's on old buildings. Modernist blocks, parking lots and big malls was slammed down on top of beautiful old buildings.

I get the tall glass skyscrapers and all that, but doesn't explain all the modern architecture that isn't efficient or stylish

It's a deliberate attempt to spit on tradition in many cases, because Marxism has the creative fields in a vice

Beauvais Cathedral! Roman Catholic tradition, in France.

also has the oldest functioning clock in europe, if wikipedia is to be trusted

>pic related

All governments subsidize building far away from other buildings by subsidizing roads. Normally, it would be cheapest to build short buildings near workplaces as required. However, road socialism allows people to build as far away as they desire, and the only disadvantage is a longer commute. The further out you go, the cheaper land is, so you get lower density in buildings which prioritize size over quality. There's a shift towards cheaper and cheaper methods. Stick frame construction begins to make economic sense.

Make every road a private toll road, and you'll see people move closer and closer to their place of work. When you associate an actual cost with travel between different urban quarters, you allow the economy to optimize where people live and optimize the type of housing they live in.

Also there's sort of a viscous cycle where public roads allow people to benefit too much from owning a car, so more people buy cars, which spreads cities over ever widening areas, making it so you HAVE to own one.

The other big factor is low interest rates. Low interest rates make land artificially expensive, so in order to recoup your land cost, you have to develop it at higher density than you might otherwise. There are all sorts of side effects to high land values.

That's what happens when the state grants a monopoly to certain architecture schools. There's nowhere in the US that you can set up a business as an architect without first going through years of brainwashing at state sanctioned schools.
The free market is unable to work if it has socialized roads and artificially low interest rates. Prices signals exist for a reason. Jam the signals, and the economy is not guaranteed to optimize itself correctly.

That's like the poster child of post-modernism.

Can people still build like that or is it long lost skill?

Pic related. And they are still not done destroying beauty!

Jews hate beauty.
They don't even really appreciate the beauty of the precious gems and metals they hoard. They're just trained at spotting and evaluating monetary worth and it gives them a hardon.
Literature and art that doesn't necessarily rake in money can sometimes still arouse them if they recognize it as potent propaganda. It's why they're so obsessed with learning the secret of memes and have added them to university curricula and mobilized thinktanks to deconstruct and analyze them.
What they really appreciate is the power that can be derived from a thing or idea.

I agree with your opinion, that messy modern buildings are a buncha shit, but I doubt the architect is as malevolent as you make them sound.

I think it's likely more a symptom of Futurist/Trans-Human yearnings than Marxism directly.

like industrial/technological boom>>>we think we are a different species (and in a sense, we are)>>>our architecture represents that desire>>>>the architecture fails, proves that our futurist dreams are mostly fantasy and just look like garbage in reality.

I don't believe in unhinged free market. It's too easily subverted by opinion makers and it falls into the trap of
thinking that your average human has any idea what's really good for themselves or their community.

We don't really have a lot of small malls (I think that's what a strip mall is), they tend to be larger and in the middle of towns usually often built into other buildings

Lot's of shit looking flat warehouse type chain stores all over the place though

Last pic was a bit outdated. This is what happens right now.

I'm fairly certain there's still people who know the principles behind the buildings. It's not the most complex ancient art ever known to man, shouldn't be too hard to reverse engineer.

Honestly city planning got destroyed by the rise of the car. Cities are better when they're more centralized, have sections and streets explicitly for walking/biking, and have public social gathering places. w/r/t design, Modernism, and eventually Postmodernism, just sorta changed the whole game. And while there are clearly some shitty Pomo works --There are also a lot of really great constructions still being made. The 80s is really when Pomo arch got awful; and basically everyone admits those to being a short-lived kitschy trend.


Building buildings like that is too expensive and inefficient

You are right, it's wrong to say it's deliberate on a personal level, but rather part of the broader implication of what it is they are doing and how they are taught to think and to create

I agree. Playing devil's advocat for libertarians I would argue that these things would develope in a free market in favor of humanity as well: For example people of one culture would want to live close to each other without borders. The same for race and religion. Additionally cooperations and deals would be generated which would be similiar to a state.
The big difference imo would be that in a libertarian society there would actually be a voluntary "contrat social". The "contrat social" described by Rousseau with regards to the status quo is not voluntary or by choice.
I hope that makes sense.

yeah, precisely. lots of shit-flat-warehouse looking beasties.

there's a a big road where I live, where industry and business keep moving west to follow the migrations away from the city, and each time they move west, they leave all their shitty building behind that have no resale value because the market has move, too.

so we are just hollowing ourselves out with a buncha eye sores.

idk why we dont just employ a buncha artists and architects to build everything back up.

if your world looks like corporate shit, aint nobody gonna care about it. too transitory and impersonal.

Improved building materials.
Houses in OP's pic would have been just as big tall ugly inner-city commie blocks had the people of that time have access to huge amounts of cheap iron and cement.

Maybe with more gargoyles and and deer heads poking out of the wall.

>I said European architecture looks to fancy but not many emotion.
All your opinions are now discarded, you are full of shit and you know it.

i meet a lot of architects in training where i live, they are all retarded

not once have i met one that wasn't a leftist cuck or a dumb whore that read books trying to impress others

architecture = eternally cucked

that's why you just tear down everything and rebuild it , when the time comes...


Capitalism. So, see:

Cheaper and better building materials

unironically this

god that is so ugly.

HDR has gone too far. Looks like puke
