Realistically, how do we take back the narrative?
Realistically, how do we take back the narrative?
By not being racist.
By being even more racist.
Kill soros
By letting lefties continue throwing tantrums and pulling back out of the public. If we aren't out there those fag will still protest and march for some reason. They'll look more and more like diluted and pathetic children with out a cause. Just like march on Wall Street. Let them ruin their own narrative.
We haven't lost the narrative, shill.
This. The left's biggest weakness is that it's hardcore loonies always manage to take the centre stage doing the stupidest shit imaginable.
Lay off the Jew shit. It's seriously not doing you any favors.
The people at the initial rally weren't even racist though. It was just fucking libertarians and conservatives talking in a small group.
>ain't afraid
Why would anyone be afraid of the KKK in the current year? They've been irrelevant for decades.
Wave American flags not Stormfront and Confederate ones you tards
We meme the fuck out of Boston for being pussies and against free speech and America.
>neo nazis
>not racist
>your side scattered like roaches when the counterprotest reached them
Long march through the journalist institutions
It's too late, they've won. Pic related.
Who hurt you?
Cringe. Nigger Obama sure isn't laughing right now.
Not an argument
>I think they're neo-Nazis so that means they are
Nice thought process my dude.
You got blown the fuck out, cuck.
Be nice. No meanies.
Kill George Soros and his son.
By burning down CNN heasquarters and spraypainting "Stop lying you fucking scumbags" on their front porch
>take back the narrative
>from a Marxist news media industry
are you fucking dumb or just that naive ? you have 2 options: destroy the MSM or somehow replace them with non- Marxists.
We spread fliers, leave red-pilling comments regarding race and IQ on videos/articles, and just let the leftists chimp out. They are the retards who attack innocent centrists and say that all white people are evil. The terrorist attacks and blacks recording themselves committing crimes certainly don't help them either. They're doing our work for us.
Stop with the Hitler/Nazi/KKK/white supremacist shit. You will get no support from the right and violent opposition from the left for this kind of shit.
You read fucking Alinsky and learn how this works.
I know that most of you are fucking retards, God knows I've had to shepherd you for the last ten months, but please, pretend that you have two braincells to rub together for a second and listen to me.
There is no such thing as "narrative." There are 360,000,000 narratives, and each one is possessed by an idiot with an average IQ of 97. Half of those people are fossils and children. Your job isn't to deal with rational people capable of intelligent thought, your job is to deal with easily influenced sheep, children, and women who are just barely sentient by our own legal standards.
When you push an idea, forget all nonsense about "racism" and "unacceptable" and "evil," because those things don't matter. Killing children in the womb is racist, unacceptable and evil. Oh no wait, five years later it's legal and championed as the height of social justice. Why? The woman who championed abortion HATED niggers with a burning red-hot passion, so why is she a hero? Because they pushed it. Alinsky talks about this. When you push something negative hard enough, it eventually becomes positive because women and children adopt it psychologically as a weapon against men.
We have to be that flaming knife. That aborted child. We must PUSH, and shut the FUCK up about "image" and Trump and Bannon and shit, none of it matters. Visibility matters. Push hard and forget fucking PR, none of it matters and our enemy understands that, which is why they keep winning.
If I have to explain this one more time, I'll just join their side. I don't care about any of this, I could be a Leftist just as easily as a right-winger, I joined you become you seemed to give less of a fuck, but you're starting to slip Sup Forums.
thread here
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You've already lost, Sup Forums. You sought to undermine the progressive left, and you woke a sleeping lion. And now we are gonna smash your idols, and send back into the irrelevant dark. The narrative is ours, forevermore. Shedding innocent blood was your mistake, and it can't be taken back. We do this for Heather Heyer now. Good night alt-right, good night.
Stop doing Nazi stuff. Nazi salutes, Nazi chants, Nazi slogans. We're not Nazis. We're ethnic nationalists. Nobody, NOT ANYBODY, is ever going to legitimise a movement using Nazi iconography. It will not happen. The Nazi shit hurts us in many ways and doesn't help us at all. Drop that shit.
Reveal the truth
Who's organizing these rallies?
by not letting CIA infiltrators hijack and subsequemtly sperge out and encourage retarded shit for over a year.
This happened to Occupy Wallstreet too. Many libertarians opposing cronyism and govt/corp marriage, then some nigs start chanting the 1% and kill whitey, and now you have what is remembered as an utterly embarrasing communist movement circa 2012'2013
by telling nazis to fuck off
>If I have to explain this one more time, I'll just join their side.
k cya
It's a reaction image newfag. Doesn't matter the context.
Embrace Islam and 90% of this crowd will be throw off a roof
Probably true. We will have our vengeance lads, either we will win, or we will win in defeat. They will kill themselves.
I'll admit it.
I laughed.
>We have to be...That aborted child.
Shut up faggot. I hate Sup Forums than you do but I will smash your faggy "lion" by myself. You dare to speak about innocent blood? I stand waist deep in child blood daily, I work for the commission for human rights. I build houses in Afghanistan, and I drag bundles of plasma heavier than your pumpkin-spice inflated corpse to children in the desert.
What the fuck do you do? I have watched the light drain from human eyes in the hundreds, from bodies torn and shredded by shrapnel and hellfire missile fuel. I have cleaned up guts from the ground at weddings interrupted by predator drones.
What have you done? Punched someone? I've waved my hands to draw fire while a woman from Sweden tried to scoop a child onto a stretcher with a bunch of newspapers.
That blood was shed by your nigger president. Your coon leader. Your "progressive" congress is elbow-deep in human slaughter. Every one of them is a child-butcher. A mass murderer. A torturing human-machining pig slaughterer who drinks ground human flesh straight from the blender, and your pretense of moral superiority is both laughable and cringeworthy.
By taking a stand against Affirmative Action and Minority Preferences.
Start asking the question as to why it is still necessary to give Blacks preferences for College Admission, financial aid, jobs and housing.
You outjew them. Drop the fear of getting your hands dirty, make slander and false flags your best friends, silence the doxxers.
announce more rightwing rallies but don't even go, and let the restless counter-protestors pick fight with cops for want of targets
She for sure gets blacked on a daily basis
People will probably think I'm crazy for saying this, but avoid white racialism and double down on the JQ. Here, I can even provide some good chants to use at protests:
>hey hey, ho ho, these racist Jews have got to go!
>who're the real racists? JEW're the real racists
>Palestine will be free, drive the Jews into the sea!
>Palestine will be free, let's bring back the Zyklon B!
Also get the blacks woke on the Jewish role in slavery, Asians woke on the role of Jewish nepotism in university admissions, etc.
The vast majority of this race shit is pushed by Jews in the first place.
Just buy a helicopter and start throwing commies from it. Fuck narrative.
Forgot your picture, faggot enabler.
Stop calling niggers black people because
they're not black
they're not people
Adopt Islam, merge it with our Pagan European traditions, and use it to fight degeneracy.
After all, we did that with another foreign, semitic religion over 2000 years ago.
You think that when he dies everything will fall appart like this is some dumb video game or anime?
Soros is but one head of the Hydra.
The Jew must be removed.
The KKK and Nazis fucked this up royally. As of now and for a good while to come ANY event held by anyone to the right of Stalin will be smeared as racist KKK and Nazi rallies.. Thousands of normies will come out confident they crushing the evil racists bent on genocide.
The MSM has been handed this weapon on a silver platter by the racist dimwits in Charlottesville and now the MSM and left will use it relentlessly. The right is simply fucked and now has to just man up and take it.
The only way to take the moral high ground back is to show up at a free speech rally, openly allow everyone tobe beaten by Antifa without even fighting back, and force the media to cover it. Real Ghandi sacrifice yourself for the cause shit.. With zero Nazi KKK shit involved.. You have to become a victim that even the most ardent lefty can't deny. Beat em at their own game.
Either that or bloody mass killing and riots..
So, let me get this straight here.
The Boston rally was an 'alt right' rally which was being held in the name of free speech. And it was boycotted by thousands of alt left who are opposed to free speech? And now at the end of the rally the left have black people giving speeches and everyone is chanting black lives matter, because it was actually about black lives matter?
these. dems keep losing elections becuase they attached their wagon to crazy. let the commies put on a show of full blown insanity, voting normies will equate them with the left/dems.
all these "protests" and "free speech rallies" are both soros bait to instigate violence to make the right look evil and the commies look sympathetic. dont fall for transparent divide and conquer.
You guys remember that March For Women and how much that accomplished
It's time for the police to be held accountable for not enforcing the law.
...although, it's worth letting ANTI-FA continue to expose themselves, to justify their federal label as a terrorist group.
There is nothing we can do at this point. People have been so brainwashed they can not be saved.
It will take time, but anti-White racism is becoming so extreme and accepted that alone will sway people.
But nothing else will work, maybe if some crazy anti-white extremists go on a shooting rampage against white people it would wake people up, but by in large white people are so self-hating now it's impossible to change the narrative.
>socialist (communists) revolution of the normies, "ends" but does not stop there.
> Wants to take down the rich (((Jews))) to create communist state
>once Jew is dead, economic system collapses most minorities die, keep blaming whites, kill all socialist white cucks
>after most are dead, whitey is left to retake the world once more
>and we live happily ever after
Way to (((black-pill))), defeatist nigger.
The way to win is to unite everyone against the Jew.
>Yellow, Brown, Black, White, united against the kike!
What if I told you that the grand solar minimum will solve all of these problems?
Oh? Like if a nigger ambushed and killed a bunch of white cops in the name of BLM?
The average person still believes CNN and WaPo are legitimate news outlets. The game is over
Are you afraid of truth?
By splitting the activist sjw crowd from the media, and political class. You do this by getting them to call for the immediate resignation of anyone (politician/media personality) who has ancestors who supported or had slaves. You lose clintons, anderson cooper, a variety of major personalities. Once the politicians and media types are under constant barrage by their sjw base then youll see it begin to normalize. Leadership hates being under fire.
Not him, but not sure why you think its impossible that people have a crazier life than you. I've watched dozens of people die, same really gruesome, and have seen hundreds of bodies.
you're kind of close, like circling it, but you aren't there because you think you're smarter than you are. You're not dumb, don't get me wrong, you're just not that smart. But you will get there. Once you understand, you'll be like, that user got there before me.
Stop with the nazi larping nigger shit.
Be a fucking proud American
>I build houses in Afghanistan,
So afghan men can fuck little boys.
>bravo user you are surely the hero
not a bad idea there user
Lmao you have no shot. Funny how you faggots believe you're redpilling the masses, but then you step out in the real world......
>Realistically, how do we take back the narrative?
Well for one we need to jettison the brown shirts. The country is never going to accept white nationalists and we can't be perceived to be associating with them. White nationalists march once and one fuckhead rams some Anti FA thugs and now the media are selling us communist mobs as being the champions of democracy.
If you take the role of the extremist then you lose. Be the moderate and peaceful ones and let the SJWs chimp out.
They're playing it smart. No Marxist iconography this time.
Of course it's not a bad idea. You couple this with a social media campaign along the lines of #yourefired - similar in nature to ice bucket challenge. You get lefties burning a book written by/promoting/or supporting patriarchy/slavery/trump and saying into the camera "youre fired". Then they challenge a few friends to do the same. The political/media resignaton campaign would be similarly hashtagged
Why aren't conservatives larping as ANTI-FA with portraits of Lennin, like they did bringing Nazi flags last week?
It's all about optics.
racism is what we want though. we want to be able to be racist again, every other race is openly racist. by not being racist and not openly caring for our race we're rapidly losing numbers
Look at the herd on their phones. It is too late senpai.
Wait till the next happening blots out Charlotteville, realistically speaking.
It was really bad.
There will always be "nazis" at patriot rallies, if there aren't, the police state will send their agents disguised as such. That is common knowledge.
Don't forget for one minute that the Left also has its share of lunatics but the MSM conceals them from their viewers. However, that optics trick is getting increasingly harder to perform as leftists become more unhinged.
So keep provoking them. I know it's difficult to surpass their obnoxiousness but we've to got keep doing it until their masks slip completely and normies realize they are worse than pathetic nazi and kkk fetishists.
conservatives deal truths, not deception; cosfagging iis a left meme
except there are forces that push harder onto you
>protest looking for an excuse for violence
>huge police presence
>ends early cause it was just a right wing rally for free speech
>no major violence
>nobody will talk about this tomorrow
>get bored
>smoke weed
>watch Rick and Morty
They lost, your just to stupid to realize it.
My white brother here is right
but you were conditioned to be believe certain words meant that you were racist but in fact they are just words
You think niggers and trannies are going to win anything? They're walking down a road because their lives are shit. They lost before this even started.
>Being this retarded
Just a fact.
Implying they won't violently riot as soon as the sun goes down and they get hungry, these wypepo is supremacists and shiiiiiiiit gotta loot dem stores cus they ow us!
Plus you have a bunch of brainless people yelling "Nazi, KKK, white supremacy" so eventually the repetition will get them to act as if they are actually fighting nazis or KKK, and once enough people are dead the government will step in, call them a terrorist organization and the whole thing will roll over.
8 years of Trump. Great economy. And 2 more historic presidents after him. What you're seeing is just fun TV.
This is Boston, you know the same place that locked down the entire city and rolled out the tanks not to long ago. If they get uppity the hammer will drop.
Your first mistake was assuming Obama was MY GUY. He wasn't. In fact, I fucking hate him. He's President Drone Strike. He was an establishment democrat. I don't support him, or any leader in congress.