What will happen Sup Forums?
What will happen Sup Forums?
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It's probably Rick Wilson
its over for drumpf hes finished this time
literal collapse of the empire. They really think it will be that easy, it won't.
this. digits confirm.
All conspiracies about Jewish control will be made apparent to the masses. People will understand there is no way to take their country back no matter who they elect. Seems good to me.
first thing I thought
thread here
Empire is already collapsing
is there any 'NEXT WEEK!!!" story ever that Sup Forums does not fall for hook, line, and sinker?
Drumptf brogjt bad optics with his shit tier Nazi larp. I'm glad drumpf is gone. Huge distraction like Flynn
I start indiscriminately killing leftists. That's what. Not a larping faggot like most on here. Anything short of a Brevik score will be an utter disappointment.
Is Vice President Rubio a lefty?
That the Republicans are ludicrous enough to think that they could ally with the Democrats and help them essentially stage a soft coup and that the response would be their party "recovering" is deeply disturbing and only further illustrates just how completely out of touch these people are.
>GOP recovers
>Pence makes Rubio VP
I thought it was automatically Paul Ryan
>literal collapse of the empire. They really think it will be that easy, it won't.
I hear that! I'm actually looking forward to whipping out various weapons and using them full force, with no mercy. It's funny because that is exactly what they are scared of.
That'd be the end of the GOP and achieve the total opposite of what they think it would. These establishment people are so so disconnected with reality it blows my mind how they could reach so high positions while being so incompetent.
Right wing populism saved the GOP, now every republican is a Trump supporter and hates the guts of the establishment. If it were not for right wing populism the GOP would be destroyed by now.
Trump's right wing populism made the GOP primaries have the biggest turn out in the history of the GOP.
Well, if they so want to destroy their party let them do it. Fools do foolish things after all.
Sounds like a good plan for a complete collapse of any and all GOP support in the next election. Just hand the Democrats Congress and the White House next and pretend its still a free country
Prediction: John Harwood will have mountainous tears of salt once he finds out who Mueller is really investigating.
Plutocrats will die in their homes slowly.
Wishful thinking. Mueller is out for Trump's scalp.
>mfw the pre-election lubio memes will return
>I thought it was automatically Paul Ryan
That only applies if Pres and VP are both taken out. When normal shit happens, like Agnew resigning because of scandal, Nixon or whoever got to pick Gerald Ford or whoever they wanted.
This is the most recent idea they're trying to get out there. "Trump is going to resign" it's just attempts to demoralize and sew discord.
The Higgins memo touches on this in the meta narrative part.
If they don't stop Trump, nationalists will win over globalists. It doesn't matter if the Democrats win if they're globalists.
Probably nothing, but if it does then probably a Civil War followed by purges (regardless of which side wins).
>What will happen Sup Forums?
We take up arms, now that the diplomatic path has failed.
>GOP recovers
The GOP wouldnt win another election for decades. Democrats would come out in droves and the right would be so disillusioned that they'd just stay home on voting day.
This. Muller didn't recruit a team of democrats to investigate liberals and somehow keep that whole operation quiet.
Rubio is complete shit. Trump was literally the only candidate in favor of closing the borders.
Hopefully the Republicans aren't so stupid that they can think they would have any kind of support after UNDOING the results of an election. There will be zero loyalty and tons of resentment.
He is going outside the scope of the investigation and breaching protocol. He's going to get fucked in the ass if he can't find anything.
I'm surprised "strategists" are still employed after Trump slaughtered all their fortune telling.
muh civil war
Sweetie, they believe Hillary won the popular vote.
Literally sounds like a cuck wilson quote saged
It's more like no president going forward will ever be viewed as legitimate and we may be forced to abolish the position altogether.
Looks like the Jenga tower is about to fall. Next up is getting rid of Pence.
>He is going outside the scope of the investigation and breaching protocol.
No matter what Trump says, Mueller can go wherever the investigation leads him, like Kenneth Starr investigating Clinton's blow jobs when it started as Whitewater.
But it's not.
Chances are it'll look like an establishment coup to remove a democratically-elected president. Won't end well.
>It's more like no president going forward will ever be viewed as legitimate and we may be forced to abolish the position altogether.
The constitution survived Nixon and it will survive this clown show.
Don't be cucked
All those people happy about a Pence presidency...
>Rubio becoming a VP of anything
Top kek!
My LTR girlfriend's family is close friends with the Pence family.
Should I still ask for a dowry when the time comesor should I suck ass my way up into DC circles?
You decide Sup Forums.
Civil war should concentrate all firepower and resources killing the private security and the actual jewish bankers themselves in Switzerland or wherever they hide.
The plutocrats are the main targets, and anyone who defends them should have their families skinned and salted medieval style.
If they fuck with the God Emperor they will get btfo really hard.
Except that Nixon actually did something, and you people are just making up shit.
We are not going to buy your shit or accept the results of any coup.
"Top" strategist's name is a bottom foamboy called Rubio.
>"This is it Trump is finished" says increasingly nervous man for the 10th time this year.
There is a lot of pent up rage, especially in the south with these faggots trying to remove our statues and all. Trump is literally the main (and possibly only) thing holding a lot of us in check.
That's exactly what it would be. And if it happens then it would be clear evidence that we no longer have any sort of control or choice in our government, and we will have to start looking at other options and considering whether or not it's worth it for us to remain a part of such a system.
Just got contacted by a top whitehouse representative and they predict that when Trump is indicted he will tweet his dick pics for the world to see
Astrologers proclaim 7 years of stupid predictions ahead of us.
You quested my post, but didn't read it. I'm saying that lots of peoples lives and careers are hinging on his gamble that Trump has a singular skeleton in his gold plated closet that can be used against him. What if he doesn't? You think Trump is going to turn the other cheek and let that invasion of his privacy slide? He would be vindicated in destroying everyone involved in that conspiracy. In fact, it's exactly what he's counting on and planned for decades in advance.
>We are not going to buy your shit or accept the results of any coup.
I'm not one of the ones saying he can be forced out without a proper impeachment. I'm referring to the scenario where he picks up his ball and goes home because the other team is kicking his ass.
This. KEK.
>Pence president
do those libtards even know what Mike "Electroshock Your Love of Cock" Pence will do in office?
>Muh 6 gorillion illegal immigrant votes
The deep state wants a civil war, but for us to kill each other and to ignore the billionaires and bankers. To basically vent frustration on ourselves. The key here is to focus that rage directly on jewish banking families and the BIS and other banker parasites.
>(((top R strategist)))
>What will happen Sup Forums?
If his prediction comes true, expect no further republican victories in terms of votes.
Is that why the top FBI investigator left Mueller?
Thats a good thing though. This will lead to war and balkanization of the US
i dont understand why the GOP doesnt get this
>unironically shilling to have your nation destroyed.
> Trump resigns
> Becomes General Trump
> Leads millions in the final glorious battle to drain the swamp once and for all
>tfw we are awaited in Valhalla
>i dont understand why the GOP doesnt get this
Vested interest, probably.
So Rick Wilson is not only a fan of pissgate-tier fanfiction, but writes his own on the side...
Recovers? This is the first year since 2003 that they've been doing this well.
Perhaps just shortsightedness. Trump isn't being a puppet to the GOP as they'd like.
what is your favorite candidate for president if there's no trump?
If trump goes Ive got a feeling they are going to beg for him back when pence comes in
bannon 2020
Didnt Rod Rosenstein say it wasn't going to be a fishing expedition?
t. Larper
Sounds like it. Wilson makes our schizos look sane in comparison.
>Didnt Rod Rosenstein say it wasn't going to be a fishing expedition?
yes but If Mueller finds something tangentially related he can go there. He is supposedly a very good investigator who takes his time and doesn't worry about headlines and leaks, which might be why we haven't heard anything except that he has some grand juries being prepared.
>Trump will resign, says increasingly nervous pundit for 7th time this week
It will be filled with even more shill threads like this one.
War. Thats what. These republicans need to stop drinking their own kool aid. The american people wanted change from the deep state special interest. If it is war they want, then it is war they shall matters not if they are liberals or jealous conservatives......
Somehow I think this is going to turn out completely different from the other one hundred gorillion times it was claimed Trump was finished. I really really think this one is it guys, it's totally substantiated by a lot of facts and hard data in 180 characters or less.
>Prediction just in from top 4chin strategist
OP will always be a faggot
I always thought pence was the false prophet or antichrist. Should be interesting have a possible pedophilic homophobe president with a half a fag VP. But what changed? Lmfao republigoyim are always fucking jokes. Emails and BLM seem nothing compared to this. I want the democrats back or even Obama. But everybody said he was the antichrist. I dont see him returning. So own it. Youre degenerate anti Christian zionists
I don't think Trump will be affected. Bloomberg reported that they are looking only at certain sales to Russians in the past decade.
I don't think Trump will be affected. Most likely Paul Manafort is the only one who is truly fucked.
Blue checkmark = verified fake
Boy this is the same shit they've been saying since early 2017.
>I don't think Trump will be affected.
That's my feeling. The stupid meeting that Kushner took three days to get his story straight, and where Trump helped him write his statements is the worst that I expect, and since that meeting led to nothing of consequence, I think Trump is fine.
Trump's biggest issue is his current issue: nobody but him and David Duke types has the balls to say that white people have a legitimate gripe with the press, the media, the universities, and all the liberals talking shit about whites as if everyone is is perfect. You can't say "some of robert e lee's supporters are fine folks" without everyone labeling you as a nazi, and all the CEO's running away, along with all the spineless GOP leaders.
The GOP will impeach Trump when he drops below 30% in polls.
>Trump resigns
He's the president and hasn't done anything wrong. Why would he resign?
>after Mueller closes in on Trump's family
Mueller has broken more laws and done more damage than everyone in Trump's family going back 4 generations....combined.
Trump can make sure Mueller dies in prison.
>corrupt establishment will take over and save GOP
The GOP establishment was planning on Jeb! or Cruz losing to Hillary. They EXPECTED AND PLANNED ON LOSING.
Trump led the GOP to victory, which is a loss for the swamp/establishment.
Ousting Trump would be the death of the GOP because it would expose them as literal traitors of America.
>Mueller has broken more laws
name one, flag larper
>The GOP will impeach Trump when he drops below 30% in polls.
read a book. impeachment has nothing to do with polls.
Trump's resignation still seems pretty unlikely despite how much the MSM is shilling for it. Either Rick Wilson or Ana Navarro are likely saying this.
That being said, the only thing Trump needs to resign from is being the leader of the Republican party (not the presidency). He's the only person who could successfully start an independent third party at this time.
I'd be in favor of the revival of the Bull Moose party as long as Trump wouldn't get shot in Milwaukee.