Julian Assange is a Russia shill

Julian Assange is a Russia shill.

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....kill yourself....



No he is playing all sides against one another. Remember his fundamental political values. Also if he attacked Putin, he would get an unhealthy dose of polonium on his vegemite toast. His vendetta is against the neolibs/neocons, specifically the American wings of it. He is not below siding with evil bastards. Remember he is a power player now, and it has always been HIS operation. I fucking love Assange but he is a megalomaniac.

So no the neolibs/neocons are petrified of him, so they smear him with Russian connections, which he has. People get the wrong impression that he is "on Putin's side", which could not e further from the truth. Assange said it himself once. He prefers wolves he can see to wolves in sheepskins.

He knows where the body's are. Time to bring them down

Are they going to start a 24hr news channel? That would be fucking great.

You mean a CIA/Mossad shill

I hope they crash the MSM with no survivors

The Mercers are the true unsung heroes of the last 2 years 2bh

Sorry, but no. He goes out of his way to not release information on Russia's misdeeds or anyone they support (eg Trump), while releasing information in such a way to maximize damage against people he considers opponents (as they did during the 2016 election). And we know that he was, at least at one point, on Russia's payroll via Russia Today. Either Assange is being blackmailed or sees some higher purpose in being a Russian stooge. Either way, he and Wikileaks are compromised and can't be trusted as neutral sources.

Sorry, but my previous post shuts what you are saying down. Did you vote for Hillary, by chance?

This is going to be great


I think youre too young or maybe to stupid to remember 10 years ago when Assange was the bane of the Republicans existence, you're just stupid putting your corrupt as fuck party over Assange

Great, just what we need. Another ((billionaire)) pulling puppet strings and playing race war with American lives. Here's the one true red pill about all the ridiculousness going on in this country: if antifa had no one to fight they would cease to exist and they would lose. We won when Trump was elected and after that it was time to go back to our daily lives. We didn't need to meme anymore. We didn't need free speech rallies, we don't need statues. We had lawmakers, the supreme court and the presidency. If people left well enough alone eventually antifa would bave got bored and went home, the fat lefties would have tuckered themselves out with their temper tantrums and people would look around at their portfolios, all the new American jobs and lack of terrorism and said "man this is actually pretty fucking nice." Fuck Mercer he's probably Soros's protege and they're working together to destablize our society.

I am not and I do not have a political party I side with. All I know is he is playing the Russians off the western globalist powers. He is not a Russian shill, but is utilizing the Russians as a tool, and also making sure he does not get murdered by them in the process. He knows who he can and who he cannot currently take down. Assange knows perfectly well that the greatest danger to the world currently are the neocons/neolibs. That has never changed. The powers in the republican and democrat parties are almost identical behind closed doors. They have rigged the fucking system.


How many Mercer's are on the other side of this fight? For all the shit I hear about him, I never get a good answer about that. Funny how progressives hate wealthy meddlers when they are not on their team.

Lemme guess, you live in California

Cool story but I'm not a progressive. You want to baited into a fight we don't need to take. A lion shouldn't concern itself with the noise a donkey makes.

>Bannon now has the power to destroy both parties

Burn it down

>Julian Assange is a Russia shill.
Nah, he's not a cuck.

Unironically, Trump is playing 4D chess. He didn't fire Bannon, he sent Bannon on a mission. Now Bannon has more freedom without WH politics.


nice ass.

This. He's pulling a Roger Stone 2.0.

Monday gonna be so good

You shut nothing down. I didn't vote. I didn't like Hillary, but I despise Trump. I preferred Bernie, but I would have been okay with a Kasich, Rubio, or Jeb presidency in that order. I lean left economically, but I'm not anti-right.

Wikileaks was not relevant 10 years ago. They weren't relevant until they released the video of the soldiers treating killing people like a game of Call of Duty.

I supported Wikileaks when they were an apparently neutral source who released information on the wrongdoings of governments. I stopped supporting Wikileaks when they made it clear they were selectively releasing material for political purposes and likely stooges of the Russian government.

No one claimed Russia or WL are pro-GOP, so it doesn't matter that at one point the GOP hated them. Russia and Wikileaks are anti-Hillary, pro-Trump, and anti-Americaism/Westernism. Conservatives are falling into the same trap that liberals did if they think Julian Assange / Wikileaks are friends of theirs just because right now you seem to have similar goals.

I had no idea about this. Thanks for your insight. Just read the Trump Campaign section, incredible. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Stone#Trump_campaign


Get over to leftypol, fag.

Neck yourself, commie faggot.

everyone is taught in school that Julian Assange is a russian spy which is why he hates America and is a nazi.

Sad how low the quality of debate here has gone.

Sounds like Julian is trying to get us HYPED!

I can't think of a better way to start btfo of some george soros scumfucks!

hi /r/politics

you are useless and serve no purpose. i would tell you to kys but you would just fuck that up too.