This is the argument that BTFO's every Nazi argument
This is the argument that BTFO's every Nazi argument
>white pride: ebil racist proud of skin tone Nazi
>black pride: proud African Nubian KANGZ
Black = African Culture
White= European/American culture.
Nice try...
>European/White culture is so rich you have to divide it by countries
>Nigger culture is so "rich" you can take their continent as a whole and won't get anything
Дeйcтвитeльнo зacтaвляeт вac зaдyмaтьcя.
Yeah, white pride is retarded, but so is black pride.
Does this retard think Africa is a homogeneous continent?
Except it's determined by race. It's racist or it isn't.
Because white pride represents the terrorism of evil Western Civilization.
It wasn't a nice try it was stupid as fuck. A four year old could see the incongruence in that argument
>German Pride is ok
Is this guy for real?
Have he not seen how bad Germany is?
Wave a German flag in Germany and off to prison for you, you deathnazisdrugdealerscum.
No, it's because most of them don't know which country they're from. This is true of a ridiculous amount of blacks. They have no 'rich history' to draw from because they don't know which is truly 'theirs'.
But don't let some critical thinking stop you from braying idiocy all across the internet, it doesn't stop anyone else.
>You can't group European countries together!
>But we can group all Asians and all blacks!
So black pride is racist?
Why not Nigerian pride or Tunesian pride?
That guy conflates all of Africa with the black skintone. Btw what does Africa have to do with african-american culture? It's not like they remember all those animistic rituals and their original languages of their ancestors...
They don't KNOW their original countries because of slavery you shitlord.
>Africa is a homogeneous continent where people don't discriminate others based on their race and cultu-
And? How many whites in america know their actual heritage? Not fucking many
Too bad, so sad.
Do you know your percentages of ancestry from different nations you come from? (answer if white)
Then spit in a tube and send it off to a lab so you can find out if you care so much about it
it's sorta harder to do when one is "multi-ethnically white" as I assume most americans are.
for instance, I'm almost equal parts Belgian, German, Anglo, Irish, NW and SW Europe, too, with one black man and one native 6 and 7 generations ago, respectively.
But people would just role their eyes, and justifiably so, if I went on and on about my pride for each one of those. white is shorthand for the mutts we are as american.
the label probably came into being to unify the lighter skinned europeans in america after they got over their own biases against italians or the irish.
the thing that breaks OP's point though, is that any of those other nationalities that you claim take pride in 'culture and heritage' alone, and not skin colour, are often quite ethnically diverse, too, if you were to look at them on a denetic level.
Mexico? Diverse gene pool
Asian? This is a continent with vast variance
Muslim? a religion, you're retarded.
also 'white culture' is not homogenous. it's an amalgamation of many european traditions AND african traditions.
the funniest thing about america is that we ALL are niggas and crackers.
we've been swapping saliva and stories for a few hundred years now, there is much much much much more cultural overlap between the races than anyone likes to admit.
I don't know what European country I'm descended from either
I don't even care
So I'll keep being proud of my white culture.
For example, even if I dont always agree with it, I'm proud to be part of the most progressive race in the world.
>You can have Sudanese Pride, you can have Ethiopian pride, you can have Liberian pride, but if you have black pride then you're just being proud of your skin tone
What the hell is "African Culture" anyway, other than AIDs, malaria and a rich and vibrant history of human slavery and civil rights violations?
I can see you still haven't learned the difference between cultural festivities and racial pride parades.
Also, Mexican and Muslim aren't races.
That's false though. Deny it all you want, there is a white/European culture and it is what white pride focuses around. Classical music, Greek/Roman/Victorian architecture, etc.
>Implying it's any different for most whites in America
Nice bait
>any of those other nationalities that you claim take pride in 'culture and heritage' alone, and not skin colour, are often quite ethnically diverse, too,
edit: ethnically AND CULTURALLY DIVERSE. fanatical pride in any identity you didn't technically have control over is not that interesting a character trait.
we all can do better.
There are so many African tribes that labeling black=african is on par with white=European in terms of generalization.
also, Asian pride? Fuckin' huge ass continent with Russians, Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Koreans, and Phillipinos, too.
the fuq OP
It's true that there are Irish, German, etc prides too (like St. Patrick's Day). There has to be Chinese and Thai pride too, but then asians have asian pride where they combine the achievements of their people together, etc. Whites don't have this equivalent
People who cry White pride usually are spouting something racist and when you confront them they whimper about why can everyone but whites be proud of their race
White pride to them is putting another race down and their little brains can't figure out why there is a problem or difference
>No, it's because most of them don't know which country they're from. This is true of a ridiculous amount of blacks.
Most of them don't even know which father they're from.
This would be absolutely okay and correct if it wasn't for that fact that leftists force identity politics, including the 'whiteness' that they so despise onto anybody that has a light skin tone...
more? I love dead nigger pictures.
Is it not the exact same thing with black pride?
They're just being racist and putting other races down.
What an ignorant post.
love how "mexicans" is the only nationality singled out.
like what the fuck?
Wait, so why can Africans and Asians have a continental culture and heritage, but Europeans can't?
Sure is a mystery.
So if an Asian man or a White man doesn't know exactly which country they hail from that makes Asian or White pride okay then?
>White pride to them is putting another race down
But of COURSE saying something is good implies that things that AREN'T as good are not as good (Did I need to type that out?)
to be honest ive never come a across a black person claiming to have "black pride".
i dont think its even a thing. trust me ive mingled around blacks and they only time they even remotely talk about heritage is during black history month.
>German Pride
This is the argument that BTFO's every commie argument
>but then asians have asian pride where they combine the achievements of their people together, etc.
What delusional world are you living in?
>somehow black and asian arent also about skin
>stating that black have culture and heritage
>their culture is limited to WE WUZ, gibsmedat, MUH DICK and making ape noises called rap music
>Asian pride
No such thing
>all asians are from the same culture
>all hispanics are "mexicans"
>all blacks are african
I mean...that's pretty racist to assume that.
It's happenning in your own country, ameritard
>it's being proud you aren't black or brown
Well no shit, sherlock.
Also, his same fucking argument can be applied to any of those. White pride, according to that faggot, isn't ok cause whites have nations.
News flash, nigger lover, blacks and browns and Asians all have their own nations and cultures too
Wait, so germans can have German pride again? Woah... Viertes Reich ist jetzt auferstanden
Asian pride?
You can only have pride in Germany during the world cup, to my understanding.
White culture (and Nigger culture) both come from Burgrland.
And Burgerland is full of pic related.
Real talk: I was born in Laredo, Texas. When I was growing up there I remember seeing white people here, I remember distinctly not seeing very many darkies. I moved around '04 and haven't really paid any attention to the place. I recently went back to Laredo with my Dad for some work and I have to tell you all, that place is balkanized completely. I didn't feel like I was even in the United States. Some billboards were in Spanish, a lot of the architecture was very Mexican-influenced, people constantly spoke Spanish, and I saw at least 10 white people while everyone else was a fat mestizo. I am not talking the little bit of dark skin mestizo then the light skins, no, the majority were nothinig more than those dark skin mestizos. They have completely balkanized the place. It is Nuevo Nuevo Laredo.
When I was talking to my mom about it this was apparently one of the reasons why we moved when I was a kid. It was getting very unsafe and entire neighborhoods in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico would move to Laredo, Texas and change neighborhood names to the ones they had just left. These people aren't assimilating or integrating. They just want to remain who they are. This is very fucking dangerous.
What else is there is be proud of? Germans are born losers.
You're not allowed to have any variety of European ethnic pride either. Try having an Irish ethnic organization and don't let blacks and beaners join, see what happens. Try saying Germany should belong to ethnic Germans and watch what happens. This talking point is decades out of date, what was done to White American culture is being done to every White ethnicity.
Also, mexican is a nacionality and muslim is a religion. You are lumping all those things together like they are equivalent.
I could also argue that white culture and heritage is so diverse and rich that you can divide it through so many nacionalities, whereas black culture seems to be almost homogenous to a great part of a continent, the other part being north africa with berber/arab culture and they arent black
The only reason there isn't anything like "white" heritage is because it's literally the world culture by now. White pride would be something like celebrating computers, streets, democracy, science, and so on.
And you're arguing with three year olds, what did you expect
>you can have German pride
>nobody says any of that is racists
mexican isnt a race
muslim isnt a race
White pride is being proud of being: german, irish, norwegian, and european in general.
Youre a fucking moron
>africa and asia are cultures
Why are spics so stupid?
>muh purity spiral
I hope Mohammed throws acid in your sister's face right before you get the monthly truck of peace delivery, Eurocuck.
Black Pride = Pride in a racial group
Mexican Pride = Pride in a nationality
Asian Pride = Pride in a continental ethnicity
Muslim Pride = Pride in a religious affiliation
White Pride = Pride in the attempted (failed) destruction of the other groups listed above
If you actually try to have something like British pride they tell you that you need to be more inclusive, especially if your idea of British heritage is white.
Polish pride world wide.
Polska dla Polaków, kurwaa...
T. Jew or mexicN
The dumb spic in that picture is ignoring the political context.
Some absurdly irrelevant and tiny Irish or Italian parade isn't political.
Every pro-black/Hispanic/Muslim group is political.
> black pride: african culture and heritage
> white pride: european culture and heritage
there it goes, its so easy to take out your doublethinking
Oy vey gringo!
>Muslim Pride
>Death to all infidels
>not a pride in attempted (failed big time) destruction of every other human
damn commies... they never change
btw white people created humanitarianism. You wouldn't even exist if not for white people
Huh i have some family that lived in Laredo that moved for the same reason... Are you my cousin?
>that fucking reddit spacing
Good lord.
White stands for European culture and heritage.
There are many whites who are not European and subscribe to completely opposed cultures.
That's why jews call themselves non-white - they feel 0 allegiance to the roots of the Romano/Greco heritage, in fact they are opposed to it and feel they've been oppressed by it.
>can't be traced outside of Sweden
>feels good man
What the fuck is "Asian Culture"?