Why do alt right crybabies love playing the victim when they're the ones who started shit (and got beat down like the losers and cucks they are)?
Why do alt right crybabies love playing the victim when they're the ones who started shit (and got beat down like the...
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Actually, blacks started beating Trump supporters on November 9th, 2016;
You answered it yourself
They are cucks
And not a single inbred trump voter harassed a muslim that day, right?
u mad whiteboi
why do alt left crybabies love playing the victim when they're the ones who started shit (and got beat down like the losers and cucks they are)?
Sauce for this video?
They also promised a race war on the same day - pic related.
>and got beat down like the losers and cucks they are
Antifa throws acid like Muslims;
What in the world is wrong with you leftists? Do you really think your violence is justified when you guys struck first?
He's likely controlled OP, i could tell just by seeing him in his interview before this.
>Do you really think your violence is justified when you guys struck first?
Playing the victim once again LMAO.
Thanks for proving my point.
1: Can you provide a link that a Trump supporter harrassed a Muslim that day?
2: A bunch of Muslims just attacked Barcelona. If attacking alt-right people for violence you claim other alt-right people have commited is justified, why aren't Trump supporters justified in harrassing Muslims who murder westerners?
You are a hypocrite.
No. I'm trying to let you know why you deserve the same treatment.
because they are literally the biggest snowflakes/crybabies. they cry about culture but they have none. they are products of immigration and have forgotten their roots. now they cling to the only thing they have left, the emotions surrounding their newfound victim-hood.
instead of making something of themselves, they spent their young adult years wasting away online and being nothing, achieving nothing. now they have a group of snowflakes to cry with and their torrential tears have created a crybaby snowstorm.
>Playing the victim once again LMAO
It's just a fact - your side struck first. My side is the victim.
>Thanks for proving my point
So the alt-left now believe that might makes right? And the alt-left struck first? The same alt-left that condemns violence? And are thus hypocrites?
I thoughg you guys were all for supporting the victim? Why do you stop caring about the victim when they're white? Isn't that racist?
Thanks for proving my point.
Also, why is Clinton under investigation again;
And why was Awan arrested? Why is your side a bunch of criminals on every level?
What if we archive that unvis.it
This one's a lost cause. The delusion runs too deep.
You literally have to be an autistic retard to call yourself alt-right, so it's self-selecting
Leave my country. You are not welcome here anymore.
LOL if america was only populated with double digit IQ inbreds like yourself, we would literally be a 3rd world country.
>This one's a lost cause. The delusion runs too deep
>Microcephalin (MCPH1) is a gene that is expressed during fetal brain development. Certain mutations in MCPH1, when homozygous, cause primary microcephaly—a severely diminished brain
>A derived form of MCPH1 called haplogroup D appeared about 37,000 years ago (any time between 14,000 and 60,000 years ago) and has spread to become the most common form of microcephalin throughout the world except Sub-Saharan Africa
>Haplogroup D may have originated from a lineage separated from modern humans approximately 1.1 million years ago and later introgressed into humans
Let's get technical;
Orange is AA, green is AC, and blue is CC. The three letter codes can be read here;
YRI, LWK and MKK are all African populations, and ASW is the acronym for American blacks.
If you look at pic related, you can see that CC only exists in Africans.
Only homozygotic Africans express microcephaly, but the point is that the CC homozygote genotype only exists in African populations. The low IQ's of every sub-Saharan African country is the evidence required to prove that blacks are clincally retarded, and that the C allele is associated with low IQ - as you can see, AC is also almost entirely limited to the African populations.
You are the delusional one who supports microcephalic blacks destroying your society. Everything you believe is wrong, and the Jews have attempted to destroy your antiquity and history.
>LOL if america was only populated with double digit IQ inbreds like yourself, we would literally be a 3rd world country
Actually, see . It's blacks who have double digit IQ's and are turning us into a third world country.
You people are ignorant and stupid. You deny the reality of genetics, because otherwise it's obvious that the alt-left is trying to destroy the west and genocide white people.
I just don't know what to do with you. The alt-left can't be allowed to destroyed the white race, and race-mix the west into a bunch of ignorant, brown Socialists.
This is not something I'm going to cave on - you have thrown in with animals. You are delusional. If push comes to shove, it would be better for you and the blacks to die than for the white race to go extinct.
This isn't a matter of one equal race vs. another equal race - you place animals above me. You are ignorant trash, and you shouldn't not be allowed to destroy the white race with beastiality.
You sound just like an ISIS propagandist. If you're allowed to paint all muslims (a quarter of the world's population) with a broad brush because of the actions of a few radicals, I can call all white people ignorant trash as well. But I won't. Because it's really only a tiny minority of retards (you) who give your race a bad name. You are a cancer, and the world will be better off when you people and your embarrassing ideologies are flushed out of the mainstream culture and into obscurity.
Apparently, my vote was a hate crime.
Why does the alt-left criminalize it's opponents?
It's easy to spew vitriol when you're anonymous
These nazi larpers are literally a bunch of sissified cucks
>You sound just like an ISIS propagandist
ISIS terrorizes people, and then mocks them for being cowed.
On November 9th, the alt-left terrorized Trump supporters. They've continued to terrorize us. You're here defending blinding people with acid, and defending the assault and mockery of your political opponents.
I am defending my race with facts.
>If you're allowed to paint all muslims (a quarter of the world's population) with a broad brush because of the actions of a few radicals, I can call all white people ignorant trash as well. But I won't
Muslims stone people for being raped and being gay. You want to bring Muslims who literally just murdered people yesterday into my country so they can murder me - you do know that I'm a transsexual, right?
You're comparing me to the guy who shot up the Pulse nightclub? No wonder - you through in with micrpcephalic blacks.
>Because it's really only a tiny minority of retards (you) who give your race a bad name
Your side blinds people and murders 100mil people in the USSR, and my side gives the white race a bad name? Hitler's Mein Kampf is a best-seller across the world.
Most brown people have gays, liberalism, etc - they will kill you when they take over.
>You are a cancer, and the world will be better off when you people and your embarrassing ideologies are flushed out of the mainstream culture and into obscurity
70 years, and you still haven't wiped us out. Throw in with the blacks - they will destroy you.
In the end, Nazis will be the only whites left.
Pic related - a crying, losing black playing the victim.
Truth is truth. Debate me, or you are wrong. I am right. I have facts and science on my side.
For the alt-left, this is a post-truth, lowest-common-denominator catfight. All you care about is winning. Any nasty, vicious mutilation is acceptable to the alt-left. You are monsters.
For the alt-right, this is a matter of truth, pride, honor, and the survival of our race. You don't understand - we feel as if you want to infect us with DNA which I have proven in to be inferior.
Why do you want to bring in inferior people who are not fully human? Blacks are violent, stupid, and you place them before your own white brothers?
We will not go away or give up. We don't consider your future human, let-alone admirable or desirable.
Why do you want all the cute white girls gone? Do you also support the genocide of the Khoisan and pygmys in Africa? Do you want the world to be destroyed by violent Bantu's?
He's another Hal Turner except he was probably flopped via arrest for some lifestyle paraphernalia.
Answer me, liberals. Bring me your truth that proves the equaity of all races.
White people migrated to the new world;
>The MA-1 mitochondrial genome belongs to haplogroup U, which has also been found at high frequency among Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic European hunter-gatherers10–12, and the Y chromosome of MA-1 is basal to modern-day western Eurasians and near the root of most Native American lineages5
>Gene flow from the MA-1 lineage into Native American ancestors could explain why several crania from the First Americans have been reported as bearing morphological characteristics that do not resemble those of east Asians
>Acknowledging the low depth of coverage, we determined the most likely phylogenetic affiliation of the MA-1 Y chromosome to a basal lineage of haplogroup R
The New World belongs to whites. We have the right to be here. Native Americans remember red-haired white people called the 'Si-Te-Cah' who they genocided;
>According to the Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cah were a red-haired band of cannibalistic giants
>When they refused to come out, the Indians piled brush before the cave mouth and set it aflame. The Si-Te-Cah were annihilated
Indians took my land from me. They've been trying to genocide my race for thousands of years, and you're complicit.
Why do you want these girls murdered?
>when they're the ones who started shit
Bunch of manbabies who hate women. Whatever. They are obsolete anyway.
Is anyone else just incredibly bored with Sup Forums?
Every day it's the same old bait threads, the same old LARPing, the same old angry faggots trying to pick fights.
Sup Forums has a massive flaw that cannot be fixed. Baby tantrum behavior gets the most attention. People don't really want to talk about stuff, they just want attention, and that's primarily because most of Sup Forums's user base are computer addicted loners.
Who's quote is this?
Because we are using your own lefts "muh feelings" against you. You are already losing ground. Peope are slowly starting to see us as the good guys. All the while we are pushing antifa as ISIS. ;) You can't beat us at this game bitches. We are FAR smarter than you.
Because he is a FBI plant. Fuck that fucking gym rat faggot I'd break his face into shit if I ever see him.
I've literaly had worst in my life and never said sorry to anyone. Been 5 years me against the world and even on my own I never bitched out like this faggot.
t. man with no facts or proof
All my text has been written for this thread, save for my opening post.
The power of the white man (Or white MtF transsexual, in my case.)
Femitheist Divinity shall soon rule over us. And everything will be at peace. No more white men to ruin beautiful cities like Chicago.
Sorry, meant in the image.
Good thread, saved.
>(Or white MtF transsexual, in my case.)
How can women even compete?
Cantwell is all bark but no bite, quite disappointing how easily he had a mental breakdown after a single threat from the cops. It wouldn't of been this bad if he hadn't acted like such a tough guy in front of the VIce reporter with downs
The left is getting increasingly belligerent and will suicide.
that pic is perfect
>most of Sup Forums's user base are computer addicted loners.
honestly i hate most of you, i lose brain cells when i read your posts day in day out its the same bull shit lucky i already went mad once before i even found this place so i recognize the crazy in the posts by the shills very well and the thread topics and bait posting, there are alot of liberal true believers on here that get up every day and think about internet nazis and Trump until they fall asleep exhausted
>Hillary spent $1.2 billion to lose an election
lets just endure all the terror attacks forever and ever
generalizations exist for a good reason
you're so fucking dumb omfg
It says 'The Westernist' in the corner, but I honestly have no idea where it's from.
The thing is, transsexuals are mentally retarded. I can feel what's wrong with me. Much of my time is devoted to researching ways of curing myself of my affliction.
I'm not an admirable person, and I only mentioned it to make sure people know not to admire me. What I've written is a defense of the white race which I refuse to undercut.
I have faith that god can see in my heart and see that my love of whites is pure and honest. I love what is better than me, and will get on my hands and knees so that the white man and white woman can escape.
14/88, SEIG HEIL!
you're a fucking headcase mate
This is why.
>Cryin' Chuck Schumer
The guy is frustrated that government of virginia wants to persecute him for trumped up charges of using pepper spray. If you go to any event with antifa that shit permeates the air. Virginia is deciding to selectively enforce the law against him. When are they going to go after the guys who pepper sprayed him?
You seem to be under the impression I'm a leftist and that I don't think blacks are more and more retarded and violent on average. This literally doesn't matter, you simply can't stereotype an entire race and expect to be taken seriously.
Plus, larping as nazis is definitely NOT what you don't want to do to bring credibility to your movement, that's fucking retarded, considering the public image associated to them. Not to mention instead of trying to create a movement for yourselves you latch to other ideologies, that's pretty fucking pathetic and screams of identity crisis. You're not fucking germans on WW2 Germany, the context is entirely different.
That's kind of ironic really, left whines about being the victims of made up shit for decades, then actually victimizes people and go "Durr stop playing the victim". They have no sense of objective reality. Shocking really. Are these things even human?
White men ruining Chicago. Lmao. Good one.
I don't know, why are you such a faggot?
>This literally doesn't matter, you simply can't stereotype an entire race and expect to be taken seriously
I don't care about being taken seriously by a mentally ill society.
>Plus, larping as nazis is definitely NOT what you don't want to do to bring credibility to your movement, that's fucking retarded, considering the public image associated to them
>You're not fucking germans on WW2 Germany, the context is entirely different
Since the 1920's, whites have lost their native culture. There's nothing else to latch onto.