has america done enough to wash itself of slavery?
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Yeah. Now blacks don't work and get paid for it. We've done a complete 180
Funny thing. Big companies, who are fooling leftists and play the liberal bastich, are todays slave-owners, yet, they are supported by lefists, because they fall for the multicultural bullshit.
Speaking of slavery: Yes, america did more then any other country, to "wash it self of slavery". There was/is so much slavery around the world, committed by nonwhites and its way more bestial.
But the american leftists see it as a duty to call out their own people, then other nations, specially with brown people in it.
We are doing that right now.
Getting rid of confederate stains will go a long way.
People in Germany haven't forgot about nazism even though they destroyed most Nazi buildings.
I get that General Lee is not Hitler, but when you bring Nazi flags, the protesters themselves are actively choosing to conflate the two
>has america done enough to wash itself of slavery?
America is still a slave state, so we can fit in with the other cool slave states, Germany France and England
Blacks won't be happy until whites are their slaves
>are todays slave-owners
why would today's slave owners be any different from yesterday's slave owners?
they're the same fucking people
>Blacks won't be happy until whites are their slaves
just like 800 years of Moorish rule in Europe
why is slavery a bad thing?
Honestly, getting over all of them sounds good to me. Still don't want muslims in the country, but that's because of the future terrorist attacks, not 9/11.
Gee let's see:
Affirmative action
Dominating pop culture
Double standards excusing anything objectionable behavior
You tell me
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white people need to give money to blacks and stop murdering them in the streets
anyone else think this is a honey pot/psyop?
>why is slavery a bad thing?
it's the opposite of freedom, that thing that Americans supposedly love
Of course it is. This Right Wing rally shit started this month. Soros wants to do another Charlottesville. Gather gullible dum-dum conservative locals, throw in some paid nazi larpers, get antifa to fake fight the fake nazis to rile up the dum-dums, boom instant reason to yell at Trump for shit he has nothing to do with again.
>anyone else think this is a honey pot/psyop?
only if it's on television
why can't you be free to own lesser beings?
Has Egypt done enough, tear down the Pyramids built by slaves. Were would it stop, people are slaves today, in this world, you goof. Slavery didn't begin in America, it didn't end in America.
I hate how liberal whites act like as if slavery was the worst thing ever in human history, worse than 9/11, worse than war, worse than hiroshima etc... it makes me furious
Funny thing is that nobody cares about slavery anymore, except americans somehow. Even fucking africans don't give a shit.
In terms of repartitions, yes 100%.
In terms of literally washing ourselves of it...No. We are literally overrun by nigger culture and violence. Washing would imply sending all them back at least.
abolishing it wasn't enough? if white people hadn't bought and set free slaves from africa their descendants would likely still be owned by some barbaric african slave masters to this day.