How do you guys carry on?

How do you guys carry on?

>Everyone hates white people these days
>Universally acceptable to hate-speech, assault us
>Literally can't trust our own countrymen and governments to keep us safe
>Muslims regularly raping and murdering our women in Europe
>All of our countries set to be majority-brown in the next 50 years
>Can't speak out against open borders without being called a nazi

Every time you go outside as a white man, like every single person you come across that isn't white wants you dead. Like, what's the point of even caring about the future of this country? It all seems so bleak.

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Don't pillage and destabilise other people's countries then.

That's fine, because every time I walk outside, I also want every single non white person to be dead

I didn't. A small handful of rich assholes a couple hundred years ago did. My ancestors were all poor fucking farmers and peasants and so were most white people's.

>created the US
>created Israel
>started more wars than any other country in history
Sounds unfair that Europe is paying for your crimes.

Stop listening to the media. It's bad for your mental health.

Manning the fuck up like we have in history, your faggot ass needs to be shot.

>>Everyone hates white people these days
oh get over yourself already
>>Universally acceptable to hate-speech, assault us
that's just false, we only punch nazis :)
>>Literally can't trust our own countrymen and governments to keep us safe
have you ever trusted your government? that's why you bear arms idiot, to protect yourself from tyranny
>>Muslims regularly raping and murdering our women in Europe
We are not YOUR women, we don't belong to anyone, stop taking away our agency please
>>All of our countries set to be majority-brown in the next 50 years
What is the problem with that?
>>Can't speak out against open borders without being called a nazi
Yes you can, just don't use derogatory terms like "rapefugee" and don't flaunt disgusting racists flags, asshole

*drops mic*

Last time I went through border control, some guy who looked like former military asked me about how to pronounce my last name.

He did it the German way. I noped and said we did it with a different accent. He asked if I had brought in any foreign food.
On my way.

I don't think anybody else on line went through so quickly while I was watching.

because i'm metis and if they insult me or call me white (i have white skin) i call them a racist

Coupk hundrd years ago? The shit in the ME right now is because of US meddling. That's why theyre coming to Europe in droves. Also, if you wanted niggers out, you should have left them the fuck alone to chuck spears. You cannot get rid of them now.

Shockingly, I agree with your post just I think its pretty hypocritical to say that as long as you aren't a Nazi you won't get your ideas shouted down. That is what you guys are doing everywhere, now Phoenix Trump rally might get cancelled because of Antifa you guys are going too far but feeling cocky because nobody will stop you.

So stop licking kikes asses...

The zionist globalist elites are the ennemy of every races.

Time to expose & fight them.

>What is the problem with that?

I do. The 14 words are a total amoral argument. They don't come from a sense of right or wrong which is why it's hard to argue it. Not necessarily a bad or good thing for white people to exist in the future, but I want them to. I feel like it'd be reasonable for black people to want to see their people to exist in the future, asian people to see their people exist in the future etc.

>*drops mic*
That you are a homosexual should prove to you that your mental illness is detectable even when you aren't waving dildos around or dressed in women's clothing


There will be no races in the future.
Everyone will mix

where the fuck do you live lol

That argument doesn't really work. Blacks and asians outnumber whites 10 to 1 and their countries are not nearly as diverse.

>Everyone hates white people these days
Actually, most people are just afraid of white people these days. Try being nice to a black person. Not some fucking thugged out nignog but a normal looking one. They're usually blown away when you do something decent.

Same goes for the queers. They mostly just think we all hate them so the guard's up.

I think you are paranoid. I live in niggertown USA and I don't feel this way. You just don't talk about politics with people you don't know. I don't feel like people hate white people. I guess some do, but some whites hate blacks. It's how life is.

Niggers can go back. The just have to be sent back

So there won't be any diversity?

The horror!!


>typed some words saying some generally uninteresting mainstream things. big accomplishment. *drops mic*

There's over 300 million people in this country.


>uk flag
Have you no shame? your filthy country destroyed the world.


Go outside, fat boy. Nobody is out to get you. This shit only exists on Sup Forums.

nice try mr 52%

You better be ready for round 2 you fucking scumbag.

Have a fuckin backbone and not realize it’s you causing all the problems but it’s those that are racist and hateful towards their fellow man.

Quiet, cuck.



What the hell can we do dude? I don't want to lose everything I have or may have in the future over politics. I just want a good life for myself at the end of the day, even if I am absolutely disgusted with the direction society is heading in. I don't know what to do really, you can't reason with most of these people.

Bring it on neckbeard

>oh get over yourself already
everyone hates white. You want us gone from the US and breed out of existance.
>that's just false, we only punch nazis :)
everyone is a nazi to you.
>have you ever trusted your government? that's why you bear arms idiot, to protect yourself from tyranny
We can't protect against people like you who work with the government.
>We are not YOUR women, we don't belong to anyone, stop taking away our agency please
Yeah we are part of a collective of society Essentially we are an extended family and we should treat every white person like this.
>What is the problem with that?
Culture changes when the race changes happens whenever another race takes over.
>Yes you can, just don't use derogatory terms like "rapefugee" and don't flaunt disgusting racists flags, asshole
No, we can't I have no idea where you've been living but we can't do anything will be labeled a nazi.

*drops mic*

if you say "like" one more time i'm going to track you down and fuck the "likes" out of you.

>Universally acceptable to hate-speech

Maybe, but toughen up pussy, it's just words

>assault us

What kind of hellhole do you live in? Every other week there's a new video of white person gunning down an unruly nog and they don't get charged 99.9% of the time. Liberals might get assaulted, but they're idiots with no sense of self-preservation, you can't protect them. Just get used to having a security mindset.

>>Muslims regularly raping and murdering our women in Europe

I am okay with this, our women are living trash 95% of the time

But it's true, man.

I mean, I believe everyone's entitled to their prejudices or preferences but this really has been my experience because I have to deal with people from all over the world in my business.

This is the greatest time EVER for true warriors. If you are a white man then the only thing that should matter to you is finding a noble death. If you have the blood of the volk and you kill a nigger/kike/faggot/traitor you are GUARANTEED a spot in Valhalla by the throne of Odin, King of the Victors. Let's unfurl the banner of Aryan Victory against the Jew and march to glory! Victory gives us the world and defeat gives us the glory of the martyr. Bersekers CAN'T LOSE.

I know this is bait but that's such a dumb argument. Everyone won't be mixed. There's going to be an Africa that's 100% black. A middle east that's 100% arab and an Asia that's 100% Asian. Moreover there will be a Europe and a North America that has large and growing black, middle eastern and mestizo populations, along with growing numbers of hapas and mulattos. There's also going to be the diminishing white populations whos racial conciousness will increase the more they go down in number. There's plenty of realistic scenarios from there on out, but none of them include a "everyone is mixed beyond distinction" future.

They will al diversify and mix over time. It's entropy.
You're thinking in the short term kid. You have to see the bigger picture

No problem. I'm not going to the grave until your wretched, inhuman ideology is fucking buried forever OR until I've shed enough communist blood to fill 50 olympic swimming pools.

because the race/civil war is about to start, burger

I live in a state where the left hates because there's not enough degeneracy and public services (handouts) like free transportation.

So the only time I hear this shit is on the internet.

>United Kingdom
>the color black itself calling the pot black.

We're in America. How are Europeans "our women"? Also I think we deserve it for our past of oppressing others. It's karma.

Porn and weed and booze are basically the only things that keep me going.
I don't give a fuck about your stupid degeneracy meme.
Give me a reason to fight back, but all I see are larping idiots and shills.

And (((who))) do you think is behind all the zionist wars in the middle east? I'm pretty sure its not whites.

Well go fight (((them))) then. Don't blame the symptom, which is thousands flooding in to Europe.

>getting raped
>were not YOUR WOMEN

Okay so you agree you're getting raped by brown people yet because you don "need no man" it's okay? some feminist retard

>what's wrong with that.

If Africa were to become majority white you'd SCREECH about "muh colonialism" and other junk, yet when it's whites you don't care. plus blacks have lower iq's higher crime stats etc.

>don't use terms like "rapefugee"
>we punch Nazis

Sorry "muh feelings" doesn't give you the right to assault those you don't like stop larping like some revolutionary, and accept that antifa is retarded.

Your scenario relies on two assumptions.
1: Moving from geographic locations will remain as easy or easier than today far into the future
2: Races are going to breed and mix at similar rates

None of these are likely. If we simply project the present into the future we're not going to get a mixed world, but a completely African world with tiny traces of European and Asian DNA. Blacks are breeding the fastest and if nothing changes they will swamp all others and spread out everywhere.
There's also the likelyhood that were moving into worse times economically. Travel will be harder and communications will be harder. With hard economic times people also tend to stop being liberal cucks and start to concern themselves with protecting their own. In turn the world starts to form more and more homogenous groups again.

Argentina will still be very white in 50 years, and it has a growing population, I'll probably move there when whites become a minority in the US.

Why do you hate diversity?

Guess what hunny black people are just as responsible for that as citizens of America

if the whites get backed against a wall they will start cloning themselves. we already have the technology, we just don't use it because of ethical questions. the survival of your race is an easy ethical question to answer.

>Blacks are breeding the fastest and if nothing changes they will swamp all others and spread out everywhere.
that's impossible because they cannot sustain themselves. large swathes of both domestic and foreign african population growth are sustained by food aid.

I'm not. I'm killing myself tomorrow.
You should too OP

>as easy or easier than today far into the future
Given the stable trend of faster movement for the last 2000 years Id say thats a given
>hard economic times in the future
Something you just made up to suit your argument.
>Races are going to breed and mix at similar rates
They dont need to. The point is eventually they will reach full entropy and mix completely.
Also birth rates are inversely proportional to living standards. As living standards in developing countries continue to increase(or they move to more developed countries) their birth rates will go down

I dont. I just dont think it will last

>How do you guys carry on?
Drugs and alcohol

Yeah, but that's why it's the "nothing changes" scenario, which in itself is unlikely. The point is that even then we don't get an "everyone is mixed" scenario.

if whites hit a 1.33 breeding rate there is no return as it takes longer than a generation to fix

Whites CAN die off.

romans said barbarians couldn't sustain themselves without roman gold they still got sacked.

People must exist in order to value anything. Therefore, all values are predicated upon the continuation of existence, and no values are predicated upon the cessation of existence. Cessation of existence therefore has no value. Continuing on as long as you can may suck, but ceasing to exist is the worst possible thing, a null-valuation that all others are defined to exceed.

>Also birth rates are inversely proportional to living standards. As living standards in developing countries continue to increase(or they move to more developed countries) their birth rates will go down
Third-World IQ can't sustain a First-World society. And they are getting dumber with each passing generation.

>it takes longer than a generation to fix

births don't happen in periodic waves bro

It's natural not to, diversity breeds conflict.

Join a militia and get ready.

>inversely proportional to living standards.
A common error, and quite false.
Birth rates are based upon k-strategist resource availability, or r-strategist reproductive opportunity. R-strategist races breed more, and live in utter squalor and misery. K-strategist races WOULD breed more, but the economy is locked down by the elite, who have tangled it up in socialism until there is no longer opportunity for anyone beyond their own class. The k-strategist races are going galt in preference to being forced into the squalid perpetual misery of the r-strategist races.

All the degenerate protesters and blm thugs are a fraction of the population.

The media just makes it look like a more than it is.

There's literally nothing to worry about. It was way worse than this back in the 60s and everything turned out alright.



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How do you explain that europeans used to have African tier bitrh rates before industrialization and how African birthrates are declining now as they develop if it's all based on racial reproduction strategies?

>every single person you come across that isn't white wants you dead

objectively not true. it also doesn't help that you have an inferiority complex and are racist




>Third-World IQ can't sustain a First-World society. And they are getting dumber with each passing generation.
IQ will even out and improve among those populations eventually. Nutrition and better education help.
R and K strategies are not a product of race but the economic environment.
>who have tangled it up in socialism until there is no longer opportunity for anyone beyond their own class.
Objectively false. There is nothing stoping you from becoming successful and wealthy except yourself

I AM wealthy. Are you?
When people become aware of the very real potential for their children to have better lives than they had, it motivates planning and a change of strategies! But once planning has shifted, NOBODY wants to go back. It's horrifying to contemplate the alternative when you have had a taste of something better.

evolution happens very slowly, you would have known that if you weren't a fucking retard. all you're doing by importing third worlders is delay the technological progress that requires a highly intelligent population.

>IQ will even out and improve among those populations eventually. Nutrition and better education help.
This never happens. And there is no proof for the notion that education improves IQs. Nutrition maybe, in the worst cases, but even that is limited.

>Given the stable trend of faster movement for the last 2000 years Id say thats a given
Why is it a given? Right now we depend of fossile fuels for fast travel. It's also what enables us to produce food in the quantities we need and what our entire economy is build on. Add to this that western society is VERY dysgenic, where those who build, maintain and create have far fewer children than those who don't. It doesn't take a genious to see where things are headed. All civilizations fall. Our western civilization is the largest yet and is likely to fall the hardest. You speak of enthropy, but the infrastructure and culture that allows people to move from Africa to Europe, settle down, breed with the locals and start a middle class family is highly complex and requires large amounts of work NOT to fall apart due to enthropy.

And living standards aren't going to improve in developing countries. They're low-IQ niggers after all.

Work out, get some guns, stablish a family, be the king of your castle, protect your wife, raise your sons and teach them respect for their elders and discipline, enjoy your life.

We can't win, we are too old to do anything now, but we shall make other who will. Our kids must embody what we now are trying to be, but from very little so that no one can brainwash them.

Good luck out there, nonetheless, times are dire but we will carry on. White people always carry on.

>IQ will even out and improve among those populations eventually
Why? There is no law that says it would. Evolution doesn't work that way. World IQ is dropping because the dumb are having more kids than the smart. Africans didn't need high IQ to survive, so it never increased. Europeans got a high IQ because it was an advantageous trait to have when living in Europe hundreds or thousands of years ago. It's only with the recent immigration and welfare state (maintained mostly by high-IQ whites) that this changed, since those with low IQ no longer are dying off.

>We can't win, we are too old to do anything now, but we shall make other who will.
It's far too late for that, the task has fallen on our shoulders and if we fail, that's it. there's no coming back, no second chances. It's all or nothing, now or never. If you cant muster up the will to fight for the preservation of our people now then please just stand back and stay out of the way of people who will.

I'm genuinely considering moving to Japan or China and settling down with one of the mongoloids over there, just so that my descendants will grow up in a non mixed culture.

>education improves IQs.

how retarded are you. a civilization requires wisdom to flourish, not IQ. case in point: china

So you admit the cause between reproduction strategies is environmental instead of racial/genetic, thereby contradicting your first post?

Chinas average IQ is 105, Europe is around 100.

This is all news to me.

I'm not white but I feel bad for you guys

Im actually working out pretty severely and searching for a job to start learning martial arts, will buy a hunting knife aswell.

The streets are not safe, and in 3 years if not less we will have mudslimes banging at our doors and I will be ready, and I hope you will too.

>just so that my descendants will grow up in a non mixed culture.

are you white? 'cause mixed kids aren't accepted either

>Are you?
Yes. Not sure what that has to do with anything.
>delay the technological progress
Doesnt delay anything. You and anyone else interested are free to pursue any career including science or tech.
>This never happens
But it does. First of all IQ is not exactly an accurate measure of intelligence.
Secondly collective IQ has been rising worldwide since the inception of the concept (see Flynn effect). Are people getting smarter through evolution? On such a small timescale that is very unlikely. More likely is the fact that education and therefore the skills required to answer correctly on IQ tests is getting better.
Moreover several studies have confirmed that education increases IQ scores. Also you can train specifically to get better scores at IQ tests. That does not however necessarily make you smarter.
What you're saying is mere alarmism. Society has worked on these principles for hundreds of years. There is no real forseeable threat to civilization or progress. Alternatives for fossil fuels are being researched and improved upon all the time

exactly. yet china's a shithole

Everyone just hates trumpfags these days

Same, don't believe these libtard news channels. i'm iranian but i don't hate you people.

The Flynn effect is not on g:

People are getting better at doing IQ tests, but not actually getting smarter.

China is thousands of years old, and even with it's faults it's better than most places.

And frankly I don't think their leaders lack wisdom. Our leaders lack wisdom, all common sense and rationality.

We must scorch the sky. No melanin can form when it's cloudy all the time. It's the only way to save the white race.

>What is the problem with that?
our politicians thinks its a source of our strength to have less whites, in other words they think it's a good thing when it should be a neutral thing.
why are they applauding if they are not racist and don't seek to do harm to the future minority?
>We are not YOUR women, we don't belong to anyone, stop taking away our agency please
A communist talking about individual agency