Bros, quick. Is college really worth it? Is being a debtfag worth it in the end?! CS major who's decent at math here.
Bros, quick. Is college really worth it? Is being a debtfag worth it in the end?! CS major who's decent at math here
> paying money for education
Oh look, another unemployed CS major. Welcome. How you'll enjoy your $12hr job in helpdesk support forever.
Of course not.
Your country needs more people who wash car windows at traffic lights.
Depends on what you go to school for.
I would say go to business school until you start a Business, then drop out.
Or, do what I did. I worked for Cigna healthcare/ insurance as a temp making 12 dollars an hour, and after they let me work as much as I wanted, with tons of overtime pay AND bonuses... I realized they had endless amounts of money. So I went to college and got a PharmD (degree), now if I work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, I make 350k a year.
And how's your $7.25/hr job at McDonald's?
Depends on what you're trying to get out of it, user. If you're purely trying to focus on your education and studying, you're going to be miserable as fuck. Try to do a club sport or join an organization. Also, I'm assuming you're a freshman. Do well this year, and try to get scholarships. That will help ease down the borrowing of loans.
And just because you have a CS degree doesn't mean shit, desu. Try to make a portfolio. Get an internship somewhere. Or else, all this will be worthless.
why do you need to go to college to learn computers? they sell em at walmart.
if you want a safe source of income, you're good (assuming it is CS and not some shitty "vidya gaem school")
just live like a nigger for the next 4 years after and pay off the debt right asap, before anything else, then your scott free
Get a trade, a van and some tools and work for yourself. Then spend the rest of your time working out and reading important literature and turning out to rallies.
> Paying 50% of your income to mama angela
> still dumb as a rock
Move to Yurop and study there.
Much cheaper and education is better too.
Why don't you have a scholarship retard?
STEM yes, certain business majors like Accounting might be worthwhile.
Anything else fuck no.
>just live like a nigger for the next 4 years
So, own a bunch of "luxury" items like Gucci belts, new iphone every year and a car you're leveraged out of your monkey ass to own?
> muh trade job
> being a mountain jew
No, there's a shortage of immigrants that employers will take, over paying you a decent wage.
If you do go college go private, or claim to be an oppressed minority.
Germans are great builders, what the fuck are talking about? You are well known and also well respected for your building skills, you should embrace that not laugh at it you tool.
Go in to as little debt as possible: community college and transferring to a prestigious public university is a good option for poorfags. If you don't have the entrepreneur gene that's what you have to do. The brainwashing is intense but I'm sure you'll be immune to it.
Not here in Canada. My biggest regret is post secondary. Im 30 and still paying off my loans.. I have a decent job but when you make 100k here they tax you down to 50k net anyways, and life is so pricey we are basically all equally poor.
Either become a programmer and make bank...although finding that first job is hard because they all want some sort of experience
or go into IT in which case your best bet is to go into cloud/database management. Get the fuck away from help desk as soon as you can. Best bet is to find a Jr. System Administrator position, because as a sys admin you're already past help desk and can go from there into more management roles, and you get away from the dumbass customer calls.
Anything outside of STEM, computers, and maybe business (depending on how smart you are, your instincts, and connections) is a monumental waste of time. Even then, if you take the more redpilled classes, they may force you to take a bunch of pseudo-science commie shit. Honestly, try a community college for two years and get your associates. Then after that transfer to a real university to finish up. You'll save a shitton of time, energy, and money if you aren't totally sure what you want to do. Trade schools are ALWAYS a good choice.
Be smart about it. I went to a community college for 3 years and paid cash for my classes because I kept up my job. I then transferred over to a state college, took out a loan for $15k. When I graduated I had the identical degree that everyone else had that went there for 4 years but at 1/4th the cost. I was then able to pay my loan off at about 2 years after my graduation date because I concentrated all my excess earnings to get that debt off of me.
No, cs is saturated as fuck. They flooded the job market to bring down wages. Its not that there isnt any jobs, its just that there are a screaming shitload of recent cs grads. Go into petroleum or something if you want a job. I graduated recently and if I dont get super lucky and score a job at walmart or pizzahut im just going to join the army.
I am sure you should go collage. I am a chink here in CS major, Machine Learning track and now I get an offer from fintech company with about 200k total package. From my personal experience, college education enhance your ability in building high-dimensional mathematics model and large scale computing system.You cannot do it all by yourself without professors and clusters. Just GO COLLEGE faggot. It is very easy for a hard working educated white guy to get a high paid job in this industry.
An immigrant just set your car on fire, you might want to stop shitposting for a sec and go put it out.
Yes. Get good grades and learn hard skills. If you can learn the same skills without college, do that. Employers won't care about degrees if you can do the job, and you'll avoid debt.