oy vey
oy vey
oy vey
oy vey
Oy vey
Jews are afraid of their own planning?
now that's hilarious.
>fuck my shit up
>lol, just a prank, let us move to Israel now
The fucking madmen actually did it! The germans are finally getting rid of the jews for good! At last I see, there was a plan all along.
Or maybe this was their plan all along, fuck the west then leave back to their shitty homeland.
jews arent afraid you retarded cracker lol. they are smart enough to know when the event horizon has hit.
Shit, now I'm truly worried.
>jews are behind mass immigration
No, more western elites support it you Nazi larper.
Now give me my holocoaster check.
sort of, its all a big scheme to get them to move to israel
>Ruin an entire continent and civilization
>Run back to your ethnostate
>durr all Jews are a hive mind
This pretty much.
jews are the western elites. dont steal achievements from your genetic superiors.
You deserve it for the holohoax. Now build another statue in memory of some german who tried to kill hitler, you shitty faggot
I dont understand this. Jews push for the Islamic invasion of Europe, yet they must also know the EU and USA are the only thing standing in the way is Israel being over run by Muslims hordes. They are on the chopping block next when the EU falls.
I'd like to laugh about this, but at this point it is impossible to
>As a white person, I agree we should all be destroyed, we are racists
>Oy vey, you're after the evil whites? I'm a jew, they persecuted us worse than you, those bastards! Remember the great shoah?
no they arent. they just pack up and leave. the real jews arent in israel - they are dispersed throughout the world.
What if this was just a plan to get all the jews to move to israel out of fear of muslims everywhere else?
>Jews invite million of Muslims to Europe
Oy vey there's a bunch of radical Muslims here, let's go to Israel xDDDDD
I bet their plan went not like they expected, now they are leaving because of uncontrolled consequences.
WW3 was nothing more then revenge by jews for something then made up. Anyone ever get the feeling its been the Nazis vs jews for millennia and were at the next point of shift?
assuming he is not part of the globalist/Jewish cabal trying to flood the West with mudslimes, I respect the fact he recognizes the gravity of the situation and is loyal to his people and wants them safe.
that said I am becoming increasingly convinced that it really IS almost all the jews fault
Why do they even want to go to that hot, sandy shithole anyway?
Because you are paying for the air conditioning
Because they're making it not a sandy shithole anymore and they get free waifus for moving back.
>Jews are afraid of their own planning?
Its more like the kikes plan the western countries to go to shit but don't you worry as they are dual citizens who can move straight back to Israel when the country finally goes to shit.
We will be forced to fight for our values while the Jews will be in their western paid nation of high tech and security (if the west did not give holocaust funds Israel would have been taken over).
Link or fake
Mas. Shabbath 31b
On the house of the Goy [Goy means unclean, and is the disparaging term for a non-Jew] one looks as on the fold of cattle.
Mas. K'rithoth 6b
[This passage refers to anointing with oil. "Heathens," i.e., Gentiles, are not "adam" or man but are equated with cattle]
We're the cattle that will be plowing their fields.
^-also this
Rabbi Meir Bar-Hen, in an interview with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, called Spain a "hub of Islamist terror for all of Europe." His comments came after two vehicle-ramming attacks that left a total of 14 people dead on a famous Barcelona boulevard and in a seaside town south of the northern Spanish city. The Islamic State militant group (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the van attack in central Barcelona late Thursday that also injured more than 100 people.
"Jews are not here permanently," he said. "I tell my congregants: Don’t think we’re here for good. And I encourage them to buy property in Israel. This place is lost. Don’t repeat the mistake of Algerian Jews, of Venezuelan Jews. Better [get out] early than late." He was referring to two countries where Jewish populations have dwindled because of persecution.
If this guy wasn't a Jew and he said "Europe is lost because of radical Islam" you'd be supporting him
So if by some off chance he's NOT the guy responsible for mass immigration then you basically agree with him. But keep on LARPing
The part of the plan is making all jews going back to Israel
>yfw europe prefers muslims over jews.
Is this their plan? To import millions of radical Islamist and turn Europe into a cesspool of jihad and antisemitism, to make life inhabitable for Jews over here.
Only a crafty Jew would come up with something like this.
Their fecklessness and lack of loyalty is what is bothering people. They are parasites because they feed off the host until the host is too sick to support them then they abandon it. We may agree on a single point, Islam being in Europe is a problem, but we hate him for having no loyalty to the country that supported his ass and protected him all his life.
>yfw u realize kikes kike other kikes
its almost is as if they are fighting for power to be crowned king jew or "pope"
Its working, we have destroyed the Goy nations and forced most remaining Jews to live under our direct control
But Sir, we just handed Muslims who hate us European industry and Nuclear weapons
Also we crippled America and they can no longer defend us
Oy Vey
>Jews push for the Islamic invasion of Europe
Jews don't do this. G-dless lefties do this. Some Jew by name only.
the western elites are half jews, and the other half are traitors
Ironically the jews are the ones who destroyed europe... Jews are the niggers of the world
More like signalling to other jews that the war is about to start. Just like the notificationa to all jews on 9/11.
How do we get American jews to move to Israel?
Merkel a 6d chess master
kick out Islamist extremists and bring in Arab nationalist extremists?
Short term: Great, weaselly and unscrupulous decision makers
Long term: Fucking useless
Achmed is simply Europe's punishment from God for becoming socialist atheist, nanny statist, cucks. A literal plague of locusts, to devastate the land and humble this hubris. The Jews at least have somewhere to escape to, unlike the natives who will soon find themselves in the same situation faced by white South Africans.
They want the war to happen so that they can buy up properties on the cheap afterwards.
People! I have see the future. The last stand between us and the hordes will be in China and Eastern Russia.
We have 50 years to prepare.
He doesn't know.
They're rootless. They will go to the United States and fight segregation, South Africa and protest apartheid, and than Europe to culturally enrich the continent.
Do Americans actually believe this?
Secular Jews and secular whites ruin society for both gentiles and observant Jews.
too bad the nigs don't realize they had it better during segregation
now it's only ghettoization
Israel wanted all them back.
Israel outjewed the western Jews.
pack your shit and fuck off to is real
dont forget to take your pet nogs with you
Not all Jews are Zionists that control the NWO. Less than one percent of Jews have any impact on this world.
Yes but don't take it personally. The niggers have been America's punishment for 150 or so years now.
oh user, israelis welcome those attacks, he makes jews migrate to israel and makes european unlikely to support arab countries.
Please let this happen. I just want an ethnostate for each race.
The plan is for all Jews to return to Israel.
>duh jooos
[All critical thought stops at this point]
hope you have a plan for when the syrian civil war ends, because at any rate, Israel is next
have fun Rabbi cockeater
The problem is... it's true.
Sorry kikes, fuck off we're full up.
If international Judaism were to put the full power of its culture behind the preservation of western civilization, the task would get a LOT easier. There are a LOT of smart, well-connected Jews in the world. I just wish they'd join with white people in demanding better navies, stronger borders, and more defense against foreign barbarians. There are shared interests here that can be served together, if only Jews will put down their supremacist positioning long enough to act in harmony with another culture.
They need not flee to Israel if only they will deign to act in symbiosis with their hosts.
Yep, we all have our cross to bear - ours is Tyrone, while Europe's is Achmed.
All it takes now to trigger another shoah is a Jewish extremist attack on al-Aqsa mosque.
Maybe that has been the plan all along.
wtf I love muslims now
>Event Horizon
They know that if europe goes muslim they'll be fucked but they also know if europe goes nationalist they'll be blamed and also fucked.
What's funny is that to Israeli Ashkenazim (Germanic Jews), the Sephardim (Iberian Jews) are basically niggers.
>points at desert
No wonder you guys are considered morons
better start deporting those muslims manolo, call your friend pedro and get it together
or it was to convince the remaining jews to go. Many Jews do not want to live in Israel. They like fucking around with goyim in Europe and North America. The Israelis know if they allow these vultures to continue poking a much stronger force with a stick it'll eventually come home to roost for them as well.
I mean what is stopping a "Nazi United States" after it purges all Jews in Norther America not to destroy Israel itself? IT is better to get rid of the number one influence on antisemitism and that is the Jews themselves. They know what their fellow Semites are up to. They know the resentment building.
They know what they're doing. Historically, people were wiped out because of changing demographics, not war. Jews engineered this whole fiasco.
Just as I predicted.
Do they hate white people so much that they are willing to give up europe?
This is just their way of letting the lower level Jews in on the plan.
Islam, as an ideology, destroys whatever nation it's in. It's like a ticking nuclear time bomb.
So you just figured out this is all larp?
RWDS though as soon as kikes depart. Kebab then forcibly removed when (((Fake News))) no longer around to brainwash.
tyrone is easy, end the practice of welfare and then reinstate under the name reperations, they will be dumb enough to fall for it
I cannot believe that these retards are only JUST NOW realizing that it was never about the jews, and that it's about violent ideologies trying to take over your country for their own agenda.
And right now the "jews" are muslims. It's about time these fuckers finally woke up!
Someone tweeted a list of the non-Jewish Europe-flooders. The top was Merkel, but she isn't the only one. Come on dude, reality is complicated, but try to keep up.
it's all part of their plan
they precipitate the return of the kikes to israel and destroy europe (their only real enemy) at the same time
As you should, it's always a bad sign when rats abandon the ship.
It's the Jews. Islam is a nation ender. Saying they wouldn't do it because Islam is the enemy of the Jew is like saying the USA wouldn't promote radical Islam because it inherently hates the USA... but that's exactly what the CIA did to destabilize the middle east. Islam is useful in that it destroys whatever nation it spreads itself into.
There is some getting better publicized difference between Israelis (based, just want homeland) and liberal Euro-American culture disruptors. See: some statements Netanyahu has made recently, and, at least one Israel-flag poster within the last few weeks.
No, this was their plan all along. Zionists hate diaspora and want them all back, or at least pledge allegiance to Israel. By making countries outside of Israel "hostile" to Jews, it further legitimizes their claim that Israel is the only safe haven for Jews.
If Jews are afraid, then what hope do goyim have ?