The Last of the Americans


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both are total losers

what's a loser?

>LARPing as a confederate
>while being an obese faggot

It's sad that I'm not even surprised anymore

i can actually picture him as a legit confederate infantryman in 1861. he'd probably be thinner than

This guy gets it

Plus the ham got kicked from his (((christian school)))

didn't see you out there, fatso

The guy meant it with no guile. He was pissed that his fathers were being shit upon. Look at that woman. She does not even know what the enemy is. Women need to speak less and listen more. The more I see female behavior these days, the more I believe women were not meant to govern. Do not get me wrong, there arepowerful and strong women who definitely can govern, but as a rule most women do not do well in this sphere. They are corruptible, changeable, fickle, unforgiving of slights, sentimental... Shit women need to be put in their place to be perfectly honest. It is crazy because I totally think women should have positions of power and all that, but they have shown themselves to be unfit.

I can actually picture her as a prisoner In the gulag in the 1950. She would probably be a litter deader though.

He looks like a friendly guy.

The only reason he wasn't physically assaulted was because of his AR-15



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When's she's totally coverded up but I can still see a tat.

“Aristotle says that the courage of a man lies in commanding, a woman's lies in obeying; that 'matter yearns for form, as the female for the male and the ugly for the beautiful'; that women have fewer teeth than men; that a female is an incomplete male or 'as it were, a deformity'.[3] Aristotle believed that men and women naturally differed both physically and mentally. He claimed that women are "more mischievous, less simple, more impulsive ... more compassionate ... more easily moved to tears ... more jealous, more querulous, more apt to scold and to strike ... more prone to despondency and less hopeful ... more void of shame or self-respect, more false of speech, more deceptive, of more retentive memory [and] ... also more wakeful; more shrinking [and] more difficult to rouse to action" than men.[4] Aristotle wrote extensively on his views of the nature of semen. His views on how a child's sex is decided have since been abandoned

That's also what I first thought when I saw this picture.

those two people are unironically making their respective fathers proud of them

fat fukin loser waiving his participation trophy.

"we need to be acknowledged for second place!"

She's brainwashed and brain dead

damn he looks like such a nice guy too, i bet he likes playing vidya, shooting guns and fishing. I bet he is a history buff

*The Last of the Nazis

So is it one guy always posting anti-white shit with the Deus Vult flag or is it that it just so happens that all of the Christfaggot LARPers are multiculturalist retards?

Love trumps hate. Look how loving and tolerant she is

10/10. hat's off to the guy. brilliantly played.

good for him. More I can say for the rest of you pathetic losers on this board making fun of him being fat. LOL. He had enough balls to go "outside" .. He might be fat .. but he is /ourguy/


Awesome sum up. Love Aristotle, at least what little I have read of his. Didn't he view semen as tied or actually touched with the quintessence, or the ether?

Well said. The kid has more courage and dignity than all those losers that were trying to bully him.

When that whore is being raped by the 3rd world she'll be like

>We showed those racists!


Any country want a huge protestant population of farmers and tradesmen? We're educated, independent minded and won't ask your government for handouts. The US really doesn't deserve the GDP we contribute. They're ungrateful, sefl-centered morons.

More pics of the milf? Did we doxx her already?

>that conversation at the end

We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a man.

that guy looks like a fat inbred fuck

I think this guy has balls. Say what you want about his weight but he stood up for what he believed he wasn't LARPing he DID something. He stood in the face of the people who hated him and he didn't fight or make note of their existence. Take note this is what we should be doing. Let the left show their hate we will stand regardless.

I wish there was a video of him tied up naked and her fucking a black man in front of him while making fun of his small cock.

>middle-aged white women with nose piercings

this is my fetish



I only see one American in that pic, and interestingly enough she's standing on the left. What a brave soul.


who is the cunt with the nosering

Sharon, age 38, works in human resources, one child, divorced, says she's making it on her own but doesn't mention the child support or alimony, catchphrase: I'd like to speak with your manager.

This guy's a true hero.

no bullshit he's v cute. my weakness is overweight white southerners, bonus if they're mega christian. 10/10 would top.

>The blurry caption at the bottom
>He was kicked out of college with only a year to go

Just because was standing up for his ancestors in a nonviolent way. Fuck the leftists man

Everytime I see cases like this my blood boils.
If I ever see something like this, I will truly try to help the guy, even if I end up dead.

Gee a middle aged woman with a nose piercing is a single mom with a divorce wow......who would have guessed

He couldn't make it as a punker

>baby ruth monster from the goonies is the last hope for the autistical-right

It blows my mind. He literally didn't do anything.

He was honoring his ancestors, which he even stated in the video. Gfy

She's another NPC. Look at that Alex Jones vid going around... really weird phenomenon where people are literally acting like NPCs

>Holds the flag of the traitors

PCC is completely private and like a cult. jews don't go near that shit.

Yeah and this kid gets my support because he wasn't even Nazi larping, he was just confederate larping which is more American than commie/nazi larping.


I want to be this guy friend

>durr he's overweight so his point is invalid

>goy who wants a state without authority, which then in that sense anyone could make authority cuz there wouldn't be any authority to spot it

>that based as fuck cop at the end
They really aren't on the left's side are they?

It was the final time he could honor his ancestors before history is rewritten and they are forgotten
Just like how white history around the planet is being rewritten and achievements are wiped and replaced with hate and malevolence

>going to a false flag event held by Richard Spencer
His ancestors wouldn't be happy that he's a fat fucking slob.
Yes, you obese fuckwad. Anyone without the willpower to keep their body in reasonable shape is a complete and utter failure and should kill themselves.


What a fucking cunt at the end.

>It is crazy because I totally think women should have positions of power and all that
>should have
>positions of power

back when people were not heckled just because they hated niggers

Correction: The Last of the Confederates

Fuck em it was never their country anyway. We run the show now bitches!

unfortunately for you he appears to be a bottom just like you so you're gonna have to invite one of your syrian top friends over to complete the experience.

>So what do you want?
>Give me the hair that lets everyone know I fuck black dudes.
>I got you, senpai.


He's fat but he's got more spine than most other people.

Anyone got the edit of this?

Balls of steel. His eyes said it all.

He's a hero of mine desu

Indeed. Everyone should watch the video. I don't know how he was raised but somehow he is acting exactly like Americans did in pre1980s. Everything he does and says is fully based

>that blood is on your hands, not mine
You can hear the inflection in her voice where she briefly questions herself.

The media and "liberal left" shames one group while the other is heavily protected, to the extent of it being "hate speech" if you criticize them

>The Last of the Americans

Yeah, no.

so that's what unemployed people do all day.

Good on this guy. The officer that showed up wasn't bad either.

the stank on her pussy is almost as bad as the dried black semen on your chin

> Surely this will shut him up and not further radicalize him

Left logic

What the fuck? Some guy is doing historical recreation and some unknowing, historless whore goes berserk?
What would this idiot do if she saw someone doing recreating some SS battalion? or Cheka Troika? (yeah, nothing, obviously). or Uljanov?

She also wasn't looking at him. She darted her eyes away.

The guy may be fat but he's honorable and composed himself with dignity. A couple years ago if he did this yeah it might be cringy and pointless but now it isn't.


It deserves to go viral. Biggest white pill of the week.

White males got to have each others back. No one else will.

not sure how old he is because he looks like a big fat man baby, (probably due to low test) but he's a dumbass for not covering his face. Now he's never gonna get a job in that city. If he cares that much about his lineage and the white race he should probably do productive things in the direction of making money not LARPING (yes its larping, don't give a fuck what his reasn are) in front of a statue all day.

That pic doesnt even make sense. Those that are against "neo nazis" are pro jihadi, so why compare the two?

Open carry state, and the left has made it illegal for this kid to do that.
I guess we can all put ' White people are polite' on our graves. I mean seriously how did they get away with this? There should've been thousands of armed people there guarding them. I will be at the next one. Legally armed.

This is whats up: NPCs. Acting on programming but having no real idea of what's going on. Spoopy times: Sup Forums meets Sup Forums meets /x/


This was honestly just some innocent goofy kid who genuinely wanted to defend Southern culture. I think you could show this to moderates and they'd sympathize with him.

I wish
I wish I could switch places with that guy
I would burst out laughing.

How were the confederates national socialists?
