Vancouver - Stop the Nazi Live Stream
>"only 2 genders"
did i sum it up?
Currently they are talking about "tall privelage" against a white guy who was asking for a reasonable immigration policy
Please tell me this is a joke
it's not
earthquake when?
Hey hey I live here, I'm not ready to die just yet.
The group they are protesting is anti-islam, but somehow if u r anti-islam, u r also a nazi
...only in Canada
Canada is the best country on the planet. So proud of our tolerance and respect.
Are there any better streams? This fag keeps dropping.
bunch of white people angry at white people? do you ever notice that no "minorities" are ever upset enough to protest?
every single article about this hid the WCAI facebook page, only showing the counter protest page. the bias is unreal.
Also this is an anti-islam protest. This isnt a racist protest.
I'd go down there but I am too /comfy/
Because they don't feel a sense of ownership of the country?
I saw an article in the province yesterday interviewing the organizer for the right wing rally.
Fucking embarrassing, fat former criminal who not only can't defend his ideas but couldn't even articulate like an adult English speaker.
This was on the next page from an article about an SFU professor from Virginia saying 'we white people don't understand what these mean to people and we need to take them down" and "no point trying to hide history because it always comes out" like he thinks he's trying to be quotable
Everyone in this fucking city is retarded
I really do want to move, but the states seems just as retarded these days (if trump doesn't make it impossible to move)
Where are the """nazis""" right now? I'm in Vancouver but it's hard to find such a small group
>natives unironically saying diversity is a blessing
How many people showed up? I couldn't find any information on it, only the counter protesters
And the U.S. doesnt need any more degenerates.
Serious Vancouver
Next time you should have had your anti Islam rally in Richmond and had the posters in Chinese. So many chinese people hate Muslims.
Some native says disagreeing with her whining is a form of violence lmao.
some tranny's are assualting the videoographer and now the police are after him
wait something is happening in Canada. this is breaking news why have I not heard about this.
a drunk native guy is getting in his face now calling him a clown and slurring his words
>Rioting in the Vancouver area
pick one.
Anyone in Quebec City tomorrow?