Would anyone be sad if North Korea nuked California? Be honest.
I would call it irony, commies nuking commies, and actually helping the US in the long run.
Would anyone be sad if North Korea nuked California? Be honest.
I would call it irony, commies nuking commies, and actually helping the US in the long run.
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ive lived in ca all my life, i dont really know the rest of the US but Id imagine its poorer but whiter
They'll implode all on their own
Cali has two of my favorite national parks. Most of the rest of it is shit, tho.
Yeah, there is something worse than commies and it's un-American faggots like you.
Just because they have a different ideaology than you does not mean they should die. I'd also love for you to explain how destroying some of our most prosperous ports and trade lanes would help the US in the long run.
>t. Jew
I wouldn't be alive in North Korea nuked California. Also why does Sup Forums hate California so much? Sure there are liberals here and there, but overall it's a nice state plus it has beautiful scenery.
t. californian
Non-arguments are my favorite.
Yeah, its only the largest state, with the largest economy, the largest export ports, the most agricultural production, the most innovation, and a major center of arts and culture. FUCK IT WHO CARES.
Post your cock. Mine is Jewed. Is yours?
Freshly cut like a good goy, but stop obsessing over dicks and trying to derail.
How is it derailing? If you live in CA you know it's one of our great country's biggest conclaves of Jews.
And why would you defend cock-cutting anyway? If yours is cut why don't you decry genital mutilation?
>is there anything in the us more shit than california?
Yes jew yok jew jersey and florida
What, is their one missile that they can't aim and can't even hit Japan is going to land directly on you?
Why not nuke the entire country while you're at it?
I just moved to California, drove here two days ago.
> driving through Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, gas is ~$2
> get to California, gas is $3.50
California isn't bad, just most of the people are retards. But the landscape, weather, overall "niceness" is pretty high
if california secedes, they become an unincorporated territory under the direct governance of donald trump and all their laws are null and void.
they're still us citizens and it's illegal for them to interfere in a foreign country without federal permission under the logan act so they can't even legally form a new country.
California isn't a country.
Why did you fucking move to taxiformia? Usually they move out and infest other states.
well, Hollywood is in Cali, and Hollywood is the HQ of all the Fake News (((Media))) that mocks us and drives the Normies against us. so yeah, Cali must go.
Member when Kim (Jong Un not Kardashian) threatened to Nuke America, only to back down? i hoped he would NUKE LA.
bah just let Commiefornia fall to Wetbacks, only to take it back when DOTR starts.
at least we can get rid of Degenerates and Subhumans at the same time.
i may sound rude to you, but i'm just Pissed off like everyone else currently.
Most of the rest of the country actually has a middle class.
We hate California because it gets 55 electoral votes and provides a migratory route for Mexicans to get in. Also Hollywood.
It is literally over half Mexican now.
Don't forget no gunz
Why would you want gunz when you can have NY Jews like Nanci Pelosi?
I'm also fine with giving California to Mexico, but I don't want to have the Californians jump ship and come back into America, nor do I want Mexicans to get emboldened and step up the invasion of other states.
I would laugh if all the deviants in California got wiped out by the Mexican gangs.
>Fiscally responsible
choose one
Without California and New York paying all the money to the federal government that you redneck flyover states take in welfare (both state and human welfare) the country would collapse. So suck a dick and read a book moron.
oy vey we haven't tried true communism yet!
please let it happen
California is legitimately one of the few only relevant states in all of America.
America is already dangerously close to becoming a 3rd nation and if California legitimately seceded we would officially become one.
Southern States are already 3rd world-tier as most states in the south have a life expectancy on par with Jamaica and Vietnam.
If California (hypothetically speaking) seceded we would decline in literally every category. Our economy (total GDP and GDP per capita) would decline, our life expectancy would decrease, our poverty rate would increase, out education system would get worse, out healthcare system would decline, our entertainment, tourist, and tech industry would virtually be gone and we would lost almost 40 million taxpayers.
There is no benefit (objectively speaking) to a California secession on a socio-poliical or economic level.
Listen cuck, we don't take your freaking money. Your states gobble up more welfare than ours, and the people in our states who use it are inner city trash who vote for the Dems anyways.
You leftists are stupid to believe this meme, but even if it were true you are still stupid because you literally vote for this welfare system you are complaining about. Left is all kinds of stupid.
What is this map based on?
California is mostly made up of 3rd worlders and has no middle class. I don't know what point you are trying to make, California is a net negative political and cultural influence. Also I'm tired of having to pay for your mestizo anchor babies.
Back to fucking your sister, Billy.
However enjoy bumfuck Kentucky where the average person in your Appalachian trailer-park town has a life expectancy lower than that of the average person in Bangaldesh.
Your state is over half Mexican. This automatically makes you sub-trailer park. We don't have even half the problem with people pissing in the streets that you do (for example)
>California is mostly made up of 3rd worlders and has no middle class.
Right that's why California's poverty levels are minimal in comparison to many Southern states. Right?
>mostly made up of 3rd worlders
The South is literally 3rd world you fucking idiot. Just because California has non-whites in it doesn't make it a bad place.
So what? I'd rather live in fucking Japan than all white West Virginia where the average person has a life expectancy lower than that of the average Jamaican nigger and is addicted to meth and spends their leisure fucking their sister to Kenny Chesney records you uncultured retard.
Bottom line is their is no benefit to a California secession on a socio-political or economic level in the slightest. None, at all. America would officially become a 3rd world nation without California as we would decline in literally every category.
it's fucking awful to live here desu
its all mexicans with a white ruling elite. if you dont make it in the upper class youre living in mexico with niggers
There's been more Mexicans leaving America than coming to America for like a decade now.
Not only that but by 2030 Mexico is projected to have a life expectancy that surpasses that of America.
Ever been to Mexico? It's not that bad -- many areas of Mexico are nicer than America.
Let's archive
>washingtonpost com/news/to-your-health/wp/2017/02/21/us-life-expectancy-will-soon-be-on-par-with-mexicos-and-croatias
Why are you still posting under a US flag?
>I'm objective and use facts with credible sources
>Dumb sister-fucking redneck from bumfuck Appalachian town where the average person is addicted to opioids advocating California secession because 'muh whiteness'
Fuck off.
Why are you still posting under a US flag?
Or do you want me to go on about my experiences in the drug trade?
leave to mexico then, nigger
california is the state that keeps the shitty welfare states afloat
Bullshit. You have the biggest income gap in the country, with mega rich and then hordes of poverty.
>the South is 3rd world.
No it's not, but your sick, communist, Moloch worshiping, demoncrap party is rapidly trying to make us that way.
Cost of living is lower in the South. I would have to pay 3 or 4x as much rent for a much smaller apartment if I lived in your state, and it would be in a shit Mexican neighborhood too.
I didn't say "non-whites" I said Mexicans. And yes, having Mexicans makes it a shit place. Trash everywhere, violence, rape. You are stupid for allowing them to colonize your state and reconstruct their shit country inside the US.
>compares Mexico to Japan.
This is a fine example of why I say liberalism is a mental disorder/disease. The average IQ for Japan is 105, the average IQ for white people is 100, the average IQ for Mexicans is 85. Pathetic. Yea, that incest meme is just another reprobate lefty fantasy. Your Mexican population engages in incest AND child sex.
I don't know what your basis is for calling us uncultured, when we have a longer history than you do and you people are the ones trying to tear down statues and historical monuments. What is involved in Mexican culture beyond annoying music and rape?
That's what I've heard. Time to come home brother. Mexifornia is not your place.
thread here
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I'm white. Mexico is not a country for the white man. Even if they ever got their act together it wouldn't be right or good for me to go there, just as it is not right or good for them to come here.
As long as they are still citizens of this country I will kill to protect them from any outside aggression. Theoretically.
The most backwards white/European regions are still better than the best mestizo/Amerindian nations.
They are the outside aggression.
>just as it is not right or good for them to come here.
They're indigenous to this fucking land, pal. Most Mexicans have significant amounts of Native ancestry -- the Southwest used to be apart of Mexico (the same Southwest were Native tribes inhabited) that flows through many Mexicans.
They have more of a right to be here than thou.
If the South isn't 3rd world than why do many Southern states have a life expectancy on par with Jamaica and Vietnam and other 3rd world nations?
Mexicans are native/Amerindians to MEXICO. We have our own Native population in the US and they are less than 1% of the total population. If our natives (Creek, Cherokee, Sioux, et. al) were the majority then I wouldn't be here.
US was built by European explorers and pioneers. It's ours. If Mexico is a failed state then that's not my problem.
If Mexicans do ever become the majority here then it will be time to fight or leave. I have no interest in living in Mexico or the kind of shit society that they/you? build.
What's wrong with California? Warm all year round, hot girls everywhere, exciting industries, amazing national parks and scenery, unique culture. The only bad thing about California is the politics but everybody here doesn't act like the SJW's you see on youtube. Unlike the south there isn't a huge race clash between whites and minorities. California also makes more money for the govt than they consume so you cant really argue that they are a welfare state. Its kind of ironic that the conserverative states consume more govt funds than they collect
If the South isn't 3rd world than why do many Southern states have a life expectancy on par with Jamaica and Vietnam and other 3rd world nations?
you lost the war redskin, time to stop crying like a bitch and accept your white overlords.
tfw cali is one of the biggest economies in the world and could compete with the entire rest of the united states on its own. fucking retard.
The average white life expectancy, especially for men, is dropping. With our countries being taken away from us all around the world and decreasing job prospects a lot of us are depressed. Older men choose alcohol, younger men choose video games, porn, and sometimes drugs.
I'm middle aged and married so I can't just piss away my life because I have to be responsible. I'm saddened that my son will never know traditional America or get to grow up in the sort of positive conditions that I did. I'm looking for ways to reverse the tide of evil.
The funny thing is that mestizo/amerindians are immigrating to Europe. I saw some when I was there, and I saw a few in the pictures from the Barcelona attack.
They are so full of shit when they talk about how they should have North America. They would just screw it up and then concoct some excuse to invade Europe for gibz.
ALso one of the biggest drains on Federal tax money to support all the anchor baby spawn
cali generates more tax revenue than it consumes retard
State tax revenue? I doubt it.
Federal tax revenue? There is no such thing that exists.
California is also the state that keeps the Democratic party afloat
This shows the states that generate more taxes than they consume (1$ of revenue vs spent). California helps the country out a lot more than all of the south combined. Why is this the case?
Because the are good goyim and don't understand our Jewish tax system.
Nigger gibs
We also have a lot of military bases, and in Georgia we have the CDC. Government installations are lumped in with government spending when it comes to most of these types of calculations. If it's pure welfare spending then Crapifornia has us beat.
We do have large black populations.
Then why do Californians on average have a higher HDI index and enjoy a larger share of wealth than Americans living in the south? Could it be that they are better off even with the goiyms robbing them blind?
It's a beautiful state filled to the brim with utter human garbage.
Seems that you recieve larger amounts of welfare spending than the californians do
I don't know why you're fixated on the South considering I don't and have never lived there. Why would you want to associate Cali with black slavery anyway? What the fuck is your problem?
Because Op argued that California is the drain on America and is holding down the south from being prosperous due to federal spending in liberal areas of the country. I find it hilarious because the truth is quite the opposite and ironic.
Save up some cash, and bail. Leave them to their rot
Not even OP made that argument, but if you'd like to put on display how stupid Californians are then don't let me stop you. I tried to be nice.
I live in Idaho.
Also see
>live in cali
>1br apartment 500sq ft for 2k/mo
>niggers and crime everywhere
>live in South Dakota
>5br house on 10 acres of land for 300K
>no niggers for hundreds of miles
They raised minimum wage and the prices fucking increased. I seriously hate this state.
Yeah it's called Jew York.
At least you fuckers have good roads.
You mean people from Idaho are even more stupid than Californians?
No wonder you don't know about Jews.
waah ppl have different opinions than me and are much more successful than me
lets nuke it!!!
Hope it doesn't get nuked because of the beautiful terrain and national parks but if just places like San Fransisco were wiped off the map I don't know how I'd feel.
Claiming that the jews do everything is such a scapegoat
How so? I come from a family of potato farmers who wanted to escape from the Jews.
Where are Idaho potatoes on this issue?
I don't work in agriculture but south Idaho is filled with potatoes so i think they're fine. I fix boats for a living and we're doing great. Idaho never had manufacturing jobs to lose from globalization so I dont give a fuck about it. We have always been a service and a natural resource driven economy. The natural resources we have are niche except for the logging industry and that protects us from offshoring. Fun fact: most of Idaho is actually very beautiful and only the southern portion is used for agriculture.
I've been out West a few times and it is beautiful. Never been to Idaho in particular, although I think I might like to make it there some day. Wyoming and Montana, South Dakota, My God. Even Cali. Utah. It takes my breath away.
But if you don't live in and around Jews then don't talk to me like you know how they operate, my familamiam.
You are nuclear warfare-stupid. A few Nork warheads on cities won't fuck up the countryside, and a few million dead Mexifornian liberals is no loss to the nation. CA is a nest of traitors.
Tech can be developed anywhere.
Fair enough. If you are interested in visiting Idaho I recommend googling a few places to give you an idea of what you can see here. Look up the Sawtooth mountains, Selkirk Mountains, Priest lake, Idaho Panhandle Nationall forest. These will give you a broad idea. Also if you ever want some eye candy try looking up the Grand Tetons, Mt Rainier, Palouse Hills to get an idea of the northwest
Speaking of killing commies, how many should we need to die for the state to turn red?
>tfw been to the Grand Tetons without crossing the border into Idaho
tbqh it breaks my heart how many honest to goodness Americans never travel even within our own country. I've been in other places in the world, but there's so much to see here!
how many right wing states need the federal welfare from one of the countries top earners? get some bootstraps and get off of Cali welfare you cucks.
>is a nigger
>is upset that he's stuck with other niggers
Isn't the actual Commie part of California only on the western side? (near the coastal cities)
The only thing California is succeeding at is becoming like Brazil or Venezuela, where the most wealth are in walled off communities and the rest live in squaller. You do know that California has the highest poverty rate in the Nation and some of the worst K-12 education results..and with the exception of a few pockets, high unemployment rates.
>wanting your own country to be nuked
You're a real piece of shit.