Looks like im a nigger indio spic. What do now?
Looks like im a nigger indio spic. What do now?
I'm probably the same
paying the jew to give him your DNA
you are truly the dumbest
considering it
i always find it strange how mestizos always have like 5-20 percent african in them, I get why that would happen in brazil but why mexico? cus it happens there too
Don't call me a mestizo you nigger, well I guess im a nigger too.
Depends on the mestizos. If theyre from veracruz its more likely, but mestizos from northwest mexican states really shouldnt have any black admixtute
Im not mexican im cuban
Do you have pale skin? Pink nips?
What color of eyes?
>Do you have pale skin?
>Pink nips?
>What color of eyes?
impossible we are white, and eradicated the natives.
looks like the typical "white" latin american mixture
Get lynched, you spic goblin
I expect to maybe see a few points of North african and SSA, but the native really suprised me
You have to go back.
>that feel when Im no better than a ape from huezil
last bump
Mate with a white woman, procreate and instill conservative values.
23andMe isn't your entire genome. You're getting upset because the tip of the iceberg is different than what you anticipated.
what do you mean?
Those test rely on SNPs to group people from regions. The thing is, most of these SNPs are like 99.9% , 98%, 92%, 96% in X group.
So you can be entirely from Siberia since the dawn of time, but you could be one of those 4% that have a SNP highly associated with Africa. Thus the DNA test will show you have a few % African.
However, this is for when you have like 1% Chinese or something. With 5% your grandma banged a slave.
>. With 5% your grandma banged a slave.
kek what did you think you were? a "White" Cuban? even the "white" looking Latin Americams are mixed.
Just become a civic nationalist to help save the West. Proud Boys have lots of Hispanic members.
nothing, cuz youre a human. this site is fucking your worldview.
>Proud Boys have lots of Hispanic members.
Proud boys are faggots. I've considered myself white my entire life.
>I've considered myself white my entire life.
But you're not, which is why I always laugh at any Latin American who thinks he's "White."
So basically you're a pooinloo who jumped over the wall and when you got caught you said you dindu nuffin and didn't notice the wall.
Or was a slave.
Time to get your gibs, you can be the next Talcom X
So im just a mongrel destined to be isolated form all groups?
Keep selecting white when they ask your race, you just get to claim the Hispanic wildcard now as well and get that racist ass support as well.
>So im just a mongrel destined to be isolated form all groups?
You join your fellow mixed-race Hispanic brothers and sisters and try to redpill as many of them as possible on Western civilization and the dangers of niggers and kikes and feminists. Get them to reject the "POC" bullshit and reject niggers and other liberal propaganda.
> fellow mixed-race Hispanic brothers
Im still whiter than 99% of them. How do I associate with literal indians and niggers?
>Im still whiter than 99% of them.
maybe your problem is that you derive too much of your self-worth from "muh whiteness" rather than any of your individual accomplishments or talents.
> derive too much of your self-worth from "muh whiteness"
Maybe it's because it's who I thought I was for my entire life only to find out now that's it's a lie.
>Maybe it's because it's who I thought I was for my entire life only to find out now that's it's a lie.
You're Cuban. You should've known you were probably mixed race no matter how white your skin color looked.
That's how it is in Latin America. Various degrees of mixture.
Be the best nigger indio spic you can.
Self deport to Argentina
5% nigger 2% "non defined"
2% non defined amerindian
If an anthropologist found you you would be a european, and you know that retard.
I'm like that without the nigger bit (thank god)
Its more likely the slaves capitalists brought to Mexico.
Don't be a pussy, do it!
Fuck off back to redcuck shitskin.
End my suffering
I thought that spics larping as whites was a meme. Do a lot of you monkeys really think you're white? Even most native Iberians aren't white, how could you be? Just cooperate with us and we'll give you some money to build your own ethnostate in Latin America once we're in power.
>Do a lot of you monkeys really think you're white?
I look white
>Even most native Iberians aren't white, how could you be?
>Just cooperate with us and we'll give you some money to build your own ethnostate in Latin America once we're in power.
>Sending me to live with pic related
I'd rather die
No, you're a nigger, nigger
1. What color are your nipples
2. You haven't been to Iberia if you think they're white, only a few close to the Pyrenees don't look like Arabs.
3. Those guys look like they're having fun and would probably think you are super cool. If you want to larp as something between European and native then I guess just stay in Cuba? The regime probably won't last too much longer and if there was a mass exodus from Florida the whole Bay of Pigs thing might work out this time
>doesn't add nigger in his post
Look guys we having a nigger loving pussy crypto cuck in the thread
>1. What color are your nipples
> I guess just stay in Cuba?
Cuba is 70% black.
Technically he can either go back to africa or stay in america since he's a indio spic
Kill yourself.
Signed a castizo.
If you felt good about yourself while you thought you were white then why would you consider yourself to be any different after you figured out your mixed... can't have it all op