Sup Forums has been ENTIRELY shilled with race baiting? try this, CTRL F and count the threads with the word race. You're being subverted. The real story is the pending downfall of the entire corrupt Democratic establishment.
How do I filter out the bad threads. I mean, what keywords do I use? I've never been able to figure this out.
filter out "race" and "civil war" and you narrow it down pretty nicely. Shareblue isn't very creative, they're given firm directives on which buzzwords to use during a given time period.
Look up @yesyoureracist
then head to eight chan
8 --- c h------ . n----e----t
just remove dashes and spaces in link (cuck chan calls it spam)
I'll believe it when I see it. No more blue balls.
Why are NY Jews who relocate to Florida so fucking ugly and disgusting?
Nobody cares ;^}}
True, but what can we do? The Awan arrest was last month and we havent heard a peep since.
Who's this woman? Never heard of her. Getting sleepy.
You might also have not heard of CIA Tim Kaine and his involvement with the Communist Pope.
thread here
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yes we do. kill yourself
dingdingding OP is not a faggot.
Sorry, nobody relevant cares ;^}
Do you live under a rock? They were indicted on 4 counts a few days ago.
you aren't relevant. I'm sorry for your autism. I hope your parents still love you, although I suspect they don't.
Bump because is true the real news is how all the cronies surrounding obongo are falling not this white supremacy bullshit
Sage all irrelevant threads let send them back to plebit
Sad goy is jealous ;^{{
I think most of us are just trying to wait out the tsunami of shilling that's going on. the true autistists are still digging, but it's fucking hard to keep a real thread up when Shareblue is cranked to 11.
Guys, do you think the dems fund ISIS in order for them to make habbenings habben so that DNC threads get slid?
Do not do listen to this person
they are trying to trick you into doxxing
ISIS is a Republican/Democrat joint venture. Can't sell missiles if you never have anyone to shoot them at.
For anyone curious about what's about to happen, this is a really great read:
A lot of conservative journalists have been hinting at something massive next week. Personally I think the hammer will drop on Monday to coincide with the eclipse. An eclipse signals change.
Bumpin this. Catalog is full of shit. Antifa vs Alt-right definately a distraction
Bumpy smalls
Bump for justice.
I read 4 chan for HOURS this week and saw nothing on it. Not cool
fuck, Shareblue is more effective than I thought. the sliding has been unreal.
lmao if you think the GOP would let their partner be destroyed.
Exactly no decent threads just garbage
Enough sage all that crap
There were threads but didn't gain the traction like they should've because all the garbage.
Maybe fight back with multiple 'Awan Indicted' threads we can all bump?
Here, have a humble bump.
Have another bump.
The democrats will burn :^)
Leave this strong woman alone REEEEE!!!!!!!!
Another autistic bump.
Tick tock, demoshits :^)
seems like desperation desu
cross-post links to real shit inside the slide threads.
They won't be able to slide it come monday. Patience.
What about those of us who do want civil war with the left? Why are you so afraid to fight?
The real story is kikes are fucking evil
in order to distract us they make non-stop race threads
Who has the Old Ramen Hair topless photo?
DWS needs to suicide herself.
fukken sauce
let's fill this memory hole
Here you go
This one?
>party politics
What a good goy you are.