What does Sup Forums uniroically and unmemely think of Poland?
Bolan :-DDDDDD
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i should get some sleep
I don't think much of it at all.
Better than Germany, worse than Russia
I like Poland overall
I like it, wish you faggots would stop being so butthurt about nazis wrecking you after you killed those germans.
Also all of your relatives here in America have shit taste in fish, they'll only eat cod for some reason.
how Poland has a Future while its neighbours (Germany, France, Britain, Russia, Sweden) dont.
good luck for the Future Poland, at this rate, your Hussar/Krzyzowiec (Crusader) Spirit will AND must awake again.
good luck for the rest of V4/Intermarium too. some rough Times may appear, but NEVER Despair.
Cziekuje. (is that the correct Spelling?)
its dziękuję
bretty kool
our nations had some infighting in the last century, but we were bros hundreds of years ago.
still bros to me
że jestes chujem, a bolska to gówno
Unironically, dziekuje to you too.
nie wiedziałem, że testo wrócił do polski
We should give it one more try :^)
>tfw you must fight islam again, but this time jews are on their side and they (muslims) out number you 1000:1 and surround you from North, (Somali Sweden) East, (Chechen Russia) West, (Turkish Germany) and South. (Turkish conquered Balkans)
how do you say FEELS BAD MAN in Polish?
Czuje źle cowiek
Unrealistically smug for not accepting refugees. Literally every thread that you poles make is you ambiguously hinting at that.
We only have 250 refugees instead of 2 million Ukraine fags and we beat the shit out of them regularly.
Hell Dinko bought himself a Mi-24 and chases them around in it or his tank but you don't see us posting threads about him day and night like he's the second coming of Christ.
>your Hussar/Krzyzowiec (Crusader) Spirit will AND must awake again
I wasn't aware it went to sleep.
Too many pale faces (not white, but still). We need more cultural enrichments.
Good people, good country. Respect for not allowing EU to force migrants
total retards xD
its only because poland is currently only beginning to decuck itself after literally stopping existing for 3 times in its history.
still, much respect for Dinko for doing what he does
>instead of 2 million Ukraine fags
That is a great disaster for us. I have no idea how did that happen.
poor and powerless buffer zone
Poland being based is a bad meme
Well....you know.
I mean I could just copy paste porn here, but we're better than that.
No one gives a fuck about your 3rd world country, stop fucking posting on Sup Forums all the time expecting people to come and save you from collapsing like the Zimbabwe of Europe you are
Pic is daily reminder
I'm glad Poland didn't fuck up their judicial system. Nice to see a country standing up to Merkel.
I like it.
>having a future
>populated by slavs
Pick one.
well i said that because Battle of Vienna was 300 Years ago, and 300 Years later, Hussars must ride again, otherwise Kalergi Plan will be complete. (Brown Europe)
>being this butthurt
I somtimes think about Polish pornstars, not very often though.
I'm Muslim and my best friend Polish.
He's pretty cool, we talk about religion sometimes (he's Roman Catholic) and we both agree that radical jihadi's are brain dead untermenscht that don't deserve to live.
Poles are pretty cool, I hope they don't get flooded with rapefugees desu.
t. Muslim
It is in the EU and you can't own guns. Call me when those things change.
What I think is they haven't had a single jihadist attack.
No seriously fuck off
hey, at least Slavs are NOT Brown/Black moslems brought by jews in Europe like you are Mo(ses)-HAM-MAD.
id rather be Slav than muz.
we have pornstars?
wrong. you can own guns, its just quite a long and difficult process.
Your leader looks like a badass and you know the dangers of unchecked immigration.
comfy: the country
>its only because poland is currently only beginning to decuck itself after literally stopping existing for 3 times in its history.
Same here. We're just not drama queens man. Also take us in the intermarium after the collapse of the West.
I like them
We should be best friends
Heretics cruising for a bruising.
Ok I hope westerners replace your native population fucking faggot
Poland is getting quite popular these days, and tons of people plan on moving there because they dislike their own country. But you probably don't mind that seeing as how you're a typical Polish slave to the western world.
you go
Why is your flag upside down?
Would like to visit one day, but not on my top 10.
Proof that bullying works.
That's insufficient. When I moved to a different state, one of the first things I did was buy a gun at the grocery store just because I could.
Joanna Jedrzejczyk, peirogi, tastefully minimalist interior design and Behemoth are the only things you have going for you. Which is more than can be said for a lot of countries in your region so good job.
>tons of people plan on moving there
already done that
>tons of people
>2k of swedes and bunch of german subhumans
Yeah, that's fuckton of people
Honorable nation
Honorable history, one of the most i´d say
Yet always BTFO´d and rescued by major powers. Shit happens tho.
Your girls are sanctimonious whores.
>catholic while it suits them
>sucking cock when it doesn't
Oh look. Where are you from?
That's your delusion. The number is higher.
That's the problem.
You guys have an unparalleled understanding of totalitarianism and you'll do great things as a result.
Shame the rest of the world thinks you guys are assholes though.
Kek, this.
I used to be totally indifferent to Poland but after seeing how much the Poles on this board are butthurt over the supposed British hatred of them (which is actually just lefty media spin)... I am still totally indifferent.
same as every other slavs, respect tradition and religion, heavy drinkers, have a culture of agresivness
>Where are you from?
England. I'm one of the 4000 people who moved in the opposite direction.
Don't be an asshole, gib me more... You know ... for science!
Im Muslim too brother. Nice to hear that you are associating with your polish friend. God bless you and wish you all good! Peace!
Besides Serbs and Russians literally only Slavs with some spine and pride.
Daily reminder that THIS is p*land.
oh and chopin. how did i forget him. I'll throw szymanowski in for good measure.
so by my count that's:
>joanna violence
Not too bad.
because literally no other country has criminals and dumb people
Don't think about it at all but I heard they hate Russia then so do I
cant confirm
t. podlasianin
basicaly catholic russians
basically catholic bosnians
Good, you should hate yourself more mongol!
I love the polish. Pretty girls funny guys like tech and porn and fight only if they have to at least the ones I met in Canada. Oh and they mind their business. true bros
Oh, come on, you can't blame us for taking Wilno in 1919
>over 80% was Polish
>we fought against the Bolshevik army, not Lithuanian one
serbs in denial, traitors and new american poodles
I don't deny it
Cherrypicking 101.
I know. Dumbshits on this photo. Fuck them that dumbs in tracksuit.
This idiot made mistakes
>Czuję źle człowiek
Mischa Cross, Natasha Starr, Natalia Starr, Teresa Orlowski (or something like this), teen Kasia and that's pretty everything I am aware of
stay mad kike
>t.Milorad Srboljubojević
>Yet always BTFO´d and rescued by major powers. Shit happens tho.
we were the major power until the end of the 18th century, bro