How does it feel to know that the alt-right are now considered terrorists? The sooner we conservatives purge ourselves of you scum the better.
Get lost you terrorist cunts, you are literally no better than Jihadis.
How does it feel to know that the alt-right are now considered terrorists? The sooner we conservatives purge ourselves of you scum the better.
Get lost you terrorist cunts, you are literally no better than Jihadis.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you believe everything your Jewish masters tell you?
>How does it feel to know that the alt-right are now considered terrorists?
Why would I care what those who want to destroy me think of me?
>The sooner we conservatives purge ourselves of you scum the better.
You Conservatives are an enemy of the White race just as much as the Liberals.
>Get lost you terrorist cunts, you are literally no better than Jihadis.
You want the White race to cease to exist, don't you?
They are very similar to the Jihadis. In fact in many different ways. Including using cars to run over people, using women to lure them to their cause, etc.
BEST fucking goy, shitting on the people/ideology that is arguably the most fanatical about preserving our existence, turning a blind eye to the actual communist terrorists known as antifa who are utterly destroying ALL YOUR CULTURE and history before your eyes while you come here and have the nerve to attack US.
You're a spineless fucking coward taking out your frustrations on us because you're too much of a pussy to take responsibility and fight the real enemy. Carry on attacking me, see if that saves you from getting thrown into a gulag for being a cis white male you MORON.
>They are very similar to the Jihadis.
Except in the points that the Jihadi's are anti-White and National Socialists are pro-White.
>Including using cars to run over people,
We don't even know the circumstances about what happened on that day.
>using women to lure them to their cause,
When have the Jihadis used women to recruit people?
R*port this shitty rule-breaking thread
But not the Jews?
What are you Conservatives even conserving?
But he's a Jew and everything he's doing is perfectly legal. You aren't a lawbreaking antisemite, are you?
I'm just glad the Alt-Right shills SOOOO HARD for years to get harsher anti-terror laws and now ya'll will get BITCH SLAPPED by those policies and laws you LOVE.
>I'm just glad the Alt-Right shills SOOOO HARD for years to get harsher anti-terror laws and now ya'll will get BITCH SLAPPED by those policies and laws you LOVE.
Where? When? Who?
This. They are exactly like Jihadis and we conservatives now recognize them as such.
Fuck. Terrorist. Scum.
Deal with this perfectly rule abiding thread, you terrorist cunt.
Kill yourself
>if you aren't a terrorist then you are spineless
Go join ISIS, you scumbag.
No its just SO ironic. Your police state you all LOVE as Nazis is now going to crush you.
He did absolutely nothing wrong and was a war hero of the highest caliber. In a sane world he would have a huge statue where the trade towers once stood.
>This. They are exactly like Jihadis and we conservatives now recognize them as such.
So what you're saying is that you conservatives don't really want to conserve anything?
>Fuck. Terrorist. Scum.
Except those legally destroying the White race, White culture, White history and White homelands.
>you terrorist cunt.
But Israel and the Jews...well they can steal whatever they want from the USA and be left alone, huh?
>Kill yourself
Why? Because I want to save the White race and you don't?
>No its just SO ironic.
So you don't actually have any evidence.
>Your police state you all LOVE as Nazis
National Socialists don't love anti-White oppression in White countries.
>is now going to crush you.
The anti-White countries are crushing the White race. Something you apparently support.
>I can kill whoever I like so long as I make a vague reference to Jews and Israel as justification.
Fuck you terrorist scum.
we dindu nuffins
Conservatives will be purged soon enough, Pseudo order and """morality""" has gotta go, see you on the firing lines cuck!
At this point I wish the americucks the best in their quest of beating the marxists by electing politicians. Im out. Now will only shit post and stir shit up.
>>I can kill whoever I like so long as I make a vague reference to Jews and Israel as justification.
And yet the USA government kills whomever it likes whenever it likes and you completely support it.
I bet you cheered during Waco and Ruby Ridge.
And you cheer when White men and women sacrifice their lives needlessly for Israel's benefit in the Middle East.
>Fuck you terrorist scum.
Why aren't you marching with Antifa today in Boston?
Go join the kekistanis you fucking WORTHLESS piece of shit.
>Most evil MEN in history
>though there the Chinese guy who killed more than these 2 combined but wth
Not even being edgy, seriously! You fear a world of strength and freedom, can't wait until you get squashed like a roach.
>Haha fuck terrorist scum but I support a government that funds terrorists!!! I love capitalism and christ!!!! I gotta pay my taxes and be a wage slave for all my life!!! I want to put in place more more more laws and regulations!
You conservatives who bitch about the left are just a pacified version of them. Both of you fight for the same end goal of ruining races and humanity, whilst establishing more and more regulations on people. I like to think of you fuckers as just George W. Bush reincarnated.But keep bitching and moaning about people you want to purge, because when the time really comes for the sons of Man to fight against each other, you're not gonna be on top of the pile.
>The sooner we conservatives purge ourselves of you scum the better.
You're no conservative. Actual Nazis are the most conservative and patriotic people left.
National Socialist desperately WANT a police state and you've got something on that continuum and its going to CRUSH your 'movement'.
You Nazi movement/Alt-right a BIZARRE relic of 19th century philosophy/science in the early 21st century. Just amazing how fringe you are but here in your little safe-space with no outside opinions you look much larger than the MAYBE 1-2% of the population that believes in SOME of the same beliefs you hold dear.
just calm for a while and larp as democrat.
no time to show our powerlevel atm.
post cat pictures and videos.
Not at all, I feel thoroughly fucking vindicated. I've never felt so committed to this cause.
>look how hard I can bring up random topics and strawman you to justify my terrorist activities
You are beyond ridiculous, Jihadist cunt.
Ditto. We've been proven right completely. This is whites/humanity vs. Jews and their army of retards.
>How does it feel to know that the alt-right are now considered terrorists?
Americans have always been terrorists. Nothing new to me.
The sooner the masses learn the truth of Bolshevik Communism, and who was behind it, the sooner we can truly make America great again.
100% correct but maybe now its time to hide.
regroup and hit back later!
How could she have lost?
F*cking Put*n
>The sooner we conservatives purge ourselves
Oh please, in the current political climate even if that happened they'd find another section of the Right to villify, and another and another.
>National Socialist desperately WANT a police state
Actually we want a pro-White, White-only state. If a country was those things, a police state would not be necessary.
>You Nazi movement/Alt-right a BIZARRE relic of 19th century philosophy/science in the early 21st century. Just amazing how fringe you are but here in your little safe-space with no outside opinions you look much larger than the MAYBE 1-2% of the population that believes in SOME of the same beliefs you hold dear.
As opposed to believing everything the Jews tell you like the sheep you are.
>just calm for a while and larp as democrat.
Why? I could never betray my race like that.
>You are beyond ridiculous, Jihadist cunt.
It's funny because you're acting exactly like a Liberal when confronted with facts he can't refute. You respond with dismissals and name calling.
You're not a "conservative". You're a traitor. So called "conservatives" are polar opposites of liberals. You're two sides of the same coin. What are you trying to conserve anyway? The constitution? You cucks seem to forget that the founders were racists and they owned slaves. They founded and built America for white men. Fortunately, more white men are waking up. When the civil war comes, you so called conservative faggots are finished.
Rally with ANTIFA next time, pussy.
i think in less then a week the charlottevile is forgotten
>remember who really won
Conservatives are anti white and anti American. Don't be fooled. They're communists just like liberals. They should be treated as such. Washington would've executed them like he did the loyalists.
>If a country was those things, a police state would not be necessary.
okay uh huh
>It's funny because you're acting exactly like a Liberal when confronted with facts he can't refute.
You didn't confront me with "facts I can't refute", you randomly brought up every topic you could dream up, some of which I my agree with you on and some of which I may disagree with you on in a complete non-argument, while misrepresenting my opinions based on nothing more than your own imagination.
You are a retard and a terrorist.
dis be 4o chan, NIGGAW!
>i think in less then a week the charlottevile is forgotten
Charlottesville did one thing. It outed the cucks that are scared to death of an actual revolution.
They want to be able to vote, shitpost and occasionally have a masturbation session...aka protest in peace. all the while not really changing anything for the better for White people.
>okay uh huh
Yes, without the Jews and anti-Whites and non-Whites and having society be pro-White, police would barely be needed.
>You didn't confront me with "facts I can't refute",
Of course I did. You then dismissed them out of hand.
>while misrepresenting my opinions based on nothing more than your own imagination.
So explain exactly what you Conservatives are conserving.
>You are a retard and a terrorist.
So you're not anti-White?
Do you support Israel/Jews?
Do you support non-White immigration into the country?
Do you support the homosexual movement?
Do you support racemixing?
Do you support killing/imprisoning pro-Whites?
We'll save a spot for the cuckservative Israel-firster filth.
You are a COWARD. There are REAL terrorist threats in your country which we would gleefully help you destroy but instead of directing your anger at them you're coming here to bitch and moan about fucking optics. Grow a fucking backbone and direct your anger towards the real threats to your nation you absolute fucking pansy.
>We'll save a spot for the cuckservative Israel-firster filth.
tfw there's not enough bodies in that pic to add the republican and democrat icons to it.
Tell me exactly why you supported the attack by the FBI on Ruby Ridge and then you might have a point.
Get educated.
>you are literally no better than Jihadis.
Killcount says otherwise.
>Tell me exactly why you supported the attack by the FBI on Ruby Ridge
Do you instead mean "not support"?
Because Randy Weaver and his family did nothing wrong.
His wife was shot in the doorway of her home while she held her infant son in her arms.
His child was shot in the back.
His dog was shot because it alerted the family to the Fed snipers.
Go on....fucking justify that you cuckservative cunt.
>We don't even know the circumstances about what happened on that day.
We know all we need to know. Seriously dude, are you retarded?
I get that you don't like the establishment and are worried Jews are going to money rape you. But seriously. SERIOUSLY you should have started an actual new movement with it's own name, symbols and ideology.
You have to know, even if you disagree, what "Nazi" means to the overwhelming majority of people. You might as well have called yourselves Satanists or some shit.
Everything you fight for is dead on arrival. You gave up any hope of being taken seriously.
Typical National SOCIALIST no answers to facts.
You know they would kill all the black, brown and hooknosed people they could get their hands on if they could get away with it. Jihadis have just been curbstomped enough that they don't care if they die in the process.
Don't worry, alt right dipshits will be there soon. It's necessary for the world to be cleansed of them.
>We know all we need to know.
So you've seen the vids of his car being attacked by antifa before he drove into the crowd right?
But's nice you've tried, convicted and sentenced him before trial. Must be a canadian thing.
>But seriously. SERIOUSLY you should have started an actual new movement with it's own name, symbols and ideology.
Why when there's literally nothing wrong with National Socialism?
>You might as well have called yourselves Satanists or some shit.
Then we'd be liars. Like you conservatives that aren't actually conserving anything.
You're most likely a Jew but just in case you're white here's some info for you.
>Typical National SOCIALIST no answers to facts.
What the fuck are you talking about?
All those things I listed are facts.
And you seemingly support what the Feds did to the weavers
>"The Weaver's wouldn't have been shot if they weren't terrorists."
>"The Weavers were terrorists because the government said so."
I'm not the one sucking the FBI's dick over Ruby Ridge.
>hurr muh Bill Clinton
Fuck you, SOCIALIST.
This might be one of the worst analogies for a government I've ever seen. No wonder you're so fucked up.
Capitalism is weak, but equating it to hunter gatherer grossly misunderstands both. You sound like you're on drugs.
>I'm not the one sucking the FBI's dick over Ruby Ridge.
What the actual've gone off the deep end...
>>hurr muh Bill Clinton
So now Republicans support Bill Clinton?
>Fuck you, SOCIALIST.
Said the Judeo Capitalist.
DAS RITE. And we make fun of the dead like in this video:
We all think it's hilarious
>So you've seen the vids of his car being attacked by antifa before he drove into the crowd right?
Of course. Anyone who's looked into it has. He was still fucked.
>Why when there's literally nothing wrong with National Socialism?
You don't understand people or culture at all.
>Then we'd be liars
You missed the point entirely. Read above.
I should be a mod. I'd slay anything not on topic and serious.
Sup Forums is just a place to go to watch the far right stumble over themselves trying to establish who deserves the most hate
>Of course. Anyone who's looked into it has. He was still fucked.
And you've already convicted the guy in the court of public opinion before actually finding out what happened.
>You don't understand people or culture at all.
Said the cuckservative who is fine with turning White people and White culture brown. (just as long as it's done legally, don'tchaknow?)
>I should be a mod. I'd slay anything not on topic and serious.
Half the board would be locked threads if I were a mod. This is fucking ridiculous.
tbqh i have not felt anything since 2015
There should be one of these to mark every skirmish. Are there more of these out there? I downloaded the pic and will archive.
I'm convinced conservatives who don't cross over to the dark side (white nationalism) and embrace the alt-right are BORING AS FUCK
Like what do you do as a "conservative"? Talk about building roads and cutting taxes? C'mon son. You can have a lot more fun with us.
>not giving up individuality
>but still fascist
>which is the denial of individuality, by fucking definition
socialism is socialism, is socialism, is shit.
Oh! Am I randomly bringing up topics and stating your position on them? Oh how silly of me I didn't realize that wasn't a point I was following your lead.
You are the one that sucks Bill and Hillary Clinton's cocks. You also can't tell me why you supported the FBI on Ruby Ridge,
Typical SOCIALIST, you can't deal with facts.
>National Socialism and Communism are exactly the same thing!
>I know this because National Socialism has Socialism in the title!
>No, I'm not going to listen to the National Socialists explanation. I've already made up my mind from seeing the "Socialist" in National Socialism.
Basically you're right. End the silly role play and reach maturity. This isn't a game. Nazism is fucking retarded, especially I'm America in the current year. The so called altright is garbage and must be put to its end to prevent impressionable/sick people from falling victim to radicalized thinking. Be a centrist, or classical liberal and end this edgelord bullshit. Dont let the left gas light you into obscurity.
Honestly, what he did put a cherry of shit on it, but the whole protest is what fucked you.
>Said the cuckservative who is fine with turning White people and White culture brown.
Thanks for proving me right that you don't understand the first thing about culture.
"White" culture is fucking retarded anyways, there is no "white". I'm Scottish, not white.
Anyways, if you seriously don't understand why calling yourself a Nazi hurts your cause you're even dumber than I thought at first.
Hitler literally said he used socialism because it was a buzz word at the time to lure in retarded normies
>"White" culture is fucking retarded anyways, there is no "white"
Oh I see. You're a typical "race doesn't exist" anti-White.
>Anyways, if you seriously don't understand why calling yourself a Nazi hurts your cause you're even dumber than I thought at first.
Said the anti-White that doesn't think the White race exists.
>Oh! Am I randomly bringing up topics and stating your position on them? Oh how silly of me I didn't realize that wasn't a point I was following your lead.
The difference being, National Socialism stands for something.
Conservatism doesn't stand for anything anymore, if it ever did.
You aren't actually conserving anything, after all.
Do not be ashamed of your whiteness. It's a blessing. It's worth preserving. It's worth fighting for.
Don't die for it, though. We need as many as we can. Make the others die for their shitty race.
>brainlet detected
Usury is very similar to hunter-gatherer resource exploitation which is why we have a boom-bust cycle just like primitive tribes.
Read pic related
>Oh I see. You're a typical "race doesn't exist" anti-White.
Race doesn't exist. Culture does. Unfortunately for you, you don't understand culture.
I am incredibly proud to be both Scottish and Canadian.
>The difference being, National Socialism stands for something.
>implying we're the extremists
At first I thought you were a Jew but now I'm leaning towards you being a nigger.
Lol come down to inner city Atlanta and tell that to some niggers
>Race doesn't exist.
Shitskin subhuman detected
God damn Poot'n, it was her turn!
>you're a Jew and a nigger
The last resort of a TERRORIST and SOCIALIST
This is definitely a nigger
Niggers are not Americans
shut the fuck up dumb nigger your all sheep brainwashed by the media on irrelevant things, kys normal filth gtfo this board you fucking idiot nigger faggot
Basically all that's left in your shitty life.
so, my conserative friend, do you not care about the preservation of the white race?
what is wrong with preserving a future for white children with strong conservative values?
and most importantly, what do you want?
>race doesn't exist
you'll learn with time my friend.
lol nice bullshit
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here:
You're in denial