if swedes are such cucks, why are they so overrepresented on this board?
Swedish cucks
because they can't voice their opinions elsewhere without saying how much they love immigration
It's funny if you look at posts made by Swedes and Germans they are always restraining themselves for fear of being in trouble by there governments.
still doesn't explain why they're here in the first place. Do they have the forbidden thoughats?
they are neets who have nothing else to do.... they get autism bucks from the government,,
they're you illiterate swine
they're = they are.
their doesn't fit there swedistan
because part of being a cuck is enjoying being told you are a cuck, this is not rocket science.
we come here to be call cauck=?
it does though.
My theory is a good few were proxyfags meme posting. You don't see as many swedes cuck posting like there was earlier. But swedes do have a decent sense of humor, so I could be wrong. I've always wondered in Flashback censors you guys like your government does.
>olof palme
you are fucking with my brainb, man? Do you mean Flashback, the forum? It's not censored.
>But swedes do have a decent sense of humor
Said no one, ever.
They come here to be taught to be men..not brainwashed by their cuck government msm.
You want to know a real answer?
Isreali bots are false flagging pretending to be swedes. Thus they are 1)bashing arabs which is the point of their lives; 2)shit on Sweden which they hate for recognizing palestine. There is shitton of "swedes" even on my russian imageboard, and of course they have troubles posting even blurry pic of their swedish documents.
it's not their in his sentence
yes, and deep down you seem to enjoy it. the fact that you are "clarifying" is proof of this.
you fucking cuck!
i hate jews
Swedes are cucks is just copy pasta meme now. Stockholm is mostly Swedish unlike paris which is Africa. Also Swedes have chance to uncuck themselves by voting SD. Meanwhile France went Macron and dutch failed us
What are you implying...Brits can post with immunity? Kek
SD has about 30% percent and NMR support is riseng
Correct. Flashback is on the government watchlist, Sweddit is shillcity and facebook is pure garbage.
>Do you mean Flashback, the forum? It's not censored.
so you can have threads there talking about the JQ or about how shit a religion Islam is and how is should be outlawed or have a fascist thread without mods deleting it and/or getting banned? If that's true, I would think that site would have the best info for most native swedes as opposed to Sup Forums.
You shouldn't pay so much attention to Roman-Catholics who can't stand your guts, lad. Sweden needs work, but not more than say France or something.
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
Stockholm has fallen, it is not Swedish.
american education
>by there governments
I think the Swede is correct. Go back to Mexico, Jose.
Jewish population in Norway: 700
Jewish population in Denmark: 6400
Jewish population in Sweden: 20000!!!
It's not a fucking coincidence. Sometimes I wonder if Jews feel bad about themselves, for destroying a beautiful country and people like Sweden and the Swedes.
yes you can, and Flashback is largest nordic forum. I recommend it, if you undertstand some nordic language
>Olof Palme
Nice jew, cuck
>what are bell curves
>what is standard deviation
Ofc you can! The establishment hates flashback! Only rules are, no CP, torrents or shitposting.