>organize in democratic cities
>have low turnout
>start early, be peaceful and quiet, finish quickly
>go home
ANTIFA sends in regional counter protestors that don't live in the city the rallies are held in. They for the most part have nowhere to go, they'll be stranded, and they'll riot, and there'll be no one left there for them to blame it on.
Am I alone on thinking this could work?
Other urls found in this thread:
It works just make sure you fly the American flag
I agree on the flag.
We kill a few birds with one stone.
1, Antifa looks horrible
2, Antifa looks horrible in front of Democrats
3, The Right looks peaceful and sympathetic
4, Democratic cities get destroyed
5, Pushes centrists in Dem strongholds to the right
6, We dictate what the media covers, we don't dictate how they cover it, the spin, but we dictate the days news cycle, which we can be ready for with a counter narrative, we won't be caught off guard
7. Low turnout makes infiltration and Patsys harder to implement
This should be wide spread and covertly conducted.
It will work and be effective in bringing out the "resistance" city after city they will chimp out without anyone but the police to rage against.
Troll level: expert.
remember no nazi
Bump, keep the Nazi/KKK shitheads out or our garnered sympathy will be lost.
beat you to a pulp?
>keep the Nazi/KKK shitheads out or our garnered sympathy will be lost.
I feel like that's easier to enforce with a lower turnout. Hopefully enough that there are only like 2 degrees of seperation between each person so everyone can be held accountable and vouched for.
OFFICIAL POLICY: Any KK/Nazi paraphernalia means you're assumed to be ANTIFA larpers, CIA Patsys, or Communist agitators and will be treated as such by everyone else.
yes - when your enemy is fucking themselves, get out of the way
>beat you to a pulp?
Well, yeah. Kinda.
Come w/ that intention and end the rally around 2pm, well before most Antifa members have had their morning Starbucks, so that when they come to beat us, we're gone and they beat eachother.
Once we stop doing faggoty shit like torch marches and roman salutes, who is going to look better-the well-spoken, peaceful, polite right-wingers, or the rampaging black-clad communists? We will win the hearts and minds of the public, every time.
This is a very good idea
We need more free speech rallies, we need to specifically call them "free speech rallies"
Show how much antifa and all leftists hate free speech
>torch marches and roman salutes
because all the e celebs doing that were controlled opposition.
there was NEVER any White Supremacy / NAZI meme until the muh Russia campaign ran out of gas.
We could host public debates and stuff, a free exchange of ideas. Also start slowly sowing the red pill among the normies.
>OFFICIAL POLICY: Any KK/Nazi paraphernalia means you're assumed to be ANTIFA larpers, CIA Patsys, or Communist agitators and will be treated as such by everyone else.
This is very important.
Zero tolerance for any symbols of white supremacy, nazism, white nationalism, etc. This includes kekistani flags because that is based on the nazi flag. If you bring this shit, we kick you out.
>We could host public debates and stuff, a free exchange of ideas
oh, you just be Sup Forums?
But talking about race and nationalism and stuff to start weakening the taboo on them. That was what I meant by free.
>mfw one of my posts is in there
>there was NEVER any White Supremacy / NAZI meme until the muh Russia campaign ran out of gas.
Jesus fuckin Christ I just noticed that.
Remember that they will bring their own "nazis"
In smaller groups it will be easier to identify these fake faggots.
A) stop inner city crime
B) i hear you - lets work together
A) protect black lives
B) yes, that is important
B) what is the cause of so much crime and violence? (black males)
A) we should police areas of high crime
B) exactly. where is all the crime occuring? (black neighborhoods)
they will paint themselves into a corner once you get them out of their hollow emotional rhetoric.
>talking about race
>in a rally that every normie considers a nazi gathering
Yeah, this will redpill the masses.
Yup and we kick them out
Also we need to explicitly state in all the promotional materials that we do not allow any nazis or white supremacists, kkk, etc.
Yeah we don't talk about race
This is a free speech rally, we talk about free speech and Trump
Obviously don't do that right away. Wait until several of these have gone by, THEN start easing into this stuff.
Yeah, it's about free speech, so we talk about whatever the fuck we want.
so you're a shilling faggot, then?
this is nothing to be proud of
> (You)
>>there was NEVER any White Supremacy / NAZI meme until the muh Russia campaign ran out of gas.
>Jesus fuckin Christ I just noticed that.
oh, goy
what could be the rationale behind this, I wonder?
Costs them a fancy bit o' coin too, the more times they get sent out, the more rallies they need to cover the more it costs them. What happens when we have a rally every week? Every day? A couple every day in different parts of the country?
The more we spread them out the thinner the herd gets, the thinner the herd gets the easier it is for sheep to wander. And when sheep stray from the path of their masters, they stray into the mouths of wolves.
but what will happen is media will catch on eventually and stop covering them, so then you have to stage a big one from time to time to keep them interested
make more gains with a flop rally than a hit
it's perfect
>Copasetic FOs establish an OP well beyond the city limits (05-7k).
>FOs ping the chartered coaches, which are bussing in the AntiFa, counter-protest hacks.
>Call it into to the designated fire-team established just beyond the city limits (Heavy-type ambush.
>Rally up for debrief and cocktails.
does there even need to be any turnout? get the city permit it's automatic from then on.
>there was NEVER any White Supremacy / NAZI meme until the muh Russia campaign ran out of gas.
Why didn't I realize this?
Fuck me. My almonds are fully activated.
This. And it forces liberal cities to pay $$$ for security.
The Civil War could be won simply by exposing high debt levels of liberals.
that was a psy-op
a little turnout is still good
once you have the permit might as well send at least somebody to peacefully deliver right wing views to anyone who points a camera at them
This is fucking genius actually. Antifaggots are bound to chimp out, all you need is a small rally of maybe 100 people, you could easily gather that with just a bunch of guys + friends + their friends. Meanwhile an endless flood of antifaggots will show up by buses, it will cost them money, they'll start beating up random bypassers who have nothing to do with anything and maybe antifa will finally end up tagged as terrorist organisation.
Come with an Israel cape, and take walks around the place with a camera man to catch beat downs. Be strong enough to withstand antifa punches and you're golden.
This post deserved digits...excellent plan
9/23 we get permits in all the major cities for KKK trump rallies then nobody shows up. that would be an epic troll.
I'd add that the 10 man rallies should at least have a topic that can fill an hour of. Quote some innocent third wave feminism critique or something.
don't send anyone just hang a kekistan flag in the square
on second thought flags cost money, innocent lives are free
Put Big Tyrone's face on it too for maximum confusion.
approaching real Robert hours....
The 2+ years of BLM chimp outs redpilled millions and won Trump the presidency.
4+ years of Antifa chimp outs will make him win 2020 with 350+ electoral votes.
And then we rape them
>We kill a few birds with one stone.
put the stone on a string, for easy retreival
>Yeah, it's about free speech, so we talk about whatever the fuck we want.
No. It's not about Free Speech.
Free Speech is a front for an OP meant to expose and destroy ANTIFA.
honestly we should just host fake rallies all over the place to bleed them of travel money and time
That's already what's happening, we don't need to plan for it, it's already being done.
Do y'all really think today was a success? Your movement looks like a fucking joke and centrists are realizing the best way to beat your movement is solidarity and massive physical presence. Before today they thought being quiet and ignoring your was a good idea. Y'all are fucked
Guys like Soros fund both sides to create confusion and discourse,
Nazi tards who have taken the troll seriously gtfo.
>That's already what's happening, we don't need to plan for it, it's already being done.
By happenstance.
I'm saying this should become a tactic.
>Do y'all really think today was a success?
>Your movement looks like a fucking joke
Yet here you are, with us jokes.
>centrists are realizing the best way to beat your movement is solidarity and massive physical presence.
Ahh, Antifa? See above.
>Before today they thought being quiet and ignoring your was a good idea.
Holy shit what timeline are you from?
>Y'all are fucked
Yet here you are, with all of us fuckers.
I came here to laugh at you pal. See how you weasel your way to make excuses. I fucking love it. "uh is being really bad at this is actually good! Failing to draw numbers and look pathetic is a perfect strategy". You're a fucking loser
This was the correct aesthetic. No reason to change the message, just the aesthetic. White Americans flying their own flag, while the lefts pet minorities fly their own flags and balkanize into tiny groups. The American flag is implicitly white.
Anyone in the alt lite can no longer call us unpatriotic or distance themselves, because the only way to do that is to stop flying the flag, which would make them unpatriotic. It is genius.
Better yet; hold plan free speech rallies and don't show up. Make huge announcements on social media. Antifa will create boogymen and riot. The right won't appear peaceful. They won't appear at all.
they dont want to have lots of followers, they just want to tear down the alt-left. antifa and blm will fall together
>The notion that activism is the path to power is not just wrong, it is fully backwards. It confuses cause and effect. Arab migrants in Germany are allowed to grope women and steal iPhones from the locals. They do not do it in spite of the police and government, they do it thanks to the police and government. German right-wingers are not allowed to publicly demonstrate they exist, or that they oppose the state-imposed campaign of Arab rape and theft. This conundrum is not accidental, it is intentional.
>Moldbug wrote about the folly of political activism in support of right-wing causes a long time ago. Activism of any kind is not the path to power, it is the end result of power. It is not the way to gain power and influence, it is a victory dance for those who already have it. Doing the victory dance when you have power only reinforces your power. Doing the victory dance when you don’t results in an unceremonious crushing by the state, followed by subsequent official wiping of anybody’s memory of you – unless you came close to succeeding, in which case you are officially rewritten in history as a villain and trotted out as a dirty, evil bogeyman to anyone who suggests anything vaguely resembling your ideas or opinions.
>There were always plenty of right-wing activist organizations. I can safely say that any single one of them were more technically correct (though possibly not as sophisticated) about major issues at any given time than the ruling governments. What is the track record of technical correctness beating state-backed incorrectness and insanity? What happened to the KKK? What happened to the John Birch Society? American Nazi Party? What happened to the National Alliance, which used to have a yearly income of $1 million? Remember when Britain’s National Front had thousands of dues-paying, marching members committed to a whites-only party and repatriation of non-whites? What happened to the Irish toughs who fought desegregation in Boston?
This. The moment a policeman is killed live on TV, Trump wins.
>As long as I can remember, the media has been claiming that there are Nazis, fascists, and religious right-wing theocrats hiding in every closet and under every bed, just waiting for somebody to express an opinion that was in vogue 30 years ago but horribly unfashionable now, at which point all these Nazis, fascists and religious right-wing theocrats would jump out and reveal themselves, impose a totalitarian government, and kill just about everybody. This would be horribly offensive to women and minorities, and therefore unacceptable. I would not recommend potential right-wing activists take the media’s word for it, however.
>The media’s business model depends on printing comfortable and popular lies, and it is therefore full of society’s best liars. The media does not stop lying when it claims there are brownshirts under your bed just waiting to suddenly return and attempt a Fourth Reich. In reality, there are no powerful right-wing institutions, few if any powerful people who are openly right-wing, and no powerful right-wing political parties on the cusp of seizing power. But if the ordinary person realized and internalized that fact, there would be no need for the radically left-wing parties masquerading as level-headed moderates that rule Western countries nowadays. The Brown Specter keeps the Reds in power.
>So, what happens if you make the mistake of believing the media, and you attempt to publicly join the incipient right-wing revolution? Well, the police show up, beat you, detain you, arrest you, use the latest high-tech crowd dispersal technology against you, the media notes that somebody made a Nazi salute somewhere near you (discrediting your message), and then everyone disowns and disavows you. Then you are used as proof that the Nazis could be back at any second, and to ensure peace and prosperity the government absolutely needs to import another 2-3 million Middle Eastern and African migrants, lest there occur another Holocaust.
Antifa didn't really riot btw. Bpd came out and said it all went pretty well. Zero injuries. Only a handful of arrests (on both sides). Not sure how you dummies think giving more airtime and high visibility wins to your opposition will benefit you. Seems like you just want to make excuses for getting btfo.
>One photo of a little dead Kurdish boy on a Turkish beach, and the media is unanimous: Europe must accept millions of Syrian (or wherever they came from) migrants immediately. And Europe does. Thousands and thousands of photos, videos and stories of degeneracy and violence by migrants or other left-wing victim groups – nothing. Noticing them is enough to get you fired in some places. In Britain, it could get you arrested. Does being technically correct or technically legal help you at all? Not really, looks like. Protected left-wing groups can break border laws dozens of times, commit rapes, thefts and terrorism, and still remain in the good graces of the official ruling organs. Right-wing groups that protest this consistent criminality are put down immediately, legality be damned. Progress does not wait for the law.
>Despite the total efforts of dozens of right-wing political parties and political activist groups over decades (if not centuries), there has been no sustained reversal, halt, or even deceleration of the left-wing program. Public right-wing groups attain some modicum of success, then get crushed, then eventually peter out, and the next new generation of right-wingers never learns about them and gets convinced they are finally ready to bring the gospel to the people, only to get crushed again. Only controlled opposition like the mainstream center-right parties in Europe and North America may exist permanently, and they are worse than useless.
>Protest against a rally literally called 'Free Speech Rally'
>Assault the police
>Literally no neonazis show up, just a bunch of regular Conservatives and Libertarians.
>grab older woman by her hair, who is holding the American flag, and drag her
>BLM starts a random rally with loudspeakers, protocommunists come up and literally start talking about taking down the 'established system', meaning removing whites from the system, and running a 'revolution'
pol btfo, how will we recover from this optical disaster. Get out of my country to protocommunist filth, you will not tear down founding father monuments and remodel my Constitution. Free helicopter ride.
What are you waiting for? Bring it on, we are ready.
>Activism is either dangerous or harmless to the state. If harmless, it is LARPing and will not result in any permanent solution to our civilization’s problems. If dangerous, it is felonious or will be made felonious quickly when you are noticed. Just because the state doesn’t have a legal justification to crush you now doesn’t mean it won’t figure one out, or won’t reinterpret the existing laws to figure out a justification. Frankly, it doesn’t even mean the state will have to follow the existing laws – Angela Merkel’s plan to resettle half the Near East in Bavaria wasn’t technically legal by EU law, but that didn’t seem to stop her, or even arouse much ire. You don’t want to be the first to discover that hate speech isn’t protected by the First Amendment, or that your views constitute emotional violence that is just as harmful as physical violence to a protected group.
>Achieving right-wing goals for the long-term has to begin with renouncing activism. Right-wing activism is only a challenge to the system in theory. In reality, it is the system’s lifeblood, and if it were possible to muster enough right-wing activists to overthrow the system completely it would have happened a long time ago – one infamous man came very close, but ultimately failed when he discovered that genocidal Soviet communists were preferable allies to the United Kingdom and United States, and no right-wing movement has come close since.
>As things get worse, there is little reason to believe any will come close or succeed in the future.
for antifa the seconds in the list after nazis are the police, so it should be a good strategy
If he does not do anything about it, he will look guilty for perpetuating it.
>protocommunists come up
Commies do this every damn time. They think every minor happening is the start of their glorious revolution. It's getting old.
I went to Occupy Wall Street back in the day. I have a master's degree in finance, work in the field and disliked the bailout system. Figured I could teach these goofballs a thing or two about how the system really works. Nothing but filth. The commies handed out premade signs and wanted us to march in a circle. That's when I left. They did the same thing when BLM started and after the election. The only difference this time is they managed to draw in the common liberal due to their blind hatred of Trump.
Some wise statements my man.
Very very well-thought.
It is, in other words, trying to tell us that the right will never win using left tactics.
Made a cap for the sake a making it.
Police only clashed with protestors while having to escort the proud boys in armored vehicles through the crowds. The commissioner knew that would be trouble and during his own conference downplayed it as fairly routine.
Would like to see that full footage of that woman cuz I saw a video or protestors giving her water.
3 Nazis detained. One with a gun after threatening a black guy with it.
All local media, the mayor, police commissioner thanking the counter protestors.
Less arrests than baseball celebrations
Git gud
NRx stuff. Wish Sup Forums would read it, but no luck.
I didn't actually write it, just copy pasted it because I knew nobody would bother to read a blog post.
For a nth time, it wasn't a nazi rally.
Oh I'm sorry (((white nationalists)))
"You guys think everyone on the right is a Nazi"
"No we don't"
>literal Nazi/KKK/White Nationalist headlines.
No I just like to troll sometimes
Nothing triggers some people more than eceleb shit
Believing in white purity and an ethnic focused nation state is tantamount to Nazism.
No you don't get it, this rally is just bait, we talk about whatever we want in private
In public it is only about free speech and normie shit like Trump etc.
It has to be very acceptable to mainstream voters and then the crazy leftists attack us for no reason
Quads of truth.
We're onto something. We need to do this. Give these commies enough rope, and they'll do the rest all by themselves
I'm unfamiliar with that term.
Could you define it for me?
>Wish Sup Forums would read it, but no luck
This is fullchin length material.
theyll grow wise too quickly,we neef to subvert not be overt
Fascism that incorporates scientific racism, anti communism, and anti semitism.
8ch is a bunch of morons, I sincerely hope they all die.
How about this?
>Stop just talking about the 'peaceful' bs
> it's not gonna work anyway, because we get labelled "violent" no matter what we do.
>So, why don't we finally just fight instead?
>Let's get rid with the leftist scum by using violence. I am sick of watching my country die.
Yeah, that plan worked out so well today in Boston.
>Fascism that incorporates scientific racism, anti communism, and anti semitism.
Can you explain to me how ethnonationalism leads directly to that as suggested and the social and psychological mechanisms in play in that process?
Boston was a big success today, contrary to (((opinion))). If you can organize many small peaceful rallies with attendees that have been lumped into what antifa deems Nazis (yet are normal people [Trump hats, kek, etc.]), it provokes a reaction the police now have to deal with, because no city will anymore have a dull police presence. The right wingers go home and the commies stay and fight the police, advancing our narrative and one step closer to listing antifa as a terrorist organization.
The only tactic is to bait the left into attacking average-looking Americans (not too right-wing). It's easy to do, especially with the massive rumor mill of the internet.