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/yanks leash on white bois
This is literally one of the funniest things I've ever seen. This guy is president of America. AHAHAHA
I'm fucking dying here
>Merriam can't figure out those are definitions for the noun form.
>Notice the exclusion of the verb usage as it was in the tweet
heel goyim! heel!
Sieg heel, my Nazi blood brothers.
Also, umm... got any good hentai?
Look up the definition of literally on Merriam's website and get back to me.
>Top of his class at Wharton
G-guys it is just 360D chess? R-right g-guys?
Who says that Trump even writes his own tweets, I've never seen him with an actual phone before.
Freudian slip. No one is coming together. The people he's pandering to will hate him no matter what, and the people that voted for him are just going to tune out and forget to vote in 2018/2020. Hope he gets impeached. Useless faggot
Yes, he does this all the time. He misspells it, - everyone makes fun of him - spreading it further.
They will make fun of him on snl, fallon, colbert...getting his message out to normies.
speech to text maybe
Rofl jesus christ this guy has the iq of a nigger. How the fuck did he make so much money
It's not even a misspelling, heel is a verb meaning "to come to agreement".
tfw we memed this retarded into presidency
How long are we going to hear about this stupid thing?
how long was covfefe a thing?
Heal bud
until Trump wants it to stop
once again he has made the media his bitch
Reminder that Trump only personally tweets from an Android
Any posts by Twitter for iPhone are made by staff members
you motherfuckers promised us glory and endless wins! this buffoon is literally destroying any hopes the right has of ever having a real standing again!
You see, he already has cnn retweeting his message trying to make fun of him.
I just saw it again earlier today.
Until that stupid thing is out of office. Seriously? Heel? Not once but twice? And you people called Obama stupid....
they will literally be laughing at a man for attempting to get America to heal itself
He already failed that. The mother of the woman who was killed doesn't even want to hear from him. That ship sailed last week.
>Need to become a heel to unite and become stronger
seig heel
actually retard, he can only use his govt. sanctioned encrypted blackberry. kill yourself
I wonder why that is.
Classy. Maybe if Trump had whored out his winery more forcefully she would've seen the error of her ways...
This is probably a freudian slip. Trump is going to bring them to heel.
Someone make a I KNOW THAT HEEL meme NOW! Im on my phone i cant
The Madman!
I was thinking autocorrect got him
Hes about to clown the media again. He does shit like this on purpose
Leave bush alone. He sent me 500 shekels leave him alone
I don't see how whoring out yourself on television for free publicity and free shit over your dead kid is classy by any means.
This is a dog whistle for the North Carolinian Civil War soldiers.
Reminder pic related guy was from NC, too.
I noticed that too. Purposeful stupidity or (((purposeful negligence))). Gee, I wonder...
Forgot pic, my fellow whites.
That mother doesn't even lover her own daughter.
So, another covfefe moment then. Lighthearted, brings the country together. A self-referential tweet.
The problem is that current lefties have been indoctrinated into thinking that any kind of nuanced use of language is a trait of the evil racist white man. While it may possibly win more minds and hearts over that are undecided and much more verbose than the average person, it only drives the extreme lefties further into their echochamber of "DRUMPF, nuclear codes, never, etc,"
>> leftist shill using racial slurs
Exactly what we expect from you
He's rightfully treating the left like children
>You didnt hurt anyone seriously or destroy very much property today
>Have a tweet for continued good behavior
lel OP is a shill shocked
What a great example to prove your point lol
The layers, how many layers can you put in 140 characters? There is four distinct levels i can see with my simple 3-D perspective. Is this how God created the Calabi-Yau manifold?
First level: a tweet honoring a protest. Satisfying from a president.
Second level: He's triggering the AltLeft by defending them, making them go REEEE
Third level: they then realise he never name names. He might very well be defending the Alt Right that went to protest the Alt Left, and therefore he is calling the Alt Left bigots. They do an anti-REEEEEEEEEE to counteract the first one, and go one with the secondary level REEEEEEEEEEEE
Fourth level: he's actually not supporting the supremacists that went to protest that day, nor does he support the Alt Left. The tweet is insanely well crafted to create a feeling of hysteria that will never be based on anything that the Alt Left will be able to prove.
The levels five to seven are too complex to be described by words, or any other color than purple.
Level eight is just the face of Barron staring at your soul.
its easier to deal with people thinking you are stupid than thinking you are smart + malicious
What a moron.. topkek
We just had a thread with this exact same fucking title 10 minutes ago.
Inorganic shill is inorganic. You're like faggots trying to inhale the remnants of our farts. Get rekt.
He's just trying to make his tweet a bigger news story than whatever's currently trending.