This is a thread for the discussion of Paganism, the future of Aryan Race, Culture, Traditionalism, Jewish Question and Christianity.
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IMPORTANT! Before you have any questions, please check out the Q&A below:
ϟϟϟ Recommended channels and Media ϟϟϟ
Varg Vikernes
Survive the Jive
Midgard Rising Podcast
Aryan Kitchen
Forgotten Roots
Survival Russia
Jackson Crawford
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Your gods are false. Sup Forums is a Christian board.
Ok yahweh worshipper
As long as you invite mongrels, niggers, and asians to follow your religion it will forever be a failure. The whole "Paganism attracts half-breeds and mongrels" 'meme' is reality in 2017.
Use the Norse names or fuck off
Do you genuinely believe in your gods?
Fuck off shill
>deus vult
>don't invite mongrels you guys!
Why the fuck do you guys even make these threads?
Literally every fucking pagan thread is about shitting on christianity, do you niggers do anything else?
>muh ancestors
If your ancestors sucked cock for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, would you do it? I could only trace Greek paganism back to 700 B.C, and we know that Europe became Christian around 300 A.D
That gives us 1300 years of a pagan Europe and 1700 years of a Christian Europe. You guys don't even worship these Gods, and everything that you find appealing with paganism, can be found with Christianity.
Hell, even that stupid fucking Spaniard that makes Communism General is better than your stupid fucking happa that makes muh gaymanism general. Even those stupid fucking Turks that make anti white threads are better than you faggots.
I'm not even a Christian, stop LARPing.
Any Uk heathens and pagans got a group going or can point me to one?
As i have awoken i have realised the importance of kin
Please respond atheists in disguise
can we please just stop replying to christians
I'm UK and I advocate for Paganism being individual, but knowing your kin is very important too if there are groups with this mindset I'd like to join one.
>the same shill tactics
>over and over and over and over and over
read faq
Look me dead in the eyes and tell me that swarthy Asian guy is 'white'. Christianity's goal is not the same as Paganism's. If you become a pagan for the sole purpose of preserving the white race and you are not even white then what's the point? It's like being a Jewish Nazi.
Except paganism is a complete non-starter. If anyone is making shill threads, it's the pagans.
I have been looking for a traditional heathen group who have a focus on self improvement and family, however it seems the words pagan just brings up these "wicca" landwhales who only talk about the goddesses and not other aspects of the old ways
7. Question motives. Twist or amplify any fact which could be taken to imply that the opponent operates out of a hidden personal agenda or other bias. This avoids discussing issues and forces the accuser on the defensive.
Okay, then by that logic, anyone who disagrees with you is a shill.
>If you become a pagan for the sole purpose of preserving the white race and you are not even white then what's the point?
what are you talking about? who gives a shit about this dreamed up person you're talking about?
2. Become incredulous and indignant. Avoid discussing key issues and instead focus on side issues which can be used show the topic as being critical of some otherwise sacrosanct group or theme. This is also known as the 'How dare you!' gambit.
Jewish month of Elul ends Sept. 20th, 2017. One day before the eclipse.
Elul is an Akkadian word for "harvest."
You pagans are Jews.
That pic is OP, it's not a dream user, hapas larping as whites in 2017 is a reality.
Pagansim is a blue pill. You are larping as a 4th century barbarian. Christianity was developed as an institutional religion by white men as means to control far flung and unruly tribes. You cannot go back to the 4th century and become a barbarian. Once you take the red pill there is no going back. Paganism is a kike blue pill to keep you from the truth, it is no different than going to a renaissance festival.
hmm alright, t-thanks for sharing the info on the hapas, dunno how it's relevant though
>there are some non-whites pagans
thanks senpai
I had a Wicca girlfriend once.
She was nuts.
sorry you are wrong, reading some history might help that though. but what do i know? im just larping as a 4th century viking.
You draw yourself with lighter hair and lighter skin than you actually have. Why do you want to be white so bad? Being an asian mongrel is not enough?
You're a retard, you know you can sun bleach your hair right?
So you put together an image of all the people that called you a mongoloid to embarass yourself further? Why?
It took you 10 mins to write that?
15 minutes to come up with a response that weak? HAHA. You know, you'll be paid more if you put more effort into each post!
This is like a Sup Forums soap opera
paganism is gay, yes it the white mans religion and yes i would rather be a pagan than a christian. If its for traditional purposes then i can understand but religion is full of shit and im not going to become a pagan for traditional purposes.
I didn't know that elliot rodgers had a hafu cousin
>it took you 15 minutes you loser
Yeah because I keep the thread open and nervously wait for your Godly response. It took me 30 seconds to type each letter of that reply, definitely. Back to the topic though, what makes you think you are white?
how did he embarrass himself? you feeling ok?
Of course you wait. You are literally a fucking goverment agent
I still see nothing indicatively European even when you cover half your face. Why do you dye your hair?
My face isn't good enough? How about my genetics
Vänta, är du svensk?
Eh, ja och nej. Min familij kommer från Värmland och gävlebörg. Jag kan talar en litet bit av svenska
The swedish part of my family was bred out because they continually mixed with anglos
what is the importance of this years eclipse?
That's your mother's DNA, Falken. Post the other side. 23andme tests for the last 400 years and says nothing about your actual genetics, just where your ancestors come from.
I'm a German/Italian/Portuguese mongrel.
What the fuck am I supposed to worship?
we don't know yet, we have to wait and find out. the Black Sun could mean anything.
fuck off vash
Doesn't really matter, just the indo-European gods you feel the most at home with.
Why are American Christians so insecure at the prospect of Europeans going back to their original faith?
So what gods do you all worship?
Uranus had his genitals cut off and thrown into the Waters by Cronus/Saturn, where they transformed into Aphrodite.
Aphrodite had a son called Hermaphroditus by Hermes, who was Uranus's great grandson. Hermaphroditus was grasped by a naiad called Salmacis, and the two fused into a being of both sexes.
Agdistis was a hermaphroditic mountain associated with the goddess Cybele. The gods cut it's male genitals off, and tossed them into a river. Downstream, they became absorbed by an almond tree, from whom Attis's mother ate. Attis was castrated and died when he refused the advances of a king, and he was buried and brought back to life - after which he became Cybele's eternal lover.
Ila was the son of Manu, and Manu himself was the son of Surya (The Sun) and Saranyu. Ila when on to become a woman, and give birth to a son called Pururavas by the god Budha (Murcury,) son of Soma (The moon, as well as a drink that granted Siddhis.) Pururavas had a son called Ayu by an apsara called Urvashi (Uranus?)
They're developing wombs grown from stem cells, and talking about womb transplants for men;
I think that these ancient myths guide me towards the future, and I think I've been reincarnating over and over again via sexual reproduction in an effort to acquire a beautiful female body, and Soma to drink to grant me Siddhis.
because their pastors say it's bad and they think jews are awesome in every way
well what is the pagan importance of a black sun in the pagan tradition?
Discord code broken
make sure it's exactly "w68tguT"
I worship Wodan/Wotan/Odin, the god of many names, primarily. The Romans were beaten by the old gods, I think it's clear which ones are real.
The only good paganism is grecoroman paganism, snowniggers are inferior.
I rather be beset by Sweds than Islam
All your Gods ever did was bang humans and then turned them into trees or rivers. Such meanies
Rate my pagan gods.
The Greeks and Romans abandoned their gods, so they were punished by them and had their civilization fall and then thrown into the dark ages, the Renaissance glory was a signal from the Olympus for us to return to their worship. Western civilization was punished by the gods through the invasion of snowniggers and their barbarism. Only by returning to them will we ever be able to recover social stability and witness the most glorious golden age that humanity will experience.
>indoniggers and their inferior gods
>worshipping saturn
>pagans are the good guys
Nope, I'll stick with Christ and stay away from the Jews black cube kabbalah magic, than you very much
>10/10 would try and quench the suns thirst for them
>stick with Christ
>stay away from the jews
Dude, I think only whites are allowed here.
Go pray towards Mecca or something.
>I worship Wodan/Wotan/Odin
Ymir was a hermaphroditic giant who Odin and friends killed to make the world. In the rotten flesh of Ymir grew maggots, who transformed into dwarfs. The dwarfs went on to forge Glepnir - a ribbon stronger than iron chains - to bind Fenrir.
It's just a linguistic coincidence for all I know, but as you probably know graphene is indeed stronger than steel. Graphite, which is the highest grade of coal, is composed of many disordered, stacked sheets of graphene.
Graphite and diamond are the same substance processed at different temperatures and pressures. The word for diamond in sanskrt is 'Vajra,' and crazily enough there's references to 'Vajrakaya' (Diamond bodies,) sutra means 'to weave,' and Soma came from a plant - lignin exists in all plants, and can be tranformed into graphene.
I think graphene is Soma, and I think the dwarfs can be used as role models to understand where graphene is taking us, and how to make the most of it. Coincidently, Saranyu is the daughter of Tvastr, the cosmic architect - mythologically equivalent to the dwarfs in a sense, and more directly reflected by Hephaestus, who was often explited depicted as a dwarf.
I hate it when my genes are 100% European but I don't have blue eyes :(
you should really grow your hair out
>but I don't have blue eyes
lel why would you care about that? you do know muh blue eyes are just a Sup Forums meme right?
thx bud you too
it seems pretty important
looks like whoever made this thread needs to chck thmself befre they wrck thmself
By no means am I saying its necessary to being european to have blue eyes, it just seems to be a desired trait which is why someone might care about it
blue eyes isn't everything
He just said that himself.
i don't have blue eyes either, its fine senpai