Bannon leaves and he goes full cuck within 24 hours
Bannon leaves and he goes full cuck within 24 hours
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He typed that tweet with Jareds cock in his mouth. I'm done with this guy.
Yes, I'm sure it's a (((Coincidence)))
It looks like Ivanka just secured daddy's twitter account.
this whole thread is CTR/Brockcock.
Which side is he talking to though?
"Bigotry and hate" applies to Antifa. Only people in favor of bigotry and hate could have a problem with the language here. This tweet is nothing new.
This is normal, election mode Trump. He was never a ethno-nationalist, nor did he ever flirt with that shit until recently.
Bannon was the one who made Trump burn all of his bridges in the first 6 months of his admin after getting a soft reset after winning. Dude was straight up retarded for a chief strategist.
Trump was elected because he supported policies that would help reverse the demographic trend killing America.
He was supposed to stand against the kikes in Washington but it seems he has become one of them.
Why should I continue to support a man that has turned his back on his promises?
Trump is getting impeached over his possible collusion with Russia. Sorry Drumpftards, we can't let this man harm our country any longer.
>muh Ivanka/Jared puppetmaster
It's John Kelly trying to clean house and get the White House functioning again. Zero major legislative wins and alienating all allies, while shrinking instead of expanding his coalition. Change was needed.
Are you saying he didn't tweet this? lol
What a shill thread lmao
>tfw lefties are too dumb to realize by saying "bigotry and hate" he is referring to the violent antifa who is quick to label anyone a nazi and only spreads hate against the white man.
No he wasn't you fucking retarded newfag. He was elected because Kek willed it. But now that Sup Forums has turned their back on Kek, everything has been going to shit. Why haven't you realized this you stupid nigger?
Nazi larpers have projected on Trump their hopes, when he ran on being a civic nationilist.
777D chess
The Trump cucks are reaching new levels of self delusion
Marco Rubio says any and all violence against himself is justified
“When entire movement built on anger & hatred towards people different than you, it justifies & ultimately leads to violence against them.”
sorry, i was on Sup Forums during the election. You're delusional if you think this isnt normal Trump and not appealing to small fringes that have caused him to burn bridges.
>No he wasn't you fucking retarded newfag. He was elected because Kek willed it. But now that Sup Forums has turned their back on Kek, everything has been going to shit. Why haven't you realized this you stupid nigger?
Those "alienated" allies were never trumpers to begin with dumb ass. No legislative victories is because cuck republican's are just leftist in disguise.
His base was never shriking, but now it will. If he does shit like this is base will abandon him fast. Why would the right ever support a man that wants them dead.
So you would rather he spoke against the people exercising their free speech instead?
There are so many shills right now I don't even know what is going on anymore
Pay no mind to shills like this. We're currently weathering a weeks long brigaiding.
Check back around midnight and the board is much more normal.
I've been an all-in Trump supporter since July 2015.
And I've never been more disappointed in him, than I am with this tweet.
No hes saying this whole thread is filled with shills trying to breed dissent against the potus
Only the nazi larpers and shills want war and chaos
The rest of us want what any rational human being wants
>Ohhh geee your president wants peace and Harmony seee goooys hes selling you out
He is pivoting to get this issue over with. He always talks differently than his actions, slightly. He is true with his actions and plays with his words to appease the masses. Nothing wrong with that. Look at his actions. He wants to minimize racial strife in exchange for potentially passing a lot of new laws in the fall.
He hasn't gone full cuck, look at his earlier tweets.
Sup Forums didn't stop worshipping kek, the (((mods))) shut down our temple and started banning for checking and praising.
I noticed that too.
He is watching live. He knows the protest is violent, the police has lost control and people will die.
This is normal Trump bait. He is trolling them.
fuck off shill nigger.
Let's face it. Both parties are dissatisfied with this President.
On the left side, it's obvious. They've always disliked him, and I don't need to explain why. Sure, for them Pence isn't much better, but it is a big milestone to get Trump out.
On the right, there's a bigger problem. You guys have all agreed he's a Jewish puppet. After the Syria strike, not fulfilling any campaign promises, and just bowing to leftist policies (that don't help either side anyway) it's clear that you all feel discontent with him as well.
You all on the right don't seem to have a problem with Pence, and it seems he is liked better than Trump on both sides.
So why don't we work together? With the "meme magic" and weaponized autism from us Polers/4channers, the overall damage the opposition to Trump from the right will cause, and the protesting and help of the left, we can get this man out. Everyone wins!
If we put our differences aside and work together towards this common goal, we can reach the 2/3 votes and more needed to kick Trump out and get Pence in. So what do you guys say?
It's going down tonight.
We won.
Just give up and join the LEFT side of history.
>He unironically believes in Kek
He's right, you stupid condescending nigger.
>S-So what if you won't get the wall, Health care reform or tax reform and your entire country will have a white minority in 20 years ensuring that a right wing victory will be impossible.
>A-At least there won't be war.
he called out the violent protesters then applauded the people peacefully exercising their free speech
this is exactly how a conservative should respond
it is however funny to watch some of Sup Forums get triggered like fucking tumbler though
>protest is violent
what are you talking about?
Can someone provide a link to this tweet?
Yeah, thats much better than coming out and naming BLM and Antifa like he did with the nazis, kkk and white 'supremacists'.
He sure has balls alright. What a leader. I am so glad he freed us from pc and made it safe again to object to attacks on whites.
Lets look at his accomplishments:
1. He managed to let the establishment pick a SCOTUS justice for him and
2. Can inspire a better economy than a nigger
Shill copypasta
checked. kek is mocking you shill faggot.
>people exercising their first amendment is an attack on the first amendment
>The media has nothing to bitch about
>He gives them a purposeful grammar mistake
Monday is gonna be LIT!
>Those "alienated" allies were never trumpers to begin with dumb ass
No, they include people like Bob Corker, who Trump was considering for VP and SoS, and Tucker Carlson, who is starting to sound more skeptical by the day. Dont forget Trump brought in a TON of moderates, independents and Rust Belt/Reagan Democrats into the Republican party. He needs to act now to bring them back.
>No legislative victories is because cuck republican's are just leftist in disguise.
If Trump pushes harder on infrastructure or tax reform or the RAISE act, he can pressure his party. Instead he's been caught up in name-calling and culture war controversy.
He's still deporting Mexicans. He's still banning Muslims. Sounds like campaign Trump to me.
He is signaling to his base. To them, BLM is a bigoted hate group. Why is this hard to understand.
>not checking those trips
also checked and kekked
If you do not think he is talking about people protesting a free speech rally, then you are retarded.
nice work Shariablue, keep earning that $9/hr ShekelBucks
That, electing Hillary, not voting or letting the whole damn union burn so we can rebuild nation(s) out of the land and people left.
They are all the same thing. It doesnt matter. We wont win again until we all lose so hard even the left regrets it.
>He wants to minimize racial strife in exchange for potentially passing a lot of new laws in the fall.
It's this. He realized he needs to get shit done without distractions. It's not that hard to understand.
Ted Cruz as President when?
Anyone with half a brain who's been paying a bit of attention
can tell that those are NOT words from Trump,
not his style at all.
Someone explain what has happened here
How do we make Kek less cringy and lane and make Kekism great again?
Look at his face Sup Forums.
This is the face of a defeated man.
This man speaks the word of truth!
THIS! Trump is clearly referring to antifa.
also keep in mind that even in America, land of the free, people should not have the freedom to abuse freedom.
The absolute state of Sup Forums.
> digits don't confirm
>muh dik
I'm interested to see how this goes over the next year. I really liked Bannon so I'm cautious.
"Unite the right" has destroyed the right. As intended.
>not fulfilling any campaign promises
You're the jew, schlomo.
>us Polers/4channers
Pence is an unironic jewlover but he's a safety mechanism to prevent Trump from getting assassinated.
*Kuk. You mean Kuk.
It's actual name is Kuk.
>You guys have all agreed he's a Jewish puppet.
There is a difference between the right and Sup Forums you dumbass.
alt-right weenies and Sup Forums basket cases are upset because their 'king of the white trash' leader they supported is now finally starting to sound like a normal, dignified president and not some small town trailer park inbred.
Upvoted fellow pede!
The man who let his daughter marry one of ((them)) is a cuck. Wow who would have thought?
Ahahahahahha he's bending the knee to lick George Soros' micropenis you literally can't make this up. Drumpf is worse than finished now. He'll resign by the middle of September.
how fucking naive are you? the issue will NEVER be over
but the people who supported him on Sup Forums are even bigger cucks now. When will white trash learn?
>Trump tells retarded left he's against racism
>retarded left doesn't accept it
>retarded left keeps protesting
>retarded left now attack cops
>Trump supports cops and law/order
>leftists double down and get twice as retarded
>retarded left loses all mainstream support as narrative shifts to "why are antifa even out protesting when there are no more nazis left to battle?" When it becomes clear they're just destabilizing agents pushing far-left commiefag anti-American agenda
>we win the long game
I don't get it, Trump literally said during Charlotte that he reviews the facts before saying anything. And he saw at Charlotte and STATED at Charlotte that the left were to blame for the violence. And now you have 20 white guys vs 15,000 liberals and Trump says the white guys are for bigotry and hate? What is going on?
And don't tell me he's trying to appease both sides, you literally cannot please the left and all he did was piss off the right, thats a lose lose
The protesters are literally anti-free speech. The protesters are pro-free speech.
Did Trump just pull a Putin?
>Embrace all sides
>Condemn both sides
>Creates confusion in population
>Population in-fights and is suspicious of one another
>Confused population unable to organize effective opposition
>Remain in power
Video: How Putin did it.
>retarded left loses all mainstream support
>implying this will ever happen
the new supports antifa
>Which side is he talking to though?
to be this clueless is to be alt-white
He is talking about the protesters, not the agitators whom he called out in a previous tweet. Why is this so hard to understand?
When is he going to put her in jail?
If you actually read his Twitter or use common sense, he calls the protestors of the protestors "agitators" in Boston. The actual people in Boston fighting for free speech are the actual protestors. Trump is clearly not shilling for antifa in this tweet (unless you take it out of context from a shill)
John Connor is dead. We dont know which timeline. We are still trying to get a signal but the eclipse is jamming our telemetry.
Apparently there was a 'Donald Trump' who mysteriously drank himself to death somewhere in the early 80's.
We will try to have more details for you before the timeline implodes completely and we dont remember anything.
Anyone who thinks this is a bad move isnt paying attention.
He also considered mitt romney, it means nothing to be considered for the position. Carlson is a part of fox and fox has never been "pro" trump. The moment they can attack trump they will.
I can tell you right now none of that would get through. Infrastructure would be stopped by Rand and the libertarians followed by every democrat voting against it. Only tax reform all the republican senators can agree to is one that lowers taxes on the top 10%. Raise act will be cucked by the same rino senators.
>Still banning Muslums
>Except its not even banning all of them
>Deporting mexicans
>Just not all the "legal" ones
Now he is actively supporting groups that want to kill right wingers. I'm sure we should keep supporting him and the retarded republican's who will do nothing but allow the democrats to win.
He is trolling.