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wtf I love bigotry now.
hes trying to calm down the altleft like hes trying to calm down kids in an autistic daycare
American is dog!
>wtf I love bigotry now.
Shut Sup Forums down, it's siding with bigotry as Trump said.
Trump is the ultimate snake. He constantly talks out of both sides of his mouth to please all sides. He is in it for one reason, himself.
All Trump has done over the last few days on twitter is piss off the left and the right.
Which means when he's impeached he will have no supporters left outside of his family.
He's talking about the 30 Protesters standing up to the 15,000 commies, fag
stop downgrading that flag's worth, kim
you are for bigotry and hate? any protester there on either side who protested non violently did well. this is an improvement. trump is right again, as always
This is a dogwhistle to #bluelivesmatter
Hi fellow pede
Nice try, journalist
Soon on
>Sup Forums is really freaking out about Trump turning on them
Just because the right is pissed at him right now doesn't mean they wont support trump. Thats fucking retarded. He is still going to have the VAST majority of his populous support.
jesus christ these shill threads are unbearable. it's like we've been perma-brigaided for weeks.
notice how it all started on april first?
Please nuke the fuck out of them.
I just don't understand why Trump is trying to appease these fucking people. They are never going to be happy with anything he does, ever. He could find the cure for cancer and the left would find a way to spin it into a bad thing. So what is the point of trying to make them happy?
It doesn't make fucking sense. Unless something drastic changes then there is no way I'm voting for a second term. Congrats lefty shit eaters, you fucking got me.
Fuck this I'm gonna see if I can start some kind of grass roots movement in my town, you should all do the same.
4D chess dumbass. It's a gamble to try to appease those dumbasses. If they see their number 1 """ enemy""" applauds and """" supports""" their rally, it could move to ease tensions between the two.
They should run you over with a tank for being on here
thanks for making this thread OP
I couldn't find this information in the other dozen threads about this topic
your doing gods work.
Hahahahahaha I warned you faggots last year and you didn't want to listen.
Degenerate fucking flagfags get out.
the calmer he is, the angrier they are, the more he wins mainstream support.
despite what MSNBC tells you, mainstream people are not in boston, just hard left.
To an unobservant Normie the protest would be presumed to be against hate. His words bring calm to them. To the alt-left his words are facetious. To the right, well it just means we should show the world that the alt-left are violent and crazy.
I think he's legitimately afraid he is going to get removed from office if he doesn't start playing ball with the Jewish globalist narrative regarding race (mongrelization).
TWO (2) (1+1) SCOOPS
appeasing violent leftists, ky user.
Is that the kabalah tree of life?
Bu-but her emails!
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Who is he appeasing?
The Radical Left? Makes no sense
Libertarian Left seems fairly Ok with him and tolerate him
Centrist groups are OK with him
Conservative groups are fairly OK with him,
The groups that arent ok with him? the same ones running our media, and schools. The same ones who got BTFO via the wikileaks. TGhe same ones who are trying to stir up enough outrage for a civil war, and therefore for a globalist communist takeover.
He sees this. He's acting against it securing everything in the middle of the far left and far right.
And theres your problem
Right? Left? there's more than that. Remember most of america no longer trusts the media.and Facebook is a liberal echo chamber. The silent majority is in neither group. They're inbetween them. and Trump (eing a liberterian candidate himself) understands this. I'd also posit that Trump doesn't want the USA to fall into a civil war, and for that matter neither do most of this country. This is the problem with sites like Sup Forums You think you're bigger than you really are thanks to a meme feedback loop, in truth the population is around or less than 1 million people spread across 7 billion. You're extremely tiny - and so is the far left.
You're just bioth really loud, and have pissed a LOT of people off with your warmongering rhetoric. The fact that you cannot understand this proves that you're just a drone who fell victim to "us vs them" mentaility. You need to learn how to actually THINK. Not parrot the shit you see on the site that thinks that running people over is only bad if ur a Muslim but you're /ourguy/ if you kill a liberal protester with a car. For all the posturing you're just a psuedo intellectual pretending to be a topical authority.
He isn't talking about Antifa, you fucking retards.
So, you like Trump? Orrr?
Yeah OK, with the amount of threads this has caused this place is totally overrun with shills.
Trump is clearly referring to the free speech activists when talking about the 'protestors.' This is clearly proven by his two earlier tweets. Also, if he was referring to antifa, he would have said 'counter-protestors' instead.
Shills/idiots pls leave
Pls don't eat us
stfu, bunch of libs trying to change /pol, gtfo
"us" faggots? you're mistaken. see, every single person that voted for President Trump is not a racist. Secondly, hypocrite, you must be the hit at your LGBBTQRZVOWWF moltov making parties with language like "faggots". Your hypocrisy will be your downfall.
Victory through subversion, you fucking sloon
haha, you shills are hopeless
He's talking about the free speech guys, read on, he's also calling out the "Anti-police agitators" aka Antifa and BLM
Jew slide thread confirmed.
MFW Bannon is about to release MOABs, OP is a faggot, Trump is petting a dog before shooting its owner, and the weekend isn't even done yet
No one is pro hate speech brainlet, we're pro free speech. I can't even fathom the lack of thought that lead to this post.
Hi Kim
ahhhhh, the chaos of kek is so refreshing
If the right doesn't take a hard stance soon, just over time this appeasement is going to make the left win. Like they have been for the last 50 years. The right, the churches, the politicians, the families they all failed and let this happen. Appeasement will only fail. We are the ones having to decry our side. They are not. Due to this momentum the left will win. Until we get people willing to take the heat and willing to fight we will fail.
Cuckservatives are back in town.
But he doesn't say who's he's talking about. It can be read as applying to either side...
Sup Forums, we're winning yet...?
Here's what his first tweet said.
What does it mean?
i agree Sup Forums needs to get shut down. All this talk about "fags" and "niggers" and "jews" seriously. You guys are a bunch of jerks. Do yourselves a huge favor. Get off the internet, get yourselves a Transgender girlfriend and marry her. Settle down get some rest (i can imagine staring at the computer screen all day hurts). Just do what I said and I promise things will get better.
I'd go for this except he mentioned "bigotry and hate" which is obviously the leftists.
Because the accepted narrative is that the right wing is bigoted and hateful. (whether its actually true or not doesnt matter)
Im still waiting to see how this Bannon situation sorts out before I make a judgement, but Trump is definitely pandering to the media a bit. Trying to distance himself from the Right.
I see he supported patriots against the bigoted anti-White Antifa
This statement can apply to both the right and the left. It's vagueness is the key here. You guys are stupid.
OK, buts it's a very weak statement, no mention of 'nazis' or 'white supremecists' etc. Possibly going for the most anodyne appeasing tweet he can
n-no he didn't, t-trump will build the w-wall any minute now
It means he's to busy to worry about spelling tweets correctly. Unfortunately it makes him look like an illiterate dumbass.
Trump is trying to unite the country before it plunges into civil war. Admirable imo, for The Last Boomer, to give the old eat pray love a try.
.02 seconds has been deposited into your life longevity
Insanely well put.
kek he knows what he's doing, the protestors are gonna fucking hate that
omg the madman is really going to do it on monday holy shit
Dude, wtf are you talking about? He's clearly supporting the 1st amendment, unlike you commie cucks. Do you really think anyone is going to fall for this? You fuckers must be really, really desperate. This is low energy desperation. I expected better from you.
>Goy, don't spread that hateful seed, or we'll shut you down. We big man, be scared. Why aren't you afraid...
Black hole sun, won't you come and wash away the rain
Just destroy the ones you saw on the TV Un...
Maybe he is saying one thing, but doing another? LIKE HAS BEEN?
cuck shill, it's all part of 69D chess xd
>all of these serious replies to this
fucking hell is this whole board underage redditors now
>deliberately cuts out "in Boston WHO ARE SPEAKING OUT AGAINST BIGOTRY AND HATE"
Nice mental gymnastics
You shills/lefties/retards realize no one is even concerned right now right?
Trump's playing 10d table tennis, quite literally.
He could just as easily be referring to the free speech protesters, i mean it would be bigoted and hateful to protest free speech.
Bigotry is the intolerance of other people's opinions and hatred is so vague you could describe it any way you want, including being violent.
Who was intolerant and violent today?
If he is going to survive as president, he will have to constantly appease the left from here on. He really has driven himself into a corner
Im not underage at all BUT i do get the sense that Sup Forums is made up mostly of underage kids who have no concept of real life. Go outside, get yourself a Transgender girlfriend and i can guarantee you that you will be less hateful youll finally get laid for once (even though you dont deserve it)
trumps on meds...I hope Kim help him out
>Trump wants the country to come together
>Democrats want to support the alt-left and stand against Trump!
I'm suprised some Sup Forumslacks, in the years they've been on Sup Forums, don't understand how effective strong b8 can be.
>pic related, the Democratic Party
And? That was the free speech protestors. Not a nazi there. The antifa on the other hand, were the most bigoted and hateful ones there.
Trump has laid such a glorious trap for the Democratic party so where he doesn't even have to destroy them.
They will do it themselves by fracturing into pieces via identity politics. This recent stuff with Confederate monuments (the removal of which a plurality of BLACKS even oppose) is going to be a big part of what does them in.
Seriously, the fucking LARPing and shilling that's been going on here the past week is fucking ludicrous.
Mongrels are healthier though
wow, no one gives a shit. what now. It was never that serious in the first place. but watching how everybody shit there self. hilarious.
That's sexy as fuck hope Hicks talking. The Donald would be talking shit about the leftist cucks out in the street
>applauds those speaking out against anti-white bigotry and hate
I don't get it, are you retarded?
Good, more Trump supporters should endeavor to develop leadership skills because they so sorely lack them
We could use some more comrades so I guess national socialists and stalinists unite
shut up cuck