Do you view Antifa as a growing threat?
Do you view Antifa as a growing threat?
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Dresses like a terrorist + acts like a terrorist = Terrorist
Not really, since most of them look white and white people don`t do race riots, right Sup Forums?
No, only niggers and trannies do.
Fuck you! The ends justify the means. We need to give the power to the people, and if you're not with us, you can either fuck off or get punched along with the rest of the Nazis.
a threat to what? trash cans? the only reason they aren't in prison is a LOT of money is going into forcing the police to stand down.
They would have to number around 10,000 in my town.
That's how much 7.62 I have.
Then again, I wouldn't be by myself.
So I'd say maybe once they reach 100,000 in rallies then I'll worry
idk you tell me
Do you have a brief of the road maintenance plans for once the end is achieved? How about the continued maintenance of sewage networks? If the end can be so easily declared worth violence, it must be a very well defined plan indeed.
>give power to the people
The power to not be able to express dissenting opinion? The power to not be able to assemble without being violently opposed? The power to not be associated with whatever extremist ideology you see fit to put on them in order to incite such violence? You're worse than anything you claim to oppose.
>punches nazi outside of a shitlib city
>gets shot
Why do people use fictional stories for their political memes? it just reeks of "i'm 18 and don't know anything"
Stop larping
no, eventually they will grow out of this moral faggot stage of their edgy youth and possibly they will eventually take the redpill but until then i wouldnt mind snuffing anyone of them in their sleep.
never having faced any actual struggle in life, so they default to fantasy
Gee, I wonder (((who))) was behind that movie.
Because leftist are like children and they don't have arguments
It's the same spectrum of idiots and they're even more hated in europe then literal Nazis. Where ever ANTIFA show up they leave a trail of destruction by rioting and looting.
It's retards that play dressup and fight a made up boogeyman but as soon as someone calls their faggottery out or interrupts it i.e police or pissed of civilians they run straight back to momey to call a lawayer and CNN because the racis popo used tear gas to interrupt their peaceful shop looting and installing cars with internal heating systems...
It's retards that deserve to be labeled as terrorists.
>Power to the people
in what country
>all countries
But you have rights, and power of democracy in America and Europe why not Riot in places where there is no power what so ever like North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela?
>Our goal is to abolish all government
Then you are anarchists how is the people in control agian? Be thankful that in the countries you are protesting in you aren't shot on sight, again want to make a difference? Go to North Korea, Cuba, or Venezuela. Hell I will even pay for your ticket, Join the Peace Corps or the UN. Do something productive for once in you pitiful life.
Mmmm everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi. Fuck off back to your safe space dickhead.
It's not North Korea, but True Korea. #Camp for you damn imperialist.
Yes, I'd rather see them all dead.
Not really. The more they do the more they will be hated. Same with the nazi larpers. Yes young college kids talk tough, but you really think the rest of America will accept this shit once it actually starts effecting them?
they cant understand anything without pop culture references. Like inner city nigger kids who cant learn subjects without their teachers turning each lesson into a song and dance session.
>growing threat
I consider them more of an emboldened threat. As long as the lying media is will to shill for them they will feel like they have power. Episodes like Clanton getting arrested will keep them in check, but I think a full on DHS designation as a domestic terrorist group, targeting by the FBI, and the Disrupt J20 investigation can handle them for now. If they keep running operations unopposed, we will see Weimar Republic style clashes again.
>Soros funded user & moose
Lol no. They're growing, but not a threat. As long as they continue to escalate, we win.
They're just funded attack dogs from a bigger enemy.
The bigger threat is their overlords and the complicit media who covers for them.
I dont really see them as a threat to anyone. From what I have seen they tend to be young white teens who take a chance to do one thing and fuck off.
They will do it if they can get away with it or are in numbers.
They tend to go along with people like UAF and the scocilist party to provide a bit of musscle or additional numbers even though you dont need that thing here in the UK. They realy aren't asked they just go and hope somthing happens.
I think their is quite a diffrence between those who protest against the right, edl National front and such.
Tldr; they try to cause some trouble but mostly they will shout off at bald white fat men. They go for the ride.
Uk police do a good job of letting them protest but searching them for weapons and masks. Plus the Uk police do organise it properly for both sides to protest.
No, they are our greatest ally. The right can't survive without them, I hope that they keep destroying property and attacking us, it makes us look good.
Nobody but Sup Forums sees antifa as terrorists. Even Trump thinks the theyre good guys.
btfo altfag
good goy
They are in the public focus now that they got entirely blamed for the Hamburg G8 riots and got some heat through Charlottesville and spin-offs.
The more the public understands the differences between true leftists and the centrist liberal filth of the establishment, they will have their facade erased and people will see the liberl establishment as the evil third side that needs to be erased entirely.
By going the most common denominator route politics ruined itself. You can never appease someone like it and no real issues will ever get sorted out that way. True power fights need to resume and the physical confrontations recently proof that they will.
i wish it was a growing threat cuckboi
a threat at tenting my shorts
I concur, the more they chimp out the faster the race war will be underway. Same antifa members holding commie flags and fuck white supremacy signs will be the same guys getting beat and murdered by their own.
They're stupid enough to cause and participate in a race war but still honestly blame nazis for doing it.
They're very dangerous. Don't play the game by their rules.
antifa is exploding since Charlottesville, people asking how can day help, asking about hand to hand defense courses, activists finally going to ranges, arming themselves.
hofully in a few years we'll be a strong as the comrades in Greece.
No, I see it as a growing asset. They're so fucking stupid and self-sabotaging that we're almost ensured to hold this country long enough to smoke out the communists trying to subvert the Constitution.
a threat at making me see wood
what Constitution you cuck? ever since the patriot act there's no such thing
They only show up in force when the money moves their way.
As more chaos occurs the funds will be spread too thin to really notice their presence.
They have no message.
is this your actual mentality? this entire sentence is exactly what a fucking nazi would say.
power to the people by giving more power to the government?
if so voice that here
These kind of protesters have always been around. They probably don't give a shit about politics, they just like going out and fucking shit up
Moderate here. No. People such as I will support Antifa for as long as we need to in order to stomp down the alt-right. Antifa are just foot soldiers. If they try to actually enact any of their commie desires, we will stomp them down. The only reason I support Antifa is because the Nazis are a potentially more serious threat to this country. Antifa will be dealt with if they get out of line.
a threat... to my nostrils if they are in the vicinity
No they are protecting innocent people of color from violent, racist white men.
Nope. They pull all of their shit in areas which are controlled by the leftists, anyway. That way, they can outnumber the sane people, AND get police protection for their riots. Lets see the Antifas try to take over some conservative areas. No matter how much the leftists play to their base, this will not give each leftist multiple votes. The Dems are increasingly appealing to a far left lunatic fringe which is tiny. Tiny, but loud and loved by the media. I want to se them try to launch a hostile takeover of a Conservative area, in which the police will gladly shoot them down like the worthless vermin they are.
no i hope they kill all the nazis.
>100 nazi scalps never forget
here is what we are about, check our Chanel
No. Many of them are literally just professional protesters, and the media is hyping them up on purpose. Just shoot them if they lay a finger on you. This isn't fucking Europe where we hit each other with bats and bottles as an alternative.
Considering my state has literally labeled them as a domestic terror organization, yes
We see it as a growing threat, it's now becoming an organisation that has the mindset to use violence in an offensive way.
Claiming to make it incite peace.
As people, we can prove the radical left wrong by teaching them why violence leads to more violence.
Now I wonder though, what will happen when George Soros has been assassinated?
Never seen them in my life so no.
LARPers on each side.
These street fights literally look like a bunch of faggots that got lost on the way to Medieval Times.
What is damaging is the mentality that is propogated by Antifa and the far left (and slightly on the far right) that we can circumvent laws in the efforts of morality. This is an incredibly dangerous idea.
We live in a democracy. The fact that now we have people who think thats it okay to commit violent acts or property damage in the name of some higher goal is literally the thinking of jihadists.
They are a threat, and ironically they push more people to violent fringe rightist groups the hate, which in turn then pushes more people into groups like Antifa.
But, as long as the power still works, theirs food and internet, nobody in any real numbers is going to pick up a rifle and try to take over a city. (not that they could.)
They are.
They're terrorists who disrupt cities and justify violence from a moralistic and narcissistic perspective.
If getting your point across means being violent, (violence is peace), that is terrorism.
No, we live in an elite elected and financed oligarchy there is absolutely no will of the people but a controlled range of selection of puppets who control.nothing.
Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:
For those who don't know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.
Read more here:
s-shut up... NAZI
Not really. I think they're dying out and the feds will clean up the rest.
a lot of the same people are being bused around to all these events. Sup Forums isn't the silent majority, that would be people more like the neocon cucks in Congress, but Antifa is still a tiny number.
The Boston event only looks bad because of course Boston is going to get a huge turnout counter-protest, it's fucking Boston.
The majoritu of whites are passed the jewish selection of racism and have reached communalism/tribalism/folkism
Every white woman I meet is interested in starting a folk community.
They are an obstacle in our way, and thus must be eliminated.
Yes as long as the Media Complex continues to give them a platform and people continue to support their cause.
They are nothing more than shills and useful idiots to the Authoritarian Left that will bring forth fascism and an oligarchy that they oppose. Once their usefulness runs out or their backers get what they want, they will be tossed into helicopters and it will just convert them to being Right Wing when the starvation and death kick in.
BLM and Pride Week do that for us.
Not really.
What if he's actually the good guy? Funneling money into groups of violent undesirables, having these images and videos being covered and broadcasted nationwide so the masses and silent majority can see how these people are rebels without a cause and to sway opinions away from these types and having it reflected at the ballot box?
Not really. Every Western country was defeated in WW2, we're just watching the burial of the corpse. The Jews thoroughly defeated us. Antifa is irrelevant and won't matter in the grand scheme of things.
They are useful idiots to be fair. The more they chimp out, beat people or vandalize property, the more normies will join our ranks.
bullshit. Indiana Jones is a centrist who don't and wouldn't take kindly to fucking commie traitors either
As a radical centrist I'll be riding shotgun with whoever comes out of this culture war on top.
Hint: It's not looking like it will be the weak, inbred alt-right
The main concern.of Jews is subverting this realization with their crafted dimension of racism and alt rightism.
I support Antifa
AntiFa are American Heroes and Real Patriots - anyone who kick Nazi LARPers and racist scum in the nuts deserves a fucking medal of honor
Anarchists fuck everything up, for everyone, everywhere and everytime.
This, with the witch hunt for imaginary Nazis being the final nail in the coffin.
antifa was a huge miscalculation by the left....we saw what they did today...threw bottles of piss at cops and attacked the American would imagine we have had millions of defectors to the right in recent days...
They basically exploited the Commies.
I had this theory myself after hearing Spencer and Taylor said they were exploiting negative media coverage to play the victim status.
Fuck off yankee subhuman, I spit on your Yankee graves. Let's pray for 100 more 9/11 attacks so they kill every Leftist faggot in your shithole country. In my homeland, we hang people like you from construction cranes
They are the red guard of the communist party. They are a threat to everyone, including themselves. You are fooling yourself if you don't think so.
Bullshit. If 80% of the people wanted a policy, it would be enacted. The current US politics is a fair representation of the averaged desires of the US public.
>Being this much of a useful idiot.
Very good comrade, now, into the machine gun fire for equality and justice. Forget your property and family, the state will take care, now go!
>promotes anti-white racism
only in the fantasy world white supremacists have created for themselves where opposing them is the same as opposing the white race.
>Islamic terrorism
Antifa kill islamic extremists when they get the chance. Pic related.
80% of the population doesnt control.the economy and media its controlled by a hundred people, I expect silent individuals to organize themselves peacefully to the end if the Jewish establishment in tbe coming years and the Jewish false oppositions to be recognized for what they are subversives.
the way i see this whole jazz a an outsider, the
is really spooked about a couple of white devils demanding some rights, even if they weren't nazis asking for a genocide, they're just viewed as the same by simple fellas. like the fact that when some people hear
>all lives matter
>blue lives matter
they subconsciously hear
>niggers must perish
lack of education, and the fact that your colleges now have degrees which the point of is really become an
so you can be a female, get into a useless degree to become an activist so later you can speak out about women not becoming rocket scientists, and you drown in the fact that your degree isn't bringing you the money you wanted, which is to you
>pay gap
if you're wondering what's my opinion on how to fix the whole nazis vs commies 2017 thing
ignore them, as in let them assemble peacefully and shout whatever the fuck they want, if those "nazis" started killing negros. it's not gunna only fall on antifa to save the day, you're really thinking less of people. but since antifa already labeled the other side as nazis, it became justified to kill, even if it was just beating up people with a maga hats, or stealing their hats. what the fuck? clearly the amount of actual non larping nazis who actually seek a genocide, doesn't even come fucking close to people who oppose that. on the left, AND right. the news made a big deal out of it, and if you're not left, you're a nazi seeking genocide and like to tongue trump's anus
antifa might have divine intentions, but doesn't justify STARTING the violence, that's how CIVIL WARS and GENOCIDES start, if there are antifa lurking, i respect you're standing up for something, but you still got limits to what you can and cannot do, this is literally what is supposed to differentiate you from
>so you're asking me to stand down while nazis genocide people?
no, read this comment again
peace and love to everybody, and everyone, including trump
Antifa helped Trumps election and guarantees Trumps reelection. So it depends on how you view Trump and his policies.
Really any anti-communist platform will take advantage of them (most likely establishment republicans unfortunately). Kaosh ish a lada after all.
It's fun watching the right start to squirm. Fuck that liberal non violent bullshit. We're coming for that toothbrush.
i'm convinced that the white far left is so cucked that if you had video recorded evidence of a private meeting between Soros and others saying with Soros directly saying things like "I want to destroy America" "I want to destroy the white race" "Make no mistake, this is not about saving people from other countries. I am pushing for refugees into white countries for the deliberate purpose of ethnically genociding the white people of those countries." and spread that evidence wide the tumblrs & such would be falling over each other to call Soros a hero and "well we deserve it don't we? white people smfh" etc
fascism is a hateful ideology? well what does that say about white people and their far left ideologies?
if you can't even like yourself how the fuck can you be expected and trusted to love other people
Antifa is a collection of 8th year college kids and social misfits. They are nothing without their enablers and backers.
Antifa's enablers and backers are the real threat. They have more power than you could possibly imagine.
Trump seems to like them now, so I guess they're cool.
Absolutely they are growing and they better not come on my property or I will use my right to defend myself.