>go to sleep
>wake up
>all this random shit about boston
>can't tell wtf it means
>go to sleep
>wake up
>all this random shit about boston
>can't tell wtf it means
Other urls found in this thread:
>go to sleep
Oh that reminds me, I'm starting to get sleepy. Anyone else feeling sleepy? Let's all just go to sleep.
>Free Speech rally
>A few dozen people show up before Antifa arrives and surrounds the entire park with like 15,000 people
>prevent anyone else getting in
>throw piss and rocks at cops
>cops get blackup and restore at least some peace
>Right-wingers still in the center of the park
>Antifa blocking them from leaving
>closing in
It's Boston police, the same guys who drove tanks down the street to find one marathon bomber, so I'm expecting some broken commies before nightfall.
The conservatives in that park are bait. This was a set up. Press to pay respect for the those few brave men who are about to become martyrs.
Hello father
They chose their fate. Good men and women though.
The heroes in the park will live, and the fight will not stop.
Today tens stood against many.
Crom would be pleased.
Can you Gestalt?
the rally was a honeypot to bait antifa into fighting the cops and everyone finally got the memo: don't go to fucking rallies
it was predicted by kek last night.
all of it.
Any actual good streams. The one that keeps getting shilled is filmed on an outdated blurry-ass potato.
a useful idiot started another shitty thread with no content
got a mirror?
is that photoshop?
I'm posting from an REM state.
has anyone been killed yet?
its still early, i guess
>user creates ability to dive into the internet via brainwaves. Still browsing Sup Forums with hyperteceh.
God bless you user
We need to do this more often.
Organized a "free speech" rally that no one will actually go to, in a very liberal city
Antifa shows up and chimp out, destroy properties...
That looks like that troll in second life
I think it's her shooped.
After Charlottesville every right wing free speech rally will have paid neo-nazi show up to instigate a fight and get all the media coverage. This is all a ploy to destroy the first amemdmemt.
Literally the most peaceful Large scale protest in Boston history. 48 embarrassingly sloppy proud boys show up. Absolutely btfo by 40,000 counter protesters. Have to literally run away and hide in Paddy wagons and be protected by riot police. Only 27 arrested. Several arrested were right wing dudes carrying guns. Your side look like ineffectual losers and crazy idiots. Centrists are all coming together and unifying with antifa.
no idea what you are talking about
Open bob
You Americans utter some weird funny shit once in a while, I love it.
Peaceful?, approximately 4:00pm est the nogs attacked the police. Peaceful my ass.
BPD needs to clear out boston before the sun goes down.
Bpd commissioner said it was no big deal. He said the clashes they had while escorting out the proud boys was expected and not a problem. He didn't even mention antifa said he was proud to see so many people coming out against hate.
10 fewer arrests today than 2007 world series.
Police were laughing and smiling as the crowd chanted "goodbye" as the rally got broken up. Turns out cops told them to go because they couldn't keep them safe as 20,000 people were marching around the corner to block their escape path. They didn't even take their flags just ran away
>Violent alt-leftists getting arrested
Less people arrested than the world series celebration. Bpd said it was 99.9% peaceful and praised the counter protestors for "fighting against hate".
I forgot about blackup. Made me smile, thanks user.
national aids day habbo raid, mark it on your calendar
if we get 6 billion people to kill 6 million jews will it be peacefull because there were 99.9% people who experienced no anguish
Jesus Christ imagine thinking this is a valid argument.